The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1216 Rumors of the Three Great Secret Realms

Chapter 1216 Rumors of the Three Great Secret Realms

"Ah! Help!"

The girl turned pale with fright, because Maserati had already slammed into the cliff on the side road and was about to hit it.

But at this time, she felt light on her body, and an invisible force pulled her out of the car, and then gently threw her on the ground. She was dizzy, and she didn't know how this strange thing happened.

As expected, the sports car crashed into a cliff and fell apart. If he was still in the car now, the consequences would definitely be disastrous.

At this time, she looked ahead, and saw a smiling face from the mirror of the Audi AG, and walked away.

"Uncle, did you save me just now?"

The girl looked forward, feeling a little unbelievable.


"You still call me uncle, you should call me brother! Call me so old after saving your life!"

At this time, Qin Lang had already left the young man behind him far away, and was driving on the highway alone, his speed had dropped a lot, and now it was only about 180 yards.

Anyway, the young people behind him all gave up chasing after they couldn't catch up with Qin Lang. It is estimated that they are all staying in the place where the girl had the car accident before, so he doesn't need to work hard anymore.

If she hadn't acted on her own just now, that young girl would probably be doomed. After all, she is just an ordinary person, not a cultivator like herself. It is impossible for such a car accident to be fine.

Speaking of which, Qin Lang should also bear some responsibility for the car accident this time. If he hadn't used the aggressive method to propose the car, the car accident would not have happened. Therefore, seeing that the girl was about to have an accident, he had to use some cultivation methods to save the girl. .

So, just now there was that miraculous scene, the girl was pulled out of the supercar by Qin Lang, and gently thrown on the ground, avoiding a car accident and life-threatening incident.

This was just a little fun on the way to the capital, he didn't even take that oath to heart, and he forgot it all in a flash.

"I called him old. When I got closer, I realized that the guy is quite handsome, and his driving skills are so good."

The girl murmured to herself after Qin Lang left.

However, Qin Lang has disappeared without a trace, and the girl who secretly cherishes spring is afraid that it will be difficult to meet the person who can make her heart beat for the first time.


At this time, Qin Lang had arrived in Sanlitun, the capital city. Phoenix Gate had an estate here, and it was a nice courtyard. His parents lived here now.

When Qin Lang saw his parents, his father Qin Zhengyang was feeding the golden carp in the rockery pool in the courtyard, while his mother Wang Chunxue was about to knit a sweater like a normal woman.

The sweater was already half finished. Judging by the size of the sweater, it was either for my father or for myself.

"I'm going to make two of this sweater. You father and son are about the same size, so each will wear one."

Seeing Qin Lang coming, Wang Chunxue stopped what she was doing and said with a smile.

"I also have a share?" Qin Lang pointed to himself.

"Of course, you are my son!"

Hearing his mother Wang Chunxue's words, Qin Lang immediately had a happy feeling of maternal love that nourished his whole heart. "very nice."

He sighed.

"By the way, father and mother, what do you want to tell me this time, what exactly is it? If there is anything you need your son to do, just say it."

Qin Lang patted his chest at this time, thinking that his parents needed help.

After reuniting with his parents last time, he gave them the most precious and useful elixir. In addition to wanting their parents to be healthy, he also wanted them to prolong their lives.

But Qin Lang also knows that the time he can be with his parents is limited after all, so he really wants to make up for it in other ways. As long as his parents need it, even if his parents want to hear the President of the United States sing Beijing opera, he will go to the United States to general * ** Please come back and let *** learn to sing Peking Opera in front of his parents.

"Hehe, that's not what we're talking about."

Qin Zhengyang smiled, and while continuing to feed the carp, he said: "Qin Lang, you have grown up too, and you should know some secrets of our family. Last time we came out of the secret place of Kunlun Mountain in a hurry, we didn't have time Tell you this, tell you now."

"Okay." Qin Lang nodded, expressing that he was listening carefully.

"It's like this. Twenty-three years ago, the Qin family of our ancient martial arts family in Huaxia was very famous. Among all the ancient martial arts families in Huaxia, except for the Murong family, there is basically no family that can compare with our Qin family."

"The reason why our Qin family can achieve such a status is because our Qin family has mastered the method of entering the Kunlun Mountain secret realm, one of the world's three major secret realms. Even without using a key, we can enter the Kunlun Mountain secret realm and get Some resources in the secret realm and quick cultivation in the secret realm."

"The benefits of the secret realm have given the Qin family a huge benefit, and their position in the Huaxia Guwu family is stable, and it is difficult to regret it. While the Qin family has mastered the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, it has also increased its search for information on the other two secret realms in the world. , want to get more resources. For some reason, the family really got a topographical map of treasures in one of the world's three great secret realms, the Pyramid Secret Realm."

"With this topographic map of the treasury, the family is equivalent to mastering the secrets of two secret realms in the world at the same time, and it should develop more rapidly in the future. However, things in this world are unpredictable..."

"This news got out somehow, and people from the Murong family knew about it, so they took action when the Qin family gave you a full moon wine for your child, using despicable tricks, poisoning the family well... the following Aunt Jin must have already told you about some situations, so I won't go into details."

