The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1193 Innate Divine Power

Chapter 1193 Innate Divine Power
Then Qin Lang extracted the memory of the thief in the warehouse and combined the memories of the three, Qin Lang also knew who the spy inside the company was.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Lang discovered an interesting thing. The reason why the thief who entered the company's warehouse was so strong was not because he was born with supernatural power, but because he had participated in a secret human experiment in a foreign base.

After passing that secret human experiment, this guy gained the incomparable strength of ordinary people.

Because of the special strength on his body, let alone four or five hundred catties, this guy might not even be able to carry six or seven hundred catties at his physical limit.

However, this kind of power is not easy to disclose to the public, so this guy did not appear in the international weightlifting arena and became a sports star, but chose the humble career of an international mercenary.

Qin Lang looked around, and the three people in front of him were all Southeast Asians, which were somewhat similar to Chinese people. This may be the real reason why the three guys could easily sneak into China to carry out this theft.


The spy inside the company has been found out, but Qin Lang is not going to touch this spy for the time being, he has more important things to do, so he is not going to startle the snake.

Qin Lang has a thousand-machine mask, which can change into anyone's appearance, so he is going to become one of the three underground people, and then go back by helicopter, use the disguised identity to directly contact the buyer, and trick the buyer into showing up , In this way, you can know who is the enemy that tripped the company.

On the ground, after the three guys were directly searched by Qin Lang with the means of self-cultivation, how could their weak primordial spirits withstand the powerful spiritual attack of the self-cultivator, and their brain consciousness basically collapsed, and they all became idiots.

This is also the price they deserve. Qin Lang is not a good man and a believer. If others bully him, of course he has to fight back.

He even decided to follow the vine and go to the door, and wipe out half of the group of guys who secretly tripped the company. As a cultivator, Qin Lang now has this confidence and confidence.

However, before doing these things, Qin Lang had to contact several ancient martial arts families of the Quartet Alliance and ask these allies to send two helpers over.

Why do this?
Hehe, because Qin Lang doesn't know how to fly a helicopter, how can he go back without a helicopter?
For acting, of course, it is still necessary to act a little bit, so Qin Lang has to do a full set, and still bring two accomplices back, so that the buyers who secretly hire international mercenaries in Tibet will not be suspicious.

Thinking of this, even though it was more than four o'clock in the morning, Qin Lang still called Jiang Xinzhong, the company's safety production and warehouse supervisor.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Jiang Xinzhong didn't sleep on the other end of the phone. It is estimated that the company's affairs have been tossed black and white for a while. This guy is a practical officer. He has the most important tasks for several high-level teams. It is estimated that the entire company is not as busy as him.

"That's right, I've caught the thief."

Qin Lang's faint voice sounded.

"What? The thief has been caught!"

On the other side, Jiang Xinzhong cheered up, and said excitedly: "Boss, I'll come to your place right away!"

After a while, Jiang Xinzhong had already reached the roof of Lanrun Building.

The reason why it was so fast was that Jiang Xinzhong lived in Lanrun Building at all, so Qin Lang made a call and he came up immediately, it didn't take more than 10 minutes at all.

"These are the thieves?"

Jiang Xinzhong looked at the three yellow-skinned monkeys on the ground. These three guys were obviously different from the Huaxia people.

"Yes, that's them."

Qin Lang nodded.

The thief in the warehouse just now was also transferred to the roof by Qin Lang, and the three stunned guys were already side by side.

However, being directly searched by Qin Lang, these three guys may become idiots even if they wake up now. Even ordinary disciples in the Qi training period can't stand the way of searching for gods in the cultivation world, let alone ordinary people.

At this time, Jiang Xinzhong saw the helicopter with its wings still spinning on the roof, and couldn't help but be speechless: "This... is really a big deal, no wonder the company has been making trouble for so long but the thieves have never been known. This group of guys It seems to be very big!"

"Yeah, these are international mercenaries."

Qin Lang said lightly: "Jiang Bo, quickly find some tight-lipped and trustworthy personnel to clean up the scene and keep today's affairs strictly confidential."

"In addition, in the future, we will strengthen the security measures on the roof of Lanrun Daxia Building. You see... this is also a dead corner for safety."

"Now our company is not what it used to be. As the company grows, more and more opponents see us as a competitive obstacle, and they are likely to use a lot of small tricks off the stage to deal with us. Today someone used the roof of the building to Security corners have sneaked into our company to engage in theft and sabotage operations, and there are likely to be people who will do so in the future, so this must be taken seriously.”


Jiang Xinzhong didn't say much, and agreed directly.

Qin Lang nodded, some things are over, his subordinate is also a smart person, he will know how to do it.Then, after thinking about it, he called Li Lengfeng, the head of the Li family.

Beep, beep, beep.

Beep, beep, beep...

