The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1217 Not just ordinary friends

Chapter 1217 Not just ordinary friends

The next morning, Qin Lang was relaxing on the streets of the capital, and suddenly thought of one thing, which was that he had promised Ye Xiaorui ten days ago to help her uncle heal his illness.

At that time, I made an appointment with her to contact her again in a few days, but something happened in my company. The general manager Tang Qian was revenged by Lu Mingde, the boss of Baolai Company. She was involved in a car accident and had to leave during the meal.

In the next few days, I was busy dealing with Lu Mingde, and then went to Nanyang to deal with the huge family power behind Lu Mingde, and this matter was completely put on hold.

I just remembered this when I was free, and I couldn't help but slap my head: "I've been so busy these days, I almost forgot about it. I hope Ye Xiaorui won't blame me for not being enough friends."

At this time, he dialed Ye Xiaorui's phone: "Xiaorui, I'm sorry! I've been busy for more than ten days before I can handle the company's affairs. I almost forgot about your affairs. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, it's understandable that such a big thing happened in your company." Ye Xiaorui, who answered the phone over there, was very understanding.

"So, where are you now? I've finished my work here, I'll come to you now, and then we'll go to your uncle's house to treat him." Seeing that Ye Xiaorui didn't mean to blame him, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm on XXX Road in the capital..." Ye Xiaorui replied.

"Ah, you are not in the sea of ​​clouds but in the capital?" Qin Lang was surprised, Ye Xiaorui worked at the No. 1 civilian hospital in the sea of ​​clouds, and he knew it.

"My uncle and aunt live in the capital, and I happened to come from Yunhai to visit them these few days." Ye Xiaorui said.

"Okay, I'm also in the capital, I'll come to you right away!"

Qin Lang quickly hung up the phone, thinking, what a coincidence, Ye Xiaorui's uncle's family lived in the capital, and Xiaorui happened to come to visit her uncle and aunt these few days, so he didn't have to spend any more time running back Yunhai is looking for her.

It took Qin Lang more than half an hour to drive, and finally came to the XXX Road in the capital to pick up Ye Xiaorui, and then went straight to Sanlitun, which is the residence of her uncle's house.

In recent years, land in the capital has become more and more expensive. Ye Xiaorui's uncle lives in a family building that looks like an ordinary machinery factory, but the housing prices here are not cheap. I heard that each apartment is worth more than 600 million.

After entering a building and going up to the third floor, Ye Xiaorui rang the doorbell, and soon hurried towards the door, a girl's voice sounded from inside: "It must be my cousin who is back!"

The door opened, revealing a quirky little head, Ye Xiaorui smiled and said: "Xiao Hua, why are you staying at home so honestly today?"

"Today is my father's birthday. If I don't stay at home, he will definitely break my leg." The girl stuck out her tongue and said.

At this moment, she turned her head, saw Qin Lang suddenly, and was stunned: "Uncle? It's you."

" seems that we are destined!"

When Qin Lang saw it, he was also surprised. This girl was the one who raced with him on the high speed. It was unexpected that this world was so small, and we met again.

Seeing Qin Lang, the girl suddenly thought of something, her face blushed, she had nothing to say, and ran to the inner room in a hurry.

"What's going on? Our little flower seems to be very afraid of you. Have you seen it before?"

Seeing her cousin's performance, Ye Xiaorui felt strange and asked Qin Lang.

"Hehe, it's nothing."

Qin Lang roughly told Ye Xiaorui about the car racing on the expressway, and Ye Xiaorui covered her face and laughed straight after hearing it: "This girl has met her nemesis now, seeing that you have to learn how to bark a dog once, no wonder she wants to bark like a dog now." I hurried back to the inner room to hide from you."

"However, it's dangerous enough to drive fast on the expressway. It seems that I need to talk to my uncle about this matter, and ground this little girl for a few days to reflect on it." Ye Xiaorui thoughtfully.


Qin Lang didn't know how to answer the question for a while, he was also the one who came up with the highway racing plan back then, speaking of it, the culprit should be himself!
At this time, the two entered the house, Ye Xiaorui's aunt was busy in the kitchen, and Ye Xiaorui's uncle was drinking tea and playing with birds in the living room.

In the capital, many old people have the habit of raising birds. Ye Xiaorui’s uncle is in his 60s. He heard that he just retired. He didn’t have the time to raise birds before retirement, but after he retired, he became bored Raise flowers and birds.

This burly man with not a single gray hair and looking very energetic does not look like an old man at all, maybe 50 to [-] years old at most.

"My uncle has five children. That Ye Xiaohua just now is the youngest daughter of my uncle and aunt. This year, because she was born in his later years, I love her the most. She is usually arrogant and indulgent. She always causes troubles for the two old guys outside."

Ye Xiaorui covered her mouth and whispered a few words to Qin Lang.

"Hehe." Qin Lang smiled, followed Ye Xiaorui and approached the uncle who was playing with birds.

"Xiaorui, you're back, is this your boyfriend?"

Ye Xiaorui's uncle continued to tease the bird without raising his head, but the sudden words made it difficult for the two of them to answer.

After a while, Ye Xiaorui giggled: "Uncle, don't worry about it, uncle, this is Qin Lang, and also the doctor I invited to treat you."

