Chapter 1209 Uprooting ([-])

After discussing for a while, Qin Lang and everyone discussed a plan, which is to split up.

In Nanyang, the Lu family is a huge force, whether it is on the surface or in the dark, it is extremely huge, and even the power of the Lu family can influence the political direction of a small country.

Therefore, it is not easy to deal with the Lu family behind Lu Mingde. This is the real reason why Qin Lang needs three domestic families to send reinforcements. It is too difficult to do it alone, just like a lion falling into a pile of flies. It is easy to shoot one or two dead, but it is very difficult to shoot them all.

Qin Lang decided to let the coalition forces of the three families go out together to find the Lu family's stronghold on the dark side of Nanyang and wipe out these underground forces one by one.

Because the power of the dark side is the real foundation of the Lu family, if the foundation of the Lu family can be completely uprooted, it will be much easier to turn around and deal with the bright side of the Lu family.

In this split-up operation, there are about 300 people dealing with the Lu family's dark forces.

And Qin Lang took ten masters to deal with the mysterious human-transforming laboratory controlled by the Lu family.

After the discussion, everyone took action, and agreed to keep in touch at any time, and if they found any clues about Lu Mingde, they would immediately notify them, and no matter whether they lived or died, they would capture him.


The group led by Qin Lang included two technicians from the Li family, Li Shan and Li Shui. The base had helicopters, and more than one, all of them were military helicopters like Apache. airplane.

Li Shan and Li Shui are also very experienced in operating this kind of helicopter, so they each drove an Apache to carry the rest of the people, and drove in the direction of the Lu family's mysterious laboratory that Qin Lang said .

It is worth mentioning that the air ban on Nanyang is not as strict as that in China, so Li Shan and Li Shui don't have to worry about the waterway at all, they just take the straightest route, and even pass over several towns on the way .

And the Lu family's laboratory for transforming people is also in a deep mountain, near a great rift valley called Guijianshou.

There is no human population here, poisonous insects are everywhere, and the environment is very dangerous. The huge force of the Lu family forced a mountain road directly to the Great Rift Valley of Ghost Grief, and built this life science and technology laboratory.

Of course, this laboratory of the Lu family is called a life science and technology laboratory on the surface, but it is secretly carrying out experiments on human transformation.

Because the human transformation experiment is banned all over the world, even the mutant project is not approved, basically no country in the world dares to confront the United Nations in this direction, most of them only conduct research in private, even if the research results are not made public .

The laboratory of the Lu family paid a lot of human life for the research of the modified human, and all failed products will be pushed down the rift of ghosts and sorrows for destruction.

In the past 20 years, there may have been no less than a thousand corpses that were pushed down this great rift valley that was hundreds of feet deep.

The research on human transformation has made progress in the past five or six years, and since the experiment on human transformation was successful, the forces of the Lu family, both on the bright side and on the dark side, have also grown by leaps and bounds and developed at a high speed.

Of course, in the process of development, there must be a large number of methods that cannot be put on the table. With the transformation of artificial cards, the Lu family has never suffered a loss in the process of fighting with all parties. This is how Nanyang is today. A colossal force emerges.

These are all Qin Lang learned from the memory of the instructor at the mercenary base. As the head of the Wild Elephant Valley International Mercenary Base, the instructor has a deeper understanding of the Lu family and the Lu family laboratory than other mercenaries.


Da da da, da da da!

The helicopter came over the Great Rift Valley and near the Life Science and Technology Laboratory.

The Great Rift Valley is so big that even if it is seen from a distance of 4000 meters, it looks like a big mouth with an unknown depth.I heard that the cracks in this great rift valley are [-] kilometers long, and the deepest part is even nearly a thousand feet, almost reaching the center of the earth.

When the guards at the life science and technology laboratory saw the two Apaches flying over, they aimed the gunners at the sky: "Who is this? This is a forbidden area, please leave our defense area immediately, or our bullets will not be polite." !"

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!" Laughing loudly, a figure fell directly from a height of more than 1000 meters, and fell to the ground with a bang, shaking the ground.

The security personnel of more than a dozen laboratories looked at each other in blank dismay. This person in front of him was too tough!Could it be the modified human that was researched in the laboratory?It seems that none of the cyborgs researched in the laboratory are so powerful, falling from a height of several hundred meters, even those cyborgs of level five or six can't do it!
Just when more than a dozen laboratory security personnel pointed guns at him, Qin Lang, who had just fallen from a height of more than 1000 meters, shook his numb legs, and then slowly straightened up.

"Oh, it's so numb. The feeling of falling from a height of more than 1000 meters is like bungee jumping. Especially when it touches the ground, the feeling of my legs is even more ecstasy. If I didn't activate the magic weapon defense, I am afraid that even if I am a late stage double Your legs will be broken too!"

Qin Lang didn't use the magic weapon of flight just now, he directly experienced a life-and-death situation, falling to the ground at a height of more than 1000 meters, the acceleration of gravity is at least tens of tons of impact, just like when a comet hits the earth.

