Chapter 1230

Afterwards, Qin Lang began to explore other passages. Without the guidance of the treasure topographic map, his exploration speed was greatly reduced, less than one tenth of the original.

However, Qin Lang is not in a hurry, since he has already made up his mind to explore the entire secret place of the pyramid, it is absolutely impossible to take back what he said, like splashed water.

It took Qin Lang about a day to fully explore the third channel. In the middle, he was lucky enough to meet a two-headed mummy. Although it was not a big boss like the Mummy King, it was comparable to the first one he encountered. head gold mummy.

In the end, his second soul body naturally killed the two mummies, absorbed the poisonous smoke from their bodies, and turned them into his own cultivation.

During this process, Qin Lang also gained some property, but they were all antiques such as pharaoh gold coins, not cultivation resources, so Qin Lang put them in the storage bag casually.

In the next ten days, Qin Lang explored one by one, and the number of mummies found in each passage was different, there were even five or six mummies in many passages, and none in the few.

On average, basically one channel can encounter two mummies, which is a normal value.

After more than ten days like this, my second soul body finally absorbed enough yin qi and corpse poison, and reached the peak of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy. Quantitative changes are about to cause qualitative changes, and there is only a small opportunity to directly transform Become a fairy body.

At this time, Qin Lang hesitated in his heart. Now he has mastered a mummy restoration magic in his hands, which can completely resurrect the body of a zombie, and re-select it as a sane person, no longer a zombie.

This kind of skill is also very powerful, it can be said that it is not weaker than the skill of transforming into a dead body.

In the end, should I transform my second soul body into a dry man... or use the mummy resurrection magic to make my second soul body possess intelligence and become an independent individual with intelligence?
After thinking about it, Qin Lang thought that even though the body of the second soul has reached the peak of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, it is not easy to become a body of immortal zombies. It is not easy to find that slight opportunity. It may be lucky to meet it all at once, or it may not be able to meet it for several years or decades.

In other words, the general's desire to transform into a Hanba is entirely based on luck, and there are great uncertainties.

But now that the mummy repair magic in his hand has transformed the general into a sane person, maybe the avatar can break through because of it.

After all, while divine arts are transforming the zombie's body, they also reconcile the yin and yang of the zombie's body. When the body of the second soul becomes a wise person, it may directly become the existence of the soul of the soul.

Although the transformation from a zombie body to a living person in the Nascent Soul Stage has a lifespan limit, but the existence of the Nascent Soul Stage basically has a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, and when the time comes, your second soul body can completely Cultivate again, make a breakthrough, strengthen your cultivation base, and increase your lifespan.

In contrast, the body of a zombie has great limitations. Although its lifespan is unlimited, its strength can only be raised to the level of Hanba at most. Basically impossible.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang has already made a decision in his heart, to perform mummy restoration magic on his second soul body, and transform it into a truly intelligent living person.


Qin Lang has basically finished exploring the entire secret realm of the pyramid. Except for the treasure rooms that cannot be opened, there is nothing worthy of Qin Lang's nostalgia in the entire secret realm, so Qin Lang prepares to evacuate the secret realm.


Among the three mounds in the desert, a figure rushed out with a whoosh, it was Qin Lang who had evacuated from the secret place of the pyramid.

After restoring the patio manhole cover, Qin Lang looked at the sky. Now the sky is full of stars, it is already midnight, and there are still four or five hours before dawn.

After resting for a while and sorting out his thoughts, Qin Lang started to prepare for the magic of mummy restoration.

There are not many media required for mummy restoration magic, the light of the morning light is one, the qi of the sun is the second, and the other is the need for living blood as an introduction.

The body of the second soul is the avatar of the deity, which has been in harmony with the main body for a long time. The success rate of mummy restoration magic is very high, which is more advantageous than those mummies.

And the main body is a Dzogchen cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, whose qi and blood are far more vigorous than ordinary people, so it is very suitable to use one's own qi and blood as the introduction to activate qi and blood.

Among the sand dunes, Qin Lang began to set up an array. First, he arranged a phantom array to protect the law, so as to prevent other small animals in the desert from finding this place and coming over by mistake.

Then, within the phantom formation, a special prohibition formation was arranged according to the requirements of the mummy restoration magic. This is the restriction formation that must be used for the restoration magic.

After this process is completed, Qin Lang puts spirit stones into the prohibition formation. The spirit stones come from the world of comprehension, which is a higher grade than the spiritual jade blocks required in the magic arts, and the effect is better.

After doing this, Qin Lang summoned his second soul body, let it sit cross-legged in the restraining formation, and then according to the requirements in the repairing magic, Qin Lang can pinch and cast spells to induce the power of the sun at night to infiltrate this place. With the body of a zombie.

