Chapter 1207
After the sword energy came into play, there was basically no living in the valley, and all the reformed mercenaries were completely dead.

After all, compared to the power of his sword qi, the most powerful reformer among these people is actually equivalent to having more special abilities than a martial artist, but he does not have the strength to save his life under the sharp sword qi.

Absolute strength can compete against everything. This is an eternal law no matter in the cultivation world or here.

However, Qin Lang left Salvador who was seriously injured, and he still had some questions to get answers from the instructors of this mercenary base.

Without much nonsense, Qin Lang gave this guy a god-searching technique directly. However, this reformed human instructor who just entered the sixth level from the fifth level, the conscious resistance was extremely fierce, and Qin Lang was repeatedly unhappy with the god-searching technique It didn't work.


During Qin Lang's search for God, Salvador was also frightened for a while.

Nanyang's technique of lowering the head is famous all over the world, so this guy thought that Qin Lang would use this technique for himself. In that case, he would definitely not be able to survive or die in the future.

Therefore, El Salvador is trying his best to fight against Qin Lang's technique of searching for gods, which is also the real reason why Qin Lang's technique cannot progress this time.

"It's really stubborn!"

Qin Lang sighed, as a cultivator, he knows a lot of spells, and it seems that he has to work harder to successfully perform the spell of searching for gods.

"Ghost curse!"

Qin Lang put a ghost curse on a living person in El Salvador. This ghost spell from the Yin Talisman Sutra can control the body of a dead person, and it can also cast a curse on a living person, making the subconscious of the living person give up on himself and gradually be enslaved.

However, enslaving a person by casting the Nether Ghost Curse cannot be completed in a short time, it needs a gradual process, which often takes more than ten days and a half months.

Qin Lang didn't have the patience to wait. In fact, he didn't really want to enslave Salvador. He just used the ghost spell to give Salvador a hint in his heart, so that his consciousness would not be so strong against the art of searching for gods.

After all, if he really turned a living person into a human and ghost, he would not be able to deal with that ruthless hand, he would only kill him with one blow.

It is to blame that Salvador is too stubborn, he can't get the information he wants, so naturally he can only use Salvador.

If he had been reduced to a prisoner today, hehe, his end would definitely be many times more miserable than that of El Salvador at the moment.

As Qin Lang stretched out his finger, the Nether Ghost Curse was thrown into Salvador's brow and entered the guy's sea of ​​consciousness.

As soon as the Nether Ghost Spell enters the sea of ​​consciousness, it goes straight to the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness. The soul of ordinary people is very weak, but the soul of this reformed person Salvador who has reached the sixth level is more than a hundred times stronger than that of ordinary people.

This level of primordial spirit can almost be compared with the cultivators of the foundation period, which is the real reason why El Salvador can resist Qin Lang's art of searching for gods.

After all, Qin Lang's technique of searching for gods is not a brilliant technique in the comprehension world. It may be effective against ordinary low-level comprehensions, but it is useless against slightly higher-level comprehensions.

Therefore, in the world of comprehension, the art of searching for gods is just a tasteless skill, and it can only be used against ordinary mortals. It can be used to deal with those warriors who are of the Martial Master level, but it is completely useless against warriors above the Martial King level. dish.

However, Qin Lang's set of god-searching techniques has always been amazing in China, but this time he encountered some troubles when he met the instructor of the sixth-level reformer.

With the planting of the ghost curse, Salvador, the sixth-level reformer, relaxed his expression, and his consciousness's resistance to spells also decreased, which made Qin Lang, who performed the spell again, finally succeed in searching for God.

With the success of the technique of searching for gods, a large number of memories of El Salvador's life appeared before Qin Lang's eyes. These memories are very messy, and Qin Lang needs to constantly search and organize them to analyze the fragments of information that are useful to him.

Qin Lang is also an experienced person, and he quickly found useful information for him, but he automatically skipped about Salvador's birth and growth experience.

Through the memory of Salvador, the instructor of the reformer, Qin Lang knew the location of the contact person of the Lu family who often contacted the mercenary base, and also knew the location of the mysterious laboratory of the Lu family.

These two pieces of information are very useful. Knowing the contact person of the Lu family that the Lu family keeps in touch with the base, Qin Lang can follow the vines and find the high-level information of the entire Lu family, which is very helpful for him to get rid of Lu Mingde and the forces behind him. help.

After all, the Lu family's power is divided into two parts, light and dark, and the one in the dark is the real foundation of the Lu family's power.

If we start from the obvious, the effect will be much worse, because Lujia's pharmaceutical group company is a very formal and legal multinational consortium, and most of the senior personnel in the group company are professional managers. Home is irrelevant.

Therefore, if you start from the obvious, it is not easy to find out about the huge Lu family relationship network behind Lu Mingde layer by layer. It will take too much time and energy, which is not in line with Qin Lang's quick decision. purpose.

Now that Qin Lang has the information provided by El Salvador's memory, he can skip a large number of peripheral personnel and directly find the Lu family, a huge family power network hidden in Nanyang.

