The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1194 Allied attack!

Chapter 1194 Allied attack!

"Okay! Then you can do this... do this again..."

Qin Lang nodded, said the plan in his heart, and guided the two to play the role in the next action.

After finishing speaking, he asked again: "Do you understand? If you have any doubts, you can ask me at any time."

"Well, there is no problem for the time being. Isn't it just for us to play two mercenaries? The two of us listen to the leader's command, talk less, and just do things, right?"

Li Shan, a burly man, smiled slightly.

"Yeah, when the time comes, we will adjust everything according to circumstances, and we will definitely not act inappropriately and let the leader's plan fail."

Li Shui also patted his chest, saying that since the Patriarch of the Li family sent them here, they are not without acting skills.

"Okay, then I'm relieved, let's start preparing now!"

Qin Lang nodded.

Then, the three of Qin Lang put on the clothes they had taken off from the stunned guys, tidied up everything on their bodies, and brought out the big bag full of medicinal materials stolen by the thief, and put it in the above the helicopter.

Next, Qin Lang changed his face and became the leader of the three mercenaries, that is, the appearance of the thief before, and stepped onto the helicopter.

Li Shan behind him directly entered the cab, and Li Shui sat on the co-pilot. This helicopter is a large Apache, produced by Boeing, left over from the armed activities of the U.S. military in Southeast Asia in the early 70s. It is very maneuverable. Strong, from the day of its birth, it has been No.1 in the comprehensive list of armed helicopters in the world.

This Apache is relatively dilapidated, and the four-bladed propeller has traces of repairs. It is very worrying that this second-hand mobile phone will break down while flying in the air.

However, Qin Lang is not worried, since he is a cultivator anyway, even if the Apache breaks down in the air, he can guarantee the safety of his two companions.

After all, if it wasn't for the fear of shocking the world, Qin Lang could use his flying magic weapon, Fei Tian Luo Yunsuo, to transform into a superman in this world.

As expected of a professional, Li Shan pressed so many buttons on the main console of the Apache for a while. After starting, the indicator light turned from red to green, and then the Apache's propellers rotated faster. Huge The centrifugal force directly lifts the entire helicopter up from the ground.

Leaving the top floor of the Lanrun Building, Qin Lang directed the driver Li Shan to fly to the destination, Zhongshan, which is about 200 kilometers away from the urban area of ​​Yunhai. Several of my accomplices were there.

If Qin Lang wanted to carry out his own plan, he had to subdue several international mercenaries at this transit station first, then fill up the fuel tank of Apache, a big fuel guzzler, and then continue to take off to fly to the real purpose, which is to meet with Where buyers connect.

Along the way, compared to Li Shan and Li Shui who were highly alert, Qin Lang was extremely relaxed and comfortable, resting on the seat all the time, thinking about some problems.

To be honest, the international mercenaries at the transfer station are all good fighters among ordinary people, and they are no worse than ordinary warriors, plus they have guns in their hands... I am afraid that even the newly promoted Li Shan and Li Shui Neither of the two Martial Master-level warriors can be careless, but in Qin Lang's eyes, it's really not enough.

He is a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, and a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy cannot be underestimated in the world of comprehension, let alone in Huaxia.

In the Chinese world, existences of this level may be comparable to the terrifying existence of the humanoid monster Khosla. Such existences are no longer something humans can deal with with simple means.

Therefore, Qin Lang's mood now is not much different from going on a field trip.

Da da da, da da da!

Since it was flying in a straight line, Apache had already reached the sky above Zhongshan Transit Station in less than half an hour.

The few mercenary accomplices stationed at the transfer station saw the helicopter in the sky, and thought that the three action companions had returned safely, and ran out of the transfer station one by one, waving happily into the air.

"Hey! Dude... congratulations on your successful operation No.30!"

Several mercenaries on the ground shouted loudly under the powerful airflow of Apache.

They spoke the dialect of the Nanyang side, and the yellow-skinned monkey's language was incomprehensible, but the few on the helicopter could feel the meaning of these guys from the expressions of these guys on the ground.

"One, two, three, four, five! A total of five mercenaries, hehe, these guys below must not have imagined that their disaster has already arrived."

Qin Lang looked down, revealing a harmless smile.

For those who enter his company to cause sabotage, whether it is the culprit or the hired thugs, Qin Lang will not let it go. This is his principle of doing things. If he does not do this, he will feel unhappy. If you can master it, it will affect your future cultivation.

Therefore, in order to make his thoughts clear, Qin Lang has never been polite to his enemies.