While pinching the decision, Qin Lang slapped from time to time, allowing the power of Taiyin to perfectly merge with the body of the second soul, vibrating the already exhausted meridians of the body, and slowly rejuvenating the body.

Using the secret method in the divine art, Qin Lang did a full four or five hours of homework before ushering in the light of dawn.

When the first ray of morning light began to appear, Qin Lang hurriedly cut it off and introduced this ray of morning light into the body of the zombie.

The yang-like morning light touched the zombie's body, which immediately caused a chain reaction. The whole zombie's body began to boil, and large puffs of black and white smoke emerged.

At this time, Qin Lang slashed his left wrist with the black carving sword, spilling a lot of blood on the body of the second soul.

He used the exuberant qi and blood in his body's blood as gravity, and began to neutralize the power of the sun and the sun, rejuvenating the zombie's body.

After Qin Lang's qi and blood poured out, the black and white smoke from the zombie's body was immediately extinguished, and the place where the zombie's body was originally poured with qi and blood gradually changed from the original dark color to normal inch by inch. the skin color of the person.

The place where the zombie's body was drenched with energy and blood is gradually glowing with the vitality of the living.

When those qi and blood were absorbed, the entire zombie body had turned into a crystal-clear jade-like complexion, and the blood vessels and meridians inside were all visible.

In the blood vessels, the blood flowing is not red, but the same color as gold.

In the meridians, the original black evil spirit essence has gradually transformed into the white essence that only cultivators can have.

The body of the zombie has come back to life and has become a normal person, but it is very different from a normal person. However, now it is indeed alive and has a real life.

It was Qin Lang who gave it a second chance to rejuvenate its vitality. Now that it opens its eyes, Qin Lang can see those eyes with wisdom.

This is the face of an ancient Chinese, tall and tall, about 1.9 meters tall, bigger and stronger than the current Qin Lang.

The aura on his body is almost restrained, and he doesn't have the aggressive aura when he was the body of the second soul, but the current appearance looks more unfathomable and more reassuring.

The body of the second soul came back to life, his eyes were confused for a while, and then regained his clarity. Looking at Qin Lang, he began to recall many things, including before becoming a zombie, including the years in the coffin, including The scene of fighting the world with Qin Lang in the Qinghe Continent.

" you..."

He opened his mouth and spit out a few words, but he didn't speak again for a long time. After the body of the second soul regained his sanity, he spoke a little awkwardly.

"Haha, it worked!"

Qin Lang was overjoyed when he heard the body of the second soul speak.

Qin Lang knew that after the body of the second soul regained its intelligence, it also had the previous memory. It was no longer a puppet-like existence, but an independent conscious individual.

With the resurrection of the body of the second soul, the half of the soul that Qin Lang split off before returned to the main body, and after this period of independent practice, the split soul also grew to the late stage of Dandan. Consummation, so after returning to the body, Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness is almost full.

Now the strength of the body's spiritual consciousness has reached the limit of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy. If it weren't for the existence of an indescribable confinement, the strength of his soul might be able to directly break through the stage of the soul.

In this case, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness can only be further compressed, and then compressed again. Now the density of the spiritual consciousness is strengthened again. I am afraid that no monk will use the divine consciousness to hurt himself in the alchemy stage, even if it is the existence of the Yuanying stage , It is very difficult to use divine sense to attack and injure him.

It took a long time for Qin Lang to adapt to the newly changed strength of his consciousness. Now that he releases his consciousness, he can find that his ability to sense his consciousness has been strengthened again, reaching a range of 150 feet.

This kind of spiritual perception ability is not weaker than that of ordinary Nascent Soul stage cultivators. In other words, this time the return of the Primordial Spirit, which was split from the second Primordial Spirit, is actually an alternative method of Primordial Spirit practice, allowing one's own Primordial Spirit Rapid growth to the extreme.

Qin Lang can also be said to be a blessing in disguise, losing an incarnation that can be freely manipulated, but what he gets is the growth of his own spiritual consciousness.

In addition, although he has lost complete control over the body of the second soul, the main body and the clone have been together for a long time after all, so the attraction of blood and breath between the two is even rarer than the family affection in this world.

After all, the resurrection of the zombie body was performed by Qin Lang with his own blood, and the current new body is deeply imprinted with Qin Lang's breath.

It can be said that the current Qin Lang and this new body are twin brothers, and because of the special connection between them, they are even closer than twin brothers.

"By the way, what's your name, can you recall?"

Qin Lang asked at this time.

After all, Bai Sha is already an independent individual now, and he intends to make Bai Sha a free man, so he doesn't treat Bai Sha as his avatar like before, and the tone of his conversation with Bai Sha is completely the same as that of a friend. , belonging to a very equal exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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