Chapter 1192

"It should be so."

Jiang Xinzhong said with certainty, "Therefore, there must be an insider in the company! But this insider doesn't know much, the secret recipe hasn't been leaked, and he can't master the dispensing process, so he shouldn't be a senior executive. In addition, the insider stole The matter of these precious medicinal materials is really strange, we have been catching them for so many days and we have not been able to catch anyone."

"Leave the matter of catching the thief to me, Uncle Jiang, give me a copy of the keys to the warehouses on the five floors."

Qin Lang said lightly.

Jiang Xinzhong used to be the old housekeeper of the Liu family. Liu Zhenzhen always called Jiang Xinzhong Uncle Liu, while Qin Lang called him Uncle Jiang.

Of course, because Qin Lang is already a monk of alchemy, even if the coercion on his body is not deliberately exuded, it still has the invisible aura of a superior. It is no exaggeration to say that the leader with the most official authority is now standing with Qin Lang , Don't even think about the possibility of suppressing Qin Lang in the slightest.

On the contrary, as long as Qin Lang is willing, he can casually show his momentum, no matter whether you are the world's richest man or the world's number one politician, under his momentum, you have to give in obediently.

So now Qin Tian said lightly, Jiang Xinzhong didn't feel anything, but the management staff in the warehouse really felt that they were out of breath!
"Okay, boss."

Jiang Xinzhong handed over a bunch of marked keys.

And Qin Lang took the key, turned his hand over like magic, and the key disappeared in the palm of his hand.

When Jiang Xinzhong saw it, he immediately showed a surprised expression, it's amazing, is our boss still a magician?
Seeing Jiang Xinzhong's expression, Qin Lang smiled slightly. This middle-aged man probably never thought that he was a cultivator, and the large bunch of keys just now was just put into the storage ring by himself.

"Okay Jiang Bo, you can go to other things and leave me alone."

Qin Lang said with a smile.

"Good boss."

Jiang Xinzhong nodded. As an important supervisor in charge of the two departments of the company, Jiang Xinzhong is indeed very busy, and now he needs to rush to the production area to keep an eye on the production situation.

Without saying much, he turned around and left here.

After Jiang Xinzhong left, Qin Lang looked around and no one was paying attention, so he took a picture of an invisibility talisman in a place where the camera couldn't see, and hid himself.

"Sigh, the invisibility talisman is only effective for 15 minutes, so it has to be replaced. Unfortunately, the small black beads have exploded, otherwise it wouldn't be such a trouble."

There was a faint voice in the air, but fortunately there was no one in this corner.

After that, Qin Lang, who was invisible, opened the door of a warehouse on this floor, entered the warehouse directly, and then the door suddenly closed.

Now Qin Lang is directly lurking in the warehouse, he is going to stop silently, waiting for the thief to take the bait.

Qin Lang's consciousness was also slowly released by Qin Lang. Now that his cultivation has reached the late stage of alchemy, Qin Lang's consciousness has been able to release two hundred feet, which is equivalent to covering the entire floor. I believe that as long as the thief Passing through this one floor is sure to discover for yourself.

While guarding the tree and guarding the rabbit, Qin Lang was not idle. He was practicing with a middle-grade spirit stone in his hand. Cultivation was like sailing against the current, so Qin Lang also stepped up every minute and every second of free time.

However, the world of Huaxia lacks spiritual energy. I am afraid that the main means for him to replenish spiritual energy in the city now is to rely on these middle-grade and high-grade spiritual stones in his hands. As for the top-grade spiritual stones, he is reluctant to use them now!That thing is too precious, even in the Qinghe Continent, it is an orphan that has been extinct for thousands of years.

Fortunately, after returning to Huaxia, I still have more than 70 middle-grade spirit stones and 31 top-grade spirit stones. There will be no shortage of spirit stones in a short time.

After doing the math, it should be no problem for these spirit stones to send themselves to the late stage of alchemy, Dzogchen, or even the Nascent Soul stage.

However, it is not what Qin Lang is willing to sit and eat. If there is a chance, Qin Lang decides to go to some places of spiritual veins, or to find some remaining cultivation resources scattered in the Huaxia world, so as to increase income and reduce expenditure, and slow down the consumption of spirit stones.

This is also something that can’t be helped. After returning to China, Qin Lang found that he now basically relies on spirit stones for his cultivation, and the consumption rate of middle-grade spirit stones has changed from the original one piece every three days to three pieces a day now.

The reason why it costs so much to practice now is that China's spiritual energy is too scarce. Qin Lang can't absorb any spiritual energy from the surrounding environment, and can only rely on spiritual stones to supplement himself.

But in Qinghe Continent, because of the abundance of aura, the aura between heaven and earth can supply most of the body's needs.

This is still a normal practice, and so many spiritual stones need to be consumed. If it is a battle, the more spiritual power is consumed, the more spiritual stones will be spent to replenish it.

So these spiritual stones on his body seem to be a lot at present, and if he doesn't use them sparingly, they will be used up soon.

Soon Qin Lang had already achieved the state of forgetting both things and me, leaving only a ray of consciousness to sense the movements in this warehouse, and the rest of his mind was used for cultivation.

Both the light and dark meridian systems in the body are functioning. Compared with the true qi capacity in the meridians, the capacity of the virtual meridian is not bad at all, so the current Qin Lang can hold twice as much true qi as comprehension practitioners of the same level .

