The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1188 Rescue parents!

Chapter 1188 Rescue parents!

After counting, Qin Lang got up and looked at the surrounding environment. The Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm was still the same Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm half a year ago, and there was no change at all.

It is worth mentioning that the aura here is relatively abundant. Although it is not as good as Qinghe Continent, it is definitely dozens of times that of China. Maybe in the future, when Qin Lang feels that China's aura is lacking, he can choose to practice in the secret realm.

After all, China's comprehension world had come to an end thousands of years ago and turned into a world of lawlessness. Otherwise, there would not have been a single cultivator for thousands of years, and finally changed from the comprehension world to the world of warriors.

Qin Lang is now looking at the Kunlun Mountain Palace, his eyes are burning hot.

"Mom and Dad, now that I have finally reached the late stage of alchemy, I can already try to break the formation and save the two of you from the treasure hall!"

He began to ponder over the layers of restraining formations arranged in the treasure hall, and now he has experienced many things in Qinghe Continent, and his vision has been opened, and he is not Wuxia Amon.

Although he is not yet a formation master, he is considered good among formation apprentices, because his basic skills are too solid.


The formation in the Kunlun Mountain Treasure Hall is not known to be arranged by the secret master. Qin Lang, who has an ingenious idea and has reached his cultivation base and vision, is now amazed by this formation.

Now he has been able to use the spiritual power in the formation to slowly explore some contexts, and then try to break the formation.The formations of the Kunlun Mountain Palace are stacked one after another, which is a combined formation formed by nesting one ring after another.

This kind of formation is very ingenious, although it is not as thick as the "Three Mountains Town" defensive formation of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, nor as stable as the Cai Family's Four Elephants Remnant Xuanwu, but it is very innovative in the conception of the formation. sex, very unique.

The master of the Kunlun Mountain secret realm who arranged this array must be a master of the array. The more Qin Lang observed it, the more he was inspired. Slowly, new gains appeared in his mind.

The reason why I was able to be inspired is also because the ring formations in this treasure hall are mostly composed of basic formations in the realm of comprehension. Although the decomposition of each formation is complicated, it is not too esoteric. Qin Lang gradually understands If so, you can still figure out the context.


Qin Lang stood quietly outside the treasure hall for three days and three nights. During these three days and three nights, he basically didn't eat or drink much. He was analyzing and trying to figure out the formation structure of the entire Kunlun Mountain treasure hall. The splitting step has been carried out to the No.20 round.

"Work hard! I'm getting closer and closer to the goal! As long as I can split to the No.40 round, I can rescue the parents who are trapped in the treasure hall! Because from all indications, the two are trapped in the No.40 round. Wheel! Mom and Dad, don't worry, just wait for me for a few more days!"

Qin Lang looked at the guardian formation of this treasure hall, and his eyes showed fanaticism. With the research and analysis of these three days, now he feels that his ability to comprehend the formation has improved a bit. If this is the case, it will be split into No.40 It is estimated that the round will not take two or three days.

fifth day.
Qin Lang, who has been up for five nights, finally stopped studying the formations, but sat down to meditate to recover himself. He swallowed a grain of Yiyuan Dan, and compared the deduction of formations to an apprentice-level person like him. There are a lot of thoughts, five days of uninterrupted consumption, and now even the consciousness has shrunk by half.

Yiyuan Pill is very effective in supplementing the consumption of spiritual consciousness. After just one stick of incense, when Qin Lang opened his eyes again, Qin Lang was already full of energy.

It is now possible to carry out the work of breaking the formation!
Qin Lang laughed and took the initiative to enter the formation.

At this point, his heart is full of confidence, because after five days of uninterrupted deduction of the first forty rounds of the ring array in the treasure hall, he has already understood it by heart, and he can definitely break it.

After entering the formation, Qin Lang found that the ring array of this treasure hall was like a labyrinth, surrounded by white fog, he couldn't see clearly, he could only see the scene inside a single ring array.

However, it doesn't matter, Qin Lang knows that this is the basic change of the exquisite combined ring formation. In fact, after a few days of deduction, even if he closes his eyes now, he still has the confidence to walk in this ring formation.

After deduction, I am too familiar with everything in the circle!Now, it is impossible for him to take a wrong step.

Breaking one level... Breaking two levels... Breaking three levels...

21 levels broken!

Qin Lang kept stepping and broke through 21 ring formations. This is already relatively deep into the treasure hall. In this ring formation, Qin Lang found a yellowed silk scarf. The silk scarf is made of the best silk in China. There is a faint word "Snow" embroidered on it.

"It's my mother's silk scarf." Qin Lang picked up this silk scarf and held it in the palm of his hand, vaguely feeling some mother's breath.

This feeling is very good, and it is very kind to Qin Lang who has been an orphan for more than 20 years.

After getting this silk scarf, Qin Lang was even more sure that his parents were trapped in the treasure hall, so he became more motivated.

