The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1185 The Insane Xuanzhong

Chapter 1185 The Insane Xuanzhong

Carefully, Qin Lang didn't dare to disturb the other party, and tried his best not to make any noise while walking, and went all the way down to the bottom of the cliff.

For alchemy, even if it is a heinous pill, the pill itself will emit a fragrance during the refining process, so it cannot be considered that if there is a strong fragrance coming out, the refined pill must be a regular pill.

Qin Lang is no longer a brat, he has always been very cautious, after all, if someone finds out, he will be killed.

At the bottom, Qin Lang noticed that the white air came from a cave at the bottom. The cave was about ten meters above the ground and was in a suspended position. In this way, if he wanted to go in, he had to hang his body in the air first, in case he was discovered on the spot , but it is easy to be attacked by others.

But Qin Lang didn't hesitate much.

Now that you are here, you must go into the cave to have a look.

Walking on the flat ground, Qin Lang quickly approached the cave, but at this moment, a wah-wah sound like a baby crying came out of nowhere!
Qin Lang almost thought he had heard wrong!

In the wilderness, if there is a crying baby, what is it?

Stopping in his tracks, Qin Lang listened for a while, his face became more and more angry!
The cry of the baby was not a hallucination, but came from the cave!

Not one baby, but four or five or even more!
Just ask, even if the alchemist came here with children, how could he give birth to so many in one birth!
Most of the alchemists used babies as medicine to carry out so-called inhuman alchemy!
"Damn bastard!"

Qin Lang claimed that he was not a good person, but he couldn't sit idly by when this kind of thing happened.

The baby's innocent crying made his heart ache!

"It's disgusting, who is hiding in this cave to make alchemy? His heart is too vicious, and he is making pills in such an unreasonable way!"

Qin Lang was furious.

Although, now he is in a posture that is difficult to protect himself, being chased by the cultivator who transforms himself, but Qin Lang can't calm down when he finds out this kind of thing.

Pretend to turn a blind eye, Qin Lang can't do it, because there are a few weak babies crying miserably inside!
No matter how much he spared his life, no matter how desperately he wanted to get rid of the pursuit of the cultivator who transformed himself into a god, he couldn't be hard-hearted!

"If you find out who it is, you must kill it immediately!"

Qin Lang said harshly.

The further you go inside, the louder the baby's cries, and the stronger the medicinal fragrance seems to be.

Qin Lang is a master of alchemy. Although he never does alchemy that is harmful to the sky and against the laws of nature, he also has some understanding of vicious alchemy methods. Like this, it is estimated that alchemy scum uses virgins to forcibly take their hearts or The blood is used as a medicine to induce alchemy.

What's more, because the baby's voice is the purest, and the yang or yin qi is the purest, the alchemy scum will probably make the baby die miserably, even if it is reincarnated at that time!
In short, this kind of sonless bastard is the common enemy of all monks with a conscience.

The closer they got, the louder the crying voices became. Qin Lang controlled his figure, restrained his breath, and was trying his best to move forward at full speed.

At this moment, even in his mind, the miserable scenes of those innocent babies could emerge.

The pill furnace burning with flames, the helpless babies, the scum of alchemy who laughed strangely, those poor babies were about to be thrown into the pill furnace...

Qin Lang couldn't help speeding up again!
Soon, Qin Lang walked down a slope along the cave, and saw a door.

In the entire underground space of about [-] square meters, there is only this door.

The door of the room was closed tightly, unexpectedly on both sides of the door, there was a male monk in a black robe guarding the door.

The two people were indifferent to the crying of the baby inside, and they were still drinking comfortably. It seemed that they were more excited and happy in this hell-like environment, they were simply scum!
Both of them are just monks in the early stage of alchemy. Even if Qin Lang is a little injured, he can suddenly sacrifice the black carving sword. With the mighty and incomparable monks in the late stage of alchemy, plus another sudden attack, the black carving sword flew back with two swipes , has brought two ugly heads.

