Chapter 1211 Uprooting ([-])

Faced with such a strong performance by Qin Lang, he took the initiative to put his head on the barrel of the gun, but not only did he not have any fear, but also arrogantly made him feel like shooting anyway. The big man in black suit was surrounded.

It seemed that as long as he pulled the trigger, that powerful bullet could smash Qin Lang's entire head, but he couldn't feel confident.

It seems that Qin Lang is now holding a gun to the temple of his head.

The hands of the big man in the black suit began to tremble. Anyone who encountered an invulnerable and fierce enemy approaching him would not be afraid.

Kacha, Kacha, the fingers involuntarily hooked twice, but the bullets had already been fired, and the whole control room could only hear the empty sound of the trigger.

Now, even a fool knows that there is a big problem on his side. Dare Qin Lang is not afraid of being shot in the head by a bullet, but he is sure that there is no bullet in his gun!
The situation is stronger than the people, and he knows that he is finished.

Without a weapon in hand, just ten or hundreds of him and one tied together, I'm afraid it won't hurt Qin Lang at all.

"Forgive...forgive me."

The guy was frightened, he slid off the control chair, ran upright on the ground, and began to kowtow for mercy.

"What a worthless guy."

With a look of contempt on his face, Qin Lang stretched out his hand to stick to his Tianling Gai, and performed the technique of searching for gods.

"Ah, no!"

The big man in the black suit was pressed against the Heavenly Spirit Beast by Qin Lang's hands, and the sharp pain penetrated from the top of his head to his brain, and he screamed in horror, but he couldn't get rid of Qin Lang's palm.

When Qin Lang searched for God, this guy's whole body twitched, his eyes were crooked, and white bubbles kept popping out of his mouth, as if he had gone mad with epilepsy.

This is actually a normal phenomenon of being searched by gods. In fact, this man in a black suit is just an ordinary person.

However, from the extracted memory, Qin Lang also knew the identity of this man in a suit. He was a direct member of the Lu family, named Lu Mingzhi, who was a cousin of Qin Lang's nemesis Lu Mingde.

From Lu Mingzhi's memory, Qin Lang got a lot of useful information, including the address of the base of the Lu family and the hiding places of the branches.

With these news, Qin Lang will become more targeted and proactive in dealing with the huge force of the Lu family.

Since the big man in the black suit in front of him was Lu Mingde's cousin, Qin Lang would naturally not let him go. After searching for God, he directly dealt with this spineless softie.

After finishing this matter, Qin Lang is ready to search the entire laboratory for information about the human-reformer plan. The information about the human-reformer plan is also the greatest significance of the existence of the entire life science and technology laboratory. But there are many, which belong to an important scientific research material that is at the forefront of the world.

Not only do I want to have a better understanding of this information, but the three families of the Four-Party Alliance also want to learn and study it carefully to see if they can create a more complete humanoid warrior.

However, before finding this information, he had to solve the troubles in the hall. Now Qin Lang had to deal with more than 100 semi-finished reformers who went crazy in the hall!
When Qin Lang was thinking about this, several semi-finished reformers in the hall had heard the movement from the control room, and were thinking of getting in through the hole in the alloy door of the control room that Qin Lang had just cut.

At this time, Qin Lang was not polite, and directly cast his sword and waited in the control room, solving them one by one.After all, the hole in the alloy door only allowed one person to enter and exit, which also gave Qin Lang a lot of room for maneuver, he could rest and recover his true energy while fighting monsters.

However, this control room is not very big, after Qin Lang killed a dozen or so, it seemed crowded.

Frowning, at this time Qin Lang also knew that he had to break through, otherwise, the ever-increasing corpses still staying here might block him to death in the control room.

After swallowing another handful of Jingqi Pill, Qin Lang opened the alloy door at this time and rushed outside.

He activated the magic weapon defense, and relying on his own strong momentum, he forcefully knocked away the densely packed semi-finished reformers at the door.

At this time, he broke through a passage and came to the laboratory hall again.


Those semi-finished reformers roared like beasts. When they saw Qin Lang rushing into the hall again, they couldn't help but turned around one by one, and rushed towards Qin Lang again.

"Sword Qi beam!"

"Sword Phantom Crack!"

Qin Lang used his special sword again and again. Although these transformed people who turned into beasts are good in strength, their intelligence is indeed pitifully low, and they don't know how to dodge at all, which makes Qin Lang's sword moves very simple. Some power.

The sword energy scattered several times in succession, and Pu Lala directly fell another forty or fifty corpses.

As for the remaining semi-finished reformers, it seems that there are less than [-] of them.

Qin Lang, who swallowed a handful of essence pills, turned his head and looked around. At this time, apart from the remaining semi-finished reformers, there were no living laboratory researchers in the hall. shredded.

It's really scary, more than 1000 researchers died!

"It's really a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!"

Qin Lang shook his head and sighed.

If those half-finished reformers didn't go crazy and didn't kill those experimental researchers, in fact, from his standpoint, he wouldn't cause any massacres to kill those experimental researchers.

However, the sudden change caused by the situation caused the reformer to swing the butcher's knife at the experimenters, and he couldn't stop it.

