Chapter 1213 Uprooted (V)

Half an hour later, the helicopter stopped in an open area less than five kilometers away from the base camp of the Lu family.

There is a lot of water in Nanyang, the base camp of the Lu family is a water village, or a fortress on the water, similar to a water city like Venice, but the scale is naturally much smaller.

Of course, Venice Water City is famous for its beautiful water scenery and distinctive buildings. The Lu family's base camp is obviously inferior in this respect. When it comes to the degree of defense, the two sides are naturally not at the same level.

Except for Qin Lang, the people in the company were actually very cautious about the task of going straight to the Lu family's base camp. Although they had to come to the battle, they had already done the utmost caution.

After all, everyone is well aware that the Lu family's stronghold is heavily guarded, and it is very difficult to attack, and it is inevitable that there will be no casualties.

After getting off the helicopter, Qin Lang led ten warriors straight to the Lu family's base camp, but they were blocked in front of the gate of the village, and they encountered a big trouble.

Behind the closed fence gate, the Lu family is naturally waiting for it. It is really not difficult to break through the fence gate, but behind the gate, there is a thin old man dressed as a monk shaking a small copper bell. The method of opening the altar.

This scene is very different from the scene where the two groups of men and horses are fighting fiercely. It is strange to look at.

"What is this about?"

Qin Lang was wondering, but the ten warriors behind him screamed in unison, and they all fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, convulsing endlessly.

Even Qin Lang was surprised by the sudden change.

You must know that those warriors are definitely the top-level warriors in China. Although most of them are accumulated by resources, they are not as strong as those warriors who have experienced life and death. It has no effect on these warriors at all.

However, the way a bad old man opened the altar made these powerful warriors lose their combat effectiveness in an instant, as if they had been intoxicated with ecstasy soup.

Seeing this situation, Qin Lang knew that the thin old man who rang the bell was very strange.

"Hmph! This is Master Kunsha, the most famous descendant in Nanyang invited by our Lu family. Boy, kill so many people in my Lu family and destroy so many properties of my Lu family. You must die now!"

A man in a black suit next to him cursed at Qin Lang, and he seemed to be one of the direct members of the Lu family.

And as soon as the man in the black suit finished speaking, Kunsha, the head-down master, shook the bell louder and chanted the spell more urgently. At this time, Qin Lang felt that with the shaking of the copper bell in his hand, wave after wave aimed at The attack of spiritual consciousness came straight to the forehead.

The strength of this attack was not great, but it also made Qin Lang feel a little dizzy, so he quickly strengthened his resistance in terms of spiritual consciousness.

At the same time, he was also very puzzled. The old man in front of him was not a cultivator at all, but he also knew how to attack with spiritual consciousness. Although this kind of spiritual attack is not very strong, it is also very good. Early-stage cultivators may also be tricked if they don't pay attention.

Nanyang's head-down master really deserves its reputation!
On the other side of the fence, Kunsha, the head-down master, was also sweating profusely, shaking the bell more and more urgently, obviously struggling.

He also felt strange that his "sound drop" had always been unfavorable in the past, but it didn't have any effect on the young Chinese man in front of him, and he didn't know the reason.

There is no way, Kunsha can only push the sound down even harder, and even bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a mouthful of cursed blood on the stove in front of the altar, and as the cursed blood spewed out, the stove on the altar The blue stove on the bed soared several meters high.

And as the cursed blood spewed out, Kun Sha, the head descendant, shook the bell more urgently and fiercely, and the sound of dinglingling penetrated into Qin Lang's consciousness like a fly, making Qin Lang upset.

"Stop arguing!"

Qin Lang suddenly roared, and the invisible coercion of spiritual consciousness counterattacked.

This is an overwhelming tide of spiritual consciousness. Qin Lang has almost no reservations in his irritability, and all his spiritual consciousness has been poured into it. The spiritual consciousness of the cultivators in the late stage of alchemy is so powerful that it directly hits the head-down master Kunsha body, and the whole person was blown away from the altar.

When Kunsha, the head-down master, was blown away, he also spurted out a mouthful of old blood. Obviously, Qin Lang's spiritual attack had caused him huge damage. I don't know whether it is dead or alive.

"Master Kunsha!"

"Master Kunsha!"

The other people inside the fence were calling anxiously, but Kunsha, the head-down master at this time, was undoubtedly defeated in the round of fighting just now, and lost all his fighting power.

And Qin Lang also felt a little tired after the divine consciousness attack. The previous round of divine consciousness attack consumed at least [-]% of his consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the price he paid was not insignificant. The bell was too disturbed to ring, and it was so reckless in anger.

Otherwise, better attack effects can be obtained at the minimum cost without wasting excess consciousness like just now.

Although the subduing master's subduing technique is very strong, he is just an ordinary person. Even Qin Lang doesn't need to sacrifice his own consciousness to fight back. destroy.

After all, Jianjue only consumes true energy, but counterattack with spiritual consciousness consumes the power of primordial spirit. It is too difficult to make one's primordial spirit stronger, but the consumption of restoring true energy is much simpler.

After Qin Lang succeeded in counterattacking with his consciousness, the ten warriors around him were still foaming at the mouth, fell to the ground and were still twitching.

