The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1198 Gift to Ye Xiaorui

Chapter 1198 Gift to Ye Xiaorui
After a while, the somewhat tired Lu Mingde remembered something again, gritted his teeth, straightened his body again, made a long-distance call, and then gua gua gua la spoke a lot of Nanyang language.

After making this phone call, Lu Mingde stared at the direction of the door, and let out a vicious light: "Is it Lanrun Company? Qin Lang? Let me suffer such a big loss, all of you must die!"

"This time, I'm going all out! Spending [-] million directly from the head office to send people over to deal with you, Qin Lang, you and your subordinates are just waiting for endless assassinations!"

While Lu Mingde was distressed that he had suffered a huge loss, he also blamed Qin Lang and Lanrun Company for all the blame. He was also crazy. He actually wanted the head office to send forces from abroad to deal with Qin Lang and Lanrun, and wanted to assassinate Qin Lang. And Lanrun's top management.

It has to be said that when people are crazy, they can really do anything. Whether it is in the realm of cultivation or in the world of technology, most people put their interests above everything else.


In the past few days, Qin Lang has been in a good mood.

With his own first-hand information, Baolai Company has now been tossed to death. Not only has the tax owed over the years been recovered by the relevant departments, but it has also had to pay a huge fine of more than [-] billion.

If it wasn't for the boss Lu Mingde's tricks and the interference of foreign capital forces behind the scenes, I am afraid that the entire Baolai company has been shut down by the relevant departments.

After this battle, the current Baolai Company can be said to be dying. Even the market share of cosmetics has shrunk by more than half. As soon as these squeezed out market shares appeared, they were divided up by several other competitors and Lanrun Company. Lost.

With the extra market share, Lanrun Company has grown a little bit, and now the business volume this month has increased to about 5000 million, returning to normal levels.

You know, this is still achieved under the pressure of several other companies to achieve such a good performance. If the conflict between Lan Run and other companies is resolved, I believe the company's total performance will increase by another [-] to [-]%.

However, the competition between several other companies and Lanrun is a normal commercial competition, so Qin Lang can't help for the time being, and can only let Tang Xue and Tang Qian to figure out a solution.

His main energy was still on dealing with Baolai Company. In the past ten days, Lanrun Company's series of combined punches made Baolai Company unable to fight back. He also watched a very enjoyable drama.

In the past few days, while cultivating, while paying attention to the movement of Baolai Company, life is relatively comfortable.

On this day, a phone rang suddenly, and a cheerful voice came: "Is it Qin Lang? I'm Ye Xiaorui, do you have time to have a meal together? I'll treat you."

"Oh, okay, then we'll meet at Tao Ranju in the sea of ​​clouds."

It was actually Ye Xiaorui who called, and Qin Lang recalled that he had been in China for more than ten days, but he didn't even think of calling this girl. Ye Xiaorui would definitely say that he was not enough friends when we met later.

He chuckled, this is also Ye Xiaorui who went to Africa for humanitarian assistance. He has been there for more than ten months. In the past year, he has experienced too many things in the two worlds. He is busy cultivating and growing, and he is busy saving his parents and developing. The company, on the contrary, forgot about her.

It's also because my strings are too tight, and now I just take the opportunity to meet old friends to relax myself.

Qin Lang now is completely different from Qin Lang a year ago. Qin Lang a year ago had just escaped from the poverty-stricken situation, and he seemed very jerky in his dealings with others.

And now Qin Lang has gone through a series of things, he is already a successful person, whether it is money or strength, he is standing on the top of the world, and his gestures are more mature and confident.

This kind of strong strength and the self-confidence brought about by strong confidence are also the unique charm of a successful man.

Before going to the meeting, Qin Lang changed into casual clothes. For some reason, Qin Lang didn't like to wear formal clothes. If it wasn't for maintaining his image in front of the company's employees, Qin Lang would want to wear casual clothes every day, which would make him feel more comfortable.

In fact, he is a man who is used to being wild, and he likes the life of climbing mountains and climbing mountains, practicing and wandering.Of course, Lan Run is the foundation of his career, so it's okay to sit in the office occasionally, but his heart will be a little restless after staying for a long time.

With the development of the company, Qin Lang's car was replaced by an Audi A8, and the Mercedes-Benz X6 was kept in the company as a special car for business. The company currently has twenty business cars, and the Mercedes-Benz X6 is just one of them.

This is also the reason why the cosmetics business requires a large number of marketing personnel to run around the business. The company's marketing department is the largest department in the company, with more than 1000 people, accounting for half of the company's total headcount.

Speaking of it, the treatment of the employees of Lanrun Cosmetics Company is also the highest in the industry. Not only is the basic salary of the employees high, but even the monthly business commission is one or two times higher than that of other companies in the same industry. Basically, the current Lanrun Cosmetics Company is ordinary Employees, including security guards, have no monthly salary below [-].

