The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1228 Kill the Mummy King

Chapter 1228 Kill the Mummy King
With the addition of Qin Lang, the deity and the avatar worked together to finally recover the disadvantages in the situation.

Now the mummy king needs to face two enemies at the same time, and it has become difficult.

Its main attack is still high-frequency lightning spells, with a frequency of about once every five seconds. This special lightning seems to be formed by condensing the power of elements in the surrounding environment, so the mana consumed by each attack of the Mummy King is really huge. Insignificant, after casting the powerful lightning spell twenty or thirty times in a row, it is still alive and well.

Based on a little bit of his own mana, it arouses the resonance of the elements between the heaven and the earth. I have to say that the mummy king's lightning spell is really a good talent spell.

And after the battle with the Mummy King, Qin Lang gradually got some inspiration. Maybe in the future, he can also learn from the mummy king's ability to study the direction of spells, mainly to save his own consumption, and communicate with the power of heaven and earth to strengthen himself. Such a battle The method is like pulling a thousand catties in four or two, which can save a lot of real energy on the body.

After fighting for a while and getting familiar with the mummy king's attack routine, the threat of the mummy king has been greatly reduced. This guy is similar to Cheng Yaojin's three-axe. It can catch you by surprise at first, but once you get familiar with it The attack routines are familiar and easy to deal with.

However, this guy's moving speed is indeed fast enough, almost the same as Qin Lang's speed who has used the Wind Escape Talisman and activated the "Shadow Boots". Can't hold this guy down.

After all, Qin Lang is really a little afraid of the mummy king's talent spell, and tries not to let this guy's magic attack hit his body and clone every time.

"Bone runner!" The body of the second soul also used its magic weapon at this time, and began to compete with the mummy king in terms of spells and magic weapons.

The Bone Wheel, a magic weapon of ghosts, is very powerful and can bounce back many kinds of magic attacks, but it has no rebound effect on Sword Fighting Sword Qi and Mummy King's talent lightning, so its effect is much weaker.

However, this bone wheel is like a huge millstone in the air, with a large volume, and its heavy weight alone is enough for the mummy king to drink a pot, but the mummy king moves very fast, and his second soul It is not easy to hit it with the bone runner.

This guy is probably the most difficult monster that Qin Lang has encountered since entering the earth world!
Gritting his teeth, Qin Lang sent a divine thought to his avatar.

Then, the body of his second soul exploded violently, and this guy activated the last Vigorous Gu on his body.

Dali Gu was purchased at the Qinghe Continent Auction, and it belonged to the Linggui Sect, the four major cultivation sects in the southern part of the Qinghe Continent. At that time, Qin Lang auctioned a total of three. After using it one after another, now only one is sold.

The Spirit Ghost Sect is the only Ghost Dao sect among the four major sects in the southern region. There are also some monks who are good at refining Gu and cultivating Gu. This powerful Gu is the masterpiece of one of the high-ranking monks.

Things that can come from the Spirit Ghost Sect are generally high-quality products. The fly in the ointment is that the Vigorous Gu only provides three sample Gu, and does not provide Gu recipes. This kind of Spirit Gu will disappear after three uses, and it is a one-time consumption. Taste.

After the Vigorous Gu is activated, it can increase the strength of Yin-type ghosts by 50.00%. This thing cost Qin Lang about [-] spirit stones at the beginning, and the price is not low.

You know, as a one-time consumable, a Vigorous Gu can only be activated once, and it will disappear after use.At the beginning, Qin Lang only photographed three spirit Gu, but did not get the Gu formula, so the Vigorous Gu just now has become an out-of-print item.

However, in order to deal with the mummy king Qin Lang, he decided to let the body of the second soul use the only remaining Vigorous Gu.

At the same time, Qin Lang threw it in his hand, and then used a set of magic weapon "Five Elements Formation Flag" that had not been used for a long time. This was also obtained from the auction in Qinghe Continent, and it is the top magic weapon for arranging formations.

Qin Lang's current formation ability has been greatly strengthened compared to a year ago, and he has reached the high level of apprentice, which is close to the level of formation master.

With the help of the five-element array flag, Qin Lang easily arranged a trap to limit the range of movement of the mummy king.

He knew that the hall was too empty. If he didn't restrict the movement of the mummy king, he and the body of the second soul would have to fight hard for three days and two nights to take it based on the terrifying movement speed of the mummy king. Will not work.

Therefore, it is the best way to deal with it now by letting the body of the second soul activate the Vigorous Gu to enhance the combat power, and at the same time use formations to restrict the movement range of the mummy king, which is equivalent to greatly restricting the strengths of the mummy king .

With the help of the formation and the body of the second soul that had activated the powerful Gu, the Mummy King lost all his advantages immediately, and was completely beaten out of breath.

The Bone Wheel was connected to his body and hit six hits. If it wasn't for his immortality, this guy would have died long ago.

Each time these six powerful attacks hit, the mummy king's whole body would be shaken, and some black corpse smoke would escape, and at the same time, the movement speed of the body would slow down a bit. is getting weaker.

This is a good thing!Qin Lang was overjoyed, and let the body of the second soul control the bone wheel to continue attacking this guy. At the same time, the body also showed the black carving sword, using the sword to attack.

