Chapter 1208 Lingtan
In China, as long as Baolai Company is insolvent, the bank will auction Baolai Company and its subordinate factories for asset recovery after bankruptcy.

At that time, Qin Lang can completely let Tang Qian, the general manager of the company, bid for all the assets of Baolai Company, and then carry out relevant brand recycling strategies to completely pull over the loyal customers who originally belonged to the Baolai brand. Slowly become a customer of Lanrun.

In this way, Baolai's remaining market share will not be divided by several other cosmetics companies in the Huaxia market, and Qin Lang's family will monopolize the spoils.

This action must be fast, Qin Lang immediately called Tang Qian, the general manager of the company.

"Hey! Is it the boss?"

Tang Qian answered the phone, and a few days later, Tang Qian's body had fully recovered and she was discharged from the hospital. Now she was full of breath when answering the phone, and she seemed to be recovering very well.

But this is also nonsense. With Good Fortune Pill and Qin Lang's strong attack, it would be strange if Tang Qian's body could not recover so quickly.

Qin Lang, who has all the medical experience of Xuan Qingzi from Tianyi Sect, is the god of medicine in China, not to mention taking the medicine of good fortune pill, which is a magic medicine for life and death in the cultivation world, and the flesh and bones. It can almost be pulled back in one breath.

"It's me. It looks like I'm recovering well. Are you in the company now?"

Qin Lang asked with concern.

"Well, thank you boss this time, otherwise Tang Qian would suffer a lot and may not survive."

On the other end of the phone, Tang Qian also knew about Qin Lang's miraculous medical skills in the hospital to treat her. It can be said that her life was completely saved by Qin Lang, because even with the serious injury before, even surgery may not be able to guarantee her be able to survive the surgery.

"It doesn't matter. Speaking of which, you were also implicated because of the company. I should be the one who said I'm sorry."

Qin Lang made a haha, and then said: "By the way, I heard that Baolai Company is about to go bankrupt. Huaxia Bank is preparing to recover and auction all the assets of Baolai Company. You should come forward to deal with this matter and find a way to take it The whole Baolai!"

"Take a picture of the whole Baolai? Boss, you mean..."

"That's right, as long as the entire Baolai is photographed, we can fully obtain the remaining market share of Baolai. The customers in this part of the market are more loyal to this brand. At that time, you need to slowly transfer these customers to Lanrun's brand. Come up."

Qin Lang expressed his thoughts.

"However, you need to speed up your actions... I think that not only Lanrun, but other companies must also be eyeing the big fat of Baolai Company at the same time. The competition for the assets of Baolai Company will be very fierce, so I I order you, you need to take it with all your strength!"

"Yes, boss."

On the other end of the phone, Tang Qian, who was fully supported by Qin Lang, also understood the ambition in the boss's heart.In fact, the rapid development and growth of Lanrun is also the hope of every senior executive in the company.

"If you need financial support, you can go to the bank or the Li family, the Nalan family, and the Lei family for short-term loans. In addition, I also have more than five billion yuan in property on hand. I will remit it to you after discounting it in a few days. !"

"Yes, boss."


After resolving the matter in Huaxia, Qin Lang hung up the phone. Now that everything has been arranged, he is going to wait for the arrival of the three family members before proceeding.

Qin Lang is doing another thing at this time, searching for the location of the small spirit vein that has not been completely exhausted in the Wild Elephant Valley.Using the memory and experience in his mind, Qin Lang walked towards the west of the Wild Elephant Valley, and stopped at a waterfall near a cliff.

The cliff flying pool in front of you is tens of feet high, just like a white horse. The horse falls down to form a big water pool, and there is a gap beside the pool to form a gurgling stream, which flows out of the valley to the south.

This water pool is where the eyes of the spirit veins are located. Qin Lang felt a powerful aura of water mist rushing towards his face when he was close to the pool. After the killing, his tired spirit immediately felt refreshed.

"What aura! What a pool!"

Qin Lang praised that the concentration of aura here is ten times that of other places in China. Although it is not as good as the secret place of Kunlun Mountain, it can be regarded as a small blessed place.

Qin Lang was going to practice here and waited until the warriors sent by the three families arrived.

Before practicing, Qin Lang took a picture of the water-avoiding talisman and jumped out of the pool. At the eye of the spirit vein at the bottom of the pool, there was a spring mouth. A large amount of pure spiritual energy was ejected from the small spring mouth accompanied by spring water, forming a three-dimensional feet of aura water column.

After descending to the bottom of the pool, Qin Lang began to arrange formations to gather spiritual energy into the spirit-gathering formation.

The water pool is not a good place to practice. Qin Lang doesn't have water-avoiding beads, so he can't stay at the bottom of the pool for a long time. You must know that the effect of the water-avoiding talisman is only ten minutes.

After setting up the spirit-gathering array and setting the eye of the array on the open space outside the pool, Qin Lang sat at the eye of the array, holding a middle-grade spirit stone in his hand to practice.

Ten days after returning to Huaxia, the middle-grade spirit stones in his hands were quickly consumed at a rate of more than three yuan a day. In just ten days, almost 70 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones had been consumed, and the consumption speed was not surprising.

Although there are nearly 4000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones in his hand, Qin Lang still decided to save some and use other methods to replace the effects of spirit stones, and the small spirit veins encountered in the Wild Elephant Valley are a good resource.

Through the method of gathering spirits, the concentration of spiritual energy sprayed from the eyes of the gathering spirit array is at least 40 times that of Huaxia, and the effect is not bad even compared to the place with the strongest concentration of spiritual energy in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain.