Frowning, Qin Lang knew that it was impossible for him to let the ten of them ignore him, and then break into the water village by himself, so he still had to find a way to wake them up first.

He leaned down, scratched the eyelids of these warriors, and then opened their veins to check the internal and external conditions of the ten warriors who had received the descending technique.

Sure enough, there were some changes in the bodies of these ten warriors. There were some invisible filaments swimming in their meridians. It was these invisible filaments that were interfering with their bodies, destroying their meridians and viscera, making them so painful and twitching now. . ,

Fortunately, Qin Lang is a cultivator, and he is a cultivator from the heavenly medical school. He has medical experience far beyond China, so he can deal with problems that cannot be explained by the world's scientific and technological medical skills.

At this time, Qin Lang injected a burst of true energy into one of the warriors to help him expel these outsiders from his body.

Although those invisible filaments are terrifying, they are retreating steadily under the driving of true energy. Once they are forced out of the body, they will turn into silvery icicles like ox hair needles, and slowly melt into the air, leaving behind The next bit of water stains, it's amazing.

And as the ice silk is forced out of the body, a small bleeding point will appear on the surface of the warrior's skin, which is formed after being pierced by the invisible filament in the body.

Although Qin Lang couldn't explain the reason for the formation of this Nanyang descending technique, his current method of dealing with this descending technique is extremely effective, so he is doing his best now.

About half an hour later, Qin Lang once again rescued all ten warriors.

Taking a breath, Qin Lang took a piece of spirit stone to restore the consumption of true energy. Fortunately, these ten warriors are stronger than normal people, and their internal meridians are also strong and smooth. If it is the blocked meridians of ordinary people, if you want It is not so easy to get rid of these invisible filaments so quickly.

After Youyou woke up, the ten warriors knew that they had been hit by the descending technique before, and they were all very annoyed. They had already activated it without Qin Lang's order, and rushed towards the fence one by one, planning to destroy the fence gate of the water village first.

Now the head-down master Kunsha has been seriously injured and stunned. I believe that there will never be such a wicked head-down master in the stockade. After all, the growth of a powerful head-down master is very difficult. Like this small country in Nanyang, it is often not possible for a country. own one.

And when Qin Lang regained his true energy, he also supported these warriors in the rear, and some of his subordinates took the lead. Now he is also happy to relax for a while.

The gate of the fence was quickly destroyed, and the gate opened. The two sides had a round of gun battle first, and no one could do anything to the other.

However, when the ten warriors showed their physical strengths and fought in close quarters, the guards in front of the gate of the village were all unlucky and were killed one by one. These people were basically ordinary people who knew some fighting skills, so what? Fight against warriors above the level of ten warriors.

Just when the ten fighters were killing each other and were about to surpass their gods, trouble appeared again.

The internal support of the water village arrived, and ten reformers came all at once, and all of them were level six reformers.

Level [-] cyborgs are the top level cyborgs that can be researched in the laboratory. Every [-]th level cyborg has the strength equivalent to the level of Martial King, which is much stronger than the semi-finished cyborgs in the laboratory.

In other words, there is no comparison between the two. One is a beast that can only fight by instinct, and the other is a fighting machine with intelligence.

Ten Wuwang-level sixth-level reformers immediately beat ten of Qin Lang's subordinates to vomit blood and retreat. These ten Wuwang-level sixth-level reformers are about the same strength as ordinary alchemy cultivators, and their ability Weird, if they attack together, even the current Qin Lang may feel more annoyed.

For example, a reformer who directly faces Qin Lang can actually partially armor some parts of his body, has the effect equivalent to a top-grade magic weapon, and has an amazingly strong defense. This guy is used as a meat shield to resist Qin Lang, while other reformers Gairen supported from both sides.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!
Qin Lang seemed to be forging iron. When he hit any part of this guy, that part would automatically become armored. This guy's nerve response speed was quicker. This is the biggest difference between the six-level reformer.

Their nerve response ability is very fast, which is not much different from the current Qin Lang. Fast nerve response means fast movement, so it is not easy for Qin Lang to deal with them.

Da da da!Da da da!Da da da!
Just when Qin Lang fell into siege, Qin Lang's reinforcements also arrived at this time. More than 300 people arrived in fifty or sixty helicopters. Multiple helicopters.

"Leader, we are here to help you!"

The more than 300 people came to support after getting off the helicopter.

All of a sudden, the situation was reversed, and Qin Lang didn't need to take action at all. Even if the ten reformers were capable, they would be powerless to recover from being surrounded by such crowd tactics.

"Hehe." Qin Lang could only smile ashamedly.

If he wanted to take down these ten reformers, although he could do it by himself, it would take too much effort and energy. It would be better if he could save his worries and troubles now.

Qin Lang walked over at this time, fed a healing pill to the ten warriors who fell to the ground before, and then asked people to help the ten warriors back to rest.

These ten people performed well in the previous battle. Although they were seriously injured, they made a lot of contributions, so they deserve Qin Lang's careful care.

Just now, it was really difficult to deal with the sixth-level reinvented warriors of the Martial King level. It is normal for them to be injured, and it is honorable to lose.

(End of this chapter)

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