The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1223 White-headed Vampire Bat

Chapter 1223 White-headed Vampire Bat
Three days later, the three of Qin Lang came to the depths of the great desert, and now everyone is on the edge of the devil's land.

After arriving here, the task of guiding the old man Asa has been completed. This guy happily bid farewell to Qin Lang and the swordsman Shar, took his adult camel and two newly acquired horses, and left with a full harvest. .

After all, going any further would mean entering the devil's land. Asa was just an old man who was familiar with the terrain and had no strength, so he would never be willing to follow them into the devil's land.

Of course, Qin Lang would not ask for that.According to the agreement between the two parties, Asa brought him here as a guide, and the agreement has been fulfilled. Naturally, he will pay the other party and wish the other party a smooth journey back.

The swordsman Shal continued to walk with Qin Lang.

The swordsman Shal and Qin Lang have the same purpose, they both want to enter the devil's restricted area in front of them, which is the mysterious pyramid secret realm.

Qin Lang vaguely knew that this guy entered the secret realm of the pyramid for his family's mission, and found a treasure that was described in detail in the family classics from the secret realm. However, this guy didn't say what the treasure was, so Qin Lang had no way of knowing.

Since the purpose of both of them is to enter the secret realm of the pyramid, there is no need to separate. After all, it is more convenient for everyone to have one more person to take care of them.

The portal to enter the secret realm of the pyramid is very secret. If Qin Lang didn't have a two-point map in his hand, I am afraid that the two of them would not be able to find the passage to enter the secret realm no matter how hard they searched.

There are three zigzag-shaped sand dunes in the desert. No one would have thought that the mechanism for opening a secret realm is in the middle of the zigzag-shaped dunes. After Qin Lang wiped off a thick layer of sand on the surface, he saw a stone slab .

This stone slab is very large, and I don't know what kind of stone it is made of. It is dark brown and very heavy. The stone weighing less than one foot of meter weighs at least five or six hundred catties.

After the stone slab is opened, there is a patio below, which is actually the entrance to the secret place of the pyramid.

Looking down into the patio, it was dark, and I don't know how deep it is, but it was strange that there were occasional light blue lights flickering in the darkness.

"Jump down!"

Qin Lang looked at the treasure map in his hand and the cloth silk he got from the horse thief, and then said with certainty.

After hearing Qin Lang's words, Shaer, the swordsman, jumped off the patio without hesitation, which made Qin Lang speechless. This guy is really bold, and he really jumped down when he said he would jump.

You know, the swordsman Shar is not like a cultivator himself, at most he can be regarded as a martial artist in the middle stage of Wuzun, and he is still not out of the category of mortals. One jump can directly kill this guy.

Shaking his head, Qin Lang also took out the magic weapon Flying Luo Yunsuo, directly stepped on it and slowly descended into the well, and then entered the secret place of the pyramid.

After descending more than 30 feet, Qin Lang finally saw what the occasional flashing light blue luster was. The enchantment barrier at the entrance of the secret place of the pyramid was shining. This enchantment barrier was at the bottom of this dry well, like a flickering side The light blue large mirror suddenly dimmed, and there were traces of energy ripples appearing on the mirror surface from time to time.

After the swordsman Shar jumped off, he had disappeared, and he should have entered the enchantment barrier.

And Qin Lang followed through the barrier without hesitation. When he just shuttled through, he felt as if he had sunk his whole body into the water. After going backwards in the water for a while, he suddenly broke through the water.

At this time, Qin Lang had entered the pyramid from the outside world through the barrier at the entrance to the secret place of the pyramid. He opened his eyes again, but found that the surroundings were not as dark as imagined.

This is a huge grotto, the walls and roof of the cave are dotted with mineral stones emitting a faint light, allowing Qin Lang's sight to vaguely see the surrounding environment of two or three feet.

However, he could only see two or three feet away, and if it was any farther away, his vision would be blurry, and it was so dark that he couldn't see clearly no matter how hard he looked.

Just when Qin Lang came out of the barrier, suddenly there was a gust of wind in his ears, Qin Lang immediately dodged and rolled on the spot, far away from where he was.

It turned out that Qin Lang's sixth sense reappeared from the unexplained palpitations just now, and he knew that he might have encountered an unknown danger. Before the danger came, Qin Lang acted wisely and took the choices just now.

What is it that can make himself feel palpitations in the late stage of forming a pill? At this time, Qin Lang turned his head to look, but there was nothing behind him, but he didn't find anything unusual, as if the gust of wind just now had never happened Same thing happened.

This made Qin Lang almost think that what he had just had was an illusion, but Qin Lang knew that this was impossible.

Next, he looked around eagerly, but he didn't find any trace of the swordsman Shar. He couldn't help being surprised: "Could this guy have left this grotto to go somewhere else? It seems a bit impossible to move so fast!"