Just when Qin Lang was about to break in, he suddenly felt a warning from the Lingtai, and a great sense of danger descended!

The wooden door was directly opened, a big khaki hand, about the size of a millstone, passed through the huge iron door, and grabbed Qin Lang viciously!
"You two idiots, you don't even know someone broke in, you deserve to die!"

At the same time, an annoyed old man's voice came from inside the door.

Qin Lang was shocked, the fluctuation of breath in that big hand clearly reached the level of Nascent Soul!

In other words, the person who made alchemy inside was actually a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he could feel that this person's strength was very strong!
Qin Lang hurriedly sacrificed a magic weapon to resist, but it was of no avail. The huge palm ignored the spinning magic weapon and swung away directly, grabbing his shoulder with one claw!
Immediately, Qin Lang felt a burning pain from his right shoulder, as if his flesh and bones were injured!
"Boy, come in for me!"

The huge palm grabbed Qin Lang and dragged Qin Lang in!

Although Qin Lang is not afraid, he is also very clear that the difference in strength between the two sides is too obvious and too great. He is not the opponent of this Nascent Soul cultivator. Unexpectedly, he finally got rid of the chasing and killing of that cultivator of Huashen, but faced danger again.

Qin Lang was dragged in and fell to the ground.

After landing, Qin Lang immediately made up his mind to fight to the death and made preparations in secret.

"Hey, at such a young age, he is a monk in the late stage of alchemy, and his physical strength is comparable to that of a body refiner of the same level. Tsk tsk, this is rare."

An old man with disheveled hair sat cross-legged next to a huge black alchemy stove with intricate patterns carved on its surface. This old man was dressed in black clothes, majestic and powerful, but his eyes were very sinister and sinister.

After looking at Qin Lang for a while, the man stopped thinking about killing Qin Lang immediately, and seemed to have some kind of interest in Qin Lang.

Then, Qin Lang heard the man continue to say: "Cultivation and body refinement have reached a very high level at the same time, Quack, using your body as a cauldron, you can refine a batch of good pills for me, my ancestor."

Then came the old man's strange laughter.

It turned out that instead of killing Qin Lang on the spot, it was not that this person planned to let Qin Lang go, but that he wanted to use Qin Lang alive as a cauldron of his body!
Qin Lang looked at the old man, and when the man finished laughing, he said coldly: "Old man Xuanzhong, no wonder the whole family couldn't find you, so you have shrunk here."

The shady old man suddenly shrank his expression, fixed his eyes on Qin Lang, and said coldly, "Are you from the Heavenly Medicine Sect?"

"Xuanzhong, what do you think?" Qin Lang asked back.

Although the old man's hair was disheveled, there was a triangular sword mark scar on his forehead, which was very obvious. In addition, the general appearance of the man had not changed, so Qin Lang recognized him immediately.

In Xuan Qingzi's memory, there is a deep impression of this person.

Xuan Zhong, Xuan Qingzi's uncle, was even the law enforcement elder of the Heavenly Medicine Sect eight years ago. However, he betrayed the Tianyi Sect for personal gain, which caused the Tianyi Sect to suffer a big blow six years ago. It was successfully attacked by the hostile sect and suffered heavy losses.

Later, the Heavenly Medicine Sect naturally issued a hunting order, vowing to kill Xuanzhong after hunting all over the mainland, but unfortunately it has not been successful in the past few years.

In Xuan Qingzi's memory, Xuan Qingzi must have been in the Heavenly Medicine School six years ago, and had no spiritual consciousness to travel through. At that time, Xuan Zhong was still in the late stage of alchemy, but now six years have passed, Xuan Zhong's strength has reached Yuan infant level.

Moreover, Qin Lang noticed that Xuan Zhong might not be an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, but his strength might have reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

This terrifying promotion speed is probably related to Xuan Zhong's unreasonable things, such as refining insane pills.

Here, Xuan Zhong, with disheveled hair, laughed strangely again.

"Quack, you have to call me Patriarch Xuanzhong, kid!"

