The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1219 Heading towards the pyramid, let's go!

Chapter 1219 Heading towards the pyramid, let's go!

"Aha, it's nothing, it's nothing..." Ye Xiaohua waved her hands repeatedly.

Her personality is not soft and gentle, she belongs to the carefree type, and when encountering embarrassing things, a girl with a gentle personality like Liu Zhenzhen will immediately blush.

So, suddenly feeling embarrassed, Ye Xiaohua just waved her hand, and didn't try to cover it up.

Naturally, even Ye Tie couldn't see the real clue.

What's more, it is impossible for Ye Tie to be as careful as a hair, able to guess and read a girl's mind.


Ye Tie looked suspiciously at Ye Xiaohua, then at Ye Xiaorui, but nothing could be seen from the expressions of the two sisters.

After this little episode, Ye Xiaohua regained her vitality, as if it was a happy event for her that Qin Lang would no longer let her learn how to bark like a dog.

Ye Tie's illness has been cured, Qin Lang and Ye Xiaorui are ready to say goodbye and go back to the sea of ​​clouds.

The old man Ye Tie also has a straightforward personality, and he waved his hand directly; "Old woman, take a bag of my excellent Longjing! Xiaohua, send Doctor Qin and your cousin as a gift."


Ye Xiaohua nodded, happily took a pack of top-quality Longjing from her mother, and stuffed it into Qin Lang's hands: "Uncle, here you are."

Ye Xiaohua still called Qin Lang uncle as she did when she first met Qin Lang.

After all, she is also a girl, so she can naturally see that her cousin Ye Xiaorui has an unusual relationship with Qin Lang. She understands that even if she was impressed by Qin Lang's cool driving skills and unruly appearance during the first meeting with Qin Lang, she secretly fell in love with her. But after all, it is not deeply rooted in love, nor hurt by love, so it is not difficult to get out.

She already knew that she couldn't do it by chasing Qin Lang backwards, that would be like demolishing her cousin Ye Xiaorui, and Ye Xiaohua is not a stubborn person, so after seeing it, she behaved normally.

Qin Tian took the bag of tea leaves which still smelled of fragrance even though they were wrapped in fine paper, and smiled at Ye Xiaohua.

This girl called herself old again.

I am only 25 years old, okay, I am not used to being called uncle uncle.

Although the top Longjing tea is not as good as his own Longquan Lingcha, it is still the first-class good tea in China. Qin Lang understood that this was also the wish of the old man Ye Tie, so he accepted it unceremoniously.


After the medical treatment for Uncle Ye Xiaorui came to an end, Qin Lang and Ye Xiaorui both returned to the sea of ​​clouds, busy with their own affairs.

And Qin Lang is making preparations before going abroad. This time, he will go to the Pyramid Secret Realm, one of the world's three great secret realms. Some necessary preparations must be made in advance.

It took about two days, Qin Lang made all the preparations and went directly to the airport.

At the airport, Li Lengfeng had already booked a ticket for himself in advance, so when Qin Lang arrived at the airport, he just had to board the plane on time.

Qin Lang took the plane to AJ, the country of Aberdeen in the Middle East. This is the world where Avanti, the fairy tale world, is located. It is an ancient and very mysterious country.

The pyramids here are world-famous. In fact, pyramids are distributed in the Middle East and the Americas. There are a large number of them in Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt in ancient Egypt, and Sudan today.

These pyramids vary in size. Among them, the tallest Hoover Pyramid is 146.5 meters high and 230 meters long at the bottom. It was built with more than 500 million stones with an average of 2.6 tons each, covering an area of ​​more than 8 square hectares.

AJ's Pyramid Secret Realm is also composed of large and small pyramid mazes. This is the tomb of emperors and pharaohs of various dynasties and generations. It is also one of the most famous miracles in the world, but no one has been able to solve the mystery so far.

There are only 96 pyramids in AJ's Pyramid Secret Realm, the largest being the three pyramids on the outskirts of Cairo.

Of course, this is just an external appearance. No one has been able to know what the real environment inside the pyramid is like until now. There is a mysterious force that has been interfering with the world's exploration of its internal environment. The layer of mystery has never been lifted.

Sand, yellow sand all over the sky.

After getting off the plane and out of AJ's capital, what Qin Lang saw was the scene of yellow sand all over the sky.

This is the subtropical zone, the temperature is dry and dry, but Qin Lang is a cultivator, he can shrink the pores of the whole body, or use true energy to form an isolation cover in the air for protection and reduce water loss, so this environment has no effect on him big.

When Qin Lang left the city, he specially hired a local guide, a skinny old man in his 60s named Asa.Accompanied by Asa, there is also a huge adult camel.

It is said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and this adult camel is really tall and big, almost equivalent to the size of two or three healthy horses.

