Chapter 1226
Seeing that the body of his second soul was fighting with the mummy, Qin Lang didn't intend to step forward to help, so he directly packed up the belongings he got and put them all in the storage bag.

After counting, Qin Lang watched a play with Shar beside him.

After many times of strengthening and transformation, his second soul body has reached the peak physique at the general level, and it is infinitely close to the legendary Hanba.

However, it is very difficult to upgrade the body of a general to the body of a drought man. There are too many treasures of heaven, earth and earth, and basically all of them are hard to come by.

The current body of the second soul has almost reached the level of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy. If he can go one step further and raise his avatar to the level of Hanba, then this zombie body will undergo a qualitative leap.

Once the drought comes out, it will be a thousand miles away!

Different from ordinary monsters and ghosts, the lifespan of the Nascent Soul level Hanba is almost unlimited, and it is a real fairy-level monster.In the history of China, it seems that this level of zombie body has only appeared three times.

The first one, the ancestor of zombies in the beginning of chaos, Shi.

The second one is the king of zombies, General Chen, who has been promoted step by step from ordinary zombies.

The third one is Cain, a vampire zombie who was born in the East and finally retired to the West.

Each of these three drought-level zombie kings has left a thick ink in the history of the East and the West. It goes without saying that the source of everything is the sister of the zombie, Shi Shi.The latter two have been repeatedly made into horror movies and TV dramas at home and abroad, which have aroused the world's well-known.

The body of the second soul has been nourished by the cultivation world many times, and its growth rate has reached a limit, and now it is also a bottleneck period.

As the zombie body of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, the combat power of the second soul body is indeed far better than dealing with this mummy, but the mummy's speed advantage is more obvious, and it has recovered a lot of disadvantages, so at present Just a little downwind.

Both sides are immortal, as long as the soul source is not injured, even if the limbs are broken, or even the four legs are split, it will not affect the combat effectiveness too much.

This is also where the body of the second soul is stronger than the main body. The immortal body is not afraid of being injured at all. After the battle, no matter how serious the injury is, it can recover quickly. Of course, the premise is that there are sufficient resources to repair the body circumstances can be carried out.

"Mr. Qin Lang, are you a wizard? This big guy of yours... is really powerful!" Shal murmured, continuing to stare at the battle in front of him, as the descendants of the eighteen guardian families in the secret realm of the pyramid. , he is also very quick to accept some strange things in this world.

"No, I'm not a wizard, just an ordinary practitioner."

Qin Lang said while looking for the storage bag.

"Not a wizard? A cultivator?" Shar was very strange, turned his head and looked at Qin Lang, he couldn't figure out why Qin Lang said that.

At this time, he noticed a small bag in Qin Lang's hand, which seemed to be made of cloth, but inside it formed a space of its own, and all the treasures that Qin Lang harvested just now were packed into this bag that was only the size of a palm.

What a mysterious and strange item!Shar sighed with envy.

"Hehe, some small objects in the cultivation world." Qin Lang shook his storage bag and said: "I have ten or twenty of these things in my hand. If this trip to the secret place of the pyramid goes well, how about I give you one! "

"That's great, thank you!"

Shar was very grateful. It turned out that Mr. Qin Lang was indeed a fairy in the legends of the Eastern countries. In his cognition, the word cultivator and fairy were the same word, and it was impossible to tell the difference between the two.

At this time, the body of the second soul fought more fiercely with the mummy, and the battle was intensified. Although the mummy was agile, the body of the second soul also had a sense of the original body and could think independently. After holding the mummy's shrunk, he pulled one of the mummy's bandaged arms.

The two sides got entangled and started a battle of meat.

At this time, the body of the second soul pulled for a year, and found a thread on the mummy, and pulled the shed belt violently. Spread out in a circle.

As the bandages on the mummy fell apart, a thick puff of black smoke spread from its body, soon covering the entire hall in darkness.


A burst of screams turned from strong to weak, and Qin Lang's spiritual sense sensed it. The powerful mummy before was untied with the bandages on the body, and the whole body was corroded by the air, turning into corpse smoke and dissipating.

This result was a bit unexpected. The two immortal bodies fought life and death for so long before, but now they just untied the mummy's shed belt and let the mummy's body die directly, as if the thick layer of bandage wrapped on the mummy's body had become The fatal weakness of this mummy.

"Undo the bandages... This is the second most effective way to deal with mummies besides destroying the fire of the soul. This method is good!"

Qin Lang sighed.

At this time, the pyramid hall was already covered in black smoke, and it couldn't disperse. Qin Lang hurriedly dragged Shar, who was a little dizzy, to move on.