Even a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy can't bear this kind of impact. Fortunately, Qin Lang turned on the defensive magic weapon, so he was fine, but his legs were slightly numb after landing.

At this time, the helicopter in the sky began to descend slowly, and when it reached a height of 200 meters, the fighters in the sky also jumped off the helicopter one by one.

There was a row of figures behind Qin Lang, and these fighters behind him were all elites selected by Qin Lang from more than 300 people, at least all of them were above the level of Wu Zun, and they were not much worse than the reformed people of level [-] or [-].

The dozen or so laboratory security personnel holding weapons were completely petrified when they saw this scene. The people in front of them didn't seem to be the reformed people researched by the laboratory. Just looking at their hair and skin color, they should be Chinese. .

Could it be the reformer researched by Huaxia?
More than a dozen laboratory security personnel are also ignorant, and they don't know that there are martial arts in Huaxia, and there are many martial artists whose strength is not inferior to that of reformers.

However, this is no wonder to them, Huaxia's martial arts is only a small circle inside, and it is also kept secret from the outside world. The scope of these people's activities is only for Huaxia.

At this time, when they heard movement outside, the security personnel of the laboratory ran out of the laboratory one after another. This laboratory is very large, and the land with a radius of tens of kilometers was bought by the Lu family. After a while, there were already hundreds of security personnel in the laboratory. Gathered and surrounded Qin Lang and others.

Fortunately, the security personnel in the laboratory are all peripheral personnel, not reformed people, so despite the large number of people, Qin Lang and others are not afraid.

"Who are you and why did you break into this place?"

Wearing a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses, a researcher who appeared to be a supervisor of the laboratory appeared outside the laboratory and questioned Qin Lang and the eleven people.

"We are the saboteurs ready to destroy this place."

Qin Lang stared at the white coat, and at the same time attacked with a trace of divine sense, and then the white coat fell to the ground with a scream, and was actually fainted by Qin Lang's spiritual attack.

And as the white coat passed out, the security personnel in the laboratory also knew that Qin Lang and the others were hostile and were enemies, so they unceremoniously pulled the bolts in their hands, and at the same time, the laboratory's alarm sounded Yes, whining non-stop.

Yes, yes.

The security personnel of the laboratory opened fire, and the firepower network composed of hundreds of people is still quite strong. The ten warriors at the level of Wu Zun behind Qin Lang can't break through this line of life and death defense.

Only Qin Lang laughed, and rushed forward without fear. He had activated the defensive magic weapon, and he was not afraid of these sweeping bullets at all.

The magic weapon in his hand, the Black Eagle Sword, had been revealed, and with a sweep, rows of half-moon-shaped sword energy rushed out, cutting down dozens of people one after another.

Then, just as Qin Lang was about to swing his second sword, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart. He quickly dodged and retreated, and his figure left the spot.


A long stream of white smoke shot over. It was actually a missile. The laboratory was fully armed and equipped with a turret. This should be the latest type of piercing missile.

Qin Lang's defense can withstand all kinds of bullets, but he still has a little fear of missiles. Although missiles may not be able to hurt himself, the hint of omen in his intuition still makes him dare not try this life-and-death test lightly.

Perhaps, when he reached the Nascent Soul stage, he would not be afraid of these missiles, but he was not able to do so now.

The piercing missile with a long smoke flashed in the air, and then a black hole the size of a bowl appeared on the ground. The missile didn't make much noise, and it directly penetrated the ground and entered the depths of the ground.

There was a muffled sound tens of meters deep in the ground, and the whole earth shook a few times.

Just as the piercing missile had just avoided, Qin Lang found that the turret was actually moving with him, and there were two chirps again, and the two piercing missiles with white smoke intersected and shot again!

As a last resort, Qin Lang dodged again.

"Damn, this turret is troublesome, it seems to be solved first!"

Qin Lang cursed secretly, took an invisibility talisman for himself, and then sneaked towards the turret.


The operator behind the turret couldn't find the target all the time, and was stunned for a while. However, it didn't matter if he lost this target. It seemed that there were still ten targets, so he immediately turned the turret to lock on another target again.

But when the operator turned the turret, Qin Lang had already arrived near the turret, and directly stabbed the "Limang" with a sword, which was the newly acquired fourth style of the Sansheng Sword Art "Golden Needle Limang"!
"Golden Needle Limang" is mainly stabbing. It is a single-body powerful move with strong defense-breaking ability, and it is also an extremely fast sword move. With Qin Lang's sword stabbing, a sword light directly shot at the turret. , and shot the entire tower straight through.

After the penetrating missile was pierced by the sword light, it exploded directly in the turret. The turret exploded, and countless metal pieces flew like raindrops.

And the operator of the turret didn't even have time to scream, and it turned into a rain of blood during the blasting process of the turret, and even the bones were blown into countless tiny pieces.

The explosion of the turret also affected some of the security personnel in the back row outside the laboratory. Dozens of security personnel were killed or injured during this round of explosions.

After a face-to-face meeting, almost one-third of the more than 300 laboratory security personnel have been removed.

(End of this chapter)

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