The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1190 Hidden dangers of Lanrun Company

Chapter 1190 Hidden dangers of Lanrun Company

For an entire hour, Qin Lang hugged his parents for an hour. After being an orphan for more than 20 years, it was hard for everyone to imagine how much Qin Lang wished to see his biological parents.

Now that wish has finally come true, it makes him feel as if he is in a dream.

Next, there was a chat between the parents and Jin Fenghuang. From their conversation, Qin Lang also knew the experience of his parents back then.

My parents are both Wu Zun-level figures. After the two entered the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm, they discovered a treasure left by the owner of the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm. The way they banned themselves was learned from this treasure.

It is a pity that the spiritual root talents of both parents are not very good, they can only sense a small amount of spiritual energy, but they have not become cultivators.

This can be explained from Qin Lang. Qin Lang's spiritual root talent was not very good at the beginning. Although he was better than his parents, he was only a medium three-attribute mixed spiritual root.

At the beginning, if he hadn't used the Golden Spirit Pill to rewash his spiritual root aptitude in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, I am afraid that even if he is a master of alchemy, he would not be able to solve the problem of his slow growth in cultivation.

Of course, the sooner the transformation of spiritual root aptitude is, the better. Of course, Qin Lang used this panacea to change aptitude shortly after entering the foundation period, so the effect is very good.

If it were the current Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue, even if they were given a golden elixir to transform their aptitudes, the effect would not be very good.

I have to say that although Qin Lang has been bumpy along the way, God is really taking care of him. He has always been very lucky. No matter whether he starts from China, goes to Qinghe mainland, or returns to China, the general direction is smooth sailing.

I believe that the lucky attribute hidden in Qin Lang must have a high index, otherwise such a situation would not happen.

Several people chatted for a while, and Jin Fenghuang talked about Qin Lang at this time, talking about Qin Lang's company in Huaxia, which seems to be in a bad situation at present, and did not elaborate on what Jin Fenghuang is, and let Qin Lang deal with it after returning.

At this time, Qin Lang also thought of those friends in Huaxia. I don't know how they are doing after seeing each other for more than half a year.

In Huaxia, not only his own Lanrun cosmetics company is waiting for him to take care of, but also how the Li family, Nalan family, and Lei family of the current four-party alliance are developing, which is also what Qin Lang is more concerned about.

You know, I am the leader of the Quartet Alliance, but I have been the shopkeeper for more than half a year. Thinking about it, I am really ashamed.

As for Lanrun Company, Tang Xue and Tang Qian run the cosmetics company left by Qin Lang. The two sisters are very capable, so even if the company is in a bad situation, Qin Lang is not very worried. He believes in the ability of the two to handle things. It will definitely solve those troubles.

On the other hand, Liu Zhenzhen, his prospective girlfriend hadn't seen him for more than half a year, and he didn't know what he was busy with during this time, and whether he was thinking about himself.

And Ye Xiaorui, who is carrying out humanitarian aid in Africa, counting the time, should have returned to China!For this cheerful and generous girl, Qin Lang really looks forward to seeing her again.


Finally, after the preparations were completed, the few of them prepared to leave the secret realm of Kunlun Mountains and return to China.

However, Qin Lang's parents, Qin Zhengyang and Wang Chunxue, did not intend to go with Qin Lang, but wanted to follow the three golden phoenix daughters back to the Phoenix Gate. This made Qin Lang, who wanted to be filial, very depressed.

Before leaving, Qin Zhengyang patted Qin Lang on the shoulder and said: "Qin Lang, you have grown up now, you have your own circle of friends and your own career! The three of us have been separated for so many years, and it is God's will to meet again, so let everything go as it should Naturally, it's fine, your mother and I don't want to interfere in your affairs, and staying by your side now will also put pressure on you, so you can be at ease and boldly do what you want to do, and don't worry about us anymore."

What an enlightened parent!

Qin Lang stood still on the spot, silently watching the back of his parents leaving, full of emotion.


Seven days later, Yunhai City.

Today's Lanrun Cosmetics Company has become one of the landmarks of Yunhai City, and the entire 33-story building belongs to the company.

This is the property that Qin Lang bought when he just left. At that time, he spent more than [-] million yuan. It has been more than half a year since Lanrun Company moved in.

More than [-] million yuan was also annexed to the Murong family at that time, and the dividends from the Quartet Alliance plus some bank loans were enough. When he bought this building, Qin Lang also knew that the company owed the bank [-] million yuan in payment.

There was no way to do this. In fact, after the company bought the large farm and then bought the building, there was a short-term shortfall in funds, and Qin Lang didn't want to owe favors to borrow from acquaintances, so the best way was to get a loan.

Calculated based on the [-] million intangible assets of Lanrun Company, a loan of [-] to [-] million yuan is really drizzle. A lot of banks waved checks and wanted to get Lanrun to sign a contract, so the loan went smoothly. Huaxia Bank directly gave the through train for half a day. That's it.

Qin Lang calculated it. Based on the company's monthly gross income of more than 6000 million yuan and net profit of more than 5000 million yuan, it would take four months to pay off these loans. Presumably, the loan has already been paid by the general manager Tang Qian's handling has been completely paid off.

Qin Lang is on his way now.