Qin Lang looked around, six innocent babies were randomly thrown beside the alchemy furnace, and three of them had already lost their breath. This is just what I saw today, maybe there were many poor babies who suffered from Xuanzhong's poisonous hands in the past .

"Xuan Zhong, you are no human being, something inferior to pigs and dogs!"

Qin Lang couldn't help cursing angrily.

Xuan Zhong didn't seem to mind this, he couldn't sit up straight, but said arrogantly: "Boy, you are just playing tricks! My ancestor is already in the late stage of Nascent Soul, killing you is no different from killing a chicken!"

Qin Lang's pupils shrank, feeling that the danger was greater.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Zhong is not a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivation base, but is actually... a late-stage Nascent Soul!
After Xuan Zhong finished speaking, he flew up suddenly, and moved his hands again and again. A khaki cage unexpectedly fell from the sky. Before Qin Lang had time to resist, the cage trapped Qin Lang and shrank rapidly, turning into soft sticks. The khaki metal bound Qin Lang tightly.

What's more, this unknown magic weapon actually has the power to imprison his cultivation. Qin Lang found that he couldn't use his true energy at all.

"Boy, you are a good cauldron. The ancestor wants to use you to refine the Vajra Zhiyang Pill, so of course you can't let you blow yourself up."

Xuanzhong was afraid that Qin Lang would blow himself up, so he made a sudden attack and trapped Qin Lang before explaining triumphantly.

Vajra Zhiyang Pill, a top-grade elixir, has the miraculous effect of tempering the body and strengthening the true essence. If a monk in the late Yuanying period is lucky enough to take one, there is a [-]% chance that he can break through the bottleneck and be promoted directly. To the stage of transforming gods.

And as long as the skill has reached the stage of transforming gods, if he can survive the Nascent Soul Tribulation later, then he will be a real cultivator of transforming gods!
Although there is only a [-]% chance, this is already very good for a Nascent Soul cultivator.

What's more, if you fail, nothing will happen, which is equivalent to adding a rare opportunity out of thin air.

Xuanzhong knew that he had been promoted from the alchemy stage to the late Yuanying stage in these years by relying on the shady alchemy method, but the effect of this alchemy would be worse as he went to the later stage. Now Qin Lang came to his door, almost when he was sleeping He was very happy when he brought a pillow!
Now that Qin Lang is under control, things will be easier.

Six elixirs of the purple blood evil elixir he refined have already taken shape, and after a while, the hearts of six babies on the ground can be used as medicine, sprinkled with the blood of the babies, and the elixirs will be ready.

But now, while there is still time and there is another alchemy furnace, he can do another thing.

Xuan Zhong transformed into a big hand again, grabbed Qin Lang, temporarily sealed Qin Lang's cultivation, then wrapped his big hand around Qin Lang, removed the khaki magic weapon that restrained Qin Lang, and threw Qin Lang into a super big pill that was two people tall. in the furnace.

The flame quickly burned from the bottom of the pill furnace, and Xuan Zhong showed a proud expression.

"Boy, I will refine you now and make it into a cauldron. Then I will use you to refine the Vajra Sun Pill. Thank you for the gift."

Xuan Zhong laughed strangely.

The flame under the alchemy furnace is Earth Fire, which is of a very high grade. Qin Lang has been sealed by him, making it difficult to fly with his wings. He can only sit and wait to be refined by the Earth Fire.

Probably because he felt that there was nothing wrong with this matter, Xuan Zhong focused his attention on the purple blood evil pill he was refining, and did not pay attention to the great pill furnace.

The ground fire is not only hot, but also very aggressive. Not to mention Qi training monks, even foundation building monks will be burned to death if touched. Qin Lang's cultivation is sealed, just like ordinary people. The situation is very bad.

"Hmph, it's not that easy to refine me into a cauldron."

Qin Lang said in his heart.

Silently circulating the stellar energy belonging to the warrior, Qin Lang replaced the real essence with the stellar energy, and began to break through the blood orifices and break the seal.

(End of this chapter)

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