The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1229 Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death

Chapter 1229 Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death
It is something Qin Lang has already decided to let Baisha regain his sanity and live a life like ordinary people.

As long as you practice the divine restoration technique well, you can achieve your goal.

But this matter is not in a hurry, it can only be implemented after leaving the secret place of the pyramid.

Because in the process of performing this healing magic, the light of the morning sun, that is, the first ray of sunlight in the morning, is needed to dissolve the pure yin energy in the zombie's body.

Only by using the light of the morning light to harmonize the yin and yang in the body of the zombie, so that the yin and yang can be adjusted to each other, can it be possible to completely revive the body of the second soul and become a real intelligent person instead of the original zombie. body.

After obtaining this mummy restoration technique, Qin Lang placed eighteen night pearls with strong aura in the golden coffin, each of which was the size of an egg.

This level of luminous pearl can already be regarded as the king of pearls, and it is also a good material for sacrificial artifacts and magic weapons. In today's society, it is difficult to find such a large one, and it is so rich in water and spirit.

However, apart from the eighteen night pearls, there was basically nothing else in the coffin.

However, there was an unexpected discovery that surprised Qin Lang, which was about the blood pool.

Originally, the blood essence in this blood pool could be forged, and the blood water in the blood pool contained a lot of aura. Qin Lang experimented and found that he could actually absorb the aura in this blood pool.

"If you absorb all the blood essence in this pool, your cultivation will definitely skyrocket!"

Qin Lang looked at the bloody water in the pool and thought to himself.

Afterwards, he took off his clothes and jumped directly into the pool of blood, closed his eyes and meditated.

The blood in this pool cannot be wasted. Qin Lang has been searching for cultivation resources since he returned to China, but the cultivation resources on the earth are too few. The blood pool in front of him can be regarded as one, so Qin Lang will not let it go when he meets it. Chance.

During the meditation, the blood essence in the blood pool kept gathering towards Qin Lang's body. This blood essence, which was dozens of times richer than the aura of Lingmai eye, penetrated into Qin Lang's body bit by bit through the pores of Qin Lang's body. It strengthens Qin Lang's vitality and improves Qin Lang's cultivation.

In the process of continuous cultivation, Qin Lang's cultivation has actually increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After returning to Huaxia, his cultivation base, which had been stagnant for a long time, finally made a big move. From the original close to the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, he took a step directly to the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy.

In the late stage of alchemy, Dzogchen, it's done!

During the cultivation process, he didn't know the speed of time, and after the true essence circulated 120 times in his body, Qin Lang finally opened his eyes, only feeling the surge of true essence all over his body.

His eyes flashed with light, like substance, as sharp as a sword glow.

Essence, qi, and spirit have almost reached the peak of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness has increased a lot, which also doubles the sensing range of his spiritual consciousness. Now he can sense almost one hundred feet. All movements in the left and right range.

Within a range of about one hundred feet, even if an ant is crawling on the ground, as long as Qin Lang has the heart, he can clearly sense its movements.

After this round of training, now that Qin Lang got up, he found that most of the original pool of blood had disappeared.

In other words, the blood in this half of the pool has basically been sucked dry by Qin Lang, and all of it has been transformed into his own cultivation.

After the blood pool was drained, Qin Lang unexpectedly found an antique box at the bottom of the blood pool, which looked a little mysterious.

"I don't know what treasure it is?"

Qin Lang picked up the box curiously, and when he opened it, he got a bright red fruit from inside the box.

What is this?
Holding this red fruit, Qin Lang felt that it contained explosive energy, which was very strong. This red fruit must be an unusual treasure.

"Forbidden fruit of life and death?"

A message actually came from Qin Lang's divine sense, and he didn't know how the message came. Anyway, at this moment, he understood the name and function of this red fruit.

It turns out that this forbidden fruit of life and death has the effect of instantly stimulating the full potential, but the risk is also high during use, and it is very likely that the potential will not be able to sustain the explosion of the body and die after use.

The effect of using this fruit is a bit like Baoyuan Pill, but it is much better than Baoyuan Pill. After using Baoyuan Pill, it can increase the combat power of the body by 50.00%, but there will be a period of weakness after the battle, which can be regarded as a part of overdrawing the body in advance. A special panacea.

The forbidden fruit of life and death is mainly to stimulate the potential of the human body. After the potential of the human body explodes, it can actually be retained in the body. After the person's cultivation level skyrockets, there is not much side effect.

However, after stimulating the potential of the human body, most of the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death will disappear after a day. This is the only shortcoming.