Ye Xiaorui didn't try to hide anything, now let her tell her uncle that she and Qin Lang are ordinary friends in front of Qin Lang, she guesses that Qin Lang will be unhappy, not to mention that she also understands that with Qin Lang, they are just short of piercing the window paper, how can they be ordinary friends The relationship is so simple.


At this time, Ye Xiaorui's uncle finally raised his head and looked at Qin Lang seriously: "Doctor? You are so young, you should be only a year or two older than Xiaorui, right?"

"Doctor Qin doesn't care about his age, but his ability is not small. Even our dean asked him to help see the doctor."

Ye Xiaorui put a big hat on Qin Lang at this time.

In fact, Qin Lang has no medical qualification certificate at all, and his doctor is a complete fake.

However, it can't be said that, Qin Lang's medical skills are indeed very superb, and it is estimated that there are not many people in this world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

At least, Ye Xiaorui now meets the old director Sun Fuchen and other hospital leaders in the hospital. Everyone likes to ask about Qin Lang's news. Because of Qin Lang's superb medical skills, these Qihuang masters have to obey.

With Ye Xiaorui pulling the tiger's skin, her uncle finally took Qin Lang seriously: "Come on, Doctor Qin, please sit down and drink tea."

After taking the tea set, the uncle personally poured Qin Lang a cup of hot tea.

"Don't dare!"

Facing Ye Xiaorui's elders, Qin Lang also took the cup of tea respectfully. The tea was fragrant and elegant. Qin Lang put the tea to his mouth and took a sip: "Good tea, it should be the top Longjing in West Lake!"

"Yes, the young man seems to be someone who understands tea. Longjing tea is one of the top ten famous teas in China. According to legend, when Qianlong visited the West Lake, he named the eighteen tea trees in front of the Hugong Temple at the foot of Shifeng Mountain as "Royal Tea". Green tea belongs to Longjing tea, although these teas are not produced by the ten tea trees in front of Hu Gongdian, but the places of origin are not long from each other, so it is very difficult to get them."

The uncle laughed and said, obviously very happy to meet a fellow tea lover.

"Okay, uncle, Qin Lang, drink your tea slowly, and I will go to the kitchen to help my aunt."

Ye Xiaorui couldn't help laughing when she saw that her uncle and Qin Lang were chatting speculatively.

"Okay, let's go." The uncle waved his hand.

After that, Qin Lang also learned from his uncle's chat that Ye Xiaorui is not an easy uncle. Ye Tie was a senior cadre before retiring. No wonder he can drink top-level Longjing tea, which is basically a special offer.

Although this kind of tea is not as good as Longquan, the cultivation spirit tea that Qin Lang obtained from Qinghe Continent, it is already a well-deserved top tea in China, and ordinary people may not be able to drink it even if they have money.

Chatting and chatting, Qin Lang suddenly lowered his head, saw the bird in the bird cage that Ye Tie was teasing, and suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Qin Lang suddenly staring at his bird without speaking, Ye Tie was also surprised.

"Is your bird particularly active in the past few days, jumping up and down all day and night without stopping?" Qin Lang said.


"It should be on fire. The bird food you gave it should contain something on fire. It's the result of eating too much. Look, your bird's eyes are now full of red It’s not good to be in such a state of hyperactivity, and after another ten and a half months, your bird will definitely die.”

"That's it! Then please take a look, what's wrong with my bird food."

Ye Tie was startled when he heard that, and quickly showed Qin Lang the food he was feeding.

Qin Lang fiddled with the feed, and said: "It's the black powder in this bait. It's not suitable to feed the birds too much. It's also the main reason for the birds to get angry. I suggest you use another kind of bait to feed the birds in the future!"

"Oh, so, thank you, thank you."

Ye Tie was very grateful.He never thought that Qin Lang was a human doctor invited by Ye Xiaorui to treat him for snoring, but now he suddenly turned into a veterinarian, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

While the two continued to chat, Ye Xiaorui and Mrs. Ye Tieliao also started to serve food. Today is the old man's birthday, so the lunch on this table is very rich. There are more than a dozen dishes, including chicken, duck and fish. Very delicate.

"It's on the table!"

Ye Tie said a word, and began to invite Qin Lang to the table. There are also rules for serving guests in the capital. The invited guest needs to sit at the first place, while the host sits at the lower seat on the opposite side. The words on both sides are just casual.

Qin Lang naturally received a grand reception and was invited to sit at the top, which made him very embarrassed. He felt as if he had snatched the seat of the old birthday man. Sitting on the chair always felt a little uneasy, but Ye Tie waved his hand and said Let Qin Lang just sit down with peace of mind.

"Well, it's up to the owner." After apologizing for a while, Qin Lang stopped insisting.

After they all sat down, Ye Tie found that there was one person missing at the table, frowned and said, "It's time to eat, why doesn't Xiaohua come out of the room?"

And Qin Lang and Ye Xiaorui looked at each other, they both smiled meaningfully, Ye Xiaohua was probably avoiding Qin Lang.

"I'll call her!"

Ye Xiaorui got up at this moment and went into Ye Xiaohua's bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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