The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1204 Mercenary Base

Chapter 1204 Mercenary Base

After burning the entire base, Qin Lang then dialed the phone number of Li Lengfeng, the head of the Li family: "Old Li, please help me book a ticket to Nanyang, the place is Medan! The sooner the time, the better!"

"Okay, I'll get you in two hours."

Li Lengfeng's voice came from over there.

Lao Li is absolutely reliable in his work, otherwise, I would not ask him for help again and again.

Qin Lang knew that now he only needed to go directly to the airport and he might be able to catch up with Lu Mingde who was running away.

Because from the memory of the mercenary just now, Qin Lang knew the route of Lu Mingde's escape, which was to go to Medan, the capital of North Sumatra Province in Indonesia.

It is said that the mysterious family power resident behind Lu Mingde is hidden in this area, and the core part of the resident is the transformed human laboratory with black technology.

That's right!The group of transformed international mercenaries who dealt with Qin Lang before were all transformed from this Nanyang laboratory. This is also the biggest core card in the hands of the mysterious Lu family.


The large Boeing 747 slowly flew into the sky, and Qin Lang had already boarded the passenger plane and left Huaxia.

Medan, which is a city with an area of ​​342 square kilometers and a population of about 180 million, is also the third largest city in Indonesia.The city is on the brink of the Strait of Malacca, and it is also the west gate of Indonesia's foreign trade and one of the main entry and exit ports for domestic and foreign tourists.

After Qin Lang got off the plane, he realized that this small city in Nanyang was a little different from what he had imagined. The whole city was clean, shady with trees, and the climate was pleasant, not worse than those key tourist cities in China.There are many foreign tourists here, and the Sultan Palace built in 1888 in the city is a key area for foreign tourists to enter and exit.

The family behind Lu Mingde is rooted in this city, but the business on the surface is not cosmetics, but a monopoly of the entire city and even the entire Nanyang pharmaceutical industry. It is a giant in the surrounding areas of Nanyang.

Compared with the domestic Baolai Cosmetics Industry Co., Ltd., this consortium named Indonesia Baosheng Pharmaceutical Group is more powerful, and Lu Mingde's Baolai company in China is just a branch of the consortium abroad.

Qin Lang found that it was quite difficult for him to find out that cunning guy Lu Mingde in this exotic Nanyang, and at the same time destroy the huge force behind this guy. He didn't have a good understanding of the force behind Lu Mingde before, so some Take it for granted.

However, Qin Lang is not a person who is afraid of challenges, the more difficult the task, the more able to arouse his fighting spirit.

As soon as he got off the plane, Qin Lang felt that he was being followed. There were at least four or five people with malicious intentions around him, and they should all be people from the forces behind Lu Mingde.

With a smile, Qin Lang was worried that he could not find the right owner, so he searched for the remote areas of the city, and went wherever the remote areas were, and lured these four or five guys over.

"Boy! Stop! God damn it, run like a dog!"

He uttered Nanyang swear words, and the group behind him ran four or five kilometers panting with Qin Lang. Now that they arrived in a remote area of ​​the city, they finally became unscrupulous, and all of them showed the guys in their hands.

Qin Lang stopped and turned around slowly.

Compared with the embarrassment of these guys behind him, the four or five kilometers journey is not even a warm-up level for Qin Lang, so he still looks as usual and is not out of breath.

And those guys behind them took out their mobile phones one after another, compared Qin Lang with the photos provided in the mobile phone, and finally confirmed that the foreigner in front of him was the one the owner was looking for, so they all became excited: "Hahaha! A great achievement, it is indeed this people!"

Several guys gathered around one after another, ready to go forward and grab Qin Lang, the mission target.

And Qin Lang also grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Why are you laughing? You might cry later!"

The leader yelled, although they knew that Lu Mingde, the boss of Huaxia Baolai Company, was so embarrassed by this guy in front of him that he had to run all the way back to the family headquarters to avoid disaster, but after all, he hadn't experienced it himself, so he didn't Knowing how terrible Qin Lang is, the few in front of him are still full of bullshit.

It's no wonder they are so pushy. They are the latest batch of Nanyang international mercenaries transformed by the Lujia black technology laboratory. Everyone's strength is between the third and fourth levels, and they are sent to Huaxia by the headquarters of the mercenary base The batch of tasks is more capable.

Three or four levels of reformed human strength, these four or five disguised mercenaries do have the capital of arrogance, this kind of strength is almost considered top level in this world, can be compared with the top Martial Venerable, and even have the same strength as the ancient Warriors are qualified to fight.

If it were someone else, surrounded by four or five opponents of this level of strength, they would definitely turn pale with fright, but who is Qin Lang?He is a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy. Although the group of opponents in front of him has strengthened, they are still very strong.

It's like it used to be a group of ants who were fighting against me, but now they have changed into a group of mice.

In front of the cat's paw, whether it's an ant or a mouse, I can crush them to death with one paw.

A few yellow-skinned monkeys showed off their power for a while, without any low-key self-consciousness, Qin Lang smiled lightly at this time, and shot directly without talking nonsense with them.

