The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1191 Research Expert

Chapter 1191 Research Expert
When the meeting place was extremely quiet, a small employee hurried in, "Mr. Tang! Mr. Tang! The boss is back!"

Tang Qian, who was about to reprimand the small staff for destroying the atmosphere of the venue, was shocked when she heard the news: "Has Qin Lang returned? Where is it?"

"It's on the first floor, and the front desk manager in the lobby is reporting to him the current situation of the company!"

"Then this meeting will be temporarily suspended, everyone, come with me to meet the boss!"

Tang Qian stood up, adjusted her black-rimmed glasses and said.

Regarding the distribution of power in the company, Lanrun Cosmetics Company is a private company, Qin Lang, as the boss, naturally has the most power, and the second most powerful is Tang Xue, who owns a small part of the company's shares, and is in charge of the company's finances and major project decisions.

It's just that Tang Xue, as a member of the Tang family, is very busy. She also runs the Kangle and Health Club, and needs to travel back and forth between Beijing and Yunhai frequently, so this woman is often not in the company.

In this case, the position of general manager who handles the company's daily affairs can only be transferred to his cousin Tang Qian, who is now the third person in the company.

Tang Xue's cousin is worthy of being a finance major from a famous foreign university. Since she became the general manager, she has managed everything in the company in an orderly manner and made a lot of achievements.

At this time, before all the people at the venue got up, Qin Lang had already entered the venue accompanied by the customer service manager at the front desk.

"Hi boss!"

"Hi boss……"

Everyone stood up to greet him.

"You don't need to be so polite, are you in a meeting? The meeting continues!"

At this time, Qin Lang laughed and waved to everyone: "I haven't been here for more than half a year, thank you for your hard work."

"Boss, sit down."

Tang Qian gave up the position of the rostrum, but Qin Lang signaled no need for it, and asked the person next to him to move another chair to the rostrum.

As for why Qin Lang came back suddenly without even saying hello, and where Qin Lang went before, he often disappeared for several months. Although Tang Qian and the company staff have doubts, they should not ask them. Of course they will not go ask.

In short, in their eyes, Qin Lang, the big boss, has always been very mysterious. Even now that Lanrun Cosmetics Production Co., Ltd. has become a heavyweight private company in China, and is even more outstanding in cosmetics in China, Qin Lang seems to be Especially low-key.

The company has a good reputation, and big media often come to interview them. After being shut down, they secretly blame the boss of Lan Run Company for putting on a show, but how do those media personnel know that even they, the official employees of Lan Run Company, I can't even grasp the whereabouts of the boss Qin Lang.

"Okay, what did you discuss just now, continue."

Qin Lang said.

"Okay, go ahead."

Tang Qian sat down with everyone, and continued: "About the theft of valuable medicines from the company's warehouse, do you have anything to say? Jiang Xinzhong, you are in charge of the company's safe production and warehouse storage. Tell me your opinion."


Immediately, Jiang Xinzhong stood up. This Jiang Xinzhong also followed the old man of the company who started the business first, and made great contributions to the development of the company.

"Everyone just heard from Mr. Tang that the company's warehouse has been frequently stolen recently. As the general person in charge of the company's safe production and joint custody, I, Jiang, have been appointed by the company and have not been able to find out. The repeat thief."

"However, in terms of the security of the company's warehouse, to be honest, I have done my best. The whole company has a total of five floors of warehouses, and I have sent [-] security guards to guard each floor day and night. This kind of security is even stronger. Big companies may not be stronger than us, but the effect is still unsatisfactory.”

"I really can't figure out how this damned thief stole those precious medicinal materials. This matter is really strange. Even if there are internal thieves in the company, I doubt how they can get in and out through this layer of security. Could it be that this damned thief is still invisible, can he fly?"

Hearing the general manager of the company's safety production and warehouse security work talking like a fairy tale, all the company executives present were whispering, a thief who can stealth and fly?Isn't this Superman, have you seen too many American blockbusters? !

However, Jiang Xinzhong's words caught Qin Lang's attention when he heard them in Qin Lang's ears. He knew that there were many magical places in this world, and he was not sure that there were people with such special abilities in this world.

After all, Qin Lang has been in the world of comprehension, and he has experienced even more amazing things in the world of comprehension. Now it is normal to encounter some strange things in the world of Huaxia.

"Guobuqi really has thieves who can hide and fly. In this case, the company's ordinary security guards can't deal with it at all. It seems that we have to do it ourselves."

Qin Lang thought to himself.

So when the meeting ended, Qin Lang called Tang Qian and Jiang Xinzhong to stop, and expressed his thoughts.

As for the boss's plan to catch the thief himself, the two also showed a hint of surprise on their faces, but they didn't say anything.

After all, the two of them also know that the boss of their own family has real skills, and the fact that the boss is a martial arts master has spread throughout the company half a year ago. Back then, there was a fight in the company reception hall, and they had seen Qin Lang There are quite a few "Kung Fu" company employees.

After discussing his plan with the two, Qin Lang left and went to the company's laboratory.

In the company's laboratory, Liu Zhenzhen is really busy. She is obsessed with the research on the formation method of the machine. After entering the seventh layer of Qi Refining, her body is now much stronger than ordinary people. How to eat and drink.

