The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1222 Desert Owl Head

Chapter 1222 Desert Owl Head
"Surround this kid, quickly use Maro's circle formation!"

While shouting, the leader of the horse thief took the lead in riding his horse and began to circle around Qin Lang.And then all the horse thieves understood what the boss meant, so they all followed suit and started running around Qin Lang.

All of a sudden, Qin Lang was surrounded by horse thieves, and the figures were intertwined, and the horse thieves were spinning endlessly like a big turntable.

When all the horse thieves were turning around Qin Lang, the leader of the horse thieves shouted: "Kill!"

So, the horse thief here made another move, swiping down more than twenty weapons in unison.


Qin Lang, who was surrounded in the center, snorted, and didn't care about the horse thief's wheel battle at all. He flicked his black carving sword again, turning into dozens of sword qi and spreading out.

In his eyes, no matter how well this horse thief perfectly combines equestrianism and killing skills, there are still huge flaws. In the face of absolute strength advantage, the opponent's exquisite coordinated attack is actually as good as paper. It's like a paste.

Then, after the clear sound of weapons clashing, there was another long scream, and more than half of the twenty or so horse thieves in the wheel battle found that one of their hands was missing.

Several screams, accompanied by blood splatter, made the gang of horse thieves finally realize how terrible Qin Lang was.

It's just a young man, neither tall nor strong, but he is so ruthless and domineering when he makes a move, he is obviously not a novice.

Qin Lang's shot caused half of the horse thieves to suffer serious injuries, and made these injured horse thieves even more red-eyed.

The horse thieves yelled in half pain and half anger. At this time, the head of the horse thief stuck his weapon behind his back: "Damn, this kid's weapon is too sharp! It seems that we can only use a tripwire to deal with him!"

As a result, the horse thieves who were still fighting took off the trip rope behind them one after another, no longer approached, but used the trip rope to attack from a distance to trap Qin Lang.

But Qin Lang is not a wooden stake, how could he let them put it on honestly, he directly swung the flying sword to fight back, splitting those incoming trip wires into tiny ropes and scattered them.

"After attacking for so long, it's time for me to show my hands!"

Qin Lang smiled coldly, took a picture of the Wind Escape Talisman for himself, and then activated the shadow changing boots under his feet, stepping on the Phantom Wind Walk and rushing into the group of horse thieves.

"Ahhhhhh..." Following the horse's feet being chopped off, the horse thieves on the horse's back fell down one by one, and fell badly.

After the horses' feet were chopped off, the horses were startled and angry. They kicked and bumped like crazy. Many horse thieves were kicked and injured in the process of falling from the horses.

After Qin Lang walked around among the horse thieves, except for the leader of the horse thieves and his two accomplices, the other horse thieves had already fallen off their horses.

After the horse thieves landed, they shouted to the sky one by one. It seemed that the wave just now had a great impact. Almost all the horse thieves on the ground lost their fighting ability.

Seeing the result of this wave of Qin Lang just now, the leader of the horse thief and the remaining two subordinates were stunned. Only then did they realize that the Huaxia boy in front of him was not only not simple, but his strength might be unfathomable. The speed of a gust of wind, if it were them, it would be hard to resist.

Not to mention the horse thief leader in Wu Zun's middle period, I am afraid that the horse thief leader in Wu Zun's later stage is no match for this person.

Looking at each other, the leader of the horse thief and his two subordinates both wanted to retreat.

But Qin Lang on the opposite side was unwilling to let them go: "Do you want to escape now? It's not that easy."

As he said that, another gust of wind rushed over.

"Damn it, we fought!"

The leader of the horse thief pushed the two subordinates, making the two subordinates go to face Qin Lang in fear, but he stepped down but shrank, making the horse's head turn around quickly, and galloped in another direction.

This cunning guy, seeing that Qin Lang is not capable of fighting the enemy himself, actually let his subordinates serve as bait to hold Qin Lang back, but he was afraid of death and ran away first.

However, could Qin Lang let him go?impossible!
The two swords eliminated the two horse thieves who were approaching, and then rushed to chase the horse thief leader. Seeing that the distance between the two sides was very large, Qin Lang suddenly summoned a burst of true energy and swung a blow.

"Break the ax and sink the boat!"

The powerful third form of the Sansheng Sword Art was released with a strong force, forming a half-moon wave light, chasing behind the horse thief.

Immediately, the half-moon-shaped wave of light disappeared in a flash, and finally caught up with the horse thief leader, splitting his whole body and the horse under him in half, and the sword energy pierced deeply into the ground, lifting all the sand and dust. up.

At this moment, the horse thief leader and the split horse scattered in two directions, turning into four scattered corpses.

To directly kill the leader of the horse thief, Qin Lang's tyrant's method is extremely overbearing!

The leader of the horse thief is dead, but his eyes are wide open. He is also dying. Before he died, there must have been a question in his mind. Is this Huaxia kid a human or a ghost? How could he slash out the legendary sword energy!

