Chapter 1206

"Ge Laozi! Come on, let me see your skills."

After Salvador entered the center of the field, he resorted to the method of long whale inhalation, and his whole body suddenly expanded like a balloon, slowly increasing in size.

It's not really like inflating a balloon, it's just inflating the body.

This kind of expansion is completely caused by the fundamental changes in El Salvador's muscle structure and the intense stretching of muscle fibers.

It can be said that Salvador, who has grown up a lot now, has also increased his own strength dramatically due to the expansion of his muscles. The knotted muscles and lumps are very scary to look at. Go, it seems to be able to cause a powerful effect of shaking the earth!
Now El Salvador looks like a human-shaped brown bear, and the fifth-level modified human looks really majestic.

In this regard, Qin Lang also showed interest. With this aura, he could sense that the Nanyang man who was as strong as a brown bear in front of him was indeed his strongest opponent since returning to China.

Fighting against such an opponent can hone your fighting skills and improve your combat experience.

Since it was a one-on-one challenge, Qin Lang did not use sword repair methods. If he used sword repair methods, the battle would have no suspense, and it could even end immediately. Such a result is definitely not what Qin Lang wants to see.

What he longs for is a hearty battle, which can not only satisfy his enjoyment, but also improve his fighting skills. The opponent in front of him seems to be just right.


Qin Lang's momentum erupted, and his energy and spirit were highly integrated at this moment, "Dragon elephant yin and yang break!"

He used Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist, and with one punch, the fist turned into a yin and yang, two yin and yang fish spiraling towards the opponent.

Well done!
Seeing this, Salvador shouted loudly and went up to meet him!

Among the entire Nanyang mercenary group, this instructor is also an alternative, an out-and-out martial idiot.

Salvador has thick skin and thick skin, and is good at defense. He has also practiced Muay Thai for many years. Because of his body transformation, he has become extremely powerful. His Muay Thai moves are far faster and stronger than all Muay Thai champions he has ever seen in his life. .

Salvador's move speed is 24 punches per second, or [-] kicks.

Each punch has a force of at least six tons, and each leg has a force of at least ten tons, which is very terrifying.

However, El Salvador's horror is only for other people. For Qin Lang, he is still suppressed in all aspects. Qin Lang is stronger than this guy in terms of speed of moves and fists.

However, this guy is indeed the best sparring partner, his strength is suppressed by Qin Lang in all aspects, but he is not too weak, so he can give Qin Lang a try.

On the scene, there was a lot of fighting and people were moving very fast. On the scene, only two afterimages of human figures could be seen moving fast.

During the fierce battle with El Salvador, Qin Lang also confidently and boldly used some of his fighting comprehensions in the past half month, honing his already extremely powerful fighting skills.

The two collided to form a powerful tornado, blowing grass clippings around and rising into the sky.

And the mercenaries around are also not panting, staring at the center of the field. The instructor is the strongest among them and one of the banners of the entire base. If the instructor wins this round of battle, it will be great for the entire base. It is also a great encouragement.

However, if it fails...the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable.

Think about it, if even the instructors are defeated, who in the entire base can stop Qin Lang from destroying it?

"Haha, it's fun! It's fun!"

The instructor actually fought with Qin Lang for more than half an hour, and felt that the strength of both sides was equal. Such a battle made his desire to fight even stronger.

In fact, this is also the reason why Qin Lang did not try his best to fight in order to hone some of his fighting skills.

Otherwise, if you let go of your strength to fight, even with the Dragon Elephant Fist, you can hit up to [-] tons of punching power. I am afraid that even the instructor, a fifth-level reformer, will be blown away by one blow.

During the battle, the instructor's aura suddenly increased again, and the whole body's muscles and bones actually let out the roar of a tiger and the cry of a leopard, which came to Qin Lang's ears very clearly.

"This is... Hubao Leiyin, it's strange, it's really rare that this fifth-level reformer can actually produce Hubao Leiyin!"

Qin Lang was stunned. Tiger and leopard thunder sounds are usually only produced when monks above the alchemy stage break through the realm, but this Salvador in front of him is not a cultivator, but a level five reformer, and he doesn't know how to do it During the battle, the body produces tiger and leopard thunder sounds.

In fact, this is also due to El Salvador's own special physique. This guy has a body that is very suitable for self-cultivation. His spiritual root aptitude is very good, and he has practiced muay thai for many years. Muay thai is actually a powerful martial skill. It can generate inner strength when cultivated deeply. of.

Moreover, Salva is a fifth-level reformer. Compared with ordinary warriors, his body is more likely to produce special synchronous memories. It is normal for Tiger Leopard to appear by chance.

