The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1186 Finding an Opportunity

Chapter 1186 Finding an Opportunity
Speaking of which, Xuan Zhong had calculated thousands of times, but he missed one thing.

The sealing technique he used came from the cultivation method of "Little Tianxing Sealing Hand" of the Heavenly Medicine Sect. This is a very high-level method, and only elders and above in the Heavenly Medicine Sect are allowed to practice.

Xuanzhong thought that Qin Lang was so young, so he couldn't be an elder of the Tianyi Sect. Of course, Qin Lang was not, but Xuan Qingzi, because of his high alchemy skills, was very high in the sect. He once secretly refined a pill for an elder. Planting the elixir, in order to give back, the elder also secretly told Xuan Qingzi the cultivation method of Xiaotianxing's sealing hand, verbatim.

Xuan Qingzi was limited by his strength and couldn't learn it at that time, but the elder taught it orally, so Xuan Qingzi always remembered it in his mind very clearly.

Qin Lang naturally took advantage, he knew the name of this sealing technique from Xuan Zhong's sealing technique, the rest naturally only needed to follow Xuan Qingzi's relevant memory, and in turn use the characteristics of Xiao Tianxing's sealing hand to break through the seal.

After all, a method of sealing involves both sealing and unsealing.

After all, the ground fire couldn't burn him to death all at once. Qin Lang held his breath and worked hard secretly. After more than half a minute, he finally lifted the seal on his body, regained his strength, and could deploy his true essence freely.

Qin Lang didn't make any abnormal movements, he didn't even dare to use his consciousness, he just listened to the movement with his ears, and planned to leave the pill furnace suddenly when the opportunity was right, looking for an opportunity to escape while Xuanzhong was not paying attention.

But the opportunity has not yet come.

Qin Lang sacrificed the bone silkworm net that he got from the last attack outside the market.

This bone-forming silkworm net is a damaged high-grade magic weapon, and it is estimated that it can be used once. It can directly kill a monk in the late stage of alchemy, and it is possible to trap a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Xuanzhong is a monk in the late Yuanying period, so this magic weapon is naturally not a threat to Xuanzhong, but Qin Lang didn't intend to use this to deal with Xuanzhong.

The celestial silk used in the bone celestial silkworm net is a material that can effectively resist ground fire!
Qin Lang let the bone-like silkworm net cover him like he was throwing himself into a net. Sure enough, he felt that the power of the earth fire on him was reduced a lot in an instant.

After consuming this magic weapon, he can hold on for more than a minute, and have a better chance of flying out and escaping.

"Quack, there's no sound, it should be dead by now."

Half a minute later, Xuan Zhong didn't hear any movement, confidently thought that Qin Lang had played, completely relieved, and grabbed a baby that had been frozen to death.

There were a total of six babies, three of them were frozen to death, and the remaining three were still alive, but their crying was very weak, and their lives were in danger.

Xuan Zhong showed no mercy, and frantically wanted to cut open the baby's body with his hands, when suddenly the dark wind came from outside the door, and there was also a burst of strange laughter!
Xuanzhong's face was serious, and he quickly put down the baby with a look of wariness.

The intruder was able to give him a kind of pressure, which showed that the opponent's strength was extraordinary, and even he had to put up all his energy to deal with it.

When Qin Lang heard the laughter from outside, after the initial groaning secretly, he suddenly realized that this was also an excellent opportunity for him to escape!
That person was Song Zixing, the cultivator who was chasing after him. Since Song Zixing was able to find himself so quickly in the isolated iron domain, although there were reasons why he stayed here for too long, the most important reason was that Song Zixing was very strong.

But now, as soon as Song Zixing came in, he was bound to find Xuan Zhong, and because Xuan Zhong was guilty of being a thief, he would have conflicts with Song Zixing in this kind of place to refine the elixir that was banned in the mainland.

At that time, he can use the conflict between the two to escape.

The wind flashed by, and Song Zixing broke in. After seeing Xuan Zhong, Song Zixing was a little surprised, and then asked carelessly: "I ask you, where is that young man?"

Xuan Zhong found that the strength level of the opponent had reached the stage of transforming spirits, but his cultivation was only like that of the late Nascent Soul. He must have been injured and had not recovered. He also had the strength of the late Nascent Soul, but he was not very afraid of Song Zixing.

However, it is best to be able to avoid conflicts.

He also found that Song Zixing was indifferent to his refining the forbidden medicine, so he didn't want to fight with him for no reason.

"What young man, I haven't seen it before."

Xuan Zhong said.

He thought that Qin Lang was dead and refined by the alchemy furnace, so he was not afraid of Song Zixing's detection with his divine sense.

After all, the investigation of spiritual consciousness can only detect the already formed human cauldron, nothing else can be found.

What's more, the other party obviously came for that young man. If he knew that he killed the young man, the conflict would be inevitable.

"Hmph, you still dare to lie to me, Patriarch, you're courting death!"

Song Zixing was furious, and attacked Xuanzhong first!
He clearly glanced with his divine sense and found that Qin Lang was hiding in the alchemy furnace. This ugly ghost with disheveled hair opened his eyes and talked nonsense, he was simply tired of living!

"Hmph, don't think that you can act wildly just because you are a cultivator of transformation!"

Xuan Zhong was also forced out of his anger, and immediately went up to meet him, fighting with Song Zixing.

His actual cultivation base is similar to that of the other party, even if the other party was once a cultivator of transforming spirits, he actually has no obvious disadvantages.

On the contrary, if he could take advantage of the serious injury this time and kill the opponent in one fell swoop, then all the treasures on that cultivator would belong to him!

"This is the time!"

