Chapter 1215
After destroying the important figures of the Lu family and destroying the base camp of the Lu family, the big tree of the Lu family has almost completely cut off its roots.

However, it is not suitable to fight and kill the Lu family's business on the bright side, but needs to use bright means to compete. Now that the entire Baosheng Pharmaceutical Group has lost the support of the forces behind it, it is believed that the four-party alliance will divide the entire Baosheng Pharmaceutical Group. Sheng Pharmaceutical Group is only a matter of time.

After Qin Lang distributed the loot, he returned directly to Huaxia, leaving the three families to continue some aftermath work.

And this time when he attacked Nanyang Lujia, Qin Lang obtained 100 billion US dollars from the Lujia base camp, and the remaining resources worth more than [-] billion yuan, a large number of rare objects and Baosheng Pharmaceutical Group's certificates were left to the Quartet Alliance. Three families.

Regarding this, the warriors from the three families who went on missions together had no objection, because the estimated value of the warrant certificate of Baosheng Pharmaceutical Group alone exceeded [-] billion.

Therefore, compared to what Qin Lang got, they actually got a lot.

Even if the integration of Baosheng is completed in the future, Qin Lang will definitely take the lion's share of the profits, but they are very satisfied with a little soup, not to mention that Qin Lang is very generous.

After all, the warriors they sent didn't play a decisive role. It was always Qin Lang who turned the tide and decided everything in one fell swoop. They just played the role of followers.

Julius Baer is very big, and they can also make a profit. Of course, the premise is that the three companies need a certain amount of time and energy to fully grasp the Julius Baer Group.


Back in Huaxia, Qin Lang met Tang Qian and asked, "Well, how is the plan to acquire Baolai Cosmetics Industry Co., Ltd. going?"

"Boss, the bidding has been successful!"

Tang Qian adjusted her black-rimmed glasses and said, "However, apart from the 100 million you gave last time, boss, our company still has a funding gap of more than [-] billion. short-term financing."

"How much is the bank and the three families of the Quadruple Alliance going to loan?"

Qin Lang asked.

"As for the bank, they are planning to lend [-] million yuan, and the three families of the Four-Party Alliance are planning to borrow [-] billion yuan. Together, they will make a total of [-] billion yuan." Tang Qian replied.

"Well, the bank's loan continues! The Quadruple Alliance's lending plan has been cancelled, so there is no need to borrow the 20 billion. I came back this time and brought [-] billion US dollars, and now I will give it all to you."

Qin Lang nodded and said.

"$20 million?"

Tang Qian was a little surprised. She didn't expect the boss to make so much money, so she just came out. It was the first time to remit 20 million RMB, but this time it brought in [-] billion US dollars.

20 billion U.S. dollars is almost equivalent to 120 billion Huaxia coins. The company's plan to acquire Baolai this time does not even need to borrow from the outside world.

However, Qin Lang asked her to continue borrowing [-] million from the bank. Tang Qian can understand that the bank is very important to a company that is gradually growing. convenient.

If you have no contact with the bank at ordinary times, then when you really need financial support, I am afraid that the bank's door will not open to you.

Therefore, this time borrowing [-] million from the bank, although it is not necessary anymore, Qin Lang is still planning to do so, all because he wants to establish a good relationship with the bank first, and when the company grows in the future, it may be necessary to use the bank again relationship in this regard.

"Yes, 20 billion."

Qin Lang nodded, and then handed Tang Qian a money order in his hand, which was the 20 billion US dollars he had just brought back from abroad.

After dealing with the company's affairs, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he suddenly wanted to meet his parents.

After coming to Huaxia, Qin Lang has been busy during this time. He knows that children who are children should keep in touch with their parents, which is actually a kind of filial piety. He has been an orphan for 20 years, and it should be more so now.

Picking up the phone, Qin Lang dialed his parents' number: "Father, mother, how are you doing? I'm temporarily free from work here, and I'm going to see you."

"Okay, we are all fine, son, are you going to visit us in the capital? Okay! I just have something to tell you!"

Over there, it was mother Wang Chunxue who answered the phone, and the couple were very happy to hear their son's voice.

"Okay, then I'll come right over."

Qin Lang turned off the phone, explained some matters to Tang Qian again, and then Lan Run came out.

I drove my beloved Audi A8 Qin Lang out of the city and took the expressway leading to the capital. Now if I take Qualcomm from Yunhai to the capital, it only takes more than four hours to get there.

About ten kilometers out of the city, Qin Lang encountered a rather uncomfortable thing. A group of guys who didn't know they were drag racing gangsters appeared in front of them, and they were driving supercars side by side at the front speed, but the speed was not as good as that of the people behind. Qin Lang was fast, so these vehicles completely blocked Qin Lang's direction.

Qin Lang, who was blocked behind, was depressed and honked his horn repeatedly, but the five or six supercars driving side by side in front were all indifferent, still driving at that speed slowly in parallel on the highway, completely ignoring the sound of the horn behind him.

"I'm stupid!"