Qin Lang's doubts were not without reason. Before entering the secret realm of the pyramid, both of them agreed to act together inside. Logically speaking, it is impossible for Shar to leave alone. After entering this grotto, he should wait in place .

At this time, Qin Lang moved slowly, carefully searching every corner of the grotto. In this grotto, the line of sight was only two or three feet long. clues.

After 3 minutes, Qin Lang finally saw the swordsman Shaer, but it was strange that this guy was lying on the ground and fell asleep, his mouth was still dripping, and he seemed to be in a deep sleep.

"Shar! Sar! Wake up!"

Qin Lang shook the guy a few times, and finally shook the swordsman Shal. After waking up, the guy looked around in a daze, and couldn't figure out where he was for a long time. Same for a century.

In fact, from when Shar enters the secret realm with his front foot, to when Qin Lang enters with his heel, the interval is no more than half a minute at most. What happened in this half minute and why Shar slept so deeply is really a difficult question. Solve the mystery.

It took a long time for the swordsman Shal to realize that he was already in the secret place of the pyramid, and Qin Lang in front of him was the partner who acted together this time, and then his consciousness completely returned to reality.

"What's wrong with me? It feels like I've been sleeping for days, have you been with me?"

Shar wiped his eyes and asked.

Sure enough!

Qin Lang proved that this guy's half-minute dream just now must have been running at a limit flow rate beyond the imagination of normal people. In the dream, this guy should have passed many days, but in fact, it has only been less than a few minutes now. time.

"Shar, you are dreaming and confused, now we have just entered the secret realm of the pyramid, how could it be possible to sleep for so long!"

Qin Lang laughed, patted Shar's shoulder and said.

"Is that so? That's really strange."

Shar murmured, closed his eyes and began to recall the dream he had just had, but now when he woke up, he was shocked to find that his brain was blank, and he could not remember half of what he encountered in the previous dream.


At this time, Qin Lang pushed Shar away, and the warning signs in his heart just now reappeared. He knew that the danger was coming again, so he quickly pushed away Shar who didn't know it yet.

The sound of the wind flashed away again, and there seemed to be a black shadow floating in the air for a while in the darkness, and then disappeared again.

"What the hell is that?"

Qin Lang murmured, it seems that there are quite a lot of weird things in this pyramid secret realm, and he and Shar should be more careful in their next actions.

Just thinking about this, the wind picked up again, and the black shadow floated over again, at a very fast speed, almost as fast as Qin Lang who had cast Phantom Wind Walk.

This time the black shadow floated over quickly, not only Qin Lang could see it clearly, but even the swordsman Shar beside him widened his eyes, and the two saw a washbasin-sized black shadow floating in the air at the same time...

"Looks like a giant bat!" Shal murmured.

Qin Lang was also speechless. It was the first time he had seen a giant bat the size of a washbasin on Earth. A giant bat of this size probably already had a psychic, and it could be regarded as a monster.

This giant bat is very fast and good at hiding its figure in the dark, so even Qin Lang didn't notice it several times in a row, and it wasn't until the third time that he saw the real body of this guy.

"Attention! This giant bat has a ring of white hairs on its head, like a white-haired old man. This should be the legendary white-headed vampire."

Shar remembered something and reminded: "This guy can't let it touch his body. There is a poisonous toxin in his claws that can instantly stun people, and then this guy can suck human blood."

"Shar, you fell into a coma just now, could it be because of this white-headed vampire's claw?"

Qin Lang asked suddenly at this time.

"Now that I think about it, when I first entered this grotto, something sharp scratched my shoulder, and then my eyes went black, and I didn't know anything..."

At this time, Shar recalled his previous experience, and finally understood why he slept on the floor of the grotto for no reason.

But after the blood-sucking piece attacked him just now, it didn't suck his own blood, which is really strange!
It may be the effect of that thing on his body, which made this guy give up himself as a blood-sucking target!
Shar thought for a while, and touched his body quietly. There was a simple metal pendant on his chest that was faintly hot. This simple metal pendant was actually what the gang of horse thieves wanted to get.

This metal pendant is actually handed down from generation to generation in the family. I heard that there are more than one treasure in the secret place of the pyramid, but if you want to open it, you can’t open it without the relevant key. The metal pendant on your body is to open this pyramid. The key to a special treasure spot in the secret realm.

The faint abnormality of the heirloom on his chest also made Shar feel more at ease in the secret place of the pyramid. In fact, he also vaguely guessed that as long as he wears this metal pendant now, the giant white-headed blood-sucking head will It is simply impossible to choose to attack yourself.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In the next few times, the target of the white-headed vampire was on Qin Lang, completely ignoring the weaker existence of Shar, and had no intention of attacking Shar again at all.

(End of this chapter)

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