In this way, Qin Lang has been sitting in the spirit-gathering array to practice. When the spirit stone in his hand is exhausted and turned into useless powder, he replaces another piece. He uses two prongs, absorbing the spirit energy in the spirit-gathering array while absorbing the middle-grade in his hand. The aura in the spirit stone.

This kind of cultivation speed is not much worse than in the cultivation world. Now not only the meridians in Qin Lang need to absorb spiritual energy, but also the newly opened virtual veins need to absorb spiritual energy, which is equivalent to Qin Lang needing to absorb twice the amount of spiritual energy of the same level to be able to Slowly fill up all meridians.

And the repetitive needs of the body's two meridian systems for aura also reduced Qin Lang's cultivation effect by half.

However, correspondingly, Qin Lang's foundation is more solid, and the abundant aura can also greatly reduce the difficulty of Qin Lang's breakthrough when he breaks through the barrier in the future.

Plop!Another piece of spirit stone turned into powder and scattered in the air.

Qin Lang practiced for a day and a night, and changed the middle-grade spirit stone in his hand six times, and his body's absorption of spirit energy was almost saturated.

After working hard in this cultivation treasure land, Qin Lang felt that the aura content of his body was gradually approaching the peak standard in the late stage of alchemy, and after accumulating for ten days or so, the aura stored in the two meridian systems would be completely saturated, and Qin Lang could try it at that time. With the impact of the pill formation, the Dzogchen is complete.

The Great Perfection of Core Formation is also the pinnacle of the Core Formation cultivator. If he can ascend to the Great Perfection of Core Formation, it is logical to try to form an infant next time. If Qin Lang can become a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, he can obtain a lifespan of almost ten thousand years.

A lifespan of ten thousand years is almost the same as that of a god in this world.

However, Qin Lang still has a long way to go to become a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, so don't be impatient for the time being, take your time, this process requires not only hard work, but also chance and luck. Fortunately, Qin Lang has come along the way Not bad, I believe that I can finally realize this wish.

"Become a Nascent Soul cultivator! Work hard!"

Qin Lang cheered himself up.

There is still a crisis hidden in him that is unknown, that is, being branded with spiritual consciousness by Song Zixing, a cultivator who transforms into a god.

Although he had completely cleared the imprint of divine consciousness from the sea of ​​consciousness after returning to Huaxia, and blew up the space channel when he left Qinghe Continent, he still felt a faint sense of uneasiness.

This kind of anxiety seems to come from somewhere, and it cannot be explained clearly. It is equivalent to a person's sixth sense. Any monk who has cultivated to a certain strength can produce this sense of crisis, and most of the time it is accurate.

Of course, due to limited strength, it is impossible for Qin Lang to deduce when the crisis in the dark will break out like a powerful monk. This is too mysterious for him now.

But the sixth sense feels uneasy, but it is not mysterious.

Maybe Song Zixing has other methods to lock himself. If Song Zixing finds a way to open the space channel to accurately locate the space coordinates of the earth, then Song Zixing will come to the earth, and his crisis will really come!

You know, Song Zixing is an out-and-out cultivator of the transformation of spirits. He is a monk of alchemy, and he is no different from an ant in front of the transformation of spirits.

Therefore, you can never stop improving your strength, even if you return to Huaxia, you can't indulge in enjoyment.

Qin Lang saw this very clearly.

Qin Lang opened his eyes, and in the process of searching his body with his spiritual sense, he felt that he was a little stronger, and he couldn't help showing a satisfied smile. What can be compared to the process of continuous improvement and strengthening, which is more joyful and peaceful Pleasure too!
On the road of pursuing longevity, every bit of growth is the most cherished thing, and you need to understand it carefully.


Warriors from the Li family, the Nalan family, and the Lei family from the Quartet Alliance finally came to the Wild Elephant Valley. This time, the three families sent a total of more than 300 people, all of whom are elites in the family. Musha.

Judging from the quality and quantity of these warriors, in the past year, the development speed of the three families of the Four-Party Alliance is not uncommon, and the background of each family is dozens of times deeper than before.

I heard that the three families now have one or two ancient warriors at the level of Martial Kings, and each family has more than fifty high-level warriors who have reached the level of Martial Masters.

The arrival of a large number of members of the Quartet Alliance also made Qin Lang no longer fight alone. First, Qin Lang asked these warriors to clean up the corpses of the entire Wild Elephant Valley and dispose of the corpses.

Then, he told them the location of the arsenal and asked them to recover all the weapons in the arsenal by themselves.

And then, this Wild Elephant Valley became the natural stronghold of Qin Lang and his group. The houses built by the international mercenaries before have now become the rest dormitory for Qin Lang and his group.

In the meeting room of the Wild Elephant Valley base, Qin Lang was discussing with the captains of the three families some plans to deal with the family forces behind Lu Mingde, including the mysterious morphing laboratory.

The three families have also expressed a certain interest in the technology of transforming humans. Maybe after obtaining the technology of transforming humans, they will be able to develop more powerful human-transforming warriors.

However, I heard that there are too many disadvantages of transforming people. It seems that such an attempt should be more cautious. Even if the three families have obtained the technology of transforming people, they dare not use it lightly.

After all, the technology of Nanyang's human-transforming laboratory is actually only researched based on the incomplete formula of the mutant program in developed countries in the West. This technology is like a double-edged sword. Although it is helpful to oneself, it will be like poison. Constantly eroding itself, good and bad.

(End of this chapter)

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