The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1212 Uprooting [2016 Happy New Year]

Chapter 1212 Uprooting (2016) [[-] Happy New Year]
After dealing with this most important matter, Qin Lang searched for the property that might exist in the hall. However, after searching for a long time, he only found tens of thousands of Indonesian rupiahs in the black suit. It was never found again.

well!No way, although many people died in the laboratory, all of these researchers were naked, cleaner than a whiteboard, which made it impossible for Qin Lang who wanted to make a fortune.

In the end, he could only leave the lab with a sigh. After all, he finally got a central server in the lab and got the most valuable information about transforming people, didn't he?

When he returned to the outside of the laboratory, the ten Wuzun-level fighters brought by Qin Lang had already resolved the battle, and the security personnel around the laboratory were basically killed by ten of them.

Except for one person who was slightly injured, the others had only consumed a little more internal energy, and each of them seemed rather tired.

"Here, I'll give you something nice..."

Qin Lang smiled, took out the essence pills and began to distribute: "One pill per person, swallow it, your fatigue will disappear immediately, and the internal energy you have consumed will quickly be replenished."


Each of these fighters took the soybean-sized essence pill with curiosity and doubts. This pill is round and looks very extraordinary. Does it really have such a miraculous effect?
Regarding the doubts of these warriors, Qin Lang smiled and said nothing.

Just kidding, high-level cultivators can quickly replenish their true energy by relying on this essence pill, so it is a waste for you mortal warriors to use it.

Speaking of it, this kind of low-grade panacea is almost like an elixir for these Martial Master-level warriors. It can not only replenish aura, but also has a hidden special benefit.

Sure enough, after these warriors used the Jingqi Pill, the medicine's power melted away, and their inner strength quickly recovered.

However, there is a side effect worth mentioning, that is, during the process of recovering internal energy, these martial artists are constantly farting, and each of them farts badly, making this area smoky, and even Qin Lang avoided it.

This is actually the special function of the spirit pill. It cleans up the impurities in the body and makes the warrior's body more pure. It is also equivalent to cutting the hair and washing the marrow.

Although this kind of physique after hair cutting and marrow washing is not comparable to that of a monk in the foundation building period in terms of purity, it can only be equivalent to that of a monk at the sixth or seventh level of Qi training, but it is not bad.

You must know that it is not easy for ordinary warriors to cut hair and wash their marrow. Apart from the legendary Yijing and Jiuyang, they can only rely on some special medicines. In the secular world, it seems that only Shaolin's Great Returning Pill has this effect. In fact, the Great Returning Pill is a low-grade panacea handed down from the cultivation world.

But now China's elixir resources are basically exhausted, so even the Shaolin Temple's Dahuandan has become out of print. There may be some stock in the temple, but even those monks in the temple are not willing to use it for themselves, let alone give it to outsiders.

Therefore, Qin Lang's gift of medicine this time is also a great opportunity for these ten warriors.

At least after cutting the hair and washing the marrow, everyone's future cultivation will become smoother, and the life span will directly increase by 30 to [-] years because of this time of cutting the hair and washing the marrow.

After a while, when the effect of the elixir was finished, a dozen or so warriors also woke up from the experience of cutting hair and washing marrow, each of them was reluctant to part with that very comfortable taste.

At this time, their gazes towards Qin Lang also became different. There were surprises, admiration, and other deeper things. After this gift of medicine, they became more respectful to Qin Lang.

Seeing ten warriors approaching, Qin Lang hurriedly covered his nose with one hand and stopped them with the other: "Don't come here yet!"

It turned out that the farts of the ten warriors made their bodies smelly, and it continued for a long time. As a cultivator, Qin Lang had a particularly sensitive nose, so he couldn't bear it at all.

When the smell was completely gone, Li Shan and Li Shui made a big gift to Qin Lang on behalf of the ten people: "Thank you for the generosity of the leader just now."

Even a fool would know that the value of the soybean-sized elixir just now may not be available in this world. The fact that they can have such a big change is thanks to the elixir that Qin Lang gave just now, so they made this great gift.

"Forget it, everyone is brothers! Haha, this is also a reward you deserve."

Qin Lang slapped a haha, there are many benefits for everyone to follow him, there must be meat to eat, big ones have meat to eat.

"Ouch!" "Ouch!"

At this time, there was a moaning sound nearby, but it was not from ten warriors. Qin Lang saw it, but was happy. It turned out to be two researchers who escaped from the laboratory. They were lucky that they didn't die in the hands of semi-finished reformers .

The two researchers who escaped from the laboratory are now subdued by ten of Li Shan and Li Shui. For a leg's sake.

