The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1196 Entering Baolai Group

Chapter 1196 Entering Baolai Group
Then, Qin Lang called Tang Qian again and told her the name of the spies who betrayed the news in the company. Now that the truth has been investigated more than half, there is no need to hide it, so the spies in his company must be fired Lose.

"Okay, boss, I will immediately notify the Human Resources Department to terminate Fang Da's labor and employment contract, and reserve the right to pursue this person's legal responsibility."

On the other end of the phone, the extremely capable Tang Qian replied.

Tang Qian's work is similar to Tang Xue's. Maybe she has less experience, but her work efficiency is also very high, and her style belongs to the vigorous and vigorous style, so Qin Tian is very relieved to leave this kind of work to Tang Qian.

In fact, Tang Qian also finished very well, and it was done so quickly.

Fang Da is the middle-level employee of Lan Run Company who betrayed internal secrets to Baolai Company. Although this is only a small role, it also proves that there are still some problems within the company.

This is also the result of the rapid development of Lanrun in the past two years. Some minor problems have not been paid attention to. There are still some defects in the company's internal rules and regulations, which has led to some people taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules.

"Well, I don't worry about your work."

Qin Lang hung up the phone. He believed that Tang Qian would quickly deal with the cancer inside the company, and then there would be a major rectification activity within the company to eliminate all internal hidden dangers in the company.

Next, Qin Lang's energy was still focused on Baolai Company and Lu Mingyuan, who were responsible for Lan Run's black hands.

In about two days, the materials from Li Lengfeng's side came over, and when he picked up the materials, Qin Lang's eyes turned cold, and a bright light flashed across.

The information is very detailed, including photos of Lu Mingyuan, the boss of Baolai Company in recent years, and a series of related materials such as Baolai Company's market share.

Some of these materials are unknown to the outside world, and Baolai Company kept them secret. It can be seen that Li Lengfeng also spent a lot of effort to collect them.

And this information has also given Qin Lang a lot of help, and he has a deeper understanding of this Baolai company.

Compared with the new generation of Lanrun Company, Baolai Cosmetics Industrial Co., Ltd. located in Shanghai is indeed an established cosmetics company. It has established itself in the Chinese market for 20 years, and its market share is even larger than that of Lanrun.

Qin Lang even has a financial statement about Baolai Company in recent years. The company's monthly performance is actually above 9000 million, but it has dropped a little in the past two years, but it is still about [-] million.

It is estimated that Baolai Company also saw the decline in performance in the past two years, and settled the account on Lanrun, a unique emerging cosmetics company that suddenly emerged in the Chinese market, so it had the idea to deal with Lanrun.

However, in the competition in the shopping mall, Qin Lang is not disgusted by using open means, but secretly using some nasty means, then Qin Lang is definitely not willing to be tricked like this.

I heard that Lu Mingyuan, the boss of Baolai Cosmetics Industrial Co., Ltd. is an overseas Chinese from Shanghai, and the family behind him has done more business abroad. However, the boss of the company, Lu Mingyuan, rarely appears in front of the public, and his tone is not good when facing the media in Shanghai. Tight, so this news has not been confirmed.

However, no matter how big the business of Baolai Company is, Lanrun Company, which uses despicable means to deal with its new force, is a violation of Qin Lang's rebellion. Now Baolai Company and Lu Mingyuan's bad luck seems to be coming soon. Arrived.

With this detailed information in hand, Qin Lang decided to visit Baolai Cosmetics Industrial Co., Ltd. in Shanghai again.

He wanted to go to the company to have a good look inside. Of course, it would be even better if he could meet the boss of the company, Lu Mingyuan. To capture the thief, he would first capture the king. If he was directly captured at that time, all problems would be solved.

Qin Lang took a helicopter again, but this time it was no longer a military aircraft like Apache. In fact, Apache helicopters with weapons and firepower have always been banned in China, especially when going to big cities. This military aircraft.

If you don't pay attention, it will be a big trouble if the helicopter is directly regarded as a terrorist and shot down by the military. After all, the border of China has been a little uneasy recently.

On the other hand, Qin Lang is just an ordinary businessman, and has nothing to do with China's military and government, let alone be too ostentatious.

This time he took the R22 civil miniature helicopter developed by the American Robinson company provided by the Li family. It can only carry 2 people. The price abroad is about 22 Chinese dollars, which is only equivalent to the price of an ordinary car.

However, the price of Guan Rui entering the country is very high. After the domestic delivery tax, it usually costs about 260 million to buy. This price is still very cheap, and it can be regarded as the most affordable price and the lowest operating cost in the aircraft industry.

The pilot of the plane is still Li Shan, so Qin Lang doesn't need to talk nonsense, just let Li Shan drive to the magic capital.

The fuel tank of the R22 helicopter is not big, and the fuel tank was refilled twice in the middle. However, the fuel is only ordinary car gasoline, and the operating cost is very low, so the advantages of this helicopter still outweigh the disadvantages. The Huaxia market is very popular with some big companies and business owners.

