Chapter 1214 Uprooting ([-])

With the addition of more than 300 fresh troops, the next battle was much easier. The ten six-level reformers were killed by everyone in less than 3 minutes.

During the battle, several fighters need to be injured, but Qin Lang has a lot of low-grade healing medicines, so it is OK to just throw them a few pills.

Qin Lang felt very relaxed, but all of these fighters who participated in the battle felt that they had escaped from death. Without Qin Lang's help, they would have been killed by the Nanyang head-down master Kun Sha in the first wave of attacks. up.

The feeling of gratitude for escaping after the catastrophe also made them more grateful to Qin Lang.

Due to the large number of people brought, Qin Lang adopted a strategy of advancing layer by layer, leading these hundreds of people to push them to the depths of the Lu family's base camp.

Although there were some troubles during this process, they were just small troubles, and the strength of many people was great, so the troubles were successfully resolved by Qin Lang's men.

Pushing all the way to the middle of the Cai family's base camp, at this time everyone also saw several high-level members of the Lu family, as well as Lu Mingde who was tied up in various ways.

"Everyone! Everyone! Everyone has something to say, something to say."

A person in power of the Lu family bowed his hands to Qin Lang and the others, speaking exactly Huaxia.

This person in power is about 70 or so, with gray hair and a thin figure. He is in good spirits, but now that the family is in trouble, the sadness in the corners of his eyes can't be concealed.

Qin Lang waved his hand, and everyone stopped moving forward, let's listen to what the Lu family's ruler has to say.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. Lu Mingde, a junior in the family, offended you and caused you to suffer losses. Now I have tied this guy up and handed him over to you. How about letting you handle it?" The Lu family's ruler Gong arched and said: "In addition, our Lu family is willing to settle this matter with you, how about paying you two billion?"

"Two billion?" Qin Lang looked at him.

"That's right, two billion, and it's in US dollars."

At this time, the ruler of the Lu family had to bow his head to Qin Lang and said cautiously.

He thought to himself, more than 20 billion US dollars, almost more than 100 billion Huaxia coins, his sincerity in compensation is not insignificant, you must know that even if the profits of the entire Lu family pharmaceutical group are added up for several years, it is nothing more than that.

Under normal circumstances, he would not act as a bully and give away the benefits of the Lu family for several years, but the situation is stronger than others. Now that Qin Lang leads the people to go straight to the base camp, the old nest is about to be taken over by others. If you keep the money Even if a person dies, he can't spend it. It is the right way to exchange a lot of money for Qin Lang's concession.

"Haha, hahaha..."

When Qin Lang heard the words, he looked up to the sky and laughed for a while. After laughing, he stretched out a finger and shook at the ruler of the Lu family: "NO, if you compromise with us before the war, maybe we will agree to this Require."

"And now that we have destroyed so many properties of your Lu family, is there any possibility of reconciliation between the two sides? Hahaha, how ridiculous! I'm afraid you are bowing your heads now, and after recovering your vitality, think about how to deal with us!"

"Also, now we find that the benefits gained from destroying your Lu family are definitely greater than the benefits gained from accepting your Lu family's compromise. So, do you think our brothers will agree to your request now?"

Qin Lang's words, like needle pricks, were rooted in the heart of the ruler of the Lu family.

In extreme pain, the ruler of the Lu family took a hard look at Lu Mingde, who had brought disaster to the family, and said helplessly, "Activate the self-destruct device of the family base."


A man in a black suit behind him agreed, took out an instrument from a box beside him and pressed it.

After the man in the black suit acted according to the instructions, the ruler of the Lu family turned his head again, looked at Qin Lang and the more than 300 warriors behind him with a silent expression, and said slowly: "If you want to get more benefits from our Lu family, You are too greedy, people are too greedy to do wrong things easily, and have you considered the consequences of doing wrong things!"

"No, this old guy wants to destroy the entire family base, and the stopwatch on that instrument is moving, it seems that the base will disappear in only 5 minutes!"

At this time, a martial artist behind Qin Lang who knew some techniques in this area reminded loudly.

"The self-destruct device of the base? It only takes 5 minutes to blow up the entire Lujia base camp. Doesn't that include us?" Qin Lang murmured.

"That's right, that's it. Now if we don't turn off the self-destruct device in the base within 5 minutes, I'm afraid we won't be able to escape!" The skilled martial artist said eagerly.

On the other side, the ruler of the Lu family felt that the more than 300 people in front of him finally panicked, but they laughed wildly: "I'm finally scared! I'm finally scared now! It's a pity that you made the wrong choice. This choice It's at the cost of your life."

This person in power can be regarded as a ruthless person. After realizing that the general situation is over, he made two-handed preparations. After the first-hand preparation was rejected by Qin Lang, he simply held the ruthless intention of breaking the net with Qin Lang. The intention was obvious. I want to pull you, Qin Lang, as a backup!

Of course Qin Lang didn't want the people he brought over to be blown to death.

"Quick, everyone first find the location where this self-destruct device is installed and destroy it!"

At this time, Qin Lang directly gave an order to more than 300 warriors. Everyone split up and started to find the self-destruct armor first.