Since it was night, Qin Lang's phone rang for a long time before a voice lazily answered the phone: "Who is it?"

It was a female voice.

Wrong type?Qin Lang was a little astonished, and looked at the number on the phone, yes, it was this number.

"I'm looking for Li Lengfeng."

Qin Lang said something patiently.

"Oh, wait a minute."

The female voice over there responded.

The voice on the other end of the phone was very sweet and crisp, the woman should not be very old, she should be Li Lengfeng's Xiaomi.Qin Lang knew that this old guy had a wife, was about the same age as Li Lengfeng, and was also a warrior.

Next, it was finally Li Lengfeng's voice: "Who is it, I'm looking for someone in the middle of the night."

"It's me, Qin Lang."

Qin Lang returned the signature lightly, and made a joke at the same time: "Lao Li, you have a rich nightlife, won't my sister-in-law overturn the jealous jar if she finds out? I know it's a tigress!"

"The tigress only cares about her son, and doesn't care about my private life at all... Ah, it's Brother Qin Lang, long time no see, where have you been all this time?"

Over there, Li Lengfeng was also surprised, and there was no sound of sleep.

"I'm in Lanrun, and I need your help with some things."

Qin Lang said at this time.

"Whatever, just tell me, I, Li Lengfeng, work brother, you know it, it's definitely safe and reassuring."

Over there, Li Lengfeng was guaranteeing the ticket. He had received Qin Lang's great kindness, and he had always thought about how to repay his kindness.

"Is such that……"

Qin Lang told about the thieves in the Lanrun Building, and told the ins and outs. He was not afraid of Li Lengfeng's nonsense. This old guy is a reliable person, and he is absolutely trustworthy, otherwise he would not have thought of asking him for help.

After talking about this matter, Qin Lang put forward his own request, please ask Li Lengfeng to get two reliable warriors to come over, one of whom must know how to pilot a helicopter.

"It's not a big problem! Several Guwu families in our Four-Party Alliance now have helicopters and their own pilots. Let these two come over at dawn."

Li Lengfeng over there replied.

"Okay, I'm sorry to disturb your dream, you can continue to rest, good night."

Qin Lang laughed and hung up the phone.

Now after the two phone calls, everything is almost in his plan, and the next thing is to wait for the family reinforcements sent by the two Li Lengfeng at dawn.

After dealing with such matters, Qin Lang returned to the lounge specially reserved for himself in the Lanrun Building. There are all household settings in this lounge, and there is even a kitchen, and the refrigerator is not empty, it is full of dishes.

After returning to the information room, Qin Lang took a good bath. He hadn't used modern facilities for more than half a year. The hot water bath was so thorough that even Qin Lang had to lament that Huaxia was better.

Of course, it would be even better if Huaxia had more aura and was more suitable for cultivators.

After taking a bath, Qin Lang sat cross-legged on the head of the bed and meditated. His cultivation reached Qin Lang's level, and he was able to use meditation instead of rest, even better than sleeping.

He held three middle-grade spirit stones in his hand again, spent three middle-grade spirit stones every day for five or six days, and now spent a total of 15 yuan middle-grade spirit stones in the past few days, which is really a big expense.


At nine o'clock in the morning, two warriors sent by the Li family were about to arrive at the Lanrun Mansion, and Qin Lang met them.

These are two warriors in their thirties, both of whom are Wu Zun's early cultivation bases, and they should be the new middle-level members of the Li family in the past half a year.

Since the Murong family was destroyed by the Quartet Alliance, the Li family, Nalan family, and Lei family have all gained a lot. With some practice experience provided by Qin Lang and the inheritance of the Murong family, the three families have been promoted to the level of the ancient warrior family.

The three families now have more than one or two ancient warriors, and warriors above the level of Wuzun have sprung up like mushrooms. In the past half a year, kung fu has emerged one by one. It is estimated that the newcomers in each family are now There are at least ten warriors at the Wuzun level.

This is unavoidable, according to the production speed of this high-level martial artist, the organization that will eventually dominate the Chinese martial arts will definitely be the behemoth of the Quartet Alliance.

"Hello, leader, I'm Li Shan."

"Hello, leader, I'm Li Shui."

Two members of the Li family saluted Qin Lang, Li Shan was taller and taller, and Li Shui was a little weaker.It is worth mentioning that these two members of the Li family warriors have all learned how to pilot a helicopter. It seems that Li Lengfeng also worked hard for Qin Lang's affairs.

"Alright, your Patriarch Li Lengfeng has already told you about the previous incident, right?"

Qin Lang asked lightly.

"Well, we all know the matter. The leader's affairs are the affairs of our Li family. Please give the leader an order. We will do whatever you say."

Both guys nodded, as if they were only looking forward to Qin Lang's horse.

(End of this chapter)

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