The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1203 Kill to the end

Chapter 1203 Kill to the end
Qin Lang rushed all the way down, and then galloped towards the center of the lake stepping on the water splashes on the lake as if he had performed lightness kung fu.

This is a special ability of a cultivator, which can use true energy to affect gravity.

Now Qin Lang, who is stepping on the lake, should not be much different from a feather in real weight.

Just when Qin Lang rushed halfway to the center of the lake, suddenly water splashed around, and five figures rushed out from the bottom of the lake at the same time.

"It turns out that there was an ambush long ago, but Grandpa is not afraid of you playing tricks like this."

Qin Lang laughed, and suddenly raised his figure to avoid the joint attack of the five people.

Then, at the same time as it landed, it shot out five powerful palm winds, which were printed on the chests of the five guys who suddenly emerged from the bottom of the lake.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

After five screams, the five reincarnated mercenaries were not Qin Lang's all-in-one enemy at all, they were blown away and vomited blood, and fell down one by one and sank into the lake again.

Kakaka, Qin Lang moved his muscles and bones, and his body stayed in the middle of the lake for three to five seconds like Dharma crossing the river with a reed, before continuing to move forward.

He finally got close to the abandoned dock in the middle of the lake, but before turning over to get in, there was intense gunfire from inside, and more than a dozen firearms fired at the same time, densely forming a firepower net that enveloped Qin Lang who was approaching the dock.

At this time, Qin Lang had already opened up the defense of the magic weapon. The top-grade magic weapon Lie Yan Yuanyang Ruler had twelve layers of restraining shields, which were not penetrated by these mortal-level bullets at all.

Even the most powerful bullets in these dense firepower nets only penetrated the second layer of the restraining shield, and then were blocked by the rest of the restraining shield.

"It's not strong!"

With a smile on his face, Qin Lang turned over and entered the dock.

He took out his magic weapon, the Black Eagle Sword, and at the same time activated the Phantom Wind Walk. With a loud shout of "Kill", Qin Lang rushed towards the dozen or so mercenaries with weapons on the opposite side.

Da da da, da da da...

It was the sound of a submachine gun. Unfortunately, these mercenaries found that no matter how hard they tried, the bullets in their hands still couldn't penetrate the faintly shining shield on Qin Lang's body.

A guy who doesn't believe in evil, has the most powerful modified rifle shotgun in his hand, and blasts Qin Lang a few times, but the powerful shotgun that is enough to kill large beasts has no effect on Qin Lang at all.

As a last resort, these mercenaries abandoned their weapons and prepared other means.

"Come on, monkeys!"

Qin Lang hooked his hand with a contemptuous expression. Just now, he just swung a random blow, and a sword qi directly cut two people in a row.

Anyway, the purpose of today's proactive attack is to kill all this group of people, and there is no need to be afraid of any means of cultivation leaking out, just use it to your heart's content, without any scruples.

What's more, this group of people are not ordinary people at all, and they have done countless evil things. If he drives out all these people and kills them all, he is actually doing justice for the heavens.

These international mercenaries are not afraid of death. They looked at each other and prepared to attack Qin Lang together. They rushed towards Qin Lang with special alloy knives.

Ping-pong-pong slashed randomly, and ordinary people would have been chopped into meat paste long ago, but Qin Lang didn't have a problem at all, he just stood there holding the flying sword and let these bastards slash for a while.

Everyone was tired of chopping, but they still failed to hurt Qin Lang at all. Qin Lang, who opened up the defense of the magic weapon, was too perverted. Now they all showed extremely surprised expressions: "Is this Chinese Kung Fu? Golden bell cover or iron cloth fir? No, No, Chinese kung fu is not so magical, I feel that this kid is more like a reformer than people like myself!"

"The opponent is invulnerable, how can we fight?"

These Nanyang mercenaries were very distressed. At this time, a guy held an alloy knife and directly stabbed Qin Lang's lower body, but was blocked by Qin Lang's sword.

"I'm sorry, you should have had enough performances, it's my turn! Sword Style Phantom Crack!"

Qin Lang yelled, and directly performed the second form of the Sansheng Sword Art, the sword style was magically broken, and the black carving sword directly split into dozens of sword qi, and radiated towards the surrounding international mercenaries.

Ah ah ah ah ah……

With a long series of screams, Qin Lang was like cutting wheat, and killed seventeen or eight in one move. This powerful sword art from the sword sect in the cultivation world finally showed its due power in this mortal world.

"Sword repair is indeed the strongest attack power. If it is replaced by other methods, it may not be so easy to deal with these modified yellow-skinned monkeys with one move."

Qin Lang looked around, and now the ground was covered with blood, and all the yellow-skinned monkeys fell into the pool of blood without making a sound.

Qin Lang is very satisfied with the attack power of this move. He has been fighting with high-level cultivators in the cultivation world, and he still can’t see how powerful these sword moves are. Killing the Buddha, the effect is more than a hundred times better!
After killing more than 20 international mercenaries, Qin Lang felt that almost all the people in this mercenary base had been killed by him. However, it was very strange that he searched the entire dock and failed to find that bastard Lu Mingde. shadow.

"Damn it! One should be left alive."

Qin Lang secretly scolded himself for being careless, the fight was so fun just now that he forgot the most important point.

It's not that he has to leave a life alive in the end, but now that he has a life alive, he can ask for some information he needs.

After that, it's not too late to kill this guy.