The helicopter flew straight all the way, and it only took more than four hours to arrive at the magic city. In recent years, the magic city has developed rapidly. 40.00% of the world's multinational companies basically settled in Huaxia, a key commercial city, leaving respective Asian divisions.

Therefore, compared with Yunhai City, the geographical location of Magic City in China is more eye-catching and more prosperous.

The helicopter landed at a farm in Li's family on the outskirts of Shanghai. Afterwards, Qin Lang took the special car sent by Li's family to the address of Baolai Company in the center of Shanghai.

Although Baolai Company is bigger than Lanrun Company, the company's appearance is not as grand as Lanrun Company. Lanrun Company can directly buy an entire building, which is in the sea of ​​clouds, and it must not be possible in Shanghai.

The Modu Yuntian Building where Baolai Company is located has a total of [-] floors, and only bought the top [-] floors of the entire building as the company's office space.

In Shanghai, land is expensive, even if they only bought the top [-] floors, the price paid by Baolai Company is no less than what Qin Lang spent to buy Lanrun Company, and even a little more.

After all, Shanghai is a first-tier city, while Yunhai can only be regarded as a second-tier city. The land price difference between the two is too great.After Qin Lang entered the Sky Tower, he took the elevator directly to the 77th floor.

When he got out of the elevator, his figure flashed, and he had already disappeared. Fortunately, the other people in the elevator didn't notice Qin Lang's disappearance, and Qin Lang avoided the blind spot of monitoring when he was invisible, so everything went smoothly.

Each floor of Sky Tower is very spacious. There are four key places in Baolai Company investigated by Qin Lang. According to the importance, they are the general manager's office, the financial office, the archives room, and the monitoring room.

The general manager's office is where the company's boss, Lu Mingde, works. Unlike Qin Lang's completely privatized Lanrun Company, Baolai Company is a joint-stock company, and the boss, Lu Mingde, holds about 40.00% of the company's shares, and another 60.00% The whereabouts of the shares are unknown, and it seems that they have nothing to do with domestic shareholders, but are held by a powerful foreign capital.

It is worth mentioning that most of the internal management of Baolai Company are not local Chinese, but mainly from Nanyang, because the boss Lu Mingde is an overseas Chinese from Nanyang.

In addition, in addition to most of the Nanyang people, there are two Indians, one French, and one American in the top management of the company. It can be said that the management of Baolai company is completely a hodgepodge of colored people, with black skin, white skin, Both brown and yellow.

Qin Lang went to the company's monitoring room first, and paid attention to the monitoring situation of the entire Baolai Company. After all, if he didn't do this, he couldn't guarantee that he could completely avoid all the monitoring of Baolai Company. There will be aura fluctuations. If the arrangement is too concealed, it may be difficult for Qin Lang to find out, so it is right to come to the monitoring room first.

In the monitoring room, two security guards are watching a battle in the monitoring with great interest. The location of the picture is actually the company's financial office. The French beauty, the company's financial director, is talking to the American marketing director in the closed office. No wonder Even if Qin Lang showed up in the monitoring room, the two security guards were still unconscious.

These two security guards are both Nanyang monkeys, and when they saw the exciting place, they screamed excitedly and sweared a few half-Nanyang half-Chinese swear words. It seems that this security work is indeed very comfortable.

After understanding the monitoring layout of the security room, Qin Lang left here and went to the general manager's office first.The door of the general manager's office was locked, but Qin Lang couldn't help it. He opened the locked door with a thin alloy wire in two or three strokes, and Qin Lang calmly entered the office.

Lu Mingde is not in the company, which makes Qin Lang a little disappointed. The plan to capture the thief first and the king cannot be realized for the time being.

However, there is no surveillance in the office, so Qin Lang still searched carefully. After all, this is the place where the company's boss works, and he should be able to find some valuable things.

However, everything was normal, and Qin Lang didn't find anything.Then, he turned on the computer in Lu Mingde's office. Unfortunately, a secret code is required to log in to the computer. Qin Lang is not a hacker, and he doesn't know much about this high-tech cracking method, so he had no choice but to give up and check Baolai Company. Boss personal office computer idea.

Turning around and leaving the office, carefully restoring everything to the original state, Qin Lang went to the company's archives.

The company's archives should store some paper materials, and there should be a lot of secrets about Baolai's business in it, and Qin Lang will certainly not let it go.

The door of the archive room is still locked, and the combination lock is used. For unlocking, Qin Lang has studied it professionally. His technology combines the strengths of the two worlds, so the iron door still cannot stop Qin Lang.

With a sound of "click", the password lock was under Qin Lang's three turns and two turns, and it immediately bounced open. When Qin Lang entered the archives of Baolai Company, he also closed the door.

Now look for the secret information in the archive room. After getting some important information, Qin Lang can also use this important information to fight back against Baolai Company and gain more advantages for his Lanrun Company in this business war. .

(End of this chapter)

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