The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1202 Active sniping begins!

Chapter 1202 Active sniping begins!
Qin Lang does not want to go to this building now, even if he is killed, he will not go back to enjoy the fan-like enthusiasm of those doctors and nurses.

But before leaving, Qin Lang still called Tang Xue and told her that Tang Qian had almost recovered under his own treatment, and asked her to take good care of her cousin's diet and pay more attention to nutrition and recovery.

Then, Qin Lang called Li Lengfeng, Nalan Patriarch, and Lei Jialei, the Patriarchs of the Li Family, so that the entire Quartet Alliance could be put into operation, giving Baolai Company in Shanghai an all-round counterattack in the business field.

Although most of the industries of the four-party alliance families are not in the cosmetics industry, these families have existed in China for many years, and they have accumulated complicated relationships in the business field.

What's more, the three families have recently become the ancient martial arts family, with greater power. The martial artist families in the martial arts world who want to attach themselves, as well as other ancient martial arts families who want to befriend the ancient martial arts world, have also thrown olive branches one after another.

So now the Quartet Alliance has a greater influence in the Chinese business field. Under Qin Lang's order, an undercurrent immediately formed in the Chinese business field, and this undercurrent directed at Baolai Company.



Lu Mingde sat on the company boss's chair and sighed heavily.

Even though Baolai Company has been based in China for more than 20 years, it still cannot withstand this invisible pressure from all sides. In addition to the impact of previous bad events, its market share has plummeted in the past half month, and now its monthly turnover is less than last year. one-tenth of the month.

Such a serious loss, coupled with the lax discipline of the company, caused people to fluctuate among the employees, and those who were capable quit their jobs one after another. Since the scandal came to light, Lu Mingde has received at least [-] resignation letters from mid-level and high-level employees in the past half a month.

Facing the serious crisis of the company, Lu Mingde, the boss of Baolai Company, didn't think about himself, instead, he blamed Qin Lang and Lanrun Company for all his mistakes, and hated Qin Lang and Lanrun Company even more.

However, in the past half month, several senior executives of Lanrun Company have also strengthened their awareness of prevention, and the senior mercenaries transferred from Nanyang have never had any good opportunities to make a move.

This made Lu Mingde even more depressed, but also more panicked, because from the previous few fights he could feel that the Lanrun Company was not easy, especially that the owner of the Lanrun Company, Qin Lang, didn't know how to resolve it. He assassinated himself several times, and turned the first two batches of mercenaries into idiots.

"The owner of Lanrun Company, Qin Lang, is not an ordinary person. I'm afraid he has mastered special means that ordinary people cannot possess...I'm afraid I can't stay in Baolai Company anymore. It's safer to pack up and go to the mercenary base."

After going through a series of things, Lu Mingde finally felt a little scared, and started packing his things.


While Qin Lang contacted the Quartet Alliance to suppress Baolai Company, he himself also came to the headquarters of Baolai Magic City to continue looking for Lu Mingde, but this old guy is still not in the company.

However, Qin Lang got a message from Baolai Company that this guy went to the Dashui Lake in Mingjing Mountain. There seems to be a temporary mercenary base there. They are all high-level mercenaries hired by Lu Mingde from Nanyang. The last time Qin Lang Hawkeye, Hercules and other reformers dealt with belong to this group of mercenaries.

Regarding human transformation, Qin Lang also got some scattered information from the memories of those mercenaries. Now he only knows that human transformation technology is the world's top black technology, and large companies in many countries are researching this.

However, the research of large foreign companies is not on mutants, but mutants with more perfect technology. Speaking of which, Nanyang's technology on transforming humans is just a defective product that appeared in the research on mutants, with too many flaws.

But even so, transforming people is an existence that ordinary people need to look up to.

There are also levels for reformers, starting from primary, secondary, and tertiary... all the way up, and it is said that the highest level can reach level [-].

Compared with the mutant technology of large companies in some developed countries abroad, the morphed technology in Nanyang is still relatively backward. The morphed humans that have been transformed are generally not very strong, and there is basically no breakthrough in the fifth level.

Like the [-] or [-] reformed mercenaries that Lu Mingde transferred from Nanyang this time, the highest one is actually no more than three levels, which is about the same strength as a martial artist in the middle stage of Wu Zun, and may be slightly weaker. After a lot of practice, the fighting experience is much richer than that of the reformed people, and the martial arts of the warriors are also a level higher than the fighting skills of modern human mechanics.

Immediately Qin Lang decided to destroy this base with twenty or thirty mercenaries.

Although there are many mercenaries in this base, and their physical fitness is far superior to others, but as a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, Qin Lang now has the capital to look down on the world.

