The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1197 Finding Evidence

Chapter 1197 Finding Evidence
After searching in the archives for a while, Qin Lang really found a lot of useful information, and gained a deeper understanding of this Baolai company.

Baolai Cosmetics Industrial Co., Ltd. mainly produces Baolai series of cosmetics. The raw materials of cosmetics are basically provided by foreign raw material origins such as Southeast Asia and India, and there are basically no business contacts in this area with China.

There are almost 3000 such raw material import and export business volumes every year, that is to say, about two transactions per month, and the amount of each transaction fluctuates around [-] million.

From these historical materials, Qin Lang found a strange problem, that is, these cosmetic raw materials that entered the country from abroad, Baolai Company has adopted special methods, and has not paid a single cent of tax.

"I have evaded fees and taxes, so there must be a problem with the account books... Hehe, I caught you..." Qin Lang's eyes lit up, this is a fatal weakness of Baolai Company, so naturally he must investigate it to the end.

However, the archives room does not have specific financial statements and statistical data. Even if Qin Lang wants to check, there is no basis for this. It is estimated that these important documents are all in the financial room, so Qin Lang has to go to the financial room.

"The financial office? The foreign couple in the financial office should have finished their work, right?"

Qin Lang murmured, although this Baolai company has a big business, but the atmosphere is a bit evil, it is probably the result of the upper beam being wrong and the lower beam being crooked.

After all, if they are not of my race, their minds must be different. It is normal for these Nanyang monkeys to have all kinds of demons and ghosts mixed in their companies.

After searching the archives, Qin Lang threw several important materials into his storage ring, then quietly left the archives and closed the iron door.

Then, he returned to the entrance of the monitoring room of Baolai Company. If he wanted to enter the financial room of Baolai Company, some monitoring methods in the monitoring room had to be disposed of.

After all, the live video of the Panchang War in the financial room is in the monitoring room, and Qin Lang doesn't want his next actions to be captured by the monitoring.

It has to be said that although the effect of the invisibility talisman is not as good as that of the previous black bead, it is still enough to deal with ordinary people. From the beginning to the end, no employee in the entire company noticed Qin Lang's arrival.

And after Qin Lang opened the half-hidden door of the monitoring room, he found that the battle in the financial room was still going on. Those two foreigners were really long-lasting. It has been more than half an hour and they are still so intense, so they are not afraid of sudden excitement. die.

Instead, the two security guards in the monitoring room started to yawn a little. After watching for so long, the two Nanyang monkeys were actually tired of watching. It is probably the result of staying on duty for too long and staring too much at the screen.

Qin Lang chuckled, stepped forward, and knocked the two yellow-skinned monkeys unconscious from the neck.

Then, he turned off the monitoring of the financial room, and then slowly went out, while not forgetting to close the door of the monitoring room.

Qin Lang avoided the employees on the road all the way, came to the door of the financial room, and opened the locked door of the financial room with an alloy wire.

With a click, the financial room door opened.

The crisp sound also alarmed the French beauty and the manager of the American marketing department who were fighting in the financial room.

"Not good!" Qin Lang's face changed, and he quickly closed the door of the financial room. The screams of this man and woman may have alarmed the employees outside.

At this time, the bully stepped forward and knocked out the two men and women who almost missed his important business. Afterwards, regardless of the mess of the scene, he directly searched in the financial room.

"Find the specific invoices that Baolai Company has concealed its income over the years, and it will be considered a success."

Qin Lang murmured, and began to search carefully, but he searched the office and found nothing.

"Such an important document should be stored as a key point. Well, there is still a safe next to the wall that has not been checked. Damn it, it can only be opened by double verification of fingerprints and irises."

Qin Lang's face darkened, he had no choice but to separate the two foreigners, he dragged the French woman to the front of the safe, first pressed her fingerprints, then brought her face close to the iris verification port, and pressed her eyelids open.

Verification passed!

Finally, a small green tick was displayed on the electronic screen of the safe, and at the same time there were four black words "Verification Passed".Qin Lang took out the key from the bag of the French beauty and finally opened the safe.

As soon as the safe was opened, a lot of financial documents of Baolai Company were directly exposed to Qin Lang. Qin Lang searched carefully, first collected all those financial documents, and then searched for other suspicious documents. and take away.

After finishing all this, Qin Lang took a sip on the ground, swaggered and closed the iron door of the financial room, and left here directly. He had already got everything he wanted, and now he didn't need to clean up the scene. If there is a disturbance, the entire Baolai company must be in chaos.

"Haha, it's up to you to mess around, the fun has just begun!" Qin Lang laughed and left Yuntian Building.


