The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1220 Desert Swordsman

Chapter 1220 Desert Swordsman

After dinner, the guide Asa made preparations to avoid the wind and sand at night. I heard Asa said that the temperature difference between day and night in the desert is very large. , even down to minus ten degrees, can make the sand also frost.

And these are not the key, what matters is that there are often strong winds and sandstorms in the desert at night, and the center of the storm-like wind and waves can even cause a tornado several tens of feet high, which can easily blow people away.

Qin Lang has never really experienced the scene of strong desert wind accompanied by wind and sand, but he has also seen it from TV and movies, and knows how terrifying the threat of strong wind blowing in the desert is.

He is not afraid, even if he enters the center of the sandstorm, he can save his life in a way, but the guide is still there, so he can't be brave, tell the guide not to be afraid of the bullshit desert storm, follow me, keep you safe, and so on, so the guide will be ruthless Despise him, think he is a psycho, and continue to build tents and prepare for sandstorms.

At this time, Qin Lang and Asa both entered the tent, and the huge adult camel was left outside, as long as this guy found a shelter from the wind, he would lie down like that, and the tornado at night couldn't do anything to it at all.

At night, the wind really blew up, and it was a big wind and sand, which made the tent crackle loudly.

Fortunately, the tent made by the local guide Asa was strong enough, and it was in a sheltered area with its back facing Shaoqiu, so it was not blown up.

There was nothing to say all night, and the two of them in the tent spent the night peacefully.The next day, when he opened the tent, Qin Lang found that the entire tent had been buried in a thick layer by the wind and sand.

Pushing away the accumulated sand, I saw that the entire tent turned into a pile of sand, and the direction where the camel lay turned into a big sandbag. With the movement of the tent, the camel, which had been lying all night, also began to stand up , shaking all over, shaking off all the accumulated sand on the body.

"Okay, distinguished guests, we can set off."

Asa bowed at this time, and said respectfully to Qin Lang, the parent of food and clothing.

"Slow down, wait for me."

Qin Lang waved his hand. At this time, he felt that there was something special about forty or fifty feet away.

The cultivation base has reached the level of the late stage of alchemy, and Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness can already sense a distance of a hundred feet. He has felt the strangeness of that place a long time ago, and now he decides to take a look, because there is a faint breath of life there.

Then, Qin Lang came down to this sandy land in twos and threes, and opened up a thick layer of sandy soil, and actually pulled out a humanoid life form from the sand.

After slapping off the accumulated sand on this guy, Qin Lang finally got a clear look at this guy's face. He is a big man with a foreign appearance, in his 30s, with brown hair, and his dressing style is somewhat similar to that of ancient Chinese barbarians.

It is worth mentioning that this guy is now in a coma, but even if he is in a coma, he still holds a scimitar with a simple shape in his hand.

"This guy must have been blown here by the tornado last night. It looks like he's not a native of AJ in his attire, and he's holding a scimitar in his hand. Could it be that he's a legendary swordsman? "

Qin Lang guessed.

In China, swordsmen are warriors who use swords as their weapons. Only warriors who have made achievements in swordsmanship and use them to fight for righteousness can be worthy of the name "swordsman".

In fact, "swordsman" is not only exclusive to China. In history, "swordsman" existed all over the world. The Middle East and the Western Regions are extremely brave. Boqi blacksmiths are good at refining scimitars, such as Damascus. Because of the Islamic tribes, the Middle East is also one of the main origins of swordsmen.

The wandering "swordsman" in front of him should be one of the Middle Eastern swordsmen, and the knife in his hand should be one of the world's three famous swords, the Damascus knife.

Damascus, knife, this kind of knife has been popular in the world since the tenth century AD.

The shape of the knife is like a crescent moon, and its biggest feature is that the blade is covered with various patterns, like flowing clouds and flowing water, which is very beautiful.For quite a long period of time in the past, the unique smelting technology and forging method of Damascus and knives have always been the technical secrets of the Persians and were not known to the outside world.

The wandering swordsman in front of him was fascinated. Qin Lang checked with the professional eyes of a doctor. This guy still has serious internal injuries. If he doesn't help him, he may not survive for three or four hours.

Because after three or four hours, the big desert sun will come out. At that time, the high temperature and serious internal injuries will definitely cause the comatose swordsman to die due to severe dehydration.

"Since we met, it is also a fate between us, so let's save you!"

Qin Lang murmured that the main reason was that he had an indescribable intimacy with this stubble-bearded Middle Eastern guy. This kind of intimacy was so strange that even he couldn't tell the reason.

Maybe both of them are not ordinary people, and they have some special attraction to each other.

Although the swordsman was lightly comatose, his physique was very good, so Qin Lang didn't need to use the life-and-death pill, which was a life-and-death pill, but an ordinary healing pill would suffice.