Although the power of the sword was weakened to less than one-tenth when the sword was cut on this guy, but it could increase the damage more or less, and it would be good to speed up the defeat of this mummy king.


During the battle, Qin Lang suddenly found that the body of his second soul became more and more energetic, as if his combat power had strengthened a lot, which made him feel strange.

After observing for a while, he realized that his second soul body was actively absorbing the black corpse smoke from the Mummy King's body.

This black corpse smoke is poisonous smoke to a living person like Qin Lang, but it is a great tonic to a zombie body of the same yin attribute, so when the second soul body encounters these black corpses When you smoke, you can't help but take the initiative to absorb it.

This is why the body of the second soul becomes more and more courageous as it fights. The mummy king of emotion is a treasure for it. If it can absorb all the corpse smoke in its body, the body of its second soul will also become more powerful.

At this time, Qin Lang regretted a little: why didn't he find out about this situation earlier!It's a pity that the smoke from the mummy that was killed in the first passage was wasted.

After Qin Lang fought the mummy for more than three minutes, the mummy king was already weak to a certain extent, and his figure gradually became sluggish.

At this time, Qin Lang also discovered the weak point of the mummy king, that is, where the thread of the bandage was located, which was actually under the left armpit.

This position is very secret, no wonder Qin Lang and his second soul body couldn't find this weakness after fighting for so long.

Now that he has found the weak point of the Mummy King, Qin Lang has decided not to engage in a war of attrition with this guy. It would be a waste of time and energy, and completely unnecessary.

The body of the second primordial spirit, which had activated the Dali Gu, possessed strength almost at the level of the Nascent Soul Stage, so he suddenly got close and hugged the mummy king, making the guy in his arms unable to struggle.

Then, Qin Lang got closer, pulled, pulled, and finally pulled the thread off the mummy king's body.


The mummy king was like a balloon deflated, a gap appeared on his body, a large amount of black corpse smoke gushed out from the gap, and the body of the second soul holding it was greedily absorbing the black corpse smoke.

After a while, the mummy king's body completely turned into black corpse smoke, leaving only a circle of bloody bandages falling into the arms of the second soul.

The three bronze bracelets on the mummy king's body and the metal pendant in front of him all fell off, bounced on the ground, and were picked up by Qin Lang.

While his body of the second soul was absorbing the black corpse smoke in the hall of the treasure room, Qin Lang was also observing the two sets of items in his hand.

The three bronze bracelets are a set of treasures. There are faint electric sparks appearing between each other. It should have something to do with the lightning talent of the mummy king. Maybe it is because of these three bronze bracelets that the mummy king has the ability to cast lightning spells Ability.

And the metal pendant should be a set of keys to the treasure room, but I don't know if it is a spare key to open the treasure room in front of me, or a special key to open another treasure room.

After all, there are a total of [-] connecting passages in the entire pyramid, which means that at least [-] different keys are needed to fully open these treasure rooms.

However, Qin Lang needs to explore this treasure room before proceeding with the verification. Now his body of the second soul is absorbing the black corpse smoke from the treasure room hall, and Qin Lang continues to inspect the treasure room hall. to search.

His main target has been placed in the coffin made of pure gold. Now that there is no obstruction from the mummy king, Qin Lang should be able to search smoothly.

After the large pure gold coffin, Qin Lang got a special copper plate, on which was recorded a peculiar magic, mummy restoration magic.

After getting this special copper plate, as soon as the spiritual consciousness was injected, a large amount of spiritual thoughts directly penetrated into Qin Lang's consciousness, and Qin Lang instantly learned this special magical technique.

After closing his eyes for a while, a weird expression appeared on Qin Lang's face, because this mummy restoration technique is very unique, it can actually improve the spiritual intelligence of yin attributes, and even directly resurrect them completely.

"Resurrection! Rebirth! This is a heaven-defying good fortune, really amazing."

Qin Lang was also speechless. I'm afraid that even in the world of self-cultivation, such a skill is rare. I don't know if this kind of magic is really so magical.

"After the resurrection of the body of the second soul, it will also be out of the category of zombie ghosts, and can breathe, eat, drink, and practice like normal people. Such a transformation against the sky is exciting!"

If it is true, then I can use the body of the second soul as an experiment, resurrect the body of the second soul, and turn it into a truly independent individual with spiritual intelligence, instead of just a yin with a little spiritual intelligence like now. Objects have always been subject to the influence of noumenal consciousness.

After all, in Qin Lang's own heart, he still hopes that the body of the second soul can become an independent living entity.

The body of the second soul is essentially that Baisha, that is, a high-level zombie. He just divided part of his consciousness and controlled Baisha, so that Baisha could obey his orders.

But Bai Sha doesn't have intelligence, he just acts mechanically according to orders, it can't be his clone, just like a puppet, but if there is this magical restoration technique, Bai Sha's intelligence can be restored, which is equivalent to killing Bai Sha Resurrect from zombies and become a real "human"!
That way, compared to the current Bai Sha, the result will only be better, and he is willing to let Bai Sha go, and let Bai Sha become a living entity, which can be regarded as a meritorious deed.

(End of this chapter)

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