And some employees in the marketing department with outstanding performance, the monthly dividends are even tens of thousands, or more than 10,000+, and the top five performance pacesetters in the marketing department rankings may even receive business dividends of more than 30 to [-] per month.

This kind of treatment is already close to that of the department head, and it is about the same as the monthly income of the company's executives. It has to be said that the treatment of ordinary employees of Lanrun Company makes everyone outside the company jealous.

Now there are many people outside who want to squeeze into the big group of Lanrun. There are people who seek connections every month. Absolutely not.


Qin Lang drove the extended Audi A8 to Taoranju. Ye Xiaorui was already waiting inside with a smile on his face. As soon as he sat down, Qin Lang said, "Hey! You're so early!"

"Compared to Boss Qin coming here by the clock, I'm really a little earlier." Ye Xiaorui said with a smile.

Qin Lang looked carefully, but he hadn't seen her for nearly a year, and now Ye Xiaorui is a little darker and thinner than before, so he couldn't help but said: "Africa must be very bitter, look at how thin you are."

"Fortunately, that place is much more beautiful than China! The African prairie is so beautiful, I wish to stay there forever!" Ye Xiaorui straightened her body.

This little girl is still so beautiful, looking at her is like looking at a landscape, Qin Lang's eyes are full of appreciation.For some reason, he just likes Ye Xiaorui's cheerful and generous personality.

"Two, what do you need?" The waiter came over at this time and handed over the menu.

"Qin Lang, order it, I told you I'm treating you!" Ye Xiaorui said.

"Haha, after a trip to the African savannah, our little Rui has also become a rich man?"

"No way, you are not as powerful as Boss Qin. Recently, the advertising columns of the Yunhai local TV station have been taken over by your company. If you want to search for a few columns, there are no programs to watch."

"Hehe, even if Lanrun doesn't advertise on the local TV station, there must be other companies advertising on it!"

"Okay, Boss Qin, let's order!"

Qin Lang also took the recipes bluntly, and ordered five or six menus in a row.

And Ye Xiaorui's eyes widened: "Most of these dishes are my favorites. I never imagined that after so long, you still remember them."

"Of course, no one can forget our Ye Xiaorui." Qin Lang said with a smile, when he was still a poor dick, the first friend he met was Ye Xiaorui, so Ye Xiaorui can also be said to be his impression Deepest friend, even his first love.

For Ye Xiaorui, Qin Lang has always secretly liked her, not only her sweet appearance, but also her hearty and carefree personality. When you are with her, you will feel free, say what you want to say, do what you want to do, My whole heart is empty.

This feeling is very good and very comfortable.

During the meal, Qin Lang asked: "Xiaorui, you have other things to do when you invite me to dinner this time, right? Tell me, if there is anything else you need my help with, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you."

"Hee hee, Qin Lang, you are quite straightforward, but it's actually just a trivial matter! My uncle has always been in poor health, and his blood pressure is high in everything. Recently, he snored so badly that his aunt couldn't sleep every day. He kept complaining to my mother. "

"It's not that uncle has never been to the hospital, but the effect of taking medicine and surgery is not good. Qin Lang, aren't you a master of medicine? Even our dean praised your medical skills, so now I want to ask you to help my uncle Take a look at the disease, it would be great if this snoring problem can be cured!"

"Oh? The serious problem of snoring shouldn't be a big deal. I can go and have a look." Qin Lang rubbed his chin. His medical skills had been demonstrated in Ye Xiaorui's hospital, and he could even be said to have saved the life of the old dean. So it is normal for Ye Xiaorui to know that she is good at medicine.

"That's great, then I'll make an appointment another day, so we can go and have a look together." Seeing Qin Lang agreeing, Ye Xiaorui said happily.

"Well, okay. By the way, Xiaorui, I want to give you a gadget." Qin Lang said suddenly at this moment.

"What gadget?" Ye Xiaorui was curious.

"Come on, take a look at this." Qin Lang showed what was in his hand, which was a string of bracelets.

The bracelet is made of metal, the style is very simple, and the surface exudes a faint aura.

"What a unique bracelet, for me? Thank you." Ye Xiaorui took it and sighed.

"This is not an ordinary bracelet, it is also a talisman." Qin Lang said seriously.

This bracelet is a magic weapon level bracelet, which is made by myself according to the "Shadow Bracelet". Ordinary people can also activate it. After activation, it can not only become two phantom clones, but also provide the owner of the bracelet with one The defensive shield with foundation-level strength lasts about 10 minutes, which is very good.

This is also the first magic weapon that Qin Lang made by himself. It has profound meaning. If it is not for the lack of materials on his body, I am afraid that he would like to try to make a magic weapon now.This is also the reason why materials are too scarce in the Chinese world. If it is in Qinghe Continent, Qin Lang will definitely do this.

Sending an amulet of magic weapon level, I have to say that Qin Lang is really good to Ye Xiaorui.

(End of this chapter)

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