The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1221 Horse Thieves Gather

Chapter 1221 Horse Thieves Gather
Qin Lang and Shar, the Arab swordsman from the Middle East, had the same destination, so the next three people were all heading in the same direction.

The weather in the desert changed as it said it would. It was still terribly hot before, but the next second the entire sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

Looking at the sky, the old man Asa prayed with great joy, "Thanks to Allah!"

It is not easy to have a rain in the desert, and sometimes it may not be possible to encounter it for several months, but the scene in front of you is the scene before the rain that is rarely encountered in the desert.

In the desert, rain is very precious, sometimes even as expensive as gold. Although this timely rain is not very important to Qin Lang and others who are well prepared, it is a good sign after all, isn't it?

The rain started to fall very quickly, and the three of them got drenched in the heavy rain. The scorching heat they felt before has now become refreshing.

And old man Asa's adult camel also held its head high, sticking out its long tongue to greedily roll up the falling rainwater, letting as much nectar from the sky into its stomach as possible.

Camels have a strong water storage function. It is said that an adult camel can store five or six kilograms of water in its body, which is one of the main reasons why they can withstand the arid environment of the desert.

Old man Asa is a guy who knows how to cherish water resources. At this time, he used all the water storage containers to hold this gift from heaven. Although there are five or six large water bladders in the team, one is now empty. , so he is going to replenish this water bag again.

Qin Lang naturally prepared some water, after all, water in the desert is the source of life.

With the rain, Qin Lang's mood became very good.

At the same time, in Huaxia Yunhai City, after Ye Xiaorui approached Qin Lang and found that he couldn't get in touch, he went to Lanrun Company and entrusted Jiang Xinzhong with some words to Qin Lang.

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Lang to know at this moment that in the desert area of ​​Central Africa, satellite phones are useless, let alone mobile phones.

What Ye Xiaorui asked to pass on was related to Ye Xiaorui's going to Africa again.

Not long after returning, the province organized another medical aid operation and formed a medical aid team. Ye Xiaorui couldn't forget the helpless children who fell ill in remote corners of Africa, so she decided to participate in the medical aid operation again and contribute her own strength.

It's just that I can't find Qin Lang, and I can't get in touch with Qin Lang. I can't even meet Qin Lang before leaving.


The rain was still falling in the desert, bringing coolness, and several people were immersed in joy.

"It is said that spring rain is as expensive as oil. Isn't the rain in this desert more precious than gold?"

Qin Lang raised his head, letting the rain splash on his face, enjoying it comfortably.

And when the three of them were rejoicing, Qin Lang listened, and heard some strange movements faintly in the wind and rain. The movements were not obvious at first, but the sound became louder and louder, and gradually mixed with the sound of wind and rain.

And Shar, the Middle Eastern swordsman, also felt the abnormality at this time, leaned down, put his ear on the sand and began to listen, completely ignoring the rain and mud to make his face sticky and mushy.

After a while, this guy got up from the ground and said solemnly: "It's the sound of horseshoes. I'm afraid it's the horse thieves who chased them before! You go first, and I'll lead them away."

"What are you talking about! Look down on me, brother, don't you?"

Qin Lang patted him on the shoulder, disapproving of this guy's idea of ​​distracting the horse thieves alone.

"Ah, okay."

Shar sighed, knowing that he had implicated these two warm-hearted friends this time. He had always had lingering fears about that gang of horse thieves, and the next thing was to try his best to let the two old friends escape.

After all, these two people are good people who saved his life. It is impossible for him to put two good people in danger because of his involvement.

"That group of horse thieves just want that thing... If I really can't resist, I'll give them that thing!"

Thinking of this matter, Shar hesitated for a while. The thing on his body was inherited from the family, and it was really hard for him to accept it if he wanted to give it up all at once.

But if the situation is really critical, then there is no need to consider whether he is willing to part with it or not. If he is asked to do the nasty thing of letting his savior die for his own self-interest, he still can't do it.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes was approaching, and even closer, Qin Lang and the others could vaguely see twenty or thirty shadows. It was the desert horse thief with the fierce name Huo Huo who had beaten Shar seriously before.


When the two sides met, the group of horse thieves tightened the reins about [-] feet away from Qin Lang and the others. The horses had a huge impact, their front hooves were raised high, and they screamed piercingly.

"Who are you...?"

The horse thief leader looked at the two unfamiliar faces beside Shar, and felt that Qin Lang and the old man Asa were a bit like travelers in the desert, but the luggage on the camel's back was too simple, so it was hard to guess the two The identity of the stranger.

However, seeing the five or six water sacs on the camel's back, the head of the horse thief's eyes lit up.

There is a shortage of water in the desert, so these water bags are also one of the most precious treasures, so he waved his hand and asked his two horse thieves to get the five or six water bags.

But before the two horse thieves approached, Qin Lang over there suddenly laughed, and a strong momentum erupted from his body, which shocked the horses under the two horse thieves. The horse just refused to come near the camel.

"A bit of a doorway!"

The leader of the horse thief squinted his eyes and stared at Qin Lang. He was a bearded guy in his 40s, his eyes revealed a fierce light, and he was not a man to be trifled with.

