The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1224 Golden Page Scripture

Chapter 1224 Golden Page Scripture
The washbasin-sized white-headed vampire, relying on the advantages of the environment and its own powerful flight dodging ability, avoided Qin Lang's counterattack several times during the attack.

Although this guy's strength is not very strong, it is only equivalent to a mid-stage Wuzun, but his agility attribute is too high, and his claws are poisonous. Qin Lang feels that this guy is better than the water 魃 encountered in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain. Nothing less than that, after all, this white-headed vampire has the advantage of being able to fly, while the water bait can only move on the ground, and the space restriction is much larger.

So the white-headed vampire in front of Qin Lang's sneak attack is almost all-round, it may be from the top of the head, it may be from the foot, or it may rush directly from the opposite side.

This guy is very spiritual, and he is fully worthy of the title of "Demon", so Qin Lang failed to take this guy down a few times just now.

"This big bat is too spiritual and cunning... It feels like it can be compared to the blue Wang Wei Yixiao in Chinese martial arts novels, except that it is only a monster now and cannot change human body, it is indeed similar to the martial arts novels. The ability of the King of Blue Wings is about the same."

"For this kind of agile monster, it seems that it can only be done quickly!"

Qin Lang murmured, at this time, he began to take a picture of the Wind Escape Talisman on his body, and at the same time activated the shadow changing boots.

The magic weapon and the spell worked together, and Qin Lang's speed suddenly increased by one or two times. At this time, the speed finally surpassed the giant bat flying around in the sky to dodge attacks.

When the giant bat flew to pounce again, Qin Lang swiped his horizontal sword, and finally swept its wings, and directly slashed a huge wing leaf.


After a scream, the vampire bat could no longer control its balance and fell from the air.

"Haha, fight with me, you guys are still a little bit worse!"

Qin Lang was relieved, and directly took the first two sections of the white blood-sucking body.

Because it is a monster, this guy's flesh and blood materials are full of aura.

However, this is on Earth, so don't expect the material of the monster to be high-grade. In fact, this monster is only at the same level as the foundation-building monster.

In the Qinghe Continent, Qin Lang definitely doesn't like monsters of this grade, but on this earth where resources are exhausted, even if it is a tiny bit of material for mosquito legs, Qin Lang must store it well, and there must be no waste of it. So he hid the entire blood-sucking body in the storage bag.

This white-headed blood-sucking cloth is equivalent to a monster in the foundation-building period, and there should be one of the most valuable demon pills in its body, but now Qin Lang has no time to take care of these carefully, anyway, the whole blood-sucking cloth is in the storage bag, waiting for him Let's deal with these after a trip to the secret place of the pyramids!

After killing the guardian monster of the grotto at the entrance of the secret place of the pyramid, Qin Lang was able to care about his companion Shar, only to find that Shar had nothing to do with the monster's attack just now. Never attacked this guy.

Although Qin Lang was a little puzzled about such a strange thing, he didn't pay much attention to it, so he didn't know that Shar relied on the amulet heirloom pendant on his body to protect him.

After killing the blood-sucking banner of the White Path, Qin Lang and Shar found that there were more than a dozen passages around the grotto, and Qin Lang compared the map in his hand, and found that the two pieces of cloth that were the same as the treasure map in his hand corresponded to one of the passages.

"It turns out that the treasure map my parents left me is real, and the piece of cloth I got from the horse thief is also real. It's just that the secret place of this pyramid is too big, and these two treasure maps only represent two of them. area, and there are many more areas that are not marked on the treasure map."

"It's better not to explore these strange places for the time being. I have two treasure maps in my hand, so I will explore the areas marked on these two treasure maps first."

After Qin Lang understood these, he made up his mind, and then he will carry out exploration activities inside the pyramid secret realm in a planned way.

At this time, he entered one of the passages, which was also the location indicated by a treasure map in Qin Lang's hand.

Next, Qin Lang compared the treasure map and kept walking and stopping, while Shal followed behind him. This guy looked at Qin Lang several times during the walk, and he seemed hesitant to speak.

Although Qin Lang walked in the front, it seemed that he had eyes on the back of his head. He had already discovered Shaer's abnormal behavior through his spiritual sense.So, he finally couldn't help but asked, "Shar, do you have anything to say?"


He nodded, and after entering the secret realm of the pyramid, the swordsman Shal finally made up his mind, stopped hiding words, and said his purpose of entering the secret realm of the pyramid: "Mr. Qin Lang, I did hide that I entered this secret realm before. The purpose, I came here for the mission of the family, this time I must get the golden page scriptures in a treasure spot in the secret realm!"

"Golden pages scriptures?" Qin Lang asked curiously, "What is this and what is it for?"

