Chapter 1227 Blood Pool

With some experience in exploring the first passage, when Qin Lang and Shar explored the second passage, the speed was much faster.

After more than three hours, Qin Lang and Shar had arrived at the end of the second secret passageway, which was also a treasure room environment.

"Shar, it's your turn!"

Qin Lang patted Shar, thinking in his heart, wondering if the key in Shar's hand could successfully open the treasure room in front of him this time.

Shar nodded, folded his hands together and prayed to Allah to bless him and let himself be lucky.

Then, he took off the metal pendant and put it into the groove on the wall outside the treasure room, where the key would be placed.

This time, as soon as Shar's key was put in, the mechanism of the entire treasure room reacted, and strange energy lines flashed on the surface of the door.

"There's a joke! Shar... your God finally responded this time!"

Qin Lang was pleasantly surprised. The key to the treasure room at the end of the second passage was actually the one on Shar's body. Now Shar put the key on it and finally activated the opening mechanism of the treasure room.

In the expectation of the two, energy patterns appeared on the floor of the entire hall.

A strange energy enveloped Qin Lang and Shar, and then suddenly, Qin Lang and Shar had disappeared in the hall outside.

After these strange energy lines light up, they form the origin of space teleportation, which is similar to the teleportation array in the cultivation world, and should also be a special means of space teleportation.

In a flash again, the two had already appeared in the treasure room.

Looking around, Qin Lang found that this was a larger pyramid hall, which was sealed all around, and there was a huge coffin made of pure gold in the middle of the hall.

"Hey, this coffin should be made entirely of pure gold. It may weigh 45 tons. It is conceivable that the corpse inside is very noble, definitely at the level of a pharaoh or an emperor."

Qin Lang sighed.

If this huge golden coffin was sold, it would definitely be priceless. However, the coffin was too big, more than three meters wide and nine meters long, so it was really inconvenient to take it away.

Qin Lang decided to search for other treasures first, and at this time Shar was already groping around the hall, looking for the legendary golden page scripture.

In addition to the golden coffin in the center of the pyramid hall, there are some stone tables, stone benches and other sacrifices around, all of which are relatively huge. I am afraid that normal people need to use ropes to climb the four or five meter high stone table. Go to the desktop.

The stone benches are also more than three meters high, and each stone bench is like a standing cone. I am afraid that only the legendary giants can use such a huge table and chair.

Shar finally climbed onto a stone table, and then he found a square box on the table, opened it, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "Golden pages of scriptures, my God, I found it!"

"So lucky?"

Qin Lang was also a little astonished, the trip to the secret place of the Pyramid of Shar was too smooth!
How long did it take, this guy found the treasure that the family needs, so don't take it too easy!
Shar happily jumped off the table and landed on the ground. Qin Lang leaned over to look at it, and found that the golden page scripture was just a big gold plate with some shallow textures on it. These textures were very complicated, like spell patterns. It seems not.

"Don't underestimate this golden scripture, it was one of AJ's national treasures thousands of years ago!

This golden page scripture has incredible power. Although there is no word on the surface, as long as the holder shakes his heart to sense it, he can obtain powerful power from the golden page scripture, and has the ability to eliminate curses and transcend souls. "

Shar carefully put away the big gold plate and put it close to his body, as if he was afraid that Qin Lang would go back and take it away.

After getting this piece of scriptures on the golden page, Shar now returned to his heart like an arrow, and said directly to Qin Lang: "Mr. Qin Lang, my mission has been completed, it seems that I have to go first!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Qin Lang waved his hand, not blaming Shar for not being loyal enough.

To be honest, after Shar got what he needed, he immediately thought about how to leave the secret place of the pyramid. Such an approach is really not very authentic.

However, considering this guy's limited ability, the only help for Qin Lang in the secret realm is to have a key that can open one of the treasures in the secret realm. Now that the treasure room has been opened, whether Shar should go or stay Qin Lang really doesn't matter.

This old-fashioned Middle Eastern man put his hands together, said Allah protects him, then bowed to Qin Lang, and turned back to the original point just now.

Then, after a burst of energy fluctuations at the origin of this space transmission, the guy was sent out again, and he should have returned to the original place outside the treasure room.

Qin Lang was not dissatisfied with the departure of the swordsman Shar. The golden page scripture was promised to him by himself, so there was nothing to complain about.

Now that I am still staying in the treasure room, let's look for other treasures left in this treasure room.