But all these crimes can't be blamed on himself. If he can blame it, he can blame Lu Mingzhi in the black suit for releasing these beast-like semi-finished human beings from the glass cover to cause such a tragedy.

Now there are less than [-] semi-finished reformers, and Qin Lang's pressure is also less.

However, the consumption of true qi on his body is also very huge. In order to display the sword qi, he had to swallow a lot of essence qi pills. I am afraid that the erysipelas accumulated in this round can catch up with the previous one-month continuous swallowing in the Qinghe Continent The result of the elixir.

After all, the act of swallowing a large amount of elixir in a short period of time is completely unacceptable in the cultivation world. This is the easiest way to accumulate a large amount of erysipelas. If the erysipelas cannot be excreted quickly, it will not only hurt the body, but also affect future cultivation.

But now, in order to deal with the large number of fourth- and fifth-tier semi-finished reformers, Qin Lang can't care so much. After all, these fourth- and fifth-tier semi-finished reformers are all crazy, and they become like beasts. Possesses the strength equivalent to a sixth-level reformer.

In this case, I really can't deal with it without relying on swallowing a large number of pills. After all, there are too many semi-finished reformers in the entire laboratory, and there were more than 200 before.

Moreover, if more than 100 of them were not attracted by the escaped laboratory researchers and dispersed their forces, it would be absolutely impossible for Qin Lang to deal with these two semi-finished reformers at the same time. If not, then his own result will be very disastrous.

I have to say that Qin Lang's luck is still good. Luck is invisible, but it exists objectively. I have experienced it many times, and I have proved this point with facts.

The zhenqi on his body is almost exhausted now, and the speed of recovering zhenqi from Jingqi Pill is not so fast, so for the time being, Qin Lang is going to fight while fleeing, leading these semi-finished reformers to go around in circles in the hall.

Thanks to the fact that the hall is big enough, Qin Lang can lead seven No. 80 monsters to run all over the hall without getting trapped.

And whenever the true energy recovered to a certain level and he could perform another big move, Qin Lang would make a move without hesitation, and after the move was finished, he would turn around and continue running without looking at the result.

There is no way, now that my zhenqi has almost reached the bottom line, and I have to pay more attention to my safety. If I run more, it only consumes physical strength, but it is nothing. Anyway, my physical fitness will not be too tired even if I run for a day and a night.

In this way, relying on continuous kite flying, Qin Lang spent nearly half an hour to wipe out all the seven NO.80 semi-finished reformers bit by bit.


At this time, Qin Lang was panting heavily, feeling his waist was a little bent, and the exhaustion of physical strength was only secondary, and more of it was mental fatigue.

His forehead was full of sweat. A monk at his level actually seldom sweated, and only when he was exhausted and exhausted in all aspects reached the limit.

His true energy is almost exhausted, and he is like walking a tightrope on a cliff when attracting monsters. Outsiders don't know the danger at all, and as the person involved, he must be highly nervous, hold his breath and keep running, running, running .

After eliminating these semi-finished reformers, Qin Lang finally had the opportunity to hold a middle-grade spirit stone at this time, and began to circulate his breath to absorb the spirit energy in the spirit stone, replenishing the true energy consumed during the fierce battle just now.

After a long while, after absorbing six middle-grade spirit stones, Qin Lang fully replenished his body's true energy capacity.

Seeing a lot of spirit stone powder on his body, Qin Lang couldn't help sighing: "This battle is all about consumption and financial resources. It is not enough to cultivate one's own middle-grade spirit stones. Now there is only such a battle in the hall. It really hurts to lose six yuan directly!"

Six middle-grade spirit stones are almost equal to 60 taels of silver in the cultivation world, and if converted into Huaxia currency, it is almost equivalent to more than 600 million!
Such a battle cost more than 600 million yuan, and I don’t know if it’s worth it. Next, Qin Lang began to gnash his teeth and search for information about human transformation in the laboratory, hoping that this information can be of some value, and it’s not in vain I spent so much energy and money on myself.

After searching for a long time, I didn't find a paper document, but I saw a central computer server running normally in the laboratory.

"Those important information about the reincarnation should be in this server. It's a pity that I don't understand computer technology at all. Do I want to move this entire server?"

Qin Lang was a little distressed. This central computer was not a small model like the Internet cafes in the Huaxia market. As the most cutting-edge laboratory server host, it was at least two or three tons in size, and it was impossible for one person to carry it out.

However, Qin Lang has a storage bag, so he can use the means of a cultivator to put this large laboratory server into the storage bag and take it away.

Although the entire server is still as heavy as several tons after it is put into the storage bag, as long as it is put into the storage bag, it will not have such a large volume, and it will be much more convenient for Qin Lang to take it away.

As soon as he thought of it, Qin Lang began to handle it carefully, slowly unplugging the various power supply devices of the server, and then putting the entire server into his storage bag.

In fact, it's not that he didn't think about it. Instead of taking away the server, just take away the hard disk in it.

But I am a computer novice, and I don’t know how to disassemble the hard disk inside the server. If I accidentally damage the hard disk, it will be a tragedy, so it is the best way to take the entire laboratory server away.

(End of this chapter)

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