At this time, he let go of his consciousness and sensed the distance of two hundred feet around him. Suddenly, Qin Lang's expression brightened. He sensed that there was an international mercenary hiding at the bottom of the nearby lake.

The sensory effect of the consciousness is really more reliable than the radar, Qin Lang decided to capture the only survivor first, and figure out the whereabouts of Lu Mingde, the boss of Baolai Company.

Qin Lang took a water avoidance talisman for himself, and jumped directly into the big water lake.

With the function of the water-avoiding talisman, a strong repulsive force pushed out the surrounding lake water one after another. While Qin Lang dived, an oval-shaped space air mask was naturally formed.

This is an air shield formed by the water-avoiding talisman to isolate the surrounding lake water. However, the water-avoiding talisman is only the first spell, and its working time is limited, and it can only maintain the water-proof effect for about 10 minutes.

If Qin Lang remained at the bottom of the lake after 10 minutes, it would definitely be a drowned result if he surfaced again.

However, Qin Lang is confident that about 10 minutes is enough to deal with the only yellow-skinned monkey at the bottom of the lake.

At the same time as Qin Lang dived, the yellow-skinned monkey also saw Qin Lang, fluffy!This guy held an underwater nail gun in his hand and fired three shots in a row.

In Qin Lang's dynamic vision, three sharp spikes attacked him in the shape of a character character.

But Qin Lang was unafraid and directly rude. The power of this kind of spike gun is probably not much different from that of ordinary bullets, not to mention the high resistance underwater. It is estimated that even his own twelve layers of magic weapon defense The second layer of the cover is impenetrable.

Sure enough, the spikes slammed on the surface of the protective cover, and they were immediately stuck, and then Qin Lang exhaled vigorously, and the three spikes fell off the protective cover.

After the mercenary saw Qin Lang firing three shots, he dodged and moved forward. After blocking the three shots, Qin Lang ran and chased at the bottom of the lake. Due to the effect of the water avoidance talisman, his running speed was basically There is no resistance, even like long-distance running on land.

The two sides were originally separated by more than ten feet, but one couldn't breathe, and Qin Lang had already shortened the distance to five feet.

But at this time, the yellow-skinned monkey flashed and disappeared.


Qin Lang was stunned, but when he let go of his consciousness, he found that this guy appeared on the left side. It turned out that this guy was not invisible just now, but used the special ability to transform people, and flashed directly to another direction.

Qin Lang currently knows very little information about reformers, but after all, he has fought against several reformers, and he knows that the main reason why such people have various means that ordinary people can't imagine is that their physical potential has been completely activated.

This kind of activation method, I am afraid that it does not consider the bearing capacity of the bearer at all, and blindly taps the potential, so there are many dead test subjects, and those who can survive naturally have various special abilities. Basically, it would be very difficult for these reformers to improve their strength.

After all, running out of potential is a very bad thing.

Like this guy now, he has been tapped out of his potential in speed, and he is very powerful in flashing and moving.

This kind of flashing ability was comparable to Qin Lang's speed. After that, Qin Lang almost caught the yellow-skinned monkey several times, but was escaped by this guy's flashing.

This guy should be the third-level reformer in this group of Nanyang international mercenaries. This kind of flash ability is very good. He can compete with Qin Lang who wears "Shadow Changing Boots" and casts Phantom Wind Walk. Every time he flashes , can appear in another direction about twenty feet away.

"It seems that if you want to catch this loach, you have to increase your speed."

Qin Lang's water-avoiding talisman has expired for 5 minutes, and he is going to catch this third-level modified human mercenary before the effect of the water-avoiding talisman disappears.

At this time, he took another picture of the Wind Escape Talisman for himself, and his speed increased sharply again. With a smile, Qin Lang rushed towards the yellow-skinned monkey again.

"I don't believe it, I can't catch up with you now!"

Qin Lang's current speed is close to the speed of sound. When he was running at the bottom of the lake, he pulled out a long afterimage.

"Ah! How is this possible!"

The yellow-skinned monkey turned pale with fright. Now Qin Lang's speed has exceeded his imagination. He can't imagine that human beings can have such a terrifying speed.

Finally, this guy was caught by Qin Lang's finger pointing on the Sleeping Point.

After subduing this guy, Qin Lang jumped out from the bottom of the lake with the man, jumped into the dock again, and began to search for the memory of this third-level modified human mercenary.

The memory extracted by the technique of searching for gods is very messy and needs to be read selectively by the caster. Qin Lang is also an experienced person, and he quickly found the information he wanted.

It turns out that Lu Mingde is also cunning. Now he feels that his life is threatened. He has escaped from Huaxia and went to the family headquarters to ask for support and protection. It is probably because he has lost a series of struggles with Qin Lang and Lanrun Company recently, which makes him feel that his opponent is not good. It's because of a guilty conscience that I made such a decision.

"Can you escape?"

Qin Lang looked into the distance and smiled faintly. Since Lu Mingde decided to fight against Lanrun Company, it was doomed that one party must completely fall in this struggle.

Qin Lang knew that he was definitely not the one who fell, so he would definitely suppress Baolai Company and Lu Mingde to the end. If Lu Mingde did not fall, he would never let go.

With a slight spit of inner energy, Qin Lang ended the life of the pawn in his hand, and finally the Nanyang international mercenary group that entered China was all killed by Qin Lang.

Peng!A fire dragon was released by Qin Lang, and soon burned the entire dock. After the fire boiled, the entire base ceased to exist.

(End of this chapter)

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