The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1225 The Golden Mummy

Chapter 1225 The Golden Mummy

In the pyramid hall, three coffins, one large, two small, are all arranged in the center, in the shape of a character, with the largest coffin at the forefront.

Qin Lang hid a pair of white gloves, and began to push one of the thick sarcophagus lids weighing several tons. Now Qin Lang's physical strength is at least [-] tons, so the lid was easily pushed open.

After the coffin lid was opened, a puff of black smoke sprayed out as the coffin lid opened.

This is corpse smoke, poisonous, Qin Lang quickly avoided the poisonous smoke, but because it is a sealed hall, there is not much ventilation here, if you keep smelling this poisonous smoke, it will definitely not work.

As a cultivator, Qin Lang still has the ability to hold his breath, so he directly sealed all the pores of his body at this time, so that the corpse smoke could not enter his body.

As for the swordsman Shal at the side... Qin Lang asked him to avoid this place, and at the same time threw him a detoxification pill and an obstacle avoidance pill. I believe that after Shal eats these two elixirs, he should be able to dissolve his body A small amount of inhaled corpse poison fumes.

After all, corpse poison and poisonous smoke are also a kind of poisonous miasma, and the two elixirs are just right.

The smoke dissipated, and there was indeed an extremely dry corpse inside, wrapped in bandages, which is often called a mummy.

However, this mummy has been lying in the coffin for thousands of years, and the canopy belt has turned into a dim yellow, which is extremely ugly. If the stains on it are seen by people who are eating, it will definitely turn off the appetite, and even vomit out the food.

Qin Lang didn't care to look at the mummy. What he cared most about now was whether there were any belongings in the coffin. It would be great if he could find some valuable rare treasures or cultivation objects.

However, after looking around, he only found a rusty bronze sword and a bag of gold coins, and nothing else.

"This mummy looked very poor in life!"

Qin Lang murmured, threw the bronze sword to the swordsman Shal, and then put the bag of gold coins into the storage bag.

The one opened just now is a small coffin, and there are two coffins, one big and one small, waiting to be opened, so Qin Lang did not stop, but continued to open the remaining two coffins.

There were two remaining coffins, one large and one small, the harvest in the small coffin was similar to the previous one, and Qin Lang's eyes were finally blinded in the large coffin.

The mummy in the large coffin was actually wearing a gold-threaded jade garment. The golden-threaded jade garment was only found in the burials of emperors and nobles. It was worn by emperors and nobles after death. It was very popular in ancient China.

The golden hazel jade garment is a mortuary garment worn by emperors and high-ranking nobles after death, and its appearance is the same as that of a human body.Jade clothes are a symbol of the status of the wearer. The jade clothes worn by the emperor and some of his close officials are knotted with gold threads, which are called "gold-threaded jade clothes", while other nobles use silver and copper wires to weave them, called "silver-threaded jade clothes". ", "Copper-threaded Jade Clothes".

It is said that people in ancient times were very superstitious that jade could keep their bones immortal, and even regarded jade as a noble ritual vessel and a symbol of status.

However, the mummy wearing the "Golden Jade Clothes" in the secret place of the pyramid in front of me is different from China's "Golden Jade Clothes". It is plated with a layer of gold, mainly gold and supplemented by jade, or it is more appropriate to say that it is a gold thread coat.

This golden mummy is very plump, and it doesn't have the shriveled feeling of the previous two small coffins. It makes people doubt whether this mummy is really immortal for thousands of years.

Seeing this golden mummy, Qin Lang felt palpitations for no reason, but this guy has been lying in the coffin honestly, so after staring at it for a while, Qin Lang found that there was no movement, so he was relieved.

In addition to a mummy wearing a golden vest, there were also some jewelry, calligraphy and paintings as funerary objects in this coffin, which were all taken out by Qin Lang.

"There are faint aura fluctuations on this golden-haired garment. It should be a magic treasure. It looks like it should be peeled off."

Qin Lang looked at the golden mummy and apologized: "I'm offended! Anyway, brother, you wear gold and silver in your coffin. No matter how good you wear it, no one will look at it. Just donate the clothes on your body to the living!"

After speaking, he began to peel off the golden vest of the mummy.

While stripping his clothes, Qin Lang was still thinking: "There are three coffins, one big, two small, the big one should be the owner, it doesn't look like a big boss like a pharaoh or an emperor, it should be just a small boss at the level of a noble lord, And the two small coffins should contain the entourage of this guy, and the retainers and family generals are not counted, so that can explain why the two of them are so poor.

Shar said he didn't want all the jewels and belongings that Qin Lang harvested, and he only accepted the bronze sword that Qin Lang gave him just now.

However, this bronze sword is full of rust, and it seems that most of the components are decorations. It is estimated that using it as a weapon is completely for yourself, and it may be accidentally broken in half during the battle.