However, the time is limited, and it must be found and destroyed within 5 minutes, which is quite difficult.

If this self-destruct device is activated, I am afraid that other than myself, other people will not be able to survive at all. In that case, I will have no face to face the three families of the Sifang Alliance when I return to Huaxia. I am simply a sinner through the ages, killing so many brothers. .

For a moment, Qin Lang blamed himself a little, maybe he really should have accepted the compromise of the Lu Family ruler just now, so as not to swallow the evil result of the Lu Family ruler's dying counterattack.

But it's useless to regret it now, it's more important to quickly find that self-destruct device and destroy it.

All of a sudden, Qin Lang slapped his head, hey, he almost forgot the technique of searching for gods, so he just searched for the guys in front of him who knew the key clues.

At this time, Qin Lang ordered a few warriors around him to control the senior Lu family in front of him. Qin Lang did not hesitate to use the technique of searching for gods. After a while, he got the key clue from the man in the black suit.

Qin Lang immediately took a picture of the wind escape talisman for himself, and galloped towards the target location, and at this time, two minutes had passed.

"It's only 3 minutes, and it is estimated that there will be a delay of more than a minute on the way, and the target is a blocked basement. It is estimated that it will take more than a minute to open this basement, leaving it directly to the person who destroys the self-destruct device. Never more than 30 seconds."

"Quick, quick, faster..."

Qin Lang felt that he was running a race against death, and he had to do this now for the lives of more than 300 people.

If the explosion started, nothing would happen to him, but he didn't want those who followed him to die.

Finally, after more than a minute, Qin Lang came to the entrance of the underwater basement.

The entrance is a combination lock and an alloy door. Qin Lang doesn't care about other things now, and directly destroys it violently with a flying sword, cuts open the alloy door, and then drills in.

As soon as he entered the basement, he saw a variety of colorful wires densely packed on one side of the wall. This is the connection line of the self-destruct device. Now he has to destroy some of the key connection lines to disable the self-destruct device.

Originally, Qin Lang didn't understand these things, but from the man in the black suit, he knew the key clues, so he knew which connecting wires he should cut now, so as to completely disable the self-destruct device in the basement.

"Two red wires, one white wire, and one black wire. Find them and cut them all."

Qin Lang searched carefully, and now the time has only been more than 20 seconds, and he has not cut even a single key connecting line.

"The red thread is found, cut it off."

With two strokes, the two connecting wires were directly cut with fingers. Now that Qin Lang is using his true energy, two fingers and one pinch are sharper than scissors.

"The black thread was also found, cut it off."

Qin Lang made another discovery and cut the black thread again.

However, the white one is more difficult to find, and there are still 11 seconds left.

ten seconds!Nine seconds!eight seconds!Seven seconds... three seconds, two seconds, one second!
At the last second, Qin Lang finally found the white line, and cut the white connecting line before the self-destruct armor took effect with the lightning speed of a cultivator!

"Huh! It's dangerous, just a little bit."

After cutting this white thread, Qin Lang is now in a cold sweat, thinking about it for a while with fear.

Cultivators seldom sweat. The experiment just now was too thrilling, so he actually sweated like a normal person, which was also caused by excessive nervousness.

Fortunately, with the cutting of these wires, the self-destruction device of the Lu family base camp has disappeared, and Qin Lang no longer has to worry about the safety of the more than 300 warriors around him.

After finishing all this, Qin Lang had time to look around the basement. The underwater basement was completely transparent, surrounded by transparent fiberglass. Through the fiberglass, you could see the water world outside, but the one with sharp teeth Big fish swam around the basement with their claws open.

After dealing with this matter, Qin Lang had no time to appreciate the scenery, and returned to the original place again. Now more than 300 people were dispatched to clean up everything in the entire Lu family base camp.

Because they hated what the ruler of the Lu family did just now, the more than 300 people around Qin Lang were not polite to the entire Lu family. They encountered direct members of the Lu family along the way and directly killed them. In the end, even the entire Lu family The people at the core level were all killed.

Qin Lang doesn't know if there are any innocent people among them.

Of course, only the core people were killed. Under Qin Lang's restraint, there was no massacre. Qin Lang would not let such a thing happen in his hands.

Cleaning up the battlefield or something is not what he cares about now, let's clean up the spoils he got from the Lu family's base camp first!

The Lu family in Nanyang is also a big family that stomps and stomps the whole Nanyang. Although it is not as good as Qin Lang's Huaxia Quartet Alliance, it is much better than any single family in it.

There are quite a lot of property in the base camp, and the cash alone is two billion, and it is in US dollars.

In addition, there are also many valuable resources of various kinds, at least some worth more than 100 billion.

There are also some rare and rare things like Nanyang, and some of them are even interested in Qin Lang as a cultivator, so he asked for them directly.

The last one is about Lujia's bright business, the warrant certificate of Lujia's Baosheng Pharmaceutical Group. This thing is very important. The Four-Party Alliance can hold it, and then find a way to slowly swallow this Baosheng Pharmaceutical Group.

(End of this chapter)

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