Chapter 1210 Uprooting ([-])

At this time, the ten martial artists above the level of Wu Zun behind Qin Lang moved, and rushed towards the remaining 200 security personnel, and the two sides fought together.

And Qin Lang knew that he didn't need to worry about the battle outside the laboratory now, so he laughed and broke into the laboratory alone.

But after a while, he was blocked by a blocked electronic gate, which actually required triple authentication of palm print, iris, and voice to open.

"Do you want me to go back and control the supervisor-level researcher outside the laboratory?" Qin Lang murmured.

The blocked gate is made of alloy, about half a meter thick. Qin Lang tested it a few times, and the sword energy from his flying sword could only leave traces of different shades on the gate, but could not pierce the entire gate.

"Let's try the fourth move of my Sanshengjianjue. Limang's penetrating ability is very good, and the effect may be even greater!"

Qin Lang murmured, he really didn't want to go back and walk again.

Facing the electronic lock, Qin Lang began to use the fourth style of the Sansheng Sword Art "Golden Needle Limang."

The powerful thrust of the single strongest sword qi was sent directly from the hand, piercing the electronic lock fiercely, piercing a big hole through the entire electronic lock with a click.

After the electronic lock was pierced, the alarm sound in the entire laboratory became louder, and it seemed that the alarm level was increasing.

As the electronic lock was destroyed, the closed alloy door was slowly opening, and Qin Lang could finally enter it.

As soon as I entered the inner corridor of the laboratory, several rays of light shot directly over it, which turned out to be lasers!Qin Lang didn't even think about it, he just rolled away on the spot.

Laser light is the most dangerous death light. Even if he is a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, Qin Lang doesn't want to try whether his body can resist these laser light.

It turned out that as the laboratory's alarm level increased, the laboratory's automatic defense system was also activated. This corridor is also one of the most powerful defense networks around the entire life science and technology laboratory.

Looking at the dense laser beams sweeping wildly in front of him, Qin Lang couldn't help being speechless, "My mother!"

However, the trajectory of the laser here seems to be very regular, so Qin Lang decided to break in after staring at it for a while.

He memorized the magic weapon defense on his body, then gritted his teeth, and flew up in a vertical jump, avoiding three blue laser lines that were directly swept over, and after landing, he leaned forward and dodged one from the top of his head. He opened the laser fence, finally climbed up and made a vertical jump, and dodged several lasers under his feet, and passed the laser blockade perfectly.

This process is easy to say, but the reaction ability and judgment ability are so weak that I really dare not try this, and the coordination ability of the body must not be bad.

After passing through the laser blockade, Qin Lang accelerated again. Now he has completely entered the entire laboratory, and he has seen many strange instruments along the way. However, since this is not the core of the laboratory, So at present, no one in the laboratory has encountered it.

This laboratory is very large, covering an area of ​​more than 100 acres, like a large maze, Qin Lang ran for more than a minute and finally saw the staff of the laboratory in front, this should be the core area of ​​the entire laboratory.

Seeing the stranger barging in, these researchers were also at a loss. Although the laboratory's alarm rang for a while, they had never encountered such a thing before, so none of them knew how to deal with it.

Instead, a guy in a black suit saw Qin Lang appear, immediately entered the control room of the laboratory, pressed a few special buttons, and all the glass covers containing the modified people in the laboratory were slowly opened.

This guy seems to want to release all the reformers to deal with Qin Lang, but Qin Lang is not afraid.He looked around, the hall was like a square, and more than 200 glass covers were being opened at the same time. These 200-odd reformers should be the latest research of the entire laboratory. I don't know how strong they are.

When the researchers in the hall saw the guy in the black suit open the glass covers on all the reinvented people, they immediately panicked: "My God! These reinvented people are unfinished products, so activating them rashly will destroy their consciousness , Let them become wild beasts that don't distinguish between enemy and friend!"

Knowing that the results were serious, most of the researchers wanted to evacuate the laboratory in a hurry, but as the glass covers on those reformers opened, these reformers were activated one by one.

Sure enough, because they were recklessly activated and released, the consciousness of these modified people was incomplete. Under the stimulation of the outside world, they turned into extremely ferocious beasts one by one, and began to slaughter wantonly in the laboratory.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah..." There were screams one after another. Less than half of the researchers in the laboratory near No. [-] in the hall escaped, and the rest were killed by these ferocious beast-like semi-finished human beings.

The existence of living people gave these semi-finished modified people greater stimulation, so most of the semi-finished modified people chased outside the passage, trying to kill these surviving laboratory researchers.

Now it's like Shura's hell, with dead bodies everywhere.

And Qin Lang was also caught in the siege of the transformed people. The strength of this batch of semi-finished transformed people was between the fourth and fifth levels. Due to the incarnation of beasts, they became more ferocious, and their combat effectiveness even increased to the level of the sixth level of transformed people.

