The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1201 Star Treatment

Chapter 1201 Star Treatment
After entering the intensive care room, Qin Lang finally saw Tang Qian lying on the hospital bed. This intellectual beauty was now pale, with her eyes closed, lying there motionless. It seemed that she had been in a coma since the car accident and hadn't woken up.

He hurried forward and sent a trace of his consciousness into Tang Qian's body. With the operation of his consciousness, Qin Lang finally understood Tang Qian's injuries clearly.

Tang Qian was seriously injured. Lying on the intensive care bed, she had eight broken ribs, and her five internal organs showed signs of bleeding. The doctor was right. Any hospital in Huaxia would need surgery for such an injury, and it might not be possible to guarantee her life. she.

Because the point of Tang Qian's physical injury is not the broken eight ribs, but in the body, the internal organs in the body have been bleeding a little, which is the most fatal, and the internal organs bleeding will become more and more serious as time goes by , forming a strong internal pressure in the body, and the lethality rate is very high.

Qin Lang murmured solemnly, "Tang Qian is an ordinary person, and now she is in a coma. It seems that she can only use the needles by herself and use her true energy to help her massage for a while to dissolve the congestion."

At this time, Qin Lang took out a Creation Pill, broke it in half, and fed only half of it to Tang Qian.

The Good Fortune Pill is the divine pill in the realm of comprehension, life and death, flesh and bones. Although Tang Qian was seriously injured, half of the pill is still enough to treat her injury.

Qin Lang's hands wearing surgical gloves were groping Tang Qian's chest and abdomen at this time. This was not indecent, but a serious bone groping. The eight broken ribs of this woman are now being straightened one by one by himself. Zhong also didn't care to appreciate the beauty of this woman.

Afterwards, he took out his acupuncture needle box, disinfected the gold needles in the acupuncture needle box with alcohol, and pierced Tang Qian's acupuncture points one by one.

While piercing, Qin Lang also attached a ray of true energy to the golden needle, which stimulated the injured Tang Qian's veins, stimulated the vitality of the blood, and made her body's blood flow become more vigorous with the help of the golden needle.

In the end, Qin Lang put one hand on Tang Qian's abdomen, and injected his own true qi into her body in the sea of ​​qi. With the continuous input of true qi, the true qi soon reached the inner organs along the meridians. Bleeding spots, under the action of true energy and the spiritual power of the pill, these bleeding spots slowly closed one by one.

At the same time, the bruises at the bleeding points in her body were also gradually melted away in the process of dissolving the true qi.

Half of the Good Fortune Pill is now completely melted in his body. This Good Fortune Pill was refined by Qin Lang in Fengcheng, and the effect is many times stronger than that of the semi-finished product refined in the secret place of Kunlun Mountain.

In Qin Lang's sense of consciousness, the medicinal power of the elixir was very powerful, and it was treating Tang Qian's various injuries inside and outside her body at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

Now the bleeding points in this woman's body have gradually disappeared.

On the outside of her body, the cuts and injuries were getting smaller, and the bruises on the skin were fading away. In less than half an hour, Tang Qian's skin returned to its original smoothness.

At this moment, Qin Lang was already sweating slightly on his forehead. In order to treat this capable female subordinate, he also worked very hard to use his true energy this time, which is why Tang Qian recovered from her injury so quickly.

To get a late alchemy cultivator to do his best, speaking of it, this woman Tang Qian is really lucky.

Otherwise, with the recovery speed of ordinary people, Tang Qian would not be able to have such a miraculous recovery speed even with the Creation Pill. It would take at least three to five days for her to turn from a serious injury to a minor injury.

And under Qin Lang's consumption of true energy, all vitality in this woman's body was activated, and the recovery speed was at least twenty times faster. In just one hour, it was already equivalent to the healing effect of more than two days.


At this moment, the doctors at the monitoring point of the intensive care room saw the miracle shown by Qin Lang, and all of them stared wide-eyed, and they were amazed. Tang Qian, a patient who was seriously injured in a car accident and needed surgical treatment, was actually treated by Qin Lang with some special methods. It's unbelievable that he was rescued by the technique.

"My God, is this qigong? The wounds on that female patient's body are wriggling and shrinking like bugs..."

A younger doctor opened his mouth and yelled, completely lacking the poise that a doctor should have.

"It should be the effect of acupuncture plus qigong. The ancient Chinese medicine in China is so mysterious. Many truths cannot be explained by modern science."

The other doctor said in a tone that he thought was very mature, but no one around him noticed him at all. At this moment, every doctor's eyes were attracted by the monitoring screen of the intensive care unit.

"Mr. Qin is really good. He is indeed an expert that the dean strongly recommends. It's amazing! I feel like I'm about to become a fan of Mr. Qin!" Qin Lang, who was busy all the time, murmured: "Wait a minute, after Mr. Qin comes out of the ward, I want to ask him to sign, I must ask him to sign!"


