Chapter 1195
The Apache helicopter flew up again, and this time the three of them flew towards their real goal, which was also the meeting place that the international mercenary team had agreed with the mysterious buyer, more than 400 miles away from Zhongshan. Lookout Cliff.

That place is a scenic spot with few people. It seems that the mysterious buyer set up the meeting point here, and it seems that he spent a lot of thought. Qin Lang, who was on the helicopter, couldn't help but become more curious about the identity of the mysterious buyer. .

The helicopter flew for more than an hour and was almost approaching the destination.

Speaking of it, the speed of a helicopter is even one or two points faster than the flying speed of a magic weapon. Some things in the technological world are also more valuable, just like cultivators are more afraid of those airplanes and cannons.

The Apache was already flying over the Observatory Cliff. At this time, Qin Lang dialed a special contact phone that the buyer had left for the mercenaries, and then chattered, all in Nanyang dialect.

The reason why Qin Lang can speak Nanyang dialect now, but he could not speak Nanyang dialect before, is that after searching so many yellow-skinned monkeys, he finally integrated this small language. After all, the comprehension ability of a cultivator is ordinary People can't compare.

What Qin Lang said to the buyer in this call back probably meant: "This time the mission was successful, and some special and precious medicinal materials from Lanrun Company were stolen, and the people on my side have already arrived at the lookout cliff, so the buyer will come and take them away. "

The buyer waited for Qin Lang to finish speaking, and only responded with one word: "Okay."

Then toot and hung up the phone.

Then the three of them waited for a short time on the lookout cliff, and Qin Lang was also lamenting the careful arrangement of the mysterious buyer at this time, because the spy of the company was not bought by mercenaries, but by the mysterious buyer. Yes, those yellow-skinned monkeys don't understand any Chinese language at all, and if they can say a few words "Hello" and "Not bad", that's enough.

Therefore, while lamenting this mysterious buyer, Qin Lang also secretly made up his mind in his heart that he must uproot this mysterious organization. At this moment, he has already secretly thought about it.

After half an hour, an ordinary domestically produced Zhonghua drove into the scenic spot and arrived at the Lookout Cliff.

As the saying goes, "a Jetta that can't be driven, a Zhonghua that can't be repaired", the status of Zhonghua cars in the hearts of Chinese people is not very good, but there are still a lot of people who buy them out of patriotism, mainly because of this car It's cheap, and it's not as bad as imagined, otherwise the car manufacturers would have collapsed long ago.

The mysterious buyer sent a Chunghwa car to join the joint, which also shows that the organization has done its job seamlessly.

It's just that, meeting Qin Lang, a cultivator, is considered unlucky for this mysterious organization. Who is not good to look for? If you find Lord Yan to shit and pee on his head, can Lord Yan give you a good face?
At this time, the door of the Zhonghua car opened, and two burly bodyguards came out of the car. These two bodyguards were sent by the mysterious buyer to pick up the goods. Qin Lang signaled that the goods were on the helicopter, and then the two bodyguards went directly to pick them up. Put it in the trunk of the Zhonghua car, and the car drove away.

And Qin Lang got the bounty for this operation, 40.

Holding the money, Qin Lang felt very uncomfortable. The bag of precious medicinal materials obtained by Lanrun Company, he could estimate the price to be at least more than 100 million. Speaking of which, these yellow-skinned monkey mercenaries were also cheated. Unexpectedly, the buyer The task bounty given is so stingy.

However, considering that Nanyang is generally poor, these international mercenaries from Nanyang are also used to being poor, so 40 is a huge sum of money in their eyes.

Moreover, this kind of repetitive task has been issued 31 times. Although the amount of each time is not much, the bounty obtained together is also tens of millions, which is a good big order.

Throwing the bag of money to Li Shan and Li Shui, Qin Lang finally followed the Zhonghua car himself and asked the two to wait here in Zhong Shan.

Qin Lang took a picture of the wind escape talisman for himself, and hung it far behind the Chinese car. There are few people in the scenic area. Otherwise, Qin Lang's current running speed would be shocking. I am afraid that he is already at the level of those athletes in the international arena. .

Qin Lang actually didn't try his best to run, otherwise, the speed could be increased a lot, mainly because the Zhonghua car in front didn't drive too fast, only about [-] yards. Even slower.

The car was heading towards the city, but suddenly turned in a residential area on the edge of the city and entered a villa area.

Guys, this is probably near the end of the road.

Qin Lang was refreshed, and followed the car into the villa area, but when he entered the villa area, he did not go through the main entrance, but entered from the side of the wall. After all, the main entrance of the villa was monitored by security guards, so he didn't want to bother .

After entering this villa area, Qin Lang's spiritual sense soon locked on to the Zhonghua car again. This is good for a cultivator. Using his spiritual sense to track him, he is not afraid of losing the target within a certain distance.