Level 22 broken... Level 23 broken... Level 24 broken...

36 levels broken!
It took nearly a day, and Qin Lang had broken through thirty levels, which was already deep inside the treasure hall.

The guardian formation of the Kunlun Mountain Treasure Hall is very large and complicated, which is why Qin Lang broke the formation so slowly. After all, he is just a formation apprentice at present, but the formation foundation is a little more solid than ordinary apprentices. It may be much faster for a formation master like Liu Zhenzhen to do it.

However, for rescuing his parents, Qin Lang didn't want to rely on the power of others, and didn't want to rely on too much external force, even if it was his own woman.Besides, it's not like I can't break through this big formation by myself, so why bother others.

As an orphan in his 20s, Qin Lang now has a little hope in his heart, hoping to rescue his parents with his own hands. Completing this task is definitely a feat.

"Mom and Dad, wait for me, I will definitely see you today!"

Now there are only four levels left, and Qin Lang became more careful. Although the formations of the Kunlun Mountain Palace are only basic ring formations, they are superimposed layer by layer. The later ones are more difficult than the front ones, so the more difficult the formation The more complicated and difficult it is to crack later.

In order to save his parents, Qin Lang is now doing his best. I believe that after breaking the formation this time, his formation experience will also improve a lot, and he may be able to break through a formation level.

After all, such a good practice, where can I find it? After all, Qin Lang can't get experience in cracking formations that are too superficial, and Qin Lang can't crack them at present if they are too deep and mysterious. Only the ring formation in the Kunlun Mountain Palace is The most suitable for the current Qin Lang.

The cracking of this ring array requires a lot of spiritual knowledge to deduce, and the second is to continuously trigger the changes of the formation eyes with the aura of the late stage of alchemy, so as to be able to find the connection point between the formation and the formation, and break the formation. .

This is also the real reason why the guardian formation of the Kunlun Mountain Treasure Hall requires a cultivation level above the alchemy stage and up to the Nascent Soul stage to be able to break it.

After all, this formation is a formation in the realm of comprehension. Even Liu Zhenzhen, who is talented in the formation and has reached the master level, cannot crack it if his cultivation is not strong enough. This is because the hardware cannot reach it, and there is no way.

37 levels, 38 levels, 39 levels.

Forty levels!
Finally, Qin Lang injected spiritual power and broke through the ring array of No.40. He saw his parents...


"Dad, Mom!" Qin Lang was overjoyed and bowed to his parents.

However, the current parents can't hear his words, they can't move now, and even their spiritual consciousness is blocked.

The reason for this situation is that the parents should have been banned by some kind of cultivation method in the hall.

Speaking of which, Qin Lang felt fortunate that there was such a method in the Kunlun Hall.

Otherwise, if there is no supplement, trapped in the formation without eating or drinking for decades, I am afraid that the body will be "starved to death" like ordinary alchemy practitioners, leaving only the soul alive in the end.

After 20 years, he has achieved success in cultivation, and he really came here. This cannot but be said to be luck, and it is also the opportunity that God gave this family of three to meet again, which is very precious.

After meeting his parents, Qin Lang knew that some special rituals were needed to wake them up, but it was not suitable for this Kunlun Mountain Palace.

Therefore, he can only transfer the sealed parents out first, and then perform the unblocking ceremony.

However, when he moved his parents away from the treasure hall of Kunlun Mountain, he met another acquaintance, Bingfenghuang and Huofenghuang. These two sisters actually appeared in the secret place of Kunlun Mountain again.

"Brother Qin Lang! I haven't seen you in half a year, I miss you so much! Where have you been..." The person who was speaking was wearing hot Huo and Phoenix, and when she saw Qin Lang appearing, she even made a very cute grimace.

Bingfenghuang, Huo, and Fenghuang didn't know about Qin Lang entering Qinghe Continent from the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain. The two girls only came to the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain to practice in the past two months.

Unexpectedly, they met Qin Lang today, and the two girls were very happy.

"Hey! The two younger sisters are much prettier after seeing each other for half a year." Qin Lang also laughed, finally rescued his parents, and now he is in a really good mood.

"Huh? Is this uncle or aunt?" Ice Phoenix, who was always like an ice beauty, couldn't help asking curiously when she saw the transferred and banned couple.

"Exactly...exactly." Qin Lang nodded, with a complacent expression on his face. The wish of more than 20 years has been fulfilled, can he not feel complacent and proud in his heart?
"Ah, this is great news, let's go, tell Master!" Hearing this news, Bingfenghuang was also taken aback, took his sister's hand, turned around and left.

"Hey! Just leave like this? Don't help me, poor brother, I am really miserable."

Parents need to make some preparations to recover. Qin Lang naturally needs to transfer his parents out of the formation of Kunlun Hall first, and then start outside.

(End of this chapter)

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