And Qin Lang sensed it, and he was also surprised. The strength of this group of horse thieves is above the level of Wu Zun, and the leader of the horse thief is a master of Wu Zun's mid-term. The horse thieves were seriously injured and almost died after chasing them. This group of horse thieves is really too tough.

In Huaxia, even the average warrior family might not have the background of this gang of horse thieves in front of them.

At this time, the bearded horse thief leader continued to stare at Qin Lang. He always felt that Qin Lang, a young man with a Chinese face, was more mysterious and unpredictable than the swordsman Shar he wanted to kill. He hesitated for a while, and said slowly : "Who are you? What is your relationship with this swordsman? If you are a traveler in the desert, please leave immediately. We are actually only here for this swordsman!"

"Who are we, and what does it have to do with you? Grandpa can walk wherever he wants in this desert, and you don't seem to be able to restrict me, haha!"

Qin Lang heard it and laughed.

But the old man Asa shrank directly under the camel's belly, pulled Qin Lang with a slightly trembling hand, and signaled that Qin Lang should not be so arrogant in the face of these horse thieves, after all, these people in front of him are masters who kill without blinking an eye.

It's a pity that neither the people around Qin Lang nor the gang of horse thieves know Qin Lang's real background. As a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, Qin Lang is already the top existence in this world, so how could it be possible for a mere gang The horse thief was frightened!
On the contrary, when he met this group of horse thieves, Qin Lang only felt excited now, he hadn't loosened his bones for a long time, and now his whole body was itchy!

"Good! There is a kind!"

Hearing Qin Lang's words, the horse thief leader couldn't help but looked up and down at Qin Lang in surprise, then, with a wave of his hand, the battle started invisibly.

On one side is a desert horse thief who is not afraid of death!
On the one hand, there are the swordsman Shar Mohammed, the old man Asa the guide, and Qin Lang, whose strength is unknown.

On the side of the horse thieves, since everyone steps down is an Alabai horse, they use their special advantages to directly pull out the cavalry formation and charge.

This kind of impact, with the strength of each Martial Master level, I am afraid that even Martial Masters who exist in the middle and late stages have to avoid the edge.


Shar the swordsman roared, and went forward despite his injuries. He wanted to cover for his friends behind him, so he did so without hesitation knowing that the situation was at a disadvantage.

This is the ridiculous family chivalry in the Arab world, which is perfectly interpreted by this serious and old-fashioned Middle Easterner.

Shar collided with the head of the horse thief, and with a muffled snort, his body retreated violently. If the handle of the knife in his hand hadn't been tightly wrapped in gauze, the knife would have been picked up directly.

The impact of this group of horse thieves' horses is too great. Although they are all Arabian pony, but the impact of the horses plus the natural strength of the horse thief leader, after superposition, it is definitely more than just one plus one.

As soon as they fought, Shar, the swordsman, was injured again, and his actions did not stop the gang of horse thieves.

At this time, Qin Lang laughed again and joined the battle group, and he also took out his Black Eagle Sword.

Qin Lang made exactly the same movements as Shar before, but Qin Lang was more confident in his aura, and his eyes were full of confidence.

The fight started again.

Dang Dang Dang Dang!
Qin Lang made an impact, and connected over a dozen horse thieves, and as his figure flashed, the weapons in the hands of these dozen horse thieves broke in half and fell down.


At this time, the leader of the horse thief stopped his somewhat embarrassed subordinates from continuing to charge, but turned his horse's head, looked at Qin Lang who had already rushed behind the team, and said slowly with a solemn expression: "The sharp weapon of yours! It's a divine soldier!"

It turns out that in this modern world, cold weapons such as swords have grades. Weapons such as the Damascus in the hands of Sal Mohammed, the knives, and the machetes in the hands of horse thieves can only be regarded as ordinary sharp weapons. Alloy knives made are about the same.

But above the sharp weapons, there are treasures of the level of divine soldiers, such as the flying sword and black carving sword in Qin Lang's hands. Japan's Muramasa Demon Sword, Italy's Ghost Hand Sword, Arabian Black Chief Sword, etc. are all in this category.

But these horse thieves guessed it. Strictly speaking, the black carving sword in Qin Lang's hand is a magic weapon in the cultivation world, even more spiritual and higher-grade than the magical weapons in this world, so this black carving sword is to be A magical weapon beyond this world.

After all, most of the magical weapons are made by mortal craftsmen. Although the materials for making some magical weapons are rare in the cultivation world, their functions are very simple, and they do not have as many blessings as the warriors in the cultivation world.

The flying sword was made by a cultivator. It has many special functions, and it is inherently higher than the magic weapon.

After discovering that the weapon in Qin Lang's hands was not an ordinary sword, but a weapon of the same level as a magic weapon, this group of horse thieves had already listed Qin Lang as extremely dangerous and needed to be dealt with seriously. They even thought that it might be ten Sharga It doesn't look as threatening as this young man with an unfamiliar face in Huaxia in front of him.

After setting up the formation, this group of horse thieves became serious one by one, and gave up their previous target, the swordsman Shal. Now this group of horse thieves only have Qin Lang as an enemy in their eyes.

And the leader of the horse thief looked at Qin Lang and at the black carving sword in Qin Lang's hand, his eyes were also hot, and his greed arose: "If you can kill this mysterious Huaxia boy in front of you, then the god in this boy's hand The weapons are mine too!"

(End of this chapter)

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