"However, the Murong family killed nearly a thousand members of my Qin clan, but they failed to get what they wanted, and even let us and my wife run out with the child. Entrusted to an orphanage, I went directly to the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, wanting to get the cultivation technique in the treasure hall of the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain to become a cultivator, and then return to China to avenge the family, but I did not expect to be trapped in the treasure hall of Kunlun Mountain Among..."


After Qin Lang heard about the ups and downs of his parents when they fled, his heart was filled with emotion.

When he was growing up in a welfare home, he also thought about it many times, thinking that the reason why he was abandoned by his parents and became an unwanted child was because his parents cruelly threw him away. At that time, he was only seven or eight years old. He secretly hated his parents.

But when he grew up later, he naturally understood that there must be a reason why his parents had to abandon him.

He kept the note with the name his parents gave him, and the agate jade lion. He has been looking for his parents with the agate jade lion all these years, because he knows that his parents never abandoned him, and neither did his parents. Eager to grow up with him.

And the fact is the same. At that time, his parents were chased by the Murong family crazily, and they were able to take him all the way to Yunhai City and put him at the gate of the orphanage at the risk of danger.

The entire matter, the Murong family deserved a lot of beatings, but the crisis that the Qin family encountered that year also proved that everything has a reason for rise and fall.

Back then, Qin Lang ranked first in the ancient martial arts family of China, and it was not unreasonable for all things to flourish and decline. It seems that Qin Lang's family should also have such a calamity.

But now that the family has been passed down to my own generation, I have to shoulder the heavy responsibility to revitalize Qin Lang's lineage again.The three masters and apprentices of the Golden Phoenix are currently doing this. Their purpose of creating the Phoenix Gate is to revive the glory of Qin Lang. When the time comes, I must try my best to cooperate with them to complete this matter.

After thinking about these things, Qin Lang suddenly asked curiously: "Father, the Murong family has been looking for the map of the hidden room in the secret place of the pyramid for more than 20 years, but there is no news at all. Where are you hiding?"

"Hidden? We didn't hide it, so we carried it with us."

Qin Zhengyang laughed, and took out a piece of yellowed ancient silk from his body, "Here, this is the treasure map of the secret place of the pyramid."

After getting the yellowed ancient silk, Qin Lang finally understood why the Murong family members were so active in wanting to enter the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain. Perhaps they also knew about some rumors that his parents hid in the secret realm.

think about it!Whether it is the treasures in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain or the treasures in the secret realm of the Pyramid, they are all extraordinary existences, and they definitely want them all.

"However, the Murong family's heart is vicious, and it didn't end well in the end. Not only did they fail to get what they wanted, but the entire family base was eventually destroyed by me."

"This is really unpleasant retribution! It should be!"

When Qin Lang thought of the misfortune of the Qin family and his own misfortune as an orphan, he felt depressed for a while, but then thought of the fate of the entire Murong family now, and he felt relieved a lot.

Opening the yellowed ancient silk, Qin Lang saw some strange lines and sketched patterns, which should be patterns about the internal structure of the pyramid's secret realm. These patterns need to be explored in the future to understand what these patterns represent.

Looking at this ancient silk for a while, Qin Lang suddenly thought: "China is already a world of doomsday, and the cultivation resources are extremely exhausted. I want to continue to practice, just rely on the spiritual stone medicine resources I brought from Qinghe Continent. It is far from enough to reach the Nascent Soul stage, I can't sit still, so now I can only try my best to find more cultivation resources and search for more cultivation resources."

"Moreover, the resources needed for self-cultivation are much higher than those needed by warriors. To warriors, they are fairy materials. There are not many such resources in China, and there must be some in the three major secret realms. .”

"The resources in the Kunlun Secret Realm have been explored many times, and now I have almost searched for them. If I want to get more resources...then this Pyramid Secret Realm, it seems that I still have to go there!"

"Now that I have this yellowed treasure map in hand, it is equivalent to mastering the key to the secret realm of the pyramid. Compared with other guys who want to explore the secret realm, I have a lot of innate advantages. Such innate advantages can't be justified. Such a waste."

After thinking about it, Qin Lang decided to go to that Middle Eastern country by himself and explore one of the three legendary secret places on Earth, the "Pyramid Secret Realm".

"Okay! Master and Madam, dinner is ready!"

At this time, there was a female voice from the kitchen, and it was Jin Fenghuang who was cooking, dressed as a cook, completely incompatible with the female head of the Phoenix Sect in Qin Lang's impression.

"Hey, Aunt Jin, why are you bothering? You have to manage the affairs of the Phoenix Sect, but you also have to come back and cook for the two of us."

Qin Zhengyang sighed when he saw the golden phoenix appear.

"It will take two days for the new old lady to arrive at the post. Isn't it that I can't cook for a few days? Besides, the master and wife praised me for cooking well more than 20 years ago, so let me do my best in the next few days." A servant's duty!"

Golden Phoenix laughed.

"No, in the eyes of my husband and I, Aunt Jin, you are not our servant."

Wang Chunxue denied at this time: "I have always seen you as a sister."

"Hehe, Aunt Jin, we are all one family."

Qin Lang also smiled and stepped forward to help, tidying the table and arranging the dishes and chopsticks.

Afterwards, it was a delicious meal. Not to mention, Aunt Jin's cooking skills are as good as his parents said, so good that Qin Lang felt like he was about to stretch out a hand from his throat to grab all the delicacies on the table. Even those top chefs in China can't compare to her.

(End of this chapter)

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