"Golden Pages is a sacred book with mysterious power left by a powerful pharaoh, which can remove curses and transcend the souls of the dead, allowing souls to return to the other side."

Shar replied, "Our family is one of the 30 families that guarded the secret area of ​​the Golden Pagoda. Although the family has changed for more than [-] generations in the past thousands of years, the blood has always been inherited from the original Pharaoh. curse."

"At the beginning, the pharaoh planted the curse of blood for each generation of the eighteen guards who guarded the family. This curse is a double-edged sword. The overall quality of each generation is very good, but each generation will not live to be 33 years old."

"If we want to eliminate the influence of the curse, we descendants of the guardian family can only enter the secret place of the pyramid and obtain a treasure left by the pharaoh in the secret place of the pyramid, the golden page scripture."

"However, the family has been passed down for more than [-] generations, and now the information about the secret place of the pyramid is seriously lost. I only have some incomplete information and a key to open one of the treasure points, which is the golden page scripture. The key to the treasure point, but I don’t know anything about the exact location of the treasure point.”

Shar now showed a slightly bitter smile, because he knew that without Qin Lang's help, it seemed difficult to find that treasure spot by his own strength.

Because he doesn't have a map in his hand, but Qin Lang has at least two maps in his hand.

Moreover, Shar can be sure that accidents will continue to happen in the next exploration process, like the white-headed blood-sucking picture before, which is one of the accidents. Although he has a metal pendant key to protect himself from evil, it cannot guarantee This family heirloom will definitely be able to play a role again and again.

But the Chinese man Qin Lang in front of him is a person of the first level of a fairy, and his strength is indispensable. If he can use the power of this person in the secret realm, I believe it will be much easier to find the treasure of the golden page scripture.

Why Shar refused to reveal these secrets before, but now he is willing to reveal them. One of them is that Qin Lang's character has been affirmed through constant contact, and the other is that Qin Lang is a powerful person who can help As far as I am concerned, the third one is that there are many treasures in the secret realm of the pyramid, and I only need one of the treasures. Now tell me what I need in advance, and I believe that Qin Lang will not snatch this treasure from him by then.

Speaking of which, although Shar is old-fashioned and restrained, his mind is not completely bad, and he can still turn his head to think about problems. In this secret realm, if he wants to complete the family task as soon as possible to find that treasure, it is indeed true to cooperate with Qin Lang It is the best way.

"So it is."

Qin Lang nodded, and finally realized that it was too idealistic to enter the secret realm of the pyramid just by relying on two copies of the hidden map. Unexpectedly, the treasure points in this secret realm still need their own keys to open.

Qin Lang also expressed his understanding and support for the family task of the swordsman Shar. If he finds the treasure point that Yishaer can open next, and finds the golden page scriptures, Qin Lang decides not to compete with this guy. Sometimes the scriptures are sent directly to Shar, and if other things are found, they belong to themselves.

Shar was also overjoyed with such a distribution, the Huaxia man in front of him was indeed a good person, he did not misread the person!
Before he knew it, Qin Lang was issued a good person card by Shar, a Middle Eastern gringo. If he knew, he would be very depressed.


At this time, I passed a corner, and according to the map on the cloth, there should be an open area ahead.

Sure enough, after passing the corner, there was a very spacious hall, which was triangular in shape and surrounded by thick granite walls weighing several tons. This should be the main building of a small pyramid.

In the Pyramid Secret Realm, such a labyrinth area is connected to some pyramid buildings from time to time. Qin Lang and Shar don't know how many large and small pyramids are in the entire Pyramid Secret Realm, but Qin Lang can see from the map in his hand that this passage has been completed. At least seven or eight pyramids of different sizes are connected.

However, these pyramids do not necessarily contain the corpses of pharaohs and emperors. Many pyramids are actually fake tombs, and there is nothing inside.

But the pyramid in front of Qin Lang obviously does not belong to this category. There are three coffins, one large, two small, and three coffins in the pyramid. The coffins in the Middle East are completely made of stone, and they are extremely huge. I am afraid that even the smallest coffin has nearly two coffins. Ten tons.

"The hidden treasures in the Pyramid Secret Realm are isolated and have nothing to do with these coffins, but the inside of the coffin in the Pyramid Secret Realm is not completely worthless. Some burial objects are still very valuable. You must know that there are pharaohs or emperors inside. funeral objects."

Seeing the three coffins, one big, two small, Qin Lang's eyes lit up, and he made up his mind.

He knew that he didn't have the key to open the hidden treasure spot, and the key in Shar's hand could only open one of the eighteen hidden treasure spots in the secret realm, so now talking about the treasures in the hidden treasure spot is like a mirror, untouchable .

This kind of words is not as real as the benefits in front of him, that is, he will continue to dig graves to find treasures...or no, it will be to open the coffin to examine the treasures!
(End of this chapter)

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