The car stopped, and the two bodyguards carried the big bag in the trunk of the Zhonghua car into the villa, and Qin Lang also followed behind and entered the villa quietly, but just after entering the villa, a sudden siren sounded.

"I rely on!"

Looking at the blinking red light above his head, Qin Lang couldn't help cursing, this villa is actually equipped with an infrared natural induction recognition system, and when strangers break in, they will call the police.

He was also negligent, he didn't take a picture of himself with an invisibility amulet just now, but now he has no time to think about his fault, Qin Lang rushed into this hall suddenly, and saw two bodyguards and a black-faced young man in surprise Stare at yourself.

Exercising Phantom Wind Walk, Qin Lang moved over in an instant, like two bodyguards subdued in three or two strokes. Although these two bodyguards are considered good skills among ordinary people, to Qin Lang, they are not very impressive.

But when Qin Lang was about to attack the black-faced young man, he heard several puffing sounds, and he didn't want to dodge quickly. The pistol hidden by the other side's silencer failed to hit Qin Lang.

In fact, Qin Lang also knew that he didn't need to dodge at all, and a pistol of this power couldn't deal with him at all. After all, although other defensive magic weapons were gone, he still had a top-grade Raging Flame Yuanyang Ruler, plus a bullet-proof Yi Gengnier's python scale armor is enough to withstand the shooting of these bullets.

But Qin Lang didn't want to expose too much of his special features. After all, this room must be monitored, and it would be inconvenient to spend too much time processing these surveillance videos.

Just when Qin Lang finished dodging the bullets and was about to deal with the black-faced young man, the black-faced young man suddenly disappeared.


Qin Lang was surprised that this time, he actually met a guy with the same special ability.

However, Qin Lang can be sure that the other party is not a cultivator. This special ability should be similar to the powerful Nanyang monkey before, or the innate ability of natural awakening, or a technological person with side effects obtained through human body modification experiments.

With his consciousness released, Qin Lang quickly locked onto the black-faced youth who was hiding and was about to attack him, and subdued the invisible black-faced youth with a single teleportation.

The invisibility effect of this black-faced young man is not very good, and he can only hide it from the eyes of ordinary people. He can't even compare with Qin Lang who took the invisibility talisman. He doesn't know how to control his own breath, otherwise Qin Lang wouldn't be so fast found him.

Needless to say, it's the search for God again!For the enemy, Qin Lang is not polite, even if they become idiots, what does it matter, Qin Lang saves his energy to deal with the scene.

Qin Lang found out that this black-faced young man was not the mastermind behind the scenes, and this guy was just a small boss. However, Qin Lang still found a valuable clue on this black-faced young man. The spearhead is directed at Baolai Company in Shanghai.

"Did Baolai do it? It seems that this Baolai company is also one of the few guys who recently blocked Lanrun's market share."

Qin Lang frowned and murmured.

At the headquarters of Lanrun Building before, Qin Lang heard that the company's performance has declined severely in the past two months, because the company's market share has been jointly blocked by several competitors. The established cosmetics companies must feel that their market share is threatened, so they joined forces to suppress it.

If there is no suppression, the cake will only be so big. If everyone gets a little share, the market share of each company will shrink a lot.

Regarding the suppression of market share, this is a normal business competition, and Qin Lang can't do anything for the time being, so the company's top management can only find a way to solve it.

However, Baolai Company bribed international mercenaries to take action against Lanrun Company, which was a clear violation of the rules of commercial competition, but Qin Lang could not ignore it.

"Lan Run, who is going to deal with me in black hands, wants to cut off my money, then Baolai just wait to accept my Qin Lang's anger!"

From the spiritual memory of the black-faced youth, Qin Lang knew that the mysterious buyer who hired international mercenaries was Lu Mingyuan, the boss of Baolai Company.

And Qin Lang, who knew the truth, has included Baolai Company in the list that he must kill. Lu Mingyuan, the boss of Baolai Company, is a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh, and must get rid of him.

When Qin Lang returned to Lanrun Building, he first made a call to Li Lengfeng: "Old Li, the two warriors you sent here are good, this time the mission was a success! I have already found out the mastermind behind the use of black means to deal with Lanrun Company , is Lu Mingde, the backstage boss of Baolai Cosmetics Industrial Co., Ltd. in Shanghai."

"Now I would like to ask you to trouble again, mobilize all the forces in the business field of our Four-Party Alliance, and investigate the information about Baolai Company and Lu Mingyuan, is it okay?"

"no problem."

Li Lengfeng over there readily agreed.

"Okay, waiting for your news."

Qin Lang nodded and hung up the phone.He believed in Li Lengfeng's ability to handle affairs, and estimated that all the materials about Baolai Company could be delivered within a day or two.

(End of this chapter)

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