"Dragon Elephant Fist!"

Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist was unleashed, and each punch had a force of at least [-] tons, which was almost the same as the impact speed of the truck.

Bang bang bang bang!Following Qin Lang's punching speed like an afterimage, the five boasted for a while, but the yellow-skinned monkey who did it was not seen to be beaten directly.

However, these third- and fourth-level reformers are indeed physically strong, and most of them only suffered minor injuries.

Except for one guy who couldn't strengthen his physical fitness and didn't stand up again, when the other four guys faced Qin Lang again, their expressions were already a bit more dignified.

Qin Lang's shot just now gave the five third- and fourth-level reformed mercenaries the feeling that even the top fifth-level mercenaries in the base can only reach Qin Lang's level of strength at most.

They didn't expect that Qin Lang's punch just now still retained his strength. Qin Lang's Dragon Elephant Fist had already broken through to a great success.

"Dragon-elephant changes... capture."

After Qin Lang's Dragon Elephant Fist was completed, he could change from Dragon Elephant Fist to Dragon Elephant Palm or Dragon Elephant Finger, etc. In the blink of an eye, he made another attack. This time, he didn't miss. He directly hit the acupuncture points of the remaining four people and threw them on the ground Stack together to form a human meat mountain bun.

"No no no!"

Struggling, four or five modified human mercenaries were able to move even after their acupoints were tapped. It is estimated that with their strong physiques, this acupressure would not be able to trap them for long, and their own powerful qi and blood would be able to break through the blockade of the acupoints.

For this, Qin Lang was also amazed: "The physical fitness and cell activity of the transformed people in front of me, I am afraid that even the general Wuzun-level warriors can't compare. This kind of human body transformation black technology is really amazing. My curiosity It's really hooked... It seems that I not only need to complete the task of destroying Lu Mingde and the forces behind him, but also get the core data of the transformation technology of that black technology laboratory."

"Forgive your life! Forgive your life!"

Several mercenaries struggled for a while but couldn't break free, and finally realized that they had encountered a hard point, and the Nanyang yellow-skinned monkeys lost all their backbone, begging for mercy one after another.

This kind of performance also made Qin Lang very disappointed. He felt that the second wave of international mercenaries he met in Huaxia were much tougher than these companions. Although their strength was not as good as the ones in front of them, those people did not beg for mercy until they died .

What Qin Lang didn't know was that the mercenary headquarters sent abroad to perform missions were all members of the war department of the mercenary headquarters. Many mission tests, less bloody.

Qin Lang didn't have a good impression of these Nanyang monkeys, so he directly killed four of them, and the remaining one was the highest level, obviously the little boss of this operation, a fourth-level reformer.

Therefore, Qin Lang used the technique of searching for gods again, and searched for information about Lu Mingde and the forces behind him from the little mercenary leader.

It is a pity that no special clues can be found from this mercenary. The most valuable clue is that the base camp of this group of mercenaries is located in Wild Elephant Valley, more than 200 kilometers away from Kapok City.

The Wild Elephant Valley in Indonesia is also well-known. Compared with the Wild Elephant Valley in Thailand, although there are not so many wild elephants, the environment is more remote and dangerous. The mouth of the valley is like a gourd mouth. If someone pretends to hold the gourd mouth , It's like ten thousand guards, and ten thousand men can't open it.

It is worth mentioning that during the process of Qin Lang's search for gods, the subdued fourth-level reformed mercenary actually broke through the sealed hole and tried to fight back against Qin Lang.

However, it is a pity that Qin Lang's strength absolutely crushed this guy, so this guy's counterattack was in vain, and he was subdued again and again, and Qin Lang sealed the acupuncture points again.

However, this also made Qin Lang realize that even if he is a cultivator, and his cultivation base is not weak, he has many magic weapons and means, but he is not invincible in all aspects.

The ones that appear now are only transformed people, not real mutant fighters. I heard that the mutant fighters secretly cultivated by the big western chaebols and big technology groups are far more terrifying than transformed people. When the time comes, his spiritual search method will say Might be useless against some mutant fighters.


After getting the most valuable information from this guy, Qin Lang was also amazed to see that the fourth-level modified human mercenary did not become an idiot. It seems that the level of modified human has been raised to a certain level, and the resistance of spirit and consciousness has also strengthened It is worth studying a lot.

However, afterward, Qin Lang directly sent a burst of true energy to break the guy's pulse. This time, he was going abroad to do business, and now there are more important tasks, so there is no time to linger here, and the research will be discussed later.

"The headquarters of the Nanyang International Mercenary Base is indeed worth visiting!"

Qin Lang looked into the distance, and a cold light flashed across his eyes. Maybe he could find something more valuable in the headquarters of the international mercenary base.

Of course, the main purpose is to destroy all the guarantees of this person surnamed Lu.

The mercenary base in Nanyang, as the stronghold of the surname Lu, he must completely destroy it. It is useless for anyone to intercede. It is not his style to cut the grass and leave the root.

(End of this chapter)

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