Therefore, it is not easy for Qin Lang to be besieged by such a group of reformed people. Even if he is besieged by a group of wild beasts in the later stage of Wu Zun, these beasts are not afraid of death. If the attack is not more chaotic, Qin Lang may fall here.

After all, the warriors in the later stage of Wu Zun's combat power are not far behind the monks in the alchemy stage of the cultivation world.

There are more than 200 semi-finished reformers, at least 50 are besieging Qin Lang, and the remaining 100 are chasing and killing the remaining experimental sword researchers.

Now the entire life and technology laboratory is in chaos, and those laboratory researchers are also regretting at this time, and now they can only swallow the consequences themselves.

The scene was like a life-and-death scene. Everyone hated their parents for losing two legs and running slowly. One by one, they were killed by the semi-finished products in the laboratory.

When the fast-running researchers reached the passage corridor, they were all dumbfounded. Countless lasers swept back and forth in this area, which was the result of the laboratory defense system being turned on.

Now to shut down the defense system of this laboratory, one must go back again, return to the hall where the reformers are densely populated, and shut down the defense system hub of the entire laboratory.

However, most of them are just ordinary researchers, how could they do this, and they all cried out, "I don't want to die!"

In the face of death, these researchers are also potential explosions, and several experimenters who have undergone some modifications to themselves during the experiment are trying to break through these laser blockades with their own abilities.

However, most of them failed. Before they could even scream, they were cut into countless tiny pieces by the laser net.

Only two guys succeeded in trying, and finally broke through the laser blockade. However, one of the two guys lost a thigh, and the other lost an arm, and a set of shocking scenes were staged.

For the rest, there were a few bold researchers who tried to return to the laboratory and close the laser channel, but there were too many semi-finished reformers coming, and these researchers were submerged in the tide and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

In the hall, Qin Lang has already opened up the defense of the magic weapon to the maximum, and the first form of the Sansheng Sword Art "Sword Qi Binding" and the second form "Sword Phantom Crack" are used in turn.

He used the ability of sword restraint to restrain the actions of these beast-like semi-finished modified humans around him, slowing down their movement speed, and then used ranged attacks to wipe them out one after another.

There are too many enemies, and all of them are strong. Qin Lang doesn't care about the consumption of his true energy, and is desperately using this set of swordsmanship.

If it weren't for the two meridian systems of light and dark in his body, the true qi would easily far exceed the ordinary late stage of alchemy, and I'm afraid he really wouldn't be able to sustain a few rounds of attacks.

After all, although Jian Zong's Sword Jue attack power is powerful, but correspondingly, the consumption of true energy is also extremely intense. Otherwise, Ji Changsheng, who was in the late stage of Jian Zong's alchemy, would not have been able to fight against him. Because of the exhaustion of true energy, he was killed by himself.

During the battle, Qin Lang swallowed a lot of Jingqi Pills to support his battles. In the few breaths just now, he has wiped out at least more than 40 semi-finished reformers.

Such a result is very good, but there are at least 200 semi-finished reformers released in the entire laboratory at this time, and now it is equivalent to killing one-fifth of them.

However, more than half of the true energy in the meridians has been consumed. If the two meridian systems in his body did not store a large amount of true energy, Qin Lang would not have dared to swing his sword continuously like this.

With the supplement of Jingqi Dan, Qin Lang swung several big moves in a row, and killed more than 30 semi-finished sword reformers.

Now the semi-finished reformers in the laboratory hall are almost killed, and the remaining 100 or so are chasing those researchers. With the semi-finished reformers in the laboratory hall being killed, I believe those chasing reformers will follow one after another Come back and continue to find Qin Lang to fight.

And Qin Lang took advantage of this brief gap in the battle to walk slowly towards the laboratory's operation room, staring at the operation room with a gloomy expression.

And in the control room, the guy in the black suit was staring coldly at the electronic screen with cold sweat on his forehead. He is one of the supervisors sent by the Lu family in the entire laboratory. He never thought it would be his turn to be in charge of the experiment this week. When I was in the supervision of the laboratory, I encountered such a major event. The heavily guarded life and technology laboratory was forcibly destroyed by outsiders and broke into it.

He also had no choice but to activate those semi-finished reformers. Everything in the entire laboratory must not be lost. If the intruders cannot be eliminated, the family's most severe punishment will be waiting for him.

So, he had to do that!
At this time, he stared dumbfounded at the door of the control room, the thick alloy door was directly pierced by a metal sword, and then the metal sword directly cut a large square hole in the alloy door like cutting tofu, so Metal blocks fell down.

Naturally, the guy sitting on the control chair aimed his powerful hand cannon at the door, and fired a few shots.

However, the young man who bent over and got in, covered in a strange pale white light, walked over as if nothing had happened against his own gunshot.

The few powerful Dum bullets hit this person and were directly blown away.

But the guy who broke in with the bullet in his head was fine.

What's horrible is that this guy pointed at his head while walking, and even slowly moved his head to the muzzle of the gun: "Shoot! Shoot again! Hit here, hit harder!"

(End of this chapter)

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