Chapter 1205

Wild Elephant Valley, on both sides of the gourd-shaped valley mouth, two international mercenaries with submachine guns are lazily leaning on the back of the mountain, chewing a weed that was picked up by hand.

This is the headquarters of the Nanyang International Mercenary Headquarters, and it is also a large-scale mercenary organization covering several large and small Nanyang countries in the entire surrounding area.

There are more than 1000 people in the entire mercenary organization, of which nearly [-]% are reformed people.

At this moment, the mouth of the gourd is facing the direction, and a person is slowly walking in the distance.

Two lazy international mercenaries saw the person coming, pointed their submachine guns at the stranger who was coming towards the mouth of the gourd: "What are you doing? This is an important military area, and idlers are not allowed to enter. If you want to hire our gold Lord, please explain why you are here!"

It's really that the people who come here are too ordinary, and they are just one person, and behind them is the entire mercenary base, where a large number of thugs gather, so they are not afraid of what the people who come here will do anything. , they naturally behaved very calmly.

"Benefit Lord? Hehe, I'm not..."

The man said that it was Qin Lang who was looking for the Wild Elephant Valley.

"If not, go away immediately! Damn, the guns in our hands don't have eyes. If you stay here again, be careful, I will give you a shuttle."

One of the sentries threatened.

"Oh, is it?"

There was a slight smile on Qin Lang's face, he was here to stir things up this time, and he was definitely not the gold master these two guards said.

At this time, he laughed and Qin Lang had already made a move, and he shot a few fist shadows from close range, covering the two sentry posts in an airtight manner.

The two sentries guarding the gourd mouth of Wild Elephant Valley were only around the third level, so they had no time to react, and they received a lot of punches on their bodies.

Qin Lang's current fist strength is at least more than 20 tons. Even an elephant can fly with one punch. Even if the two guards are reformed people, they can't stand it.

In fact, the strength gap between the two sides is too great. The third-level reformer is almost equivalent to the early martial artist of Wu Zun. Even if Qin Lang doesn't use the strength of a cultivator, he can easily solve the two of them.

After killing the two gate guards, Qin Lang finally entered the inner valley of Wild Elephant Valley.

The entrance of the Wild Elephant Valley is extremely narrow and long, it is a natural defensive zone, but after entering, Qin Lang saw that there is something different inside.

At this time of year, the climate in the Nanyang region should be extremely hot, but the inside of the Wild Elephant Valley is very refreshing, with various vegetation resources growing vigorously, it is simply a paradise.

This group of international mercenaries chose a good place. Qin Lang felt that the spiritual energy in this valley was actually very abundant. It should be that there is a small underground spiritual vein that has not been completely exhausted underground. It is really rare.

There is a herd of elephants in the Wild Elephant Valley, about [-] wild elephants. After the Nanyang International Mercenary Organization took this place as a base, they also completely domesticated this group of wild elephants. On the scene, Qin Lang saw a group of mercenaries not far away. Just riding on a wild elephant and playing.

This group of mercenaries didn't have much fun at ordinary times. Apart from taming elephants to play, they just chatted in small groups or gathered people to gamble.

When Qin Lang approached the Wild Elephant Valley, most of the mercenaries didn't notice him, and continued their own fun.And when Qin Lang approached the group of mercenaries playing among the elephants, he finally caught the group's attention.

"Who are you? How did you get into our Wild Elephant Valley?"

Five mercenaries drove adult elephants and surrounded Qin Lang. These five guys were condescending and all of them were majestic.

Thinking about it, the five or six-meter-tall elephants and these Nanyang monkeys probably think of themselves as giants now.

Qin Lang stood still, not intimidated by the huge size of these wild elephants, just stared at these guys in front of him, and didn't answer.

Qin Lang's actions completely angered the mercenaries riding adult wild elephants in front of them. They looked at each other and chattered for a while, showing a hideous expression, which meant that they had only tamed the wild elephant not long ago, and they hadn't tried it well yet. Exceeding the power of the war elephant, I happened to test it with the idiot in front of me who didn't know how to rush into the Wild Elephant Valley.

Boom boom boom!
The surrounding wild elephants walked closer with their big thick legs like metal pillars. These are all male elephants. Their huge bodies of four or five meters high are like a mobile fortress, and their long fangs are like extremely sharp The grass is pure and white, but with a touch of evil spirit.

An adult wild elephant weighs more than ten tons, and it is born with the strength equivalent to Wu Zun's late stage. If it runs, the sprinting strength is definitely similar to that of a large truck. Even Qin Lang has to avoid the sharp edge.

However, these wild elephants are too close to form a sprint now, so Qin Lang doesn't need to be afraid.When a few wild elephants approached, Qin Lang also started to make a move, leaping directly onto the back of a wild elephant, throwing a mercenary flying off the elephant's body.

"Haha, come on!"