Of course, this is a legal society, and Qin Lang will not kill people indiscriminately, but Qin Lang is still happy to make these yellow-skinned monkeys into idiots, or break a few bones to become disabled.

The helicopter gradually approached the ground, and the yellow-skinned monkeys on the ground were still dancing.

Qin Lang, who has changed his appearance, has always shown a faint smile, facing the following "companions".

That's right, "companions"!Qin Lang turned into that thief, and he was also a small leader in this group of mercenaries. With the mask of thousands of machines and the acting skills of Qin Lang's movie king, there is no flaw at all. How can these stupid yellow-skinned monkeys below tell the difference? True or false, I really thought that my companion returned smoothly.


When the helicopter was only ten meters away from the ground, Qin Lang jumped directly from the air.

Good guy, the height of more than ten meters is equivalent to the height of a five-six-story building. If ordinary people jump like this, 90.00% of them will be the result of death, but Qin Lang landed firmly on the ground.

However, the yellow-skinned monkeys around were not surprised by Qin Lang's abnormal performance. They knew that this companion named "Jin" had participated in a laboratory transformation project. It is normal to have a change that is very different from ordinary people, even if you behave more than ordinary people now.

"Jin" was originally a superman, otherwise the main burden of this action would not be entirely on this person.

In fact, as long as "Jin" participated in the previous missions of the mercenaries, they basically completed the missions satisfactorily, so the mercenaries at the base were willing to go on missions with "Jin".

After all, if you can complete the mission and complete the mission successfully, you can get a high reward. These international mercenaries who are born and died, stay in such a high-risk industry, isn't it just a word of "money"?
Now, "Jin" fell to the ground, surrounded by five yellow-skinned monkeys, a chirping sound like a bird chirping sounded in Qin Lang's ears, and he couldn't understand what they were saying, but Qin Lang didn't need to listen Understand.

"Sorry, your mission failed."

Qin Lang smiled and said lightly, with a standard Huaxia accent in his mouth.

The five yellow-skinned monkeys were startled, "Jin" can also speak the official language of China?This, it seems that I have never heard that "Jin" has this kind of language talent!
Just when the five yellow-skinned monkeys felt strange, the "Jin" in front of them moved, and with a movement that they could barely see with their naked eyes, they shot towards themselves and the others, knocking them unconscious one by one.

"Strange, what is Jin doing?"

These yellow-skinned monkeys couldn't figure out the situation until they fainted.

The performance of their companion "Jin" was so bizarre that they couldn't figure it out at all. The "Jin" in front of them was no longer the original "Jin", but Qin Lang's transformation by relying on Qianji's mask.

The mission is successful, and the whole plan has moved forward!
Qin Lang waved to the helicopter in the sky, and then went directly to the next village, indicating that the helicopter was approaching the temporary refueling facility at the transfer station.

After the five yellow-skinned monkeys were knocked unconscious, Qin Lang once again searched God directly, extracting the memories of these five guys, to see if there was anything he didn't understand that needed to be supplemented.

Qin Lang almost exploded his lungs when he checked his consciousness this time. The five yellow-skinned monkeys were not honest when they came to the Huaxia territory. Perverted tool.

What a sin!
In anger, Qin Lang directly stomped the balls of these guys. Amidst the muffled groans, these guys might not be able to be human again in the future. However, these yellow-skinned monkeys who have become idiots probably There is no ability to care about this anymore!
After a while, the helicopter had already refueled, and when he was about to leave, Qin Lang stopped the two of his subordinates: "Wait a while, I will come as soon as I go."

After forming an alliance with these people and attacking, the mission has been completed, but considering that there are still innocent women who were kidnapped in the cellar of this place, he will naturally not stand idly by.

Without his help, these women may have to continue to suffer here. Since I saw it, I should help.

So after finishing speaking, Qin Lang left here and went to a temporary cellar nearby.

Qin Lang put enough food and water into the iron fence of the cellar door, and then rushed inside and said: "Listen, the woman inside, I'm here to carry out this special mission... Those who bullied you have been dealt with, but You have to wait a few days before the real rescuers arrive."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether the women inside could understand or not, Qin Lang left here directly.

The reason why I don't directly release the women inside is because of this action. In case the released women leak any news, I will be in trouble if I want to deal with the mysterious buyer who hired international mercenaries. a lot of.

Qin Lang has always been a very vigilant person, and all plans have been carefully considered, so there will be no such low-level mistakes to expose this time's actions.

(End of this chapter)

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