It seems that even a strong man at the level of the King of Martial Arts would not be able to form such a large blade of sword energy, and he could chase it for a distance of more than ten feet, just like the legendary sword fairy.

The leader of the horse thief and his more than 20 subordinates are all dead, but Qin Lang only used one-third of his true energy. Now he is not only getting more and more advanced, but also has a better understanding of sword repair and sword art. The stronger he is, the fourth form of Sansheng Sword Art has already begun to be well thought out, and the previous three forms are more controlled and improved to a higher level, so this battle is just a little warm-up for him.

After killing this group of horse thieves in the desert, Qin Lang stood among the corpses, looking around, feeling like a god of bloody war.

This level of owl head action is really nothing, even if there are twice as many horse thieves, it is not enough for him to kill.

And the swordsman Shal and the old man Asa in the back were already stunned. Seeing Qin Lang, it was like seeing a god-man at this moment.God!One person killed a group of horse thieves, is this possible for a person?

In addition, this young man from Huaxia was able to emit sword energy that was visible to the naked eye when he wielded the magic weapon, just like the general special effects in movies, it is really incredible.

Perhaps, this kid should be an oriental fairy!
Qin Lang chuckled and beckoned, which made the two guys jog over as if they had just woken up from a dream. Now both of them looked very cautious when facing Qin Lang, without the casualness they had before.

Sighing, Qin Lang knew that his performance at that moment had left an indelible impression on the hearts of both of them. I am afraid that for a long time to come, both of them will treat themselves so cautiously.

"Go and search those horse thieves, and see if they have anything that can be used, and bring them here." Qin Lang said.


The swordsman Shal and the old man Asa quickly followed Qin Lang's instructions to do this.

In fact, only three of those horse thieves died, and about [-] others were seriously injured, but the swordsman Shal treated these horse thieves very ruthlessly.

Even old man Asa, an ordinary person, is very cruel to deal with these horse thieves. He didn't have a knife in his hand, but he picked up a horse thief's weapon from the ground, which was a mace with a broken handle in two, and directly used a wolf with a broken handle The evil stick smashed the heads of those seriously injured horse thieves.

At first Qin Lang also felt very stunned, but then he thought about it, there are many wars in the Middle East, horse thieves are common, and the people are so brave, and most ordinary people also hate horse thieves who kill without blinking, so if there is a chance, It is also normal for civilians to take up arms against horse thieves.

"Ahhhh!" "Ahhhh..." The screams kept coming and going, Qin Lang only killed three horse thieves, and the remaining 20 horse thieves were basically killed by the swordsman Shal and the old man Asa .

The scene was bloody, and the two now groped for the loot on the pile of corpses.

After a while, both of them came to report with a full load of harvest: "I received 25 weapons, 22 of which were damaged; I received a large bag of banknotes from various countries, worth about [-] US dollars; and [-] pharaoh gold coins from the Middle East , an unknown cloth and silk."

Qin Lang didn't care much about the belongings of these deceased, and then only the unknown piece of cloth and [-] Middle Eastern pharaoh gold coins were left.

The pharaoh gold coins in the Middle East should be tomb objects in a certain pharaoh pyramid in the desert. I don’t know how they got them for these horse thieves.

These gold coins have a great commemorative value, so Qin Lang kept [-] as a collection, and let the two share the rest.

As for the unknown cloth, Qin Lang was looking at it, and felt that it was somewhat similar to the treasure map of the secret place of the pyramid that he got from his parents, but the path clues on this new cloth were different from the original one. Knowing which one is closer to reality, this cloth silk or his own treasure map.

It seems that the difference between these two pieces of cloth can only be verified after arriving in the secret place of the pyramid. Now no matter how wide my eyes are, I still can't see the difference.

After collecting the belongings from the horse thieves, the two went to collect the water bags scattered by the horse thieves. Drinking water in the desert is actually a kind of wealth, so they can't let it go when they see it.

Qin Lang dealt with the horse thieves very thoroughly. Most of the horses were disabled and could no longer be used. However, the last two horse thieves killed did not hurt the two horses, so now there are still two intact horses that can be used.

The old man Asa happily led the two healthy horses, because Qin Lang told him that after arriving at the devil's land, the two healthy horses would be given to him directly, which is equivalent to a large fortune.

Two healthy horses can be sold for at least [-] U.S. dollars each in the market, plus the [-] gold coins and some scrap metal, this time the old man Asa also made a lot of money.

I've been working as a guide for ten years, and I'm afraid I haven't earned as much as I did today!
After this battle, Qin Lang's position among the three rose sharply, to the point where the two behind him needed to look up.

, In the next few days, the swordsman Shal and the old man Asa spoke carefully to Qin Lang, for fear of causing displeasure to Qin Lang, a strong man.

In this situation, Qin Lang is also a little dumbfounded. He feels that the relationship between the three of them has changed from being a good friend who was able to talk intimately before to a relationship between superiors and subordinates, and he feels very depressed.

However, it was also because I was too outstanding in the process of dealing with horse thieves. The Middle East respected strength and respected the strong. They did this also from the bottom of their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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