Qin Lang, who straddled the wild elephant, laughed loudly. The male wild elephant under him seemed uncomfortable being ridden by a stranger, and screamed, but Qin Lang immediately released a trace of coercion, which immediately made the huge elephant The guy immediately became honest.

With just a breath of coercion that was released just now, Qin Lang achieved the control effect that these Nanyang mercenaries had failed to achieve in training wild elephants for several months.

Not only that, the surrounding wild elephants sensed Qin Lang's aura, and they all began to stand still, and there was a trace of fear in the eyes of the very humanized wild elephants.

Compared with humans, these wild elephants with more spirituality are more likely to feel the strength and extraordinaryness of Qin Lang, which makes them resist the orders of their masters and become less honest. Now the Nanyang mercenaries on their backs let them move forward, but instead Keep going back.

"what happened?"

These mercenaries were all very surprised. Could it be that their animal taming skills have regressed?Probably not!

The cowering performance of stepping down the big wild elephant, coupled with Qin Lang's good skills before, finally made them start to pay attention to the pale-faced Huaxia in front of them.

This Huaxia man didn't take it easy, no wonder he dared to break into the Wild Elephant Valley alone, it turned out he had real skills.

However, those who come uninvited are definitely enemies and not friends, so they don't have to worry about using any means to deal with Qin Lang.

At this time, these mercenaries took out their weapons one by one, all of which were powerful firearms, and began to aim at Qin Lang.

"This trick again?"

Qin Lang frowned, and opened his magic weapon shield. In this case, unless it was bombed by rockets, these yellow-skinned monkeys would never want to break through their magic weapon defense.

Da da da!da da da da...

The mercenaries around opened fire. These mercenaries were also professionally trained, and each of them had good marksmanship. Every bullet hit the target against the recoil of the gun.

However, after hitting Qin Lang's body, it was blocked by a faintly shining shield on Qin Lang's body. After a round of heavy fire salvo, Qin Lang didn't even scratch the skin.

This situation surprised these mercenaries. Could it be that the boy in front of him is also a reformer, and depending on the situation, he is still a high-level reformer. With the invulnerability of this weird boy in front of him, I am afraid that only the instructors in the entire base are capable of dealing with him.

The instructor at the base is also the most powerful member of the entire Nanyang International Mercenary Group, and he is a Level [-] reformer.


Qin Lang also counterattacked at this time, and at some point in his hand, the Black Eagle Sword was revealed. The most suitable move in the Sansheng Sword Art, "Sword Style Phantom Crack", was swung continuously, turning into a hundred sword shadows. Directly chasing every mercenary around, it's like bringing a tracking bullet.

The effect of this sword energy tracking is also realized by Qin Lang in the past few days, and it is also a manifestation of a deeper level of sword intent. Now Qin Lang should be able to figure out the fourth style of Sansheng Sword Art.

Ahhhhh!With a series of screams, the twenty or thirty mercenaries of the wild elephant herd around them all fell to the ground, and all of them were killed with a single blow. The sword repairer was like chopping vegetables and cutting melons against weaker opponents. There is no room for resistance, but all can't resist this round of sword energy.

"A real dish!"

Qin Lang slowly shook off the blood drops from the tip of the sword. The hundred and ten sword qi hit the enemy just now, but did not hurt any wild elephant. Qin Lang's control over the sword is now perfect.

Killed [-] or [-] mercenaries, the huge bloody smell spread out, and finally attracted the attention of all mercenaries in the entire Wild Elephant Valley, and then the alarm of the entire base was sounded, beeping beeping non-stop, indicating that the base is now encountering When it comes to a powerful foreign enemy, all mercenaries are required to come to support.

However, when many unknown mercenaries surrounded the place, and learned that the foreign enemy was only one Chinese, they were all very surprised.

You must know that the alarm that the base sounded just now is the highest level of red alarm. This level of alarm will only be sounded unless everyone in the base encounters a life-and-death event.

But the fact that there are dozens of corpses lying scattered on the ground explains everything with the fact of blood, even if Qin Lang is only one person, it is not easy to mess with, the base sounded the red alarm right, so they are all With great energy, he approached carefully, and surrounded Qin's mother circle after circle.

"One...ten...hundred...two hundred...three hundred..." Mama Qin was counting the number of people, and now the ten feet of her area is empty, but the ten feet away is surrounded by people. The water is tight, and basically the entire mercenary base is now attracted.

Moreover, the new mercenaries here continue to join, making the crowded crowd even tighter.

"Is this the guy who broke into our base and killed more than 30 people? Let me, Salvador, meet him now!"

A burly man with muscles comparable to that of Anuozhou squeezed out from the crowd and entered the middle of the field.

This burly Nanyang man is very tall, with a height of more than 1.9 meters. This kind of body shape is rare even in China. I don't know whether this guy has grown in size after undergoing transformation, or he is born with such a good physical fitness.

This guy should be the instructor of this base. Qin Lang feels that this El Salvador is the most powerful in the whole base, and he should be the fifth-level reformer.

(End of this chapter)

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