The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1189 Family Reunion

Chapter 1189 Family Reunion
In fact, it didn't take long for Jin Fenghuang to follow the two apprentices. Jin Fenghuang's mood can be understood by Qin Lang. After all, she was also Qin Lang's servant, and Qin Lang's parents were also old masters who were kind to her.

"little Master!"

When Jin Fenghuang saw Qin Lang, he wanted to salute, but was stopped by Qin Lang.

"Aunt Jin, let's help move my parents to a suitable place first, and then talk about other things!"

Qin Lang said.

"Oh well."

Jin Fenghuang also discovered Qin Lang's parents, Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue, but now there is something strange about the two of them, as if some kind of wonderful restriction was placed by the means of cultivators.

"Aunt Jin, my parents were banned by cultivation techniques, so they can live in the Kunlun Mountain Palace for more than 20 years without eating or drinking. Now, if they want to revive them again, they need to arrange a magic circle that breaks the ban." OK."

Qin Lang said while walking.

"A magic circle that breaks the ban? Could it be that the little master is a cultivator..."

Jin Fenghuang thought to himself, she didn't know where Qin Lang had been for the past half a year, she thought Qin Lang was hiding somewhere to practice in seclusion after he got the inheritance of Kunlun Mountain's secret realm last time!
With the help of the three of Golden Phoenix, Qin Lang has already moved his parents out of the Kunlun Mountain Palace, and came to a place with a relatively open space, and stopped.

"The aura of this place is not bad, you can set up a formation to break the restriction here."

Qin Lang signaled Jin Fenghuang and the others to put their parents down, and then started to get busy.

The restrictions on the parents are actually not particularly advanced restrictions, and most of the materials on the body are complete, but there is one material that Qin Lang does not have, but Qin Lang is not worried, because although he does not have it, he knows that the Golden Phoenix three must have it. .

Soon, a ban-breaking formation was set up, and only one key material was missing.

At this time, Qin Lang pulled the ice phoenix with a thief, and asked in a low voice: "Hey, ice phoenix, do you dare to ask if you are a virgin?"


Without even thinking about it, Bingfenghuang scolded subconsciously, his temper was so hot that it really was a mess.

Qin Lang didn't tease about the topic of being busy or not, his expression didn't change, he was still looking at Bingfenghuang very seriously, like a good student looking for roots.

Then, Qin Lang repeated the question he asked before.

In the end, Bing Fenghuang's ears turned red, and he hid his face and retreated. At the same time, he was extremely surprised. This bad boy hadn't seen him for half a year. How could he be so thick-skinned now? He dared to ask such a shameful question in front of a girl.

"Uh, what's going on here." Qin Lang rubbed his head, a little disappointed that Ice Phoenix couldn't give an answer.

"Brother Qin Lang, what question did you ask my sister just now, why is she so fierce?"

Huo-Feng came over curiously at this time, just now her sister was angry with Qin Lang, but she could see clearly.

" like this..."

Qin Lang repeated what he said just now.

Then the little girl Huo-Fenghuang heard it, she had no image, caressed her belly and laughed loudly: "Brother Qin Lang, you are so funny, you can ask this question to my sister and me, I am dying of laughter, hahaha!"

"But, I'm serious! I need the blood of a virgin, it's the key to breaking the ban! Without it, my father and mother cannot be resurrected!"

Qin Lang said eagerly.

"Oh, that's right, haha! Then I blame Brother Qin Lang."

Huo-Fenghuang finally stopped laughing and said, "Brother Qin Lang, use my blood!"

"Are you too?"

"Nonsense, if you ask me again, I will give you a big slap in the face."

Huo-Fenghuang said angrily, she is an innocent girl, she has never found a man, so do I still need to be sure?

"Okay, then please give me a catty of blood!" Qin Lang was overjoyed.

"One catty?!"

Huo-Fenghuang's little face turned pale with fright, she thought it would not take much before she agreed, the baby doesn't have that much blood to donate, if you have to draw a catty of blood, wouldn't it cost the baby's life?

As the old saying goes, a drop of blood and a drop of essence, blood is the essence of life, very precious.

A human body can only hold more than three catties of blood at most. If one catty of blood is drawn directly, it will definitely hurt the vitality.

At this time, Huo Fenghuang looked at his sister for help. Qin Lang just said the reason, and everyone present heard it.

"Add me too!"

After knowing the reason, Bingfenghuang's anger has dissipated at this time, looking at Qin Lang and said lightly.

"And I!"

Jin Fenghuang also asked to join the blood-drawing army.

"Aunt Jin, your blood..."

Qin Lang looked at Jin Fenghuang suspiciously, saying that Jin Fenghuang should be over 40 according to his age, is he still so old?