In real terms, the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death will only increase a small amount of potential to the real strength of the individual, and the permanent potential increased after use is actually not much.

"The Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death is also a good thing. After using it, it can permanently increase a small amount of potential, and its effect is stronger than that of Yuanyuan Pill. It should be regarded as a top-quality pill."

"However, this fruit can't be used indiscriminately, because a message from the brain is that under normal conditions, this fruit will have the risk of exploding after use, so I must use it when my body is seriously overdrawn. the safest."

"In this way, if I fight against the enemy in the future, if I encounter a crisis and my physical strength is exhausted, I will take this forbidden fruit of life and death. The effect will definitely be good. However, is there really an existence on the earth that can threaten my life? It is estimated that this fruit can only be stored in the box forever."

Qin Lang put the forbidden fruit of life and death back into this antique box, and then carefully put it into his storage ring. This is a good thing to save his life. In terms of value, it is probably the most valuable piece of the trip to the pyramid. precious.

After tidying up all these, Qin Lang looked at this large pure gold coffin weighing forty to fifty tons. It would be too wasteful to place such a large pure gold coffin in the treasure room of the pyramid secret realm. If it gets out and sold, it will definitely cost a lot of money.

It was not easy to transport this large coffin of forty to fifty tons. Qin Lang checked himself and found that a storage bag of [-] cubic meters could barely fit into this large pure gold coffin.

However, there are a lot of other materials and sundries in the storage bag. At this time, Qin Lang vacated all the sundries in this storage bag and transferred them to another storage bag.

Then, taking a breath, he dragged the big coffin and slowly put it into the specially vacated storage bag.

However, it would be a hassle to transport it away, and Qin Lang found that if he didn't use all his true energy, he couldn't lift the storage bag at all.

After all, Qin Lang's physical strength is only [-] to [-] tons, and now this storage bag has weighed [-] to [-] tons. In addition, Qin Lang has some other things on his body that are also very heavy, so now Qin Lang is carrying this pure gold big bag. After the coffin, walking was difficult.

However, Qin Lang still has a way to solve this problem. He threw the storage bag containing the large pure gold coffin to his second soul body. It is stronger than Qin Lang's body, and it is very suitable for it to bear the weight of this pure gold coffin.

Sure enough, the body of the second soul can easily put this storage bag on his body. After wearing this storage bag, the big guy does not have any inconvenience in moving.

Now the entire treasure room has basically been evacuated by Qin Lang, so there is no need to stay here anymore.

And the entire pyramid secret realm has a total of [-] passages leading to different treasures. Although Qin Lang didn't have a key, he decided to search all of them.

The key... In fact, Qin Lang can't be regarded as without a key. He got a key from the mummy king in this treasure room, but it has not been verified whether this key is a spare key for this treasure room or another treasure room dedicated key.

If it is a special key for another treasure room, then it means that Qin Lang can open another treasure room again, which is definitely a big profit.

However, Qin Lang's good luck seems to have come to an end. Qin Lang found out after leaving this treasure room that the metal pendant on the mummy king's body was the spare key of this treasure room, not the other treasure room. private key.

In other words, except for this treasure room that has been opened, Qin Lang has no way to open the other seventeen treasure rooms in the secret place of the pyramid.

This is really a helpless thing, but Qin Lang was not discouraged, and decided to search all other channels.

Why did he decide to go through all the passages now that he knew he couldn't open the other treasure rooms?

It turned out that he was thinking about his second soul body. After his second soul body absorbed the corpse gas of the mummy king, his cultivation base increased again, which made Qin Lang fight in the coffin of the entire pyramid secret realm. The mummy idea.

If the body of my second soul can absorb all the mummies encountered on the road, it is equivalent to getting a lot of supplements for nourishment. Maybe this time I can directly make a breakthrough in the secret realm and become a Hanba level. Immortal corpse.

If he can become Immortal Zombie, then Qin Lang's combat power will also get a qualitative leap, and the Immortal Zombie Body will be of great help to him in the future.

In contrast, some belongings that may be encountered on the road are nothing, just drizzle.

After all, the main purpose of Qin Lang's search for the secret place of the pyramid this time is to improve his cultivation and obtain a convenient resource for his cultivation.

Now my cultivation base has been improved to a certain extent because of the blood pool in the secret place of the pyramid, and the body of my second soul is also nourished by a large amount of corpse energy because of the existence of mummies in the secret place of the pyramid. development of.

Qin Lang never let go of opportunities in terms of practice, so this is why Qin Lang still decided to go through it when he knew that it was impossible to open the treasure room at the end of the other seventeen passages without the key. the real reason.

(End of this chapter)

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