Qin Lang keenly judged that the opportunity was coming, without thinking about it, he jumped out of the alchemy furnace quickly, rushed to the side, wrapped the six babies, and fled to the outside of the cave.

Xuan Zhong and Song Zixing were fighting together, and no one dared to stop to deal with Qin Lang. They could only watch Qin Lang find an opportunity and walk away.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you idiot!"

Song Zixing was furious, and he used his ability to suppress the bottom of the box, and immediately gained the upper hand by using the moves and experience of the cultivator of Huashen.

But now it was time for Xuan Zhong to save his life, and Xuan Zhong naturally tried his best. It was impossible for Song Zixing to kill Xuan Zhong, who was now as strong as him.

Qin Lang escaped from the isolated iron domain along the original road, and then came to the sphere of influence of the Tianyi Sect. After entrusting the six babies to reliable people, he began to think about his own affairs.

Now Qin Lang still doesn't know that Song Zixing has the upper hand, and killing Xuanzhong is only a matter of one and two sticks of incense. He has to decide where to go next, so as to get rid of the chasing and killing of the cultivator Song Zixing.

He also knew that Song Zixing must have planted some kind of spiritual imprint in his body to find him so quickly, so he needed to solve the problem once and for all.

He didn't want to lose his life in Qinghe Continent. After all, he had to rescue his parents and return to Huaxia Yunhai City to meet the girls.

Qin Lang felt that there was no safe place in the entire Qinghe Continent. Thinking about it, it was no wonder that he could feel at ease after being targeted by such a super powerful old monster.

"Let's go back to China! Perhaps leaving this world is the best way to escape the crisis!"

After thinking about it, Qin Lang finally made a decision.

First of all, leaving the Qinghe Continent completely is undoubtedly the most effective way to get rid of that terrifying cultivator who transforms into a god.

Secondly, he raised his cultivation base to the late stage of alchemy in the thousand-year-old mansion, and now he just returned to Huaxia, back to the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, to see if he could use his strength in the late stage of alchemy to rescue the formation that was trapped in the Kunlun Hall. among the parents.

If it wasn't for an unexpected accident in the thousand-year-old mansion, a monk who transformed himself into a god suddenly resurrected from his deep sleep, then according to his previous plan, he planned to return to China after leaving the thousand-year-old mansion, and now he just moved ahead with the plan a little bit Just a little bit.

Furthermore, only he knows the route of the space channel, or the space coordinates. After he returns to Huaxia, the cultivator of Huashen cannot chase him up. The space node descends on the earth.

With a certain idea, Qin Lang acted immediately.

He cast the Baili Talisman. Although the movement location of the Baili Talisman is relatively random, it is indeed the best way to get out of the Heavenly Medicine Sect quickly.

At the same time, he turned on the lucky compass, hoping to increase his luck index in Mingming.

Fortunately, this thing is unclear, but Qin Lang has passed many experiments to prove the existence of this thing, and it does have some influence on himself.

Therefore, in times of great difficulty, it is good to add some luck to oneself, even if the added luck index is insignificant.

Sure enough, after turning on the lucky compass, Qin Lang escaped directly to a place not far from Sanxiufang City this time. This direction is the direction towards the entrance and exit of the Kunlun Secret Realm to the mainland.

make persistent efforts!

Qin Lang continued to use Baili Dun, but this time, he deviated from the direction and moved further away!
Fortunately, Qin Lang had enough hundred-mile escape talismans, so he used a few more, adjusted the direction, and approached the distance of more than 50 miles again.

Afterwards, Qin Lang didn't dare to use this kind of spell full of uncertain factors again, and he honestly cast the light to move forward. Fortunately, the flying magic weapon Fei Tian Luo Yunsuo can travel [-] miles a day in the shuttle state, and it is straight forward. So it is estimated that we will be able to reach our destination in about five days.

It's just that these five days are too long. I don't know if the old monster will catch up halfway. Qin Lang has a bad feeling in his heart. Now he only hates that the speed of escape is too slow, and he can't wait to reach the entrance and exit of Kunlun Mountain directly. .

For the next three days, Qin Lang remained calm, and the old monster in the transformation stage did not catch up.

However, he didn't dare to relax his vigilance. He has been rushing on the road these days, and he didn't even care to take a breath. When he was tired, he swallowed some Jingqi pills to replenish his vitality, and even used Yiyuan pills to replenish the exhausted energy. Consciousness.

Such a large number of medicinal pills, regardless of consumption, also made it only five days for Qin Lang to fly the distance that took one or two months to complete before.

Seeing that the entrance and exit of the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm in the Hengduan Mountains was getting closer and closer, Qin Lang's mind not only did not relax, but became more and more heavy, because he felt that he didn't know what kind of tricks he had planted on that old monster. The old monster was peeping at his own feelings.

This feeling is very bad, and this is also the real reason why he has been racing against time for the past few days and can't even take a break.He knew that if he stayed in this different world for a few more days, he might wait for his own result, and there would be only one... being taken away.

If caught by that old monster, I am afraid that the old monster in the transformation stage will have no room to resist at all, and he will really die by then.

This is no different from the original Xuan Qingzi, who was just a wisp of remnant soul that fell into the sea of ​​consciousness. Due to passing through the space barrier, the strength of the last remaining soul was actually not much stronger than that of ordinary people, which made Qin Lang pick up a big one. Cheap.

Even if it is that wisp of remnant soul, Qin Lang will have to deal with it for a long time, let alone now!If you let the monks who are two or three realms higher than yourself directly seize the house, then you don't have to think about it at all. No matter how strong Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness is, he can't resist a few rounds.

(End of this chapter)

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