These jewels and antiques are all ordinary things, only the gold thread clothing that was just taken off the mummy in his hand is a treasure, it should be a treasure with good defensive ability, Qin Lang plans to give it to others in the future.

After searching for a while, Qin Lang felt a little regretful that he couldn't find anything for cultivation. Although the golden thread clothes were good, he already had a python scale armor with similar functions on his body, and the body of the second soul could not be used. There is a black armor shroud.

The effect of these two defensive magic weapons is definitely better than that of the golden-haired clothing. After all, the golden-haired clothing is just a treasure similar to a defensive magic weapon, not a real magic weapon of the cultivation world.

And after Qin Lang took off the gold-threaded garment, the golden mummy after the armor was removed finally moved, and suddenly stood up straight from the coffin.

Good guy!This mummy was two meters high when he was alive. Now that he stood up from the half-meter-high coffin, Qin Lang now needs to look up to see the mummy whose eyes are glowing red.

"This mummy is alive, it should be because I took off the golden robe, which caused the corpse change!"

Looking at the mummy standing straight up, Qin Lang muttered, and casually took out a black donkey's hoof from his storage bag, and was about to stuff it into its mouth, but found that he couldn't do anything.

This mummy was wrapped tightly, except for two eye holes, there was no mouth at all, so the black donkey's hoof was useless at all.

"Damn!" Qin Lang cursed, and casually flicked the black donkey's hoof, and fell into a coffin behind.

He started to take out his flying sword, and was ready to do it. Since he couldn't take advantage of it, let's use his own ability to toughen this big guy!

poop puff!
Several consecutive bursts of sword energy occurred, piercing the mummy's bloody bandage, and the sword energy penetrated deep into the body.

However, this mummy is as immortal as a zombie, so the effect of Qin Lang's sword energy has also been reduced to the limit, and the power of each move is less than one-tenth of the original.

Plop flop!The mummy in front of him is simply a meat shield. Qin Lang's several consecutive sword attacks failed to seriously injure this guy.

"It seems that only by destroying this guy's soul fire can he truly injure it. However, this guy's body is covered with a bloody bandage. This bandage has the same effect as a magic weapon of ghosts. It was basically dissolved by the bandages, less than ten percent, it is not easy to really hurt this guy's soul fire."

Qin Lang found that this mummy is a little different from a zombie, that is, as time goes by, the guy in front of him moves faster and faster. It seems that after waking up, this mummy is gradually adapting to his body, which also makes Qin Lang feel that the battle is getting faster and faster. Work hard.

The fact is that the opponent is an unbeatable Xiaoqiang at all, and his sword art is restrained, so he can't hurt this guy's soul fire at all, and the battle is deadlocked like this.

And the mummy, which is moving faster and faster, has gradually adapted to its own body, and has almost the same agility and speed as the current Qin Lang.

Of course, the current Qin Lang has not yet activated the effect of the magic weapon "Shadow Changer Boots" and the Wind Escape Talisman. If these two are activated together, they can still completely suppress the mummy.

However, Qin Lang did not intend to continue spending time with this mummy. He summoned his second soul body, which is a zombie body and an immortal body. The body of God should have a good fight with this guy.

After the body of the second soul was summoned, a command of Qin Lang's divine sense was conveyed, and then the body of the second soul faithfully carried out the order of Qin Lang's body, and the avatar fought with the mummy Bang Bang Dada.

Compared with the body of the second soul, although the mummy has an advantage in speed, this advantage has no effect. Anyway, both sides are immortal, so direct hand-to-hand combat is enough, and there is no need for too many twists and turns.

And next to Shar, when Qin Lang called out the body of the second soul, he was very surprised and called out: "Wizard?"

It seems that he regards Qin Lang as a "wizard" in a very mysterious group of legends in this world.

"Wizards" are widely spread in the east and west of this world. There were witches in ancient times in the East, and all the people in the ancient witches were "wizards". Therefore, many Chinese people have the "wizard" blood of the witches.

The wizards of the Xi nationality usually refer to "alchemists", a group of mystics who study mystical theories.

However, in this world, both eastern and western wizards are a group of recluses, and they are even rarer than the "head-subduing masters" in Nanyang. Strictly speaking, "head-subduing masters" are actually just low-level "wizards".

Now Shar sees Qin Lang calling out the zombie puppet clone, thinking that Qin Lang is the legendary wizard, but what he doesn't know is that Qin Lang's current level of life is higher than the legendary wizard, and he is an advanced practitioner.

Like cultivators, wizards can also pursue longevity.

The wizards of the witch clan are divided into big witches and small witches. Ordinary witch clans are basically small witches, and there may not be a big witch out of 1000 million witch clans, but only big witches have the ability to obtain the secret of longevity. The latter is much more difficult to deal with, so the ancient witch clan declined very early.

(End of this chapter)

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