After the appearance of Tiger Leopard Leiyin, El Salvador faintly had the ability to break through the fifth-level body transformation, and there was a tendency to go up to a higher level and become a sixth-level transformation person.

It has never happened in the entire base that the reformed person automatically breaks through the upper limit to increase the level during the battle, and this time Qin Lang encountered it.

The sixth-level modified person, the mysterious family laboratory behind Lu Mingde has never produced such a high-level modified person. If El Salvador can successfully advance this time, the laboratory may also find a new breakthrough. research direction.

Roar!Salvador let out a huge roar, and the air waves spewed out from his whole body actually shook the valley and echoed continuously, making the mercenaries around him surging with blood.

During the fight, the clothes on his body had been shattered, and now his shiny and thick upper body was bare. It must be said that Salvador's body was so burly that even a bodybuilder would be jealous. The muscle bumps are almost the same as the thighs of other mercenaries.

The improvement of Salvador's level ability is also a good thing for Qin Lang. Now Salvador feels almost like a martial artist in the king of martial arts. In addition, this guy's ability is good at defense and he is more resistant to beating. He is really a very good sparring opponent.

Qin Lang is not in a hurry to destroy the entire mercenary base. He will fight with the strongest in this base for a while. For a period of time, the backlog of fighting ideas and new changes in moves have been used and verified repeatedly.

Anyway, it's okay if this free sparring opponent is broken, and because it's the enemy, such an unreserved battle can thoroughly test the shortcomings of one's own thoughts.

This battle lasted for half an hour, and after all the thoughts in Qin Lang's mind had been verified, he stopped holding back. In Salvador's astonishing eyes, a dragon-like yin and yang was directly imprinted on the opponent's chest , With a strong breath, this guy flew out immediately.

However, El Salvador's body is indeed extremely strong. Qin Lang's attack was another reformer, and he might have broken his heart, but this guy was only injured and vomited blood. After landing, he struggled and wanted to get up again.

It's a pity that Qin Lang didn't stay strong at all when he shot just now, so although Salvatore's heart was not broken, the big acupoints all over his body were impacted by true energy.

This guy has completely lost his fighting power. Qin Lang looked around at the mercenaries, and when these people all showed fear in their eyes, he laughed.

"I declare that this base is officially disbanded and will cease to exist from now on! If you are not satisfied, please stay here. I will make dozens of noises. If you still stay in Wild Elephant Valley, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Now start counting, one, two, three... seven, eight... ten!"

Qin Lang counted the seconds slowly. After defeating the strongest instructor at the base, the other mercenaries didn't have the courage to challenge Qin Lang.

The opponent is really too strong, even the instructors can't beat them, let alone them.

And when Qin Lang started counting down the seconds, most of the ordinary mercenaries in the Wild Elephant Valley were the weakest in their hearts. The first batch retreated, and then the second batch.

When the ordinary mercenaries were retreating, even those modified mercenaries escaped in the chaos.

However, more mercenaries remained and decided to fight Qin Lang to the end.

For these mercenaries, Wild Elephant Valley is their home, and they are too deeply involved with the entire base and the mysterious Lujia laboratory.

The human transformation experiment was only carried out by referring to the research on mutants in developed countries, and obtained a part of the incomplete formula of the mutant program.

In this case, the modified humans designed by Lu Family’s Mysterious Experimental Treasure have too many flaws, and all modified humans must take the laboratory’s rejection drugs on a regular basis. .

If the drug is discontinued for a period of time, the harm will be enormous. Without anti-rejection drugs, the body organs of the transformed person will fail, and even cause sudden death.

Therefore, as long as they are clear-headed reformers, they will know that they are already bound to the base and the Lu family's mysterious laboratory, and they cannot leave the organization if they want to.

But now Qin Lang came to the Wild Elephant Valley and wanted to destroy this base, that is the enemy, even if the enemy is very powerful, but they have to fight to the end.

Qin Lang wanted to destroy the reformed people and the mysterious forces of the Lu family, so it is also in line with his wishes that these reformed people do not escape now.

At this time, he laughed loudly and said, "Okay, since everyone has made a choice, can be buried here with the entire Wild Elephant Valley!"

He started to swing the sword energy, those movements were as graceful as a dance, but every appearance of the sword energy represented a fierce murderous intent, and hundreds of thousands of sword energy were gathered together by him to form a vortex sphere of sword energy, Then Qin Lang waved his sword and pointed, and the entire sword balloon suddenly divided into attacks, turning into a thousand arrows.

Countless sword qi shot from one point to all directions, chasing every survivor in the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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