This is simply a research madman!
Speaking of it, this is also Qin Lang's fault. The last time he came back from Qinghe Continent, Qin Lang brought some formation knowledge from that cultivation world, which also made Liu Zhenzhen, who was originally interested in this aspect, even more addicted to these knowledge from the cultivation world. Novel knowledge, study these knowledge harder.

Not to mention, Liu Zhenzhen's talent and accomplishments in organs and formations are really beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators. In the past six months, after she integrated a lot of new knowledge brought by Qin Lang, Has been successfully promoted from the general organ and array master to the master realm.

"In another half a month, I should be able to research a phantom array that can operate without relying on spirit stones. In this case, I can decorate the company's warehouse and effectively solve the company's recent thief crisis!"

Liu Zhenzhen thought to himself while researching.

Although she is obsessed with the study of formations, she is not completely indifferent to world affairs. She has also heard about the frequent theft of the company's warehouses, so she has recently shifted her research direction and started to study that it can be operated without the activation of spirit stones. large phantom array.

You must know that the Chinese world is already a world of doom, and the spiritual energy in the air is extremely scarce. Without the support of spiritual stones and spiritual veins, it is really a big problem to make the phantom array work for a long time.

After all, the aura in the air is really limited. Once an area is almost consumed and the aura is lower than the critical value required by the formation, the formation will immediately lose its effect.

Therefore, it is basically very difficult to establish a long-running formation in the Chinese world without relying on spirit stones and spirit veins.

Liu Zhenzhen is worthy of being a master of organs and formations. If this research can be successful, it will definitely be a major breakthrough. In the future, the five warehouse floors above the 25th floor can also use the phantom formation to protect valuable goods.


Just when Liu Zhenzhen was obsessed with research, the door of the laboratory opened, and a person walked in.


A familiar voice entered Liu Zhenzhen's ears, and Liu Zhenzhen, who was setting up a small formation model, trembled his hands when he heard the sound, the model in hand had already shaken down, and with a snap, the original formation was completely broken. Messed up. ,

But Liu Zhenzhen didn't care about these things, turned his head, and looked at the gate of the laboratory with surprise.

"Brother Qin Lang!"

Liu Zhenzhen looked excitedly at the figure who had missed him countless times.

"Oh, it's me."

Qin Lang knew it and opened his arms.

"Really!" Liu Zhenzhen was sure that it was not a dream, this usually quiet and gentle girl no longer cared about holding back and threw herself into Qin Lang's arms.

"Brother Qin Lang, these days are really easy to imagine, and now I'm finally waiting for you to come back."

Leaning on Qin Lang's shoulder, Liu Zhenzhen said softly.

"Me too, I won't leave at all when I come back this time."

Qin Lang patted her on the shoulder, felt the temperature of Liu Zhenzhen's body, smelled the faint fragrance of hair, and his mood became extremely good.

"That's great. In the days when you're not here, I just miss you and I've been studying the cultivation knowledge you brought last time, and I've almost finished it now."

"Well, that's great, congratulations to our formation master who is stronger!"


The 26th floor of Lanrun Building is also the floor where the company's warehouse is located.

There are currently ten security guards on patrol on this floor, and two security guards are chatting about something during the patrol.

"Have you heard, the boss of our company is back!"

"The boss is back? The boss hasn't appeared in the company for more than half a year. I don't know which country he went to for an overseas inspection this time. It took so long."

"This is a good thing! The boss is back now, it must be that the inspection project has been successfully completed, maybe there will be another big move in the next step, and our company will grow a lot."

"Big moves are not guaranteed! The company is not going well at the moment, and the business has been severely blocked outside. I heard that the sales performance has been declining in the past two months. The boss must deal with this matter first when he comes back."

"Hey, why do you think so much? Let's patrol the warehouse on this floor. Recently, the goods in the warehouse have been stolen frequently. We have so many people working in shifts but we can't catch the thief. It's not a good situation. !"

"Yeah, it's really evil. Could it be that the thief really knows how to be invisible? During this period of time, the number of thefts has been at least [-] times, and so many of us haven't even seen the shadow of the thief. Even the company What the insiders did, under our high-intensity patrol method, it is impossible not to reveal a trace of clues!"

"Stop talking, our warehouse supervisor is here... oh, and the boss is here too."

The two security guards stopped talking immediately, and started patrolling seriously. After Qin Lang and Jiang Xinzhong arrived here, the security guards bowed their heads together: "Hi, boss, and director Jiang."

"You continue to patrol."

Jiang Xinzhong waved his hands, telling these security guards to do their jobs.Then, he turned his head and said to Qin Lang: "Boss, from the 26th to the [-]th floors are all our company's warehouses, all of which are precious medicinal raw materials for making cosmetics. It is strange to say that the precious medicinal materials stolen during this period are all from An Sheng. The medicinal materials whose secrecy level reaches S level in production are actually safe and sound."

Qin Lang frowned, thought for a while and said, "You mean, this thief may know something about the core formula of our cosmetics, and this is a targeted attack?"

(End of this chapter)

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