In the Chinese world, the methods of cultivators are really shocking, so if you can not use it or use it as little as possible, Qin Lang once again disguised himself as an ordinary person, took a taxi and drove directly to his company.

After several years of development, Yunhai City has become a commercial city that is not weaker than the capital city. People come and go, although the distance is only forty or fifty miles, it took Qin Lang more than an hour to arrive. Flying around Qin Lang felt a little uncomfortable.

too slow!It's really slow!The traffic jam in the center of this big city is like a snail crawling, so he can't wait for a sword light to split all the vehicles in front of him in half, so that his taxi can pass by as soon as possible.

However, he also knew that this idea would not work. Huaxia is different from the world of comprehension, and the laws are strict. If this is done, it will cause people to be wanted all over the city, which will cause even more trouble.

Generally speaking, in the cultivation world, individual strength is the most respected, and the head is the law, while in a high-tech world like China, what is emphasized is unity, and everyone is equal before the law. This is also a huge difference between the two worlds.

Therefore, in which world you must obey the rules of that world, and you will live better and more conveniently.

Otherwise, with Qin Lang's current strength, I am afraid that in the Chinese world, he can already become the same existence as the demon king of the mixed world. If he is not restrained, no one can subdue him at all. Even the aircraft and cannons are a bit hanging. A well-known cultivator in the late stage of alchemy.

With his phantom-like moving speed, it would be really difficult to hit him if it wasn't for a large number of shells.

However, Qin Lang is also a law-abiding person, and has his own career and concerns in this world, so it is even more impossible for a person like him to mess around, and sometimes he may even help the society maintain order.


Lanrun Building, headquarters.

The current Lanqi Building is divided into 33 floors, and the bottom 1000 floors are all owned by the marketing department. The number of the entire marketing department has reached more than [-] employees. From the [-]th to the [-]th floors, five floors are used for restaurants and activities of the entire company. room, and five floors are warehouses and laboratories.

And above the [-]th floor is the company's conference room and the office of the management.

The company currently has more than 2000 employees. With such strength, it is already a well-deserved leader in this sea of ​​clouds and even the surrounding cosmetics industry.

And in the company's 30-storey conference hall, general manager Tang Qian is organizing the company's middle and senior management to hold monthly meetings.

"At today's monthly meeting, there are three things to announce as usual:
One is the company's financial statements and business development.

The second is whether there are any urgent problems that need to be solved during the development of the company, and everyone can discuss them together at the meeting.

The third is about the benefits of the company's employees. As usual, rewards are given to employees who have made significant contributions to the company. "

"The financial statements of these two months are much worse than the previous four months. The company's turnover in each of the first four months was more than [-] million, but in the past two months, last month was [-] million yuan. The turnover of more than [-] million has dropped directly to more than [-] million this month. What is the reason? Is it because our employees are not working hard? Of course not!"

"The rapid development of our company six months ago was inseparable from the efforts of everyone present. I can still be sure of everyone's efforts. Now the decline in turnover is because our market share has been affected by new restrictions in the past two months. check!"

"As for the measures to deal with the blocking, the company is actively preparing, and will definitely respond to the other party not to be outdone. Therefore, the bonuses that should be distributed to everyone this month will also be distributed to everyone."

Papapapa, when it comes to this, the high-level applause in the audience, Lanrun Company is a big collective and a big family, and they also keep in mind the company's kindness to every employee, so everyone holds their breath and prepares to do their best. Do your best to help the company get through this trouble.

To be honest, the turnover of more than [-] million and more than [-] million in the past two months is really not small.

The cosmetics industry is a profiteering industry, even more profitable than the profiteering pharmaceutical industry.In the pharmaceutical industry, a drug may be sold for tens or hundreds of dollars at an ex-factory price of a few cents, while in the cosmetics industry, it may be sold for thousands of dollars at a cost of a few cents.

Although the formulas of cosmetics all introduce that various precious plant medicinal ingredients are used in cosmetics, but others don't know the ratio of those ingredients at all.

Just like a joke of a certain brand of instant noodles, only one cow can be slaughtered to support the brand's entire instant noodle industry. The amount of beef in each instant noodle bucket is definitely at the level of shredded beef.

The same is true for cosmetics. There may be a little precious ingredient, but it is quite insignificant for a whole set of products.

In other words, although the company has only nine bills in the past two months, [-] million expenses, personnel salaries, market development, and drug costs can all be included in it, and the rest can basically be counted as pure profit.

Even if the company is blocked by external forces, the combined profit in two months will be [-] million. The current Lanrun Cosmetics Company is already very remarkable.Even compared with the top five Lei family industries in Huaxia warrior power, it is not much worse.

You know, the Lei family has accumulated so many years of business, and now their annual income is only more than 100 billion.

After a short pause, Tang Qian continued to speak: "Leave aside the fact that the company has been blocked by the market, what we need to deal with urgently is the recent frequent theft of valuable medicines from the company's warehouse. This problem is very serious... Our company's warehouse Above the 35th floor, outsiders on this high floor cannot get in at all, and the thief must be someone inside the company."

"So this matter has to be investigated and thoroughly investigated to the end! The character of Lan Run's employees is very important, and our company does not keep thieves!"

When angry, the female leader wearing black-rimmed glasses slapped the table hard, and the surroundings fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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