And the second information, knowing the location of the mysterious laboratory of the Lu family, Qin Lang can go directly to the door, completely destroy this mysterious laboratory, and at the same time obtain some information about the transformation of people in the laboratory, Satisfy your curiosity.

After getting these two important pieces of information, Qin Lang didn't hesitate, and directly disposed of the worthless reformer instructor in his hands.

There is now a pool of blood in the valley, with corpses lying all over the place. This may be Qin Lang's most murderous time.

However, these Nanyang mercenaries deserve what they deserve. For money, the mercenaries in the base can do anything.

They can do any task. Murder, arson, and robbery are still minor. Sometimes, for mission needs, the base will kill hundreds of people in a certain village, regardless of age. It is an unforgivable crime.

They have done things like Tucun more than once, which is one of the reasons why Qin Lang has no scruples when he strikes. After all, people have to have a little conscience. This kind of anger and grievance has exceeded the limit of normal people's reasoning .

In the world of comprehension, their behavior is evil, and evil people in the world of comprehension are also the result of everyone calling for beating and killing.

Killed all the modified mercenaries in this mercenary base, and now there are no living mercenaries in the Wild Elephant Valley, Qin Lang started to clean the battlefield at this time.

Now that the base has been pulled out, it's time to reap the rewards. Due to their frequent missions, these reincarnated international mercenaries are all rich.

Since they are all typical of "one person is full, the whole family is not hungry", these modified mercenaries basically carry their belongings with them.

Qin Lang confiscated a large amount of property from more than a hundred reformed mercenaries, including nearly two hundred catties of gold ornaments alone, but most of the reformed mercenaries were wearing two or three catties of dog's head gold necklaces.

In addition, there are some jade objects, as well as US dollar bills, money orders, and certificates of deposit.

These reformed mercenaries basically do not accept the local Indonesian rupiah for their tasks. They only recognize the internationally accepted US dollar bills, British pounds and euros. The total number of US dollar bills on these people is estimated to be 900 to 6000 million, which is equivalent to more than [-] million now. Huaxia coins.

In addition to gold ornaments and U.S. banknotes, the most important thing is those international bank drafts and deposit certificates. These drafts and deposit certificates are anonymous, and anyone can go to the international bank to check cash. Qin Lang did some calculations. These drafts Together with the certificate of deposit, it is worth at least [-] million yuan.

Good guy, in this case, Qin Lang obtained at least [-] million in property income after a round of search, which is completely equivalent to the total profit income of the current Lanrun Company for a year.

These properties were all put into the storage bag by Qin Lang, and all of them were invested in the company's development after going back. I believe that with this new capital injection, the company's development speed will become faster.

After collecting these belongings, such as guns and ammunition on the ground, Qin Lang dismissed them. For him, these bullets can't break his own defense, they are all worthless scraps of iron.

However, there are some rockets and grenades in the base warehouse. If you are interested, you can get a few grenades and ammunition.

After finding the base warehouse, Qin Lang was immediately attracted by the base's rich weapon inventory. As the largest mercenary base in Nanyang, this base warehouse is completely a large arsenal.

Many guns and ammunition that cannot be seen on the market are available in the arsenal, and there are even a lot of each type. Many guns are treasures, which are out-of-print versions on the black market.

It seems that this international mercenary base has existed for many years, otherwise there would not be such a rich inventory.

Originally, Qin Lang wanted to completely destroy the entire Wild Elephant Valley, including the arsenal, but now that he saw the inventory in the arsenal, he felt a little pity.

So Qin Lang called the three patriarchs of the Li family, the Nalan family, and the Lei family of the Sifang Alliance, and asked them to send people to the Wild Elephant Valley to take over the arsenal and deal with the aftermath of the Wild Elephant Valley.

After all, with so many mercenaries dead, if the corpses are left exposed outside, mosquitoes will surely breed over time, which in turn will cause plague.

It is also in Qin Lang's plan to send people from the Quartet Alliance. After all, Qin Lang wants to deal with the forces behind Lu Mingde and the laboratory in some places. He also needs to rely on the strength of these people on his side.

While on the phone, Qin Lang also got good news. Under the suppression of the four-party alliance, Lu Mingde's Baolai Cosmetics Company in Huaxia is on the verge of bankruptcy. Since there is no boss in charge of the company, the employees of the company are now running away. More than half of it has fallen, and the company's factory buildings and production workshops have also been shut down for several days.

"Lu Mingde's Baolai Company in Huaxia is about to go bankrupt. This is a great thing! Offending me, Lanrun, is what you all deserve."

Hearing this, Qin Lang was also refreshed, and then he said to himself: "If Baolai Company goes bankrupt, Lan Run can take over this empty shell."

"After all, Baolai Company has been in the field of Huaxia cosmetics for more than 20 years, and its production settings and brand influence are still good. After taking over, our company can slowly digest this part of the market, and then completely transfer this part of the market share to our company. Lanrun’s brand will go up.”

(End of this chapter)

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