The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1231 Kunlun Slave No. 3

Chapter 1231 Kunlun Slave No. [-]

After asking Bai Sha's name, Qin Lang sat quietly aside, waiting for Bai Sha to speak.

If restoration magic is not a deceitful thing, then Baisha's spiritual intelligence must have recovered, and Baisha, who has become a normal person, always has to speak the first sentence.

He was also curious about what Baisha's first answer would be.

"Kunlun slave...three...number three."

The body of the second soul who had recovered his language ability gradually became more agile, but he was still stuttering.

"Kunlun No. [-], what's your original name?" Qin Lang asked.

At this moment, Qin Lang thought about it again. Baisha was refined in the tomb in the secret place of Kunlun Mountain. This guy should be one of the guards guarding the tomb. His name only has one code name "Kunlun Slave No. [-]", which should be Kunlun Mountain Servant of the master of the secret realm.

Nodding his head, Kunlun Nu No. [-] did not speak at this time.

"Well, from now on, I'll call you Kunlun Nu, or just call you No. [-]." Qin Lang said at this time.

So the resurrected body of the second soul regained its previous identity, and was always referred to by Qin Lang as "No. [-]" during the subsequent conversation.

No. [-] was originally the guard of the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain. Although he died for thousands of years, after being resurrected, he remembered his mission and decided to return to live in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain.

Qin Lang does not object to this, because No. [-], who has become a normal person, misses the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain. Qin Lang respects No. [-]'s choice, and No. [-] also said that as long as Qin Lang needs it, he will definitely help him with all his strength, even if he is broken into pieces. .

This is a solemn promise. The current No. [-] is already a master at the Nascent Soul level. Qin Lang is also very happy to be able to get such a powerful backup. In vain.

Afterwards, the two walked together and prepared to return to China, but not long after they left, Qin Lang felt an abnormality appearing in front of the desert.

Kunlun Slave No. [-] also felt it, and stood still with Qin Lang, quietly sensing the movement ahead.

At this time, the movement in front was getting louder and louder, it was the sound of horses' hoofs. Hearing the momentum of thousands of galloping horses, I'm afraid it was a large group of riders running towards Qin Lang.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes was approaching, and even closer, Qin Lang and the three of them could vaguely see dense shadows, there were hundreds of people, and they looked like the same group of horse thieves Qin Lang had killed before.


When the two sides met each other, this group of more powerful horse thieves tightened the reins at a distance of about fifty feet from Qin Lang. The horses had a huge impact, their front hooves were raised high, and they screamed piercingly.

"Are you... the ones who killed my second brother?"

The leader of the horse thief was a very fat monk in red. When he stared at Qin Lang and No. [-], his eyes were filled with hatred.

It turned out that the group of horse thieves that were exterminated by Qin Lang, the swordsman Shaer, and the old man Anuo were all together with the group in front of him. The fat monk in red in front of him was actually the same horse thief that was exterminated before. Big brother of the boss.

The fat monk in red in front of him is also stronger than the horse thief leader who was eliminated before. He suddenly reached the level of Wu Zun, he was actually a Wu King, and he was not an ordinary Wu King, but he had reached the middle stage of a Wu King.

In the middle period of King Wu, he has almost stood on the top of the world in this world. This guy does have the capital to laugh proudly in the desert, but the premise is that he has not met Qin Lang and Kunlun Nu No. [-].

The current Qin Lang and Kunlun slaves, one is the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, and the other is stronger, already at the level of the Yuanying stage. Although the fat monk in red in front of him is powerful, it is still not enough to look at.

However, most of the hundreds of horse thieves in front of me are Wuzun level, and I don’t know how the fat monk in red trained these people. The family is not bad either.


Qin Lang narrowed his eyes and looked at the horse thieves, but he didn't answer the fat monk in red.

However, during the scan of his mind, he discovered an unexpected situation. He actually found the swordsman "Shaer" among the horse thieves. Now the swordsman Shaer has been tied up and held hostage by the horse thieves.

What a miserable guy, I thought this guy went back to his family after completing his mission, but he was amputated by horse thieves on the way home, and now the golden page scriptures may have fallen into the hands of these horse thieves .

Qin Lang's guess is correct, now the Golden Page scriptures have indeed fallen into the hands of these horse thieves, and were snatched by the fat monk in red, and the fat monk in red knew that Qin Lang was still staying in the secret place of the pyramid, one was to avenge his younger brother, Second, for the treasure in Qin Lang's hands, the fat monk in red came out with all the horse thieves under his command.

"Okay, enough seeds."

Seeing that Qin Lang and the others ignored their own words at all, the fat monk in red was also furious, his eyes revealed a fierce light, and decided to attack the two fat sheep in front of him who had just returned from the secret place of the pyramid.

However, this fat sheep seemed to have thorns on its body, and it was very powerful. As a powerful faction in the middle stage of King Wu, the fat monk in red didn't dare to rush up and fight alone.

He waved his hand and cursed loudly: "His grandma is a bear! Brothers, now is the time to avenge your second brother, do it for me, and use Maro to circle!"

After finishing speaking, he rode his horse forward, and the master horse thieves behind him listened to the leader's words one by one, and used the encircling formation that the horse thieves were best at.

The war started imminently.

On one side are about [-] powerful horse thieves led by a fat monk in red who is not afraid of death.

On one side are Qin Lang and Kunlun Nu No. [-].

On the side of the horse thieves, since everyone stepped down on a good horse, under the leadership of the fat monk in red, they began to use their special advantages to directly pull away the cavalry formation and charge.

Compared with the small group of horse thieves that were wiped out before, the group of men led by the fat monk in red with the big leader is more elite, and their actions are more agile and orderly.

The impact of the group of horse thieves, more than 300 people, with the strength of each of them above the level of Wuzun, I am afraid that even the top existence in this world will have to avoid the edge.

Even if the current Qin Lang has reached the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, he dare not ignore the impact of the large group of horse thieves in front of him, and decides to avoid the edge for the time being.


But before the group of horse thieves approached, Kunlun Nu No. [-] next to Qin Lang yelled loudly, and an invisible breath erupted