From his point of view, these modified human mercenaries, who are several times stronger than ordinary special forces, are still several grades weaker than himself, just like the flies in the eyes of a tiger can be slapped to death with their claws and slapped with their tails. Die, shoot death as you want.


This mercenary base is far away from the magic capital, in a suburban deep mountain.

Qin Lang drove his beloved car Audi A8 towards the Dashui Lake in Mingjing Mountain at a high speed of 120 miles per second. This speed is extremely fast in the eyes of ordinary people, but in Qin Lang's consciousness it is Not fast.

The traffic rules should be obeyed as much as possible. Qin Lang had to violate the traffic rules in order to save people in the urban area. Now, no matter how speeding and violating the rules, Qin Lang can’t always trouble Leng Lifeng and his friends to help solve the problem. little things.

After getting off the expressway and entering the mountainous area, A8 walked onto the narrow provincial road. Speaking of which, this provincial road is very old, and there was a lot of traffic before the expressway was built. A dart with bends and cliffs everywhere.

This road is long and dangerous. The cliff is hundreds of feet deep, and most people will be crushed if they fall.

When the Audi A8 drove to a dangerous area called Panshan Cliff, suddenly, a large truck with more than a dozen wheels rushed towards it.

Facing the oncoming big truck, Qin Lang showed no fear on his face, and thought: "Is this trick coming again?" With a cold smile, Qin Lang directly opened the door and jumped out of the A8 driving at high speed.

After Qin Lang jumped out of the car door, he didn't roll on the ground like a normal person, but floated up directly. The magic weapon Fei Tian Luo Yunsuo had already lit up the magic weapon light, and directly turned into a shuttle shape to hold Qin Lang in the air.

Below, the Audi A8 collided head-on with the big truck. The A8 was directly thrown away by the impact of the heavy truck, rolled over a few times and rolled down the cliff.

If such a car accident is an ordinary person, I am afraid there is no reason to survive.

And Qin Lang looked coldly at the truck that was still lying in the middle of the road after the car accident, with half of its wheels spinning empty, and said, "Since you guys like to make car accidents so much, then let this big truck go down to accompany my A8 too!"

It fell straight down, smiled evilly at the stunned driver, and gently pushed the car, but Qin Lang didn't see how hard it was, the big truck rolled over and fell off the cliff.


The terrified scream of the mercenary driver came from under the cliff, and it disappeared in the wind.

And the two mercenary accomplices who just climbed out of the car saw Qin Lang approaching with a demonic smile, their legs and feet were trembling, and they were terrified.

If these modified mercenaries are still human beings, then Qin Lang's series of performances just now have surpassed the imagination of ordinary people. He can fly, and push a large truck that can push dozens of tons. The level of strength is definitely much higher than that of low-level reformers like them.

"Don't...don't kill us."

The two mercenaries spoke half-baked Huaxia dialect, but it aroused Qin Lang's even worse mood.

"You yellow-skinned monkeys, instead of staying obediently in your own Nanyang region as the king of the mountain, you come to China to stir up wind and rain. It's really annoying. If this is the case, let's go on the road with your companions!"

Qin Lang grabbed the two guys, spit out his true energy lightly, and broke the heart veins of the two, and then threw them directly down the cliff, like throwing away two pieces of rags.

He knew that what he did just now was to eliminate harm for the people. These Nanyang mercenaries basically had no good goods. They must have done murder, arson, robbery and prostitution in their life. What he did now was to atone for their sins.

After disposing of the three Nanyang mercenaries, Qin Lang's loving car, the Audi A8, was also lost in a car accident.

But he doesn't care too much, it's just an A8, and now he is more or less a small rich man, and he can just buy a new one when he goes back.

Since it is a deserted provincial road, there are basically no vehicles passing by, so this fight has not attracted any attention.At this time, Qin Lang manipulated Fei Tian Luo Yunsuo to fly directly to Mingjing Mountain.

All the way through the mountains and ridges, I don't know how many winding roads I have crossed. It took Qin Lang less than half an hour to complete the winding road that would take four or five hours for a vehicle to complete.

Now he has appeared in Mingjing Mountain, descending his stature.

"The rest of the Nanyang bastards, clean up! Grandpa is here to beat your bones!"

Qin Lang gave an evil smile, jumped up a dozen feet high, fell from a ridge, and rushed towards the mercenary base.

The mercenary's base is in the middle of the Dashui Lake, which is actually a large abandoned dock. The Dashui Lake is actually connected to the open sea. The dock had flourished for a while before, but unfortunately it couldn't keep up with it due to technical reasons. In the last era, it had to be given up by the owner of the dock.

Unexpectedly, this abandoned dock is now being used by Lu Mingde and the mercenary gang from Nanyang, and it has become a base for lodging. Now that Qin Lang is here, he must completely destroy it!

(End of this chapter)

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