Qin Lang is now riding on a camel, and has a good experience of exotic customs. In fact, all his luggage is carried in storage rings and storage bags, so he looks like a tourist on the outside. I don't even have the consciousness of survival in a desperate situation in the desert.

It seemed that the guide he had hired hung several large and small bags on the camel, including dry food and food, especially the water bladders that were bulging.

There is a lack of water in the desert, and if you go deep into the desert but cannot find a source of water, there will be no place to cry, and you will only be thirsty to death.

The sun was on his head, and the desert was extremely hot. The sun-tanned old guide Asa saw that Qin Lang was still in high spirits after several hours in the sun, and there was no sign of sweating all over his body, so he couldn't help but be amazed.

You know, after walking in the desert for so long, even Asa, a local, is extremely hot, and there are some fine salt spots all over his body, which are the crystals of sweat.

In this desert, the climate is extremely dry. As long as all the water is drained from the hair, it will be squeezed out by the surrounding environment immediately, leaving only those shiny salt-stained sweat spots.

"Ah da!" At this moment, Asara stopped the camel and moved forward even when it stopped.

"What's wrong?" Qin Lang turned around strangely. "Isn't it that you haven't reached the devil area yet, so stop leading the way now?"

He had agreed with the guide before that if the guide took him to the devil area (that is, the edge of the labyrinth area of ​​the pyramid secret realm), he would pay two thousand dollars as a reward.

The pay is very generous, without a guide, it would be difficult for Qin Lang to find it, because the journey would take about a week.

"Dear visitors from afar, it is already evening, and there will be a strong sandstorm in the desert in two or three hours. We must find a shady place to build a tent now to avoid the sandstorm."

Asha is an experienced old guide. Looking at the sky, she knew that it was not appropriate to continue on today, and she had to rest here for the night.


Qin Lang nodded, he still had to listen to the guide when he got to the local area.

Although I am a cultivator, the coming sandstorm doesn't matter to me, but I still have to rely on a guide to lead the way, right?Otherwise, it would be very ridiculous to get lost before reaching the edge of the secret place of the pyramid with no one leading the way.

The group stopped, and the guide busily found a leeward sand dune and began to build tents, while the camels also bent down, closing their eyes and resting their minds.

It took half an hour for the tent to be built, and Asa searched around here again. Qin Lang followed him and found a large place where a cactus grew.

Good guy!There are about ten clusters of these cacti, each of which is more than two or three meters high, and covered with sharp thorns. You must know that the growth of cacti is very slow. It is estimated that they are at least ten years old to grow so tall.

It seems that these cactus, Asa obviously cheered, the food for dinner does not need his own food reserves, these natural foods are more delicious.

Cactus is rich in minerals, protein, cellulose, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B. It can help eliminate excess cholesterol in the human body, lower blood sugar, lower blood fat, and lower blood pressure. It can clear away heat and detoxify. Detoxification and muscle growth, promoting qi and blood circulation and other health care functions.

Long-term consumption can produce effects on the human body such as clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing inflammation and relieving heat, appetizing and invigorating the spleen, clearing the throat and moistening the lungs.

Moreover, this thing also has a fairly strong anti-radiation effect.

There are many ways to eat edible cactus, and various cooking methods such as frying, frying, deep-frying, boiling, and cold dressing can be adopted.In desert places, there are even many delicacies with cactus as the staple food.

Asa collected three thick cacti, then thorned and peeled them, and prepared today's dinner.

And Asa's gluttonous camel, smelling the fragrance of the peeled cactus, suddenly jumped up, wandered over to beg for food, laughed, and Asa gave his big guy a stick to prick cactus, and then the camel picked up four or five catties of food and continued to lie on the side, chewing carefully.

At this time, Asa cut the prickly and peeled cactus meat into pieces and served them on a plate.

This guy actually has a pot, and he found some thorny branches in the desert as firewood, and made cactus pizza. In addition, he found a few fat sand scorpions in the process of looking for firewood in the desert, which he also used as food. Cook directly on the fire.

"Come! Distinguished guest, try our local specialties."

Asa handed over a dinner plate with a large portion of cactus pizza and two whole sand scorpions grilled and oily.

"Ha ha."

Cactus pizza and grilled sand scorpion, this is really a unique specialty food, Qin Lang is eager to try it.

After chewing a mouthful, Qin Lang stretched out a thumb under Asa's consulting gaze: "Not bad!"

The cactus pizza is soft and fragrant, the tender cactus meat and the flavor of the pizza are balanced together, it is really delicious.

As for the sand scorpion, although Qin Lang has seen this small animal in the desert many times, it is the first time to eat it. The whole roast is very simple to eat, but the sand scorpion meat is very fragrant, white and tender, like eating crabs Same meat.

This dinner was very enjoyable, and Qin Lang was full of praise for the simple local food.It is only after leaving the country that I realize how big the world is. There are so many delicious and interesting things in this world, and it is a blessing to be able to encounter them.

(End of this chapter)

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