"This one……"

Under everyone's curiosity, Jin Fenghuang also blushed rarely.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although she is a lot older, it is true.

"Okay, okay! Since the three donate blood enthusiastically, let's each contribute one-third!"

Qin Lang gave a reasonable plan. Each person draws a little more blood, which is basically equivalent to an ordinary blood donation. I believe there is no loss to the body.

This is the best, and it is a happy situation for all.

Finally, after the three women donated blood, Qin Lang's most critical material, the blood, was also collected. Now that everything is ready, he can start preparing to lift the ban on his parents.

Qin Lang moved his parents to the center of the unsealed formation, and then put five low-grade spirit stones in the formation.

Since the method used by parents to ban him is not an advanced method, five low-grade spirit stones are enough to unblock him.

Then, some key materials were put into the unblocking formation, and the blood slowly gathered at the eye of the formation through the unblocking formation.

Beep! Beep!Beep! Beep!
There were some small vibrations on the ground, which was a sign that the formation was starting to operate, and with the operation of the formation, a reddish blood mist appeared in this small area.

The blood mist had a strong spirituality, and began to cover Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue's bodies. Then, a series of blue electric lights flashed on Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue's bodies, which showed that the restraints on their bodies were being corroded by the blood mist.

"Okay, very good, everything went well!"

Qin Lang didn't stay idle. The spiritual performance of the blood mist was the result of his use of spiritual control, and his hands were constantly changing and pinching various spells to maintain the normal operation of the formation.

At the eye of the forbidden formation, the virgin blood, the main material, is constantly being consumed, half of which has been consumed in less than half a stick of incense, and the prohibitions on Qin Lang's parents, Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue, have also become weak under the corrosion of the blood mist. getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, when the blood mist became thinner and was about to disappear, there was a loud bang on both of them at the same time, the entire restriction completely collapsed, and the restriction was successfully broken!
As the restriction was completely broken, the layer of film wrapped around the two of them also disappeared. Only then did Qin Lang really see the image of his parents.

My parents still maintain the image of more than 20 years ago, and they are not much older than me. It seems that they are only 27 or [-] years old now. If they go out together, some people will believe that they are my brother and sister.

However, now both of them are pale, with their eyes closed, looking extremely weak.

It's no wonder that the two of them were imprisoned in the secret palace of Kunlun Mountain for more than 20 years without eating or drinking. Could it be that they are not weak?
After breaking the ban, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he hurried forward and fed each of them a Jingqi pill.

Essence Qi Pill is a standard equipment for cultivators. The monks in the Qinghe Continent from the Foundation Establishment Stage to the Core Formation Stage basically rely on this pill to replenish their vitality after battles.

This kind of low-grade panacea is a good medicine even in the cultivation world, but if it is placed in the secular world, it is simply a magic pill.

Therefore, following the ingestion of a elixir, the powerful spiritual energy dissipated in the two people's bodies, and began to nourish their weak bodies and supplement the various overdrawn consumptions in the bodies.

After about 10 minutes, the two of them woke up quietly. Although they still looked a little weak, they were fine.

Qin Lang decided to supplement his parents after taking a few pills, and everything would be fine.


After Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue woke up, it was a little strange to see that they were not in the palace, but surrounded by people.

It's no wonder that the two of them have been locked up in the treasure hall for so long, and their consciousness has just become active now, and they can't reflect what is going on in front of them at all.

However, the Jin Fenghuang in front of him was an acquaintance. Although he was getting older, the two of them would definitely recognize this very familiar old servant.

"Master, you are finally awake, great!"

Jin Fenghuang lost his original stability, and he was overjoyed to see both his old masters resurrected at this time.

"Father! Mother!"

Qin Lang also pounced on him, but he shocked Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue a lot. When did his child become so big? !
"Old master, this child is indeed your own! You have been trapped in this secret palace in Kunlun Mountain for more than 20 years, and now the outside world has changed a lot..."

Jin Fenghuang quickly explained.

"More than 20 years? Trapped for more than 20 years?"

Qin Zhengyang murmured, looked around, then looked at Qin Lang, and sighed: "Chunxue... I didn't expect that our child has grown so big just in the blink of an eye!"

"Father! Mother!"

Qin Lang stepped forward again and hugged his parents.


Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue reacted, and at this time also accepted their child who had grown up suddenly, Qin Lang.

"After more than 20 years, I thought that there would be no chance to see the sun again, but I didn't expect that fate would be so bizarre, and the three of us would be reunited again... Well, that's great!"

Seeing the sun again, Qin Zhengyang was moved to tears with joy.

While stroking Qin Lang's head, Wang Chunxue loved this child very much. This is his own son, and he still has a chance to meet again. The more he looks at it, the more he likes it, the more he looks at it, the more he loves it.

(End of this chapter)

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