Then, Qin Lang took out a low-grade healing elixir from the storage ring and gave it to the swordsman to swallow, then pulled the unconscious guy back to the tent, and asked the guide Asa to feed the unconscious swordsman Drink some water.

Then, Qin Lang used his true energy to dredge his meridians, stimulating the medicinal power of Dahuandan to quickly circulate in his meridians.

As soon as the true energy entered the sword guest's body, Qin Lang discovered that the eight meridians in the sword guest's body had been opened up long ago, that is to say, this is a swordsman with high martial arts skills.

"This swordsman is not simple. His strength should be comparable to Huaxia's Wu Zun in the middle stage. In this Middle East, who can injure such a powerful existence?"

While Qin Lang was treating the swordsman, such a question also appeared in his mind.

Because the swordsman's internal injuries were not caused by being blown into the sky by the tornado and fell down, but had already suffered serious internal injuries before being swept into the sky by the wind.

The enemy who injured the swordsman must be very powerful. Qin Lang felt that he was involved in a vortex after saving the swordsman, but he was not afraid.

As a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, the current Qin Lang's strength is almost the top existence in the world. There are too few things in this world that are worthy of his fear. If he can meet them, he will feel Excitement, rather than blindly avoiding.

Under Qin Lang's careful care, two hours later, the swordsman on the camel's back woke up leisurely: "Water, water!"

The swordsman spat out a few words from his chapped lips, it seemed that he was seriously dehydrated after being injured.

Qin Lang was overjoyed when he heard the sound. When this guy woke up, it proved that the wound medicine had worked. Although Taihuan Dan is not as effective as Good Fortune Pill, it is also a first-class panacea in this world, and finally saved this guy. a life.

"Give him water."

Qin Lang gave his order to the guide.

"Okay, dear guest."

Although there is a shortage of water in the water desert, the guide Asa is well prepared this time. He has prepared five or six large water bladders weighing more than ten kilograms, so there is no drinking water crisis for the time being.

After giving the swordsman five or six mouthfuls, he almost choked him. After coughing a few times, the swordsman woke up completely. He wanted to turn over but found a burning pain in his chest. This is a sign that the injury has not fully healed.

"Don't move. It will take two or three hours for your injury to fully heal. Moving now is completely aggravating the injury."

Qin Lang stopped the swordsman with a smile at this time.

Although the swordsman couldn't understand what he said, the swordsman could understand Qin Lang's kindness, and the guide on the side translated it, making him fully understand that his life was given by the young Huaxia man in front of him. saved.

"Ah, Polly, Guli..."

The swordsman expressed his thanks, lying on the back of the camel, he put one hand on his chest as a special courtesy.

From the looks of it, this is also a relatively old-fashioned guy, but Qin Lang likes such a stubborn character, so he couldn't help laughing.

Laughter knows no borders, and it can be contagious, and then the swordsman was taken aback for a moment, and laughed too.

After that, AJ, the local guide, was the guide for the communication between the two parties, and there were no major obstacles in the communication between the two parties.

Speaking of which, the local Xiangzhi invited by Qin Lang is not simple, he actually knows the official languages ​​of 50 countries in the Middle East and even the world, he is also the most famous one in the capital of AJ, and has been a guide for more than [-] years.

In other words, this 60-year-old man probably started working in this industry when he was eight or nine years old. It may be because he has dealt with various international customers a lot, and he has a talent for languages, which is why he can learn the official languages ​​of so many countries. language.

However, Qin Lang's language talent is not bad. Under the old man Asa's verbal guidance, it took only half a day to communicate with this swordsman in terms of daily language.

It is estimated that in a day or two, Qin Lang will be able to fully master Arabic in the Middle East.

In the process of communicating with this swordsman, Qin Lang knew that the swordsman's name was Sal Mohammed, and he was a member of an ancient Middle Eastern family.

However, there are too many Arabs with the surname Mohammed in the Middle East, so Qin Lang directly called this guy Shar or Lao Sha in the subsequent conversations.

This guy appeared in the desert heading to the secret place of the pyramid this time, but he came for the ancient mission of the family. The guy refused to say what the specific mission was, and Qin Lang had no choice. It was impossible to force this guy to say it Bar!
At least the reason why this guy was seriously injured was that he was attacked by horse thieves in the desert after he came to this desert.

"There are horse thieves in the desert? The horse thieves rob you...for what?" Qin Lang asked at this time.

However, Shar didn't make a sound, this guy's rigid face made Qin Lang really want to punch him in the face again, is there such a thing as molesting the savior?
However, Qin Lang really has no way to pry this guy's mouth open, to find out some useful news. If this guy is willing to say it, he will naturally say it. If he is not willing to say it, it is useless for Qin Lang to ask.

This is either a kind of family spirit spread in the Middle East, or chivalry, which is as rigid and restrained as Western chivalry, but it is extremely convincing in terms of personality.

(End of this chapter)

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