Judging by the smoothness of those wounds, it should be done by the lasers at the entrance of the laboratory passageway. They are really two sad children.

Now that he escaped and made such a miserable situation, Qin Lang is also determined to let the two of them survive.

But before that, Qin Lang still has to do some research to see what "dry stuff" these researchers have in their minds. With the help of the two people's memories, it will probably be much easier for Qin Lang to study the information about the transformed people in the server later.

After searching for gods, these two guys did not become idiots, but their intelligence dropped significantly, showing some mental retardation.

"Haha, Grandpa, I'm in a good mood to let you two go, this time you two are lucky!"

Qin Lang untied the rope and the sealed acupuncture points for the two of them, but it seemed that it would not be easy for the two of them to leave here with their broken arms and legs.

However, Qin Lang didn't care about these trivial matters any more. Whether the two left here by walking or crawling, everything that followed had nothing to do with him.

When Qin Lang told everyone that he had obtained the core information of the entire laboratory on transforming people, the ten warriors immediately cheered, and the task was finally completed.

Well, the laboratory must be destroyed next, and these will be handed over to ten warriors to deal with. Qin Lang returned to the Apache helicopter, took out the middle-grade spirit stones again, and began to practice, meditating and adjusting his breath .

In the process of meditation, it seems to hear the sound of an explosion, but now Qin Lang is too lazy to pay attention to these, and only cares about his own cultivation.

When the spirit stone in his hand consumed three pieces, Qin Lang opened his eyes and looked again, and now the entire laboratory has become a ruin.

"OK, let's go, brothers!"

Both Li Shan and Li Shui had entered the cockpit, and the four-bladed propellers of the two military helicopters whirred again.

The helicopter needs to pass through a gas station. Apache is a gas hog. Now the fuel tank is almost exhausted and needs to be refilled.


After refueling, the helicopter vacated again.

While in the air, Qin Lang also made a phone call to another operator to learn about the progress of the more than 300 troops on the other side.

"Report to the lord, the action on this side went smoothly yesterday, half of the forces on the dark side of the Lu family have been wiped out by us, but the other half cannot be found no matter what."

From the other end of the phone came the voice of the little boss, who seemed to be from the Lei family.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I already know all the strongholds of this half of the dark forces, I will tell you now, they are..."

On the phone, Qin Lang told the little boss of the Lei family all the remaining information bit by bit, so that they could move forward easily.

After finishing, Qin Lang asked again: "Do you understand?"


Respond over there.

"Okay then, go ahead, destroy all these strongholds, and then join my people."

Qin Lang continued.



Qin Lang hung up the phone, and at this moment Li Shan, who was manipulating the helicopter on the cab, asked, "Leader, where are we going now?"

"Where to...Of course, go directly to the base camp of the Lu family."

Qin Lang rubbed his forehead and said, "I think that guy Lu Mingde escaped from Huaxia, and he is probably hiding in the base."

"Okay! Let's go."

Li Shan began to change the direction of Apache, and flew in the direction of the Lu family base camp provided by Qin Lang.

Behind, the helicopter driven by Li Shui also followed closely, and the two Apaches flew in a straight line at an altitude of several kilometers one after the other.

Qin Lang gained a lot from this laboratory raid, especially the memory of Lu Mingzhi, which is more important to him than the data of the reformed person. With these memories, now Qin Lang has full confidence to directly destroy the entire Lu family.

As for Lu Mingde, it's not that important now. It's just a bereaved dog. I'm afraid he will be killed by people like himself not long after leaving Huaxia and coming to this Nanyang lair.

The purpose of Qin Lang's plan to destroy the entire Lu family is to get rid of all evil. The two sides are enemies. As the battle escalates, they must have become sworn enemies. Only when one side falls, the other side can be regarded as a real success; The Lu family, himself and the Quartet Alliance can obtain greater benefits.

Think about it, if the entire Lu family collapses, the big hands of myself and the Quartet Alliance can even reach out to Nanyang to fill the power vacuum formed on Nanyang. The value gained by a mere Baolai company is greater and the benefits are more lucrative.

After all, compared to the domestic Baolai Cosmetics Industry Co., Ltd., this consortium called Indonesia Baosheng Pharmaceutical Group is more powerful, and Lu Mingde's Baolai company in China is just a branch of the consortium abroad.

And the fighters sent by the three families of the Quartet Alliance behind Qin Lang are all smart people. They all know that if this operation is successful, the contribution and benefits the family will get will not be small, and each of them is also very good in the mission. Work hard.

After all, their leader is a very generous leader. Now that everyone works together to distribute the benefits, the rewards for each family must be extremely generous.

(End of this chapter)

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