Shar is absolutely inferior to Qin Lang in his resistance to corpse poison and corpse smoke. Even if he had taken the antidote pill and miasma avoidance pill before, his breathing still caused some toxins to deposit in his body, which was difficult to completely resolve, so he became conscious It's getting blurry.

It is true that the concentration of corpse smoke in the pyramid hall is too strong now. In such a completely enclosed space, the corpse smoke is as thick as ink, and it cannot be discharged in a row. Now the only way to get away from here is to be serious.

Continue walking, and after walking for two hours, you have reached a treasure spot.

What came into view was a closed stone room, and there was a groove beside the stone room where the key should be put.

The reason why Qin Lang judged that this is also a treasure spot is because many places he has seen before can get gold coins and the like, and places with gold coins can be called treasure spots. Of course, Qin Lang still hopes that this There are different treasures in the stone room.

"Shar, it depends on your performance."

Qin Lang patted Shar and asked Shar to verify whether the key on his body could open this treasure spot.

He didn't have a key in his hand, so it was naturally impossible to open the stone door at once. Shar was prepared to come, and maybe the key in Shar's hand would be useful.

With a nervous mood, Shar put the key in his hand into the groove, but there was no movement of the mechanism being activated for a long time. It seems that the key on his body was not used to open the hidden room.

Seeing that Shar took the key very depressed, Qin Lang laughed and said, "I'll try to see if I can open this treasure room without the key." After speaking, he swung his flying sword and swiped towards the door of the treasure room.

"Don't do this! It's dangerous!" Shar quickly stopped, but Qin Lang was a step faster.

boom!There was a deep mark on the door of the treasure room, but the door seemed to have a layer of strange prohibition. Qin Lang's blow could not destroy the mechanism door at all.

And just when Qin Lang wanted to continue to use the flying sword, the ground began to shake, and countless small holes suddenly appeared in the walls around the treasure room, and a large number of locust stones, poisonous arrows, and venom began to spray indiscriminately.

On the top of the head, there are more organs opened, and more than a dozen large metal fences clicked and fell directly below.

What's more, there are some fluctuations of bans and bans in all directions. If you are banned by these triggered bans, you will never be able to get out again.

"Damn it!" Qin Lang didn't expect such a blow from him to cause such a big commotion, so he quickly activated the magic weapon defense, and the Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler enveloped both himself and Shar.

At the same time, he slapped a Wind Escape Talisman on his body, so violently he used the phantom wind step to run wildly back and forth.

Now the area around this treasure room has become a dangerous place, so Qin Lang thought to himself, it is more serious to escape from here as soon as possible.

The design of this pyramid secret realm is too vicious, the wave just now is simply life-threatening! "

"Oh, I miscalculated, but fortunately I escaped."

Qin Lang felt that his heart was pounding. Although he was a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, his ability to resist danger had a limit. If he exceeded his ability, he might end up in a tragic end.

At this time, after running back and forth for an hour or two, Qin Lang returned to the grotto where he first entered the secret place of the pyramid, and prepared to choose the second passage to enter.

But at this moment, Shar's stomach growled loudly, and Qin Lang realized that five or six hours had passed, and it was time for dinner again.

As a cultivator, it doesn't matter if he doesn't eat a meal or two, but Shar is a man in his prime. It's not a problem for a martial artist of the Wuzun level to eat half a pig with a meal, so this guy must eat.

A lot of food and water resources were obtained from the trophy of the horse thief, and Qin Lang also had enough in his storage bag, so he was not short of anything now. When Shar let go of his belly to replenish the energy needed by his body, Qin Lang also ate a small amount a little.

At the level of the late stage of alchemy, the energy that food can replenish is really limited, so Qin Lang eats to satisfy a kind of appetite, in fact, even if it is completely bigu, it is possible.

He has cultivated to his level, and now he needs to replenish the energy his body needs. One is to take elixir, the other is to absorb the aura of heaven and earth and the aura of spirit veins through inexhaustible practice, and the third is to absorb a lot of spiritual stones and various other things. cultivation resources to support cultivation.

After resting for a while, under the signal of Qin Lang, the two continued to move forward, and changed to the second passage, which is to enter the hint area of ​​the treasure map obtained from the horse thief.

There are [-] treasure passages in the entire Pyramid Secret Realm. At present, we should explore the ones we are familiar with first, and then consider others. This is also Qin Lang's plan, and it is a safer method.

After all, if there is no indication of the treasure map, it will take a lot of detours to explore in the passage. The terrain in each of the secret passages is intricate, and sometimes there are many forked roads in the passage. People who are not familiar with the terrain can walk in. It will make people dizzy, and it is even possible to walk around for a long time and still walk around in one area without making any progress.

Therefore, Qin Lang is also ready to fight a protracted war, so the food and water he brought are enough for him to have such confidence to spend time in this secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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