It is a pity that there are no other comprehension practitioners of the same level in the Huaxia world to compare with, so Qin Lang can no longer get a suitable comparison parameter now.

After all, the Chinese realm of comprehension has declined for thousands of years, and after the arrival of the doomed world, the entire earth is not a good place for cultivation.

Maybe I often heard the reason why the boss of Lanrun Company came back. Knowing Qin Lang's reputation, this thief did not take any action in the past three days, and it also made the security guard who had seen the company's warehouse feel relieved for three days. scolded.

However, they dare not take it lightly, maybe this is the calm before the storm.

During this period of time, these security guards were really scolded miserably, because Jiang Xinzhong, who was in an extremely bad mood, scolded everything because of the frequent theft of the warehouse, such as "incompetent", "waste for nothing", "are they in collusion with the thieves?" When the hats were put on the heads of these security guards, all the security guards were speechless.

"It's fine, I hope I'm fine every day, don't let that thief come again!"

The security guards were all praying in their hearts.

And Qin Lang is still waiting for a rabbit, staying in the warehouse on the 26th floor. In the past three days, he has not been completely motionless. He occasionally replenishes some food when he is idle in cultivation. Everything is ready, so there is no need to move.

On the fifth day of being stationed in the warehouse, at midnight, just as Qin Lang entered the toilet in the warehouse to prepare for the only time to defecate in five days, he suddenly heard a special movement, and through his spiritual sense induction, he knew that the thief he was waiting for had finally arrived up.

Quickly finished solving it in twos and threes, then Qin Lang quietly came out of the toilet and took an invisibility talisman on his body at the same time.

Unknowingly, the door of the warehouse on the sixth floor of No. 20 has been opened, and a guy in black sneaks in from the window. He is dressed in high-tech clothes and even wears infrared glasses.

This guy was very careful, and kept scanning around after entering the warehouse. However, Qin Lang's body could not only block the light, but also control the smell and heat well after entering the warehouse, so the infrared thermal device had no effect on Qin Lang at all.

After the thief determined that there was no danger, he began to walk towards the shelves in the warehouse, rummaged through the medicines, and kept putting some valuable medicines into his large rucksack.

After a while, this guy was filled with a rucksack, which looked like the big treasure bag on the back of the treasure mouse in the game console.

Good guy!This rucksack weighs at least four to five hundred catties. This guy is also a super strongman among thieves. Even if he participates in international competitions, he is probably at the level of a heavyweight player.

After the thief succeeded, he was about to go back the same way. Qin Lang found a silver rope hanging from the window, which should have been pulled down from the top of the building. The thief just climbed down along the rope.

At this point, Qin Lang could no longer let the thief run away, so he hurried forward to make a move, a knife palm directly knocked the guy out, and slowly put the kid down in the warehouse.

At this time, he was going to take another look at the roof of the building. Just now he heard the sound of the wind blowing on the roof of the building. It should be the sound of a helicopter. In other words, the thief should have other accomplices.

"It turned out that they came here by direct plane, and then hung down an alloy rope to enter the theft operation. I have to say that these thieves have great powers, and they actually caught such an important blind spot in the company's security!"

Qin Lang looked at the long golden cable hanging down, and murmured to himself: "As for the roof of the building, security work must be strengthened in the future. Now that Lan Run Company grows, there will definitely be no more people who oppose the company in the future." No longer are the forces and characters on the ordinary level."

He knew that this kind of organized, planned, and purposeful theft must have been done by a large organization, or directly sent by competitors in the industry, otherwise it would be impossible to even send out helicopters.

Since it was in the night, Qin Lang didn't hide it much, and flew directly to the roof of the building.

As expected, a direct plane was parked on the roof of the company's building. The thief and two accomplices were on the direct plane now.

It seems that Qin Lang appeared suddenly, and the two accomplices on the helicopter were also taken aback. Qin Lang appeared too precariously, as if he climbed directly from the edge of the building to the top of the building.

The person in front of him...was he climbed up by the alloy cable that was hanging down just now?In fact, both of them thought so.

However, they overlooked one point, the place where Qin Lang rushed to the top of the building was at least two meters away from the metal cable.

And when the two accomplices were in a daze, Qin Lang gave them a chuckle, then suddenly accelerated, and teleported over like in a stunt movie. When the pupils of the two continued to dilate, one of them knocked the two guys unconscious up.

"Sorry, this time I came here specially to catch mice."

Qin Lang whispered in the ears of the two people who fainted, but unfortunately these two guys can't hear them now.

For the thieves caught, Qin Lang naturally would not be polite, and directly adopted the most extreme technique of searching for gods in Qinghe Continent to extract the memories in their primordial consciousness.

After a long time, Qin Lang finally understood the ins and outs of the whole matter. These guys in front of him are actually international mercenaries, the kind who do things when they are paid. Two months ago, this group of mercenaries accepted a buyer's task and entered Lanrun The company stole the confidential scientific research results of cosmetics from Lanrun Company.

But it is a pity that Lan Run Company keeps the company's core secrets extremely secret, and the production process is carried out in time and by stages. These international mercenaries have no way to start, and have not been able to successfully steal the core formulas of the company's several cosmetics.

Although the first task was difficult to complete, they were not in a hurry, because the buyer entrusted them with more than one task, and stealing secret medicinal materials was one of them.

They are also supernatural, and actually bought a middle-level employee of the company, knew some fragments about the core formula, and then thought of stealing those key medicinal materials in the warehouse to complete the buyer's second commission.

(End of this chapter)

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