Back at Lanrun's headquarters, Qin Lang passed Tang Qian, the general manager of the company, and the head of the legal department, and handed over all unfavorable information about Baolai Company to them.

"The specific situation is like this. These are the historical data and financial documents of Baolai Company. Of course, there may be some other things. Do you know how to do it?"

Qin Lang said with a smile, if he doesn't make a move this time, it's all right. If he makes a move, he will directly "monkey pick peaches" and pick the life of Baolai Company. With these important evidences, let's see how Baolai Company will turn around. Even if you jump into the Yellow River, you won't be able to wash it clean.

"Okay, let's find a way to send these materials to where they should go. I believe that as soon as these materials are released, there will be one less competitor in the market that suppresses us."

Nodding, Tang Qian and the two were also very pleasantly surprised.

To be honest, the boss is really supernatural. He can get out such confidential information inside Baolai Company. It can be regarded as the boss of Baolai Company, Lu Mingde, has suffered a lot.

Seeing the two subordinates analyzing these materials, Qin Lang kept smiling slightly, and couldn't help but feel complacent: "Hehe, what about Baolai Company, what about Lu Mingde... the ending of offending a powerful cultivator is There's only one, and it's all over."


three days later.

"Bang! Chi la." The coffee table fell to the ground with a shattering sound.

In the general manager's office of Baolai Company, Lu Mingde's face was gloomy, and his eyes showed anger: "Say! What's going on, how could such important information inside the company leak out!"

There were a few people standing in front of him, including a French beauty in charge of finance, a Yankee marketing manager, and two security guards in the control room, all of whom lowered their heads.

The day Qin Lang broke into Baolai Company, the entire Baolai Company was undoubtedly the most chaotic, and it even became a joke that spread throughout the entire Yuntian Building.

"Boss...we..." Yankee, the marketing manager, wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

And Lu Mingde was even more furious when he heard the Yankee's voice: "Damn it! You are ashamed to say, if it weren't for you bastard messing around with men and women in the office, how could outsiders sneak into our company and steal so much money?" Important information, damn it! You are a big, thick and thick idiot!"

Lu Mingde is in his 40s, but he is actually not tall, not handsome, and even a little bit bald.

As a Nanyang mixed race, he is less than 1.6 meters tall, but he has trained the 1.9-meter-tall Yankee and the 1.8-meter-tall French beauty in front of him so that he can't lift his head.

In Baolai Company, which has monopolized the power for more than 20 years, Lu Mingde's president's aura is quite strong, especially the two low-status Nanyang security guards, who almost knelt down in fright.

After training for a long time, the four people in front of them had no room to refute. Lu Mingde was more than half angry, and also a little helpless: "Look, now that the company has exposed the evidence of evading fees and taxes, I believe the subpoena will come soon. What do you think the company can do to deal with the current crisis?"

Lu Mingde knew that the company had leaked a lot of money over the years, and Baolai Company had always been muddling through, mixing the precious cosmetic raw materials purchased by the company with other cheap products.

After calculation, the import and export volume of 6000 to [-] million per month is [-] to [-] million in a year.

Now that the leak has been discovered and reported, it means that Baolai Company not only has to make up for all these years, but also needs to pay a high fine.

In fact, the profits of cosmetics are high, and the profits are tens of times or hundreds of times. It is not that Lu Mingde can't afford these fines, but if he just pays these fines, then all his hard work these years will be in vain. The money he earned was basically used to cover the fine, which made Lu Mingde reconciled.

"Qin Lang...Lanrun are so ruthless, this counterattack is poisonous, I, Lu Mingde, have underestimated you."

A cold light flashed in Lu Mingde's eyes. Cutting people's fortunes is like killing their parents. He is a person who values ​​money more than life, so now the hatred for Lanrun Company and the hatred for Lanrun Company's boss Qin Lang has already disappeared. Deep into the bone marrow.

Although the cause of all this was caused by his own disobedience, Lu Mingde was arrogant and arrogant. He always thought that everything he did was right, and he would never consider all mistakes on himself.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Lu Mingde was silent for a while, then lost his temper again, slapping the table with his hands.

After such a big thing happened, even if he boasted that he had seen too many storms, but when things happened to his head, how could he be happy? .

Several subordinates turned pale with fright, and hurriedly left the stage.

After these bastards left, Lu Mingde fell down and leaned on the boss chair.

He hated Lan Run for stealing part of his company's market share, he hated Qin Lang, the owner of Lan Run Company, who was the root cause of all these troubles, and he also hated his company's bastards for failing to keep up with the company's secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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