The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1199 Sensing the crisis in advance

Chapter 1199 Sensing the crisis in advance

The magic weapon level amulet can also bring a little guarantee to Ye Xiaorui's safety. Speaking of which, Qin Lang is also a caring person.In fact, he plans to refine more of this kind of amulet and give it to a few women and friends around him.

Just as the two continued to eat, Qin Lang's cell phone rang. Originally, Qin Lang didn't want to spoil the atmosphere of the meal and planned not to answer the call, but Ye Xiaorui smiled and said, "It's okay, don't worry about me."

So, Qin Lang picked up his phone and looked at it. It turned out that the company called.

After connecting, there was an extremely anxious voice from the front desk manager of the company: "It's not good! The general manager had a car accident..."

"A car accident? What's going on!" Qin Lang frowned and asked, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

"Mr. Tang was on Nanda Road after get off work, and suddenly a heavy truck rushed towards him and hit him head-on. At that time, the front half of the manager's Mercedes-Benz was flattened." The other end of the phone said hurriedly.

"What about people, is there anything wrong?"

"The general manager was seriously injured, and he is now in the intensive care unit of the No. 1 civilian hospital in Yunhai City! The doctor said that an operation is needed, but there is no guarantee that she will be out of danger after the operation."

"Damn!" Hearing the front desk manager say such words, Qin Lang couldn't help but swear.

Immediately, he was in no mood to continue eating. He turned his head and said to Ye Xiaorui: "Xiaorui, the company is out of order. A high-level executive encountered a car accident and needed me to rush over to have a look, so I'm sorry that I can't accompany you anymore."

"Go, go, big things matter." Ye Xiaorui said very considerately.

"Well, okay, after finishing this matter, I will help you check your uncle's physical condition. Let's not talk about it, I'm leaving!" Qin Lang waved his hand and left Tao Ranju directly.

After getting into his own Audi A8, Qin Lang drove directly to the direction of Yunhai City Hospital. The speed has already reached over [-] mph, which is considered the limit in this urban area.

During this process, Qin Lang even ran through a few red lights, but he couldn't take care of it anymore. Now that his life is at stake, he will find a way to deal with these fines at that time.

Taoranju is far away from Yunhai No.1 Civilian Hospital, and it is easier to get stuck in traffic if you take the avenue all the way. Therefore, if Qin Lang encounters some forks with less traffic, he will usually choose these forks.

At this time, the car drove into a fork in the road. It was an industrial park in the urban area that was half-built and stopped working. The roads in the industrial park had relatively less traffic, and it was also a shortcut to move forward.

At a turning point, the sixth sense of the crisis in the heart of the alchemy monk reappeared. This sixth sense is very effective. Qin Lang suddenly felt a little bad, and immediately let go of his spiritual sense.

As soon as his consciousness came out, Qin Lang immediately sensed a turning point in front of him, and a heavy truck was rushing towards him at the speed of a galloping horse. Seeing this posture, if he didn't deal with it in advance, his beloved car would definitely collide directly with it , was rolled into cakes.

This process was very fast, just a moment after Qin Lang released his consciousness, the front of the large truck at the turning point in front of him appeared, and Qin Lang immediately turned the steering wheel fully and turned sharply to one side.

On the side is a construction site that is being rested. If you do this, your car will definitely crash into the outer wall of the construction site, but Qin Lang has already cared so much. It is better to hit the outer wall of the construction site than to directly collide with a big truck.

You must know that it is a large truck with a load of tens of tons. If it collides directly, the inertial acceleration will be at least one or two hundred tons. Even as a monk, I can't guarantee that I will not be injured...or even killed by the huge impact force.

Otherwise, the monk's sixth sense would not appear so abruptly. This sixth sense can only be produced when his life is at stake, and Qin Lang has experienced it many times.

As a cultivator, Qin Lang's reaction is also extremely fast. It is impossible for ordinary people, even professional-level racing drivers, to have such a sensitive reaction. It must be the result of a direct collision with this big truck, causing the car to be destroyed.

And Qin Lang's A8 narrowly avoided the collision of the big truck at such a time interval of one thousandth of a second, but there were some small scratches at the rear of the car, and then, the A8 crashed into the construction site with a bang. On the periphery, the outer wall of the construction site was smashed, and the entire vehicle rushed into the construction site.

It has to be said that German cars are solid. Qin Lang's A8 is completely imported. After smashing the outer wall of the construction site, it is really strange that the windshield is not even broken.

There is a lot of wood in this construction site, and now my car has sunk into the pile of wood.Opening the car door, Qin Lang got out of the Audi A8, ready to see how to back out.