After basically controlling Tang Qian's physical injuries, the female subordinate's life crisis was finally resolved, and now her injuries have changed from serious injuries to minor injuries, and she no longer needs any surgery.

The golden needle is still inserted into the woman Tang Qian. At this moment, Qin Lang is still inputting the true energy, but now he is no longer in the state of sending out the true energy with all his strength, and only slowly pushes his own true energy into her body to slowly heal some of the internal organs. The rest of the injury is fine.

At this time, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief. He is a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy. While continuing to treat Tang Qian with a small amount of true energy, he held a piece of middle-grade spirit stone to restore himself, and unexpectedly he lost it in a short while. Most of his true energy has recovered.

Most of the true qi recovered, and Qin Lang's fatigue from the treatment process just now was swept away.

At this time, seeing that Tang Qian had almost fully recovered, Qin Lang also stopped sending infuriating energy, and pulled out the golden needles on her body one by one.

Tang Qian, who had recovered from her injuries, still had her eyes closed. Qin Lang knew that although he had healed her injuries now, the loss of qi and blood would not be able to make up for it in a short time. This woman needs to rest for about a week and add more nutrition , such as chicken, duck, fish, eggs and other natural supplements.

After pulling out the golden needle, Qin Lang rearranged the untied clothes on her body, and covered her with a quilt.

"Let her sleep well now!"

Qin Lang looked around, Tang Qian's face was not so pale now, her body's qi and blood had recovered, and she only needed to rest for a few days before she could do whatever she was supposed to do like a normal person.

Moreover, after half of the Creation Pill healed her injuries, a large amount remained in her body. In the next few days, she would continue to transform her body, cutting hair and washing the marrow of her body.

After all, Good Fortune Pill is not an ordinary elixir, but a divine elixir in the cultivation world, so this time, Tang Qian can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. With the transformation of the body by this super panacea, this woman will also gain two or 30 years more. Yangshou.

For ordinary people, Good Fortune Pill is almost the same as the legendary medicine of immortality, both have the effect of prolonging life.

Basically, all middle-grade and top-grade panacea have this life-extending effect.However, most middle-grade and top-grade panacea pills have strong medicinal effects, but they cannot be tolerated by ordinary people. After taking them, they are almost like poison, and they often die because the body cannot withstand the effects of the medicine.

Compared with most middle-grade and top-grade panacea, the top-level elixir in the middle-grade panacea like Haohua Pill is also the mildest one, so ordinary people will not have any sequelae after taking it, but there are many benefits.


After treating Tang Qian, Qin Lang can be regarded as letting go of his worries. This female subordinate has played a huge role in Lanrun Company. If she loses it, it will be extremely bad news for both Qin Lang and Lanrun Company.

In Qin Lang's plan, Lan Run Company still relies on her to take the helm. After all, neither she nor Tang Xue can stay in the company all the time, and she is now the company's third most well-deserved figure.

It is really thankful to be able to save Tang Qian's life in time now, Qin Lang feels that all the efforts he has made are worthwhile.

Now that Tang Qian is fine, let her recuperate in the hospital for a few days. At this time, Qin Lang is about to leave.

But when he opened the automatic door of the intensive care room, he found that he was surrounded by a group of doctors and nurses.

"Mr. Qin, you are so great, please accept my knee! My God, you actually created a medical miracle, you can save a seriously injured person in a car accident without surgery!"

"Mr. Qin, I am Xiao Mao, a doctor. I suddenly found that I am very interested in Chinese traditional Chinese medicine and Qigong. I wonder if you can accept me as a student!"

"Mr. Qin, you are so handsome! Sign me up! I'm Physician Aru..."

"Mr. Qin, please sign for me too. I'm Miya, the head nurse..."

"Mr. Qin, and me..."


A group of doctors and nurses surrounded Qin Lang almost suffocating. This posture really looks like those big stars surrounded by paparazzi.

All the doctors and nurses at the scene were overwhelmed by the miraculous medical skills he showed in the intensive care unit!
Now there are people asking for autographs, some asking for apprentices, and even a female doctor asking Qin Lang if he is married. It seems that he wants to sell himself.

However, Qin Lang has a lot of flowers around him now, so why bother to pick wild flowers on the roadside!Now he is a person with status and status, so he must maintain his image at all times.

"Sorry! I'm sorry, I still have to go one step ahead..."

After Qin Lang finally signed a few words, he squeezed out of the crowd and hurriedly escaped from this floor. It was too scary. He had to deal with so many enthusiastic doctors and nurses by himself. I've never been so tired.

After leaving, he is still a little scared now. When he was surrounded by the crowd just now, he didn't even know which female doctor or nurse who was infatuated with sex, kept touching him with his hands and feet, and was almost thrown by him. Go to the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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