Qin Lang searched around, but found nothing special, but in a corner of the pyramid treasure room, Qin Lang found a small pool, which contained most of the pool's blood-red blood, which looked a bit strange.

"The blood in this pool is so weird. I didn't even notice such a pool of blood just now... It hasn't dried up after thousands of years. It must be not ordinary blood in it!"

Qin Lang stood by the edge of the blood pool for a while, carefully analyzing.

Carefully sensed it with mystery, it seems that there is a strange energy fluctuation in this blood pool, which seems to come from this pool of blood water, and the blood water in this pool seems to contain a very strong aura.

Just as Qin Lang continued to think about the pool of blood, the large golden coffin in the center of the pyramid hall suddenly trembled, and the huge golden coffin lid above was actually pulled by an invisible force, directly rising into the air.

Kacha, the golden coffin lid was opened, and a tall guy jumped out of it, who was also a mummy.

The mummy in front of him was taller than the one Qin Lang encountered in the first passage, about [-] meters tall, about the same height as NBA basketball stars in this world.

Compared with the golden mummy that Qin Lang fought against before, the mummy in front of him is dressed more gorgeously. The body covered with bandages has a lot of eye-catching things besides the gold thread clothes.

On the left wrist of the mummy, there were three bronze bracelets hidden. Qin Lang used his spiritual sense to sense, and actually sensed that the three bronze bracelets were connected with each other by a weak electric current.

Its neck is a metal pendant, Qin Lang looks very familiar, isn't this the key that the swordsman Shar used to open the treasure room just now?Could it be that the key on this particular mummy is the spare key for this stone chamber?
However, it seems difficult for Qin Lang to verify this point. The mummy in front of him looks more powerful than the previous one, and the evil spirit emanating from his body is almost as strong as the essence. It should be a mummy king.

After the strangely shaped mummy king jumped out of the golden coffin, he didn't rush towards Qin Lang immediately, but stood there for a while.

Then, the guy suddenly raised his hand, and an arc-shaped lightning appeared from the palm of his hand, and it struck Qin Lang directly, shocking the unsuspecting Qin Lang, and his hair turned into an exploding hedgehog head.

"Damn it! Lightning... This big boss can actually cast spells!"

Qin Lang was very depressed. Before he had time to activate his defense, he was hit by an electric current of tens of thousands of volts, almost scorching himself.

Fortunately, when the current hits the body, the python scale armor on his body has played a role, offsetting most of the high-voltage current, otherwise Qin Lang may have become the most miserable high-level cultivator in history. For a high-level cultivator who died, it seems that such a method of death has never been heard of since ancient times.

At this time, Qin Lang finally activated the defense of the magic weapon. As soon as the Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler was activated, the twelve layers of forbidden defense had already made Qin Lang invincible. Although the mummy king in front of him was very powerful, he wanted to completely It may take a while to break through Qin Lang's defense.

The mummy king in front of him is a monster that can cast spells. Qin Lang is now dealing with it seriously. After that, every time the mummy raises his hand, he carefully dodges to prevent this guy's spell from hitting him with lightning, so as to avoid wasting Own too much energy of the defensive shield.

And the body of the second soul was once again summoned by Qin Lang to fight against the mummy king.

Sure enough, after the second soul body was summoned, the mummy king's attention was immediately attracted by the melee zombie in front of him, and the two sides began to entangle.

Speaking of agility and speed, this mummy king is better than the golden mummy that Qin Lang killed with the second body before. His second body fought for a long time, although he successfully restrained the mummy king, It's a pity that it didn't cause any harm to this guy at all.

On the contrary, every time the mummy king played lightning, his second soul body couldn't resist being directly shocked, if it wasn't because the avatar is an immortal body, it has a strong resistance to electric current , must have been killed by a powerful spell.

Seeing that the battle between the body of the second soul and the mummy king was severely suppressed, Qin Lang also shook his head. Although the current attack of the mummy king did not cause much damage to the body of the second soul, it was able to directly Acting on the original soul fire, under the continuous stimulation of the current, the soul fire of the body of the second soul is actually slowly consuming.

"It's really troublesome!"

Qin Lang had no choice but to join the battle group again to help his avatar fight against this extremely powerful BOSS.

At the same time, he was also thinking in his heart. The only solution now is to see if he can find the thread of the bandage on the mummy king like last time. This is the biggest flaw in the mummy monster. The king will also directly turn into a cloud of black corpse smoke and dissipate.

(End of this chapter)

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