But when he retreated to the wall, two men with ridiculously strong muscles suddenly came in from the hole in the wall, and these two men were not Chinese at all, but Nanyang people!
"Damn! So this is no ordinary car accident!" Seeing these two Nanyang people appearing here, Qin Lang immediately understood that this car accident was premeditated.

I'm afraid that not only my car accident, but also the car accident of Tang Qian, the general manager of the company, was caused by these damn Nanyang people.

It was sent by Lu Mingde from Baolai Company, it must be so!

"Damn Lu Mingde, I haven't settled with him yet, but he found me first!" Qin Lang looked at the two burly Nanyang people in front of him, and cursed.

At this time, two burly Nanyang people had already rushed over, and with a whoosh, they had already shot at Qin Lang.The two people wanted to hold Qin Lang, but Qin Lang snorted, shook his shoulders, and shook the hands that the two guys stretched out.

Just kidding, regardless of his identity as a cultivator, he is still a martial artist at the level of a martial artist. If he is easily captured by two guys like this, it would be too embarrassing.

However, these two guys are quite strong, they are almost equivalent to junior Wuzun, and they are stronger than the mercenary who entered Lan Run Company to steal.

The strength of these two guys is inhuman, but they only know elementary fighting skills. They should not be warriors, but also the strength obtained after some physical transformation.

collapse!The two guys bumped into Qin Lang and were sent flying. Qin Lang sneered, and was about to step forward to search for God, but suddenly his whole body trembled, and his body suddenly dodged to the side.

A bullet hit the place where he was standing.

After Qin Lang got out of the way, he didn't stay, and used the Phantom Wind Walk to move. He knew that there was an ambush outside who was sniping, and he couldn't find out where this guy was hiding for the time being.

At this time, a faint light flashed on his body, and Qin Lang's defensive magic weapon, Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler, was also deployed. He let go of his consciousness and searched carefully, but it was strange that he still couldn't find the hidden ambush.

"It's really strange." Qin Lang murmured, his divine sense had already reached a distance of more than 200 feet. Logically, it was impossible not to find the ambush man, but he didn't know what method that guy used. It really hides its own breath.

Can't find the ambush, Qin Lang is not entangled anymore, now it is better to deal with the two strange Nanyang people whose bodies have undergone power transformation.

Anyway, now that the magic weapon defense on his body has been activated, ordinary bullets can't hurt him at all, unless the opponent uses powerful rockets, but Huaxia has strict controls on this aspect, and such situations generally don't happen, so Qin Lang also Not really worried about that.

Qin Lang has subdued the two strong men now, and directly adopted the method of searching for gods to search for the two strong men. Although the method of searching for gods is cruel, it is surprisingly easy to use in China, a legal society. Fighting and killing can kill the opponent, and through the technique of searching for gods, you can get a lot of information you want. Second, after searching for gods, the opponents have become idiots, and you are not afraid of leaving any troubles.

During the process of searching for the gods, Qin Lang suffered two or three sneak attacks from ambushers. However, Qin Lang, who had a defensive magic weapon on his body, didn't care about these bullets at all. Instead, the two strong men who saw Qin Lang could resist the bullets were shocked Yelling, in their consciousness, they thought that Qin Lang was a reformer just like them, and a more advanced reformer than them.

"Sleep, you can forget everything after you sleep." Qin Lang was searching for the memory of the two strong men.

From these chaotic memories, he saw the life of these two strong men, watching their process from birth, to growth, to accepting mysterious transformation experiments...

"These people... and the group of yellow-skinned monkeys who stole the secrets of Lanrun Company belong to an international mercenary organization! And the black hand behind the scenes is Lu Mingde, this damn bastard actually contacted Nanyang again Let the international mercenaries send out more powerful forces to deal with themselves and the top management of Lanrun Company."

"And the car accident of Tang Qian, the general manager of Lanrun Company, was not an accident. It was caused by this group of mercenaries. This time, twenty or thirty international mercenaries came. It seems that Lu Mingde is also completely crazy and wants to use assassination methods to take revenge. This is too vicious for myself and Lan Run's senior management."

After searching the memory, Qin Lang hurriedly called Jiang Xinzhong, the company's safety production and warehouse supervisor, and asked Jiang Xinzhong to tell the company's senior management to pay more attention. The situation of being attacked was similar to that of Tang Qian, so I still seldom go out in the past few days.

After making the phone call, Qin Lang looked at the two reformed hercules on the ground who had been stunned by the God search, smiled coldly, and then rushed out of the construction site and entered an unfinished building.

From the memories of the two reincarnated Hercules, he knew that the location of the last ambush was hidden in this building. Now he has to hurry up and get rid of the hidden person before this car accident is discovered by outsiders. Ambush.

(End of this chapter)

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