Qin Lang is even more depressed. If he follows this group of bastards and eats ashes, God knows when he will arrive in the capital. You must know that the speed of these five or six supercars driving side by side is at most 80 yards, which is completely tormenting the rear. The nerves of the driver of the vehicle.

"Hey, a bunch of little kids in front of you, the highway is not a place for you to talk about love, please make way!"

Qin Lang honked the horn again, urging loudly, he saw some boys and girls hugging and hugging in these supercars, needless to say, they are all rich second generations, and everyone must regard the highway as their own back garden up.

"We just won't let you, uncle, bite us if you have the ability!"

Inside one of the red Maseratis, a young girl driving around turned around and made a face at Qin Lang.

"Grandma, I, Qin Lang, have seen all kinds of turbulent waves, do I want to admit defeat to this group of ignorant guys?" Qin Lang frowned and murmured.

Just following the buttocks of five or six cars all the way to the capital is definitely not the result Qin Lang wanted, so he had to think of a way.

"Yes!" At this moment, Qin Lang's eyes lit up, and he thought of a way.

So, he shouted to the boys and girls in front of him: "You guys are driving slowly, which is completely disgraceful to your good car! I guess you have no ability to drive so slowly, I bet, even if you drive at full speed , and I definitely can’t drive my Audi A8!"

"What, our sports car won't be able to drive your A8?! Are you kidding me!" Sure enough, several young people driving were immediately irritated, "Want to bet? Well, we'll let you go first, if we catch up what to do?"

"If I let you catch up, I'll take this car to you, how about it?" Qin Lang said with a smile. "If you lose, I don't want anything from you. In the future, whenever and wherever you meet me, you must first learn how to bark three times. How about it?"

"Okay, it's settled like this. If a gentleman says it, that horse is hard to chase!" A young man shouted, but it's a pity that he couldn't even pronounce an idiom without studying hard.

"A four-horse is hard to chase, little brother! Get out of the way, let's start now!" Qin Lang said with a sigh.

Under his agitation, these young people really gave way to the driveway and let Qin Lang go first.

In their thinking, although Qin Lang's German Audi A8 is good, it is not a pure sports car after all, so how can it compare with the speed of these favorite cars on their own!
And Qin Lang also secretly smiled, these guys are definitely going to lose, as a cultivator, his reaction speed and body coordination ability are higher than the top racing drivers in the world, even if it is an Audi A8, tanks can also play tricks come out.

He used this radical method this time to be very effective. It really made these young people get out of the way obediently. This is Qin Lang's real purpose.

Now, as long as one's beloved car passes through these five or six side-by-side obstacles, it will be absolutely impossible for them to catch up again.

Sure enough, after overtaking, Qin Lang pumped his horsepower, pushed the accelerator to the end, and directly raised the speed to the limit, without even a transition in the middle.

And this Audi A8 seemed to be wound up, and it shot straight out like an arrow. The sudden acceleration even made the whole car feel a little floating.

Hey, German cars have a thick chassis, and he was allowed to drive like this!
However, Qin Lang, who has amazing micro-manipulation skills, didn't care. He was still driving steadily, letting the car fly at a speed of more than 300 yards, like a mad horse.

After being stunned for a while, a group of young people behind them also started their own cars. Although none of them were racing drivers, the supercars under their feet were of excellent performance, and they were also biting Qin Lang from behind. , I want to rely on the performance of the sports car to bring back the distance between the two parties bit by bit.

Qin Lang was also ruthless, the speed has been increased to the fastest, although there are not as many sharp turns on the high-speed road, but if you want to run out of the high-speed, the driver's technical requirements are also very high, because the faster you run, the more drifting the car, It requires the driver to have a strong balance control ability, otherwise, it will be a somersault, or even the result of a car crash.

Looking at the vehicles behind the rearview mirror, Qin Lang breathed out his true energy and reduced his body weight to the lightest. It is estimated that his whole body is weightless in the car.

There is less load on the car, and the speed of the car has also been improved to a certain extent. In contrast, each of the supercars is full of people. After one increase and one decrease, the speed of the two sides is not much different. This is also Qin Lang. The real confidence behind making this bet before, otherwise, he would never fight unprepared.

Driving at such a high speed with zero mistakes is nothing to Qin Lang, but it is a bit difficult for the supercars behind him.

After all, these young people are not professional racing cars, but their own cars are good, and now there is really a man who is against the sky, relying on an A8 to drive these supercars far away, which also makes them feel Feel ashamed.

"The uncle should be a professional racing driver! Otherwise, he wouldn't be so awesome. It looks like we're going to fail this time!"

Inside a supercar, a young man murmured.

And the girl who provoked Qin Lang before was also very depressed: "I'm going to lose! I'm going to lose! Do we have to bark like a dog every time we meet this weird uncle in the future? My God, I don't want it."

When the five supercars were all lagging farther behind, the Maserati suddenly exploded, and the speed became faster, and it suddenly pulled a lot closer.

But the girl in the car panicked. She stepped on the accelerator just now, but she didn't have Qin Lang's skills at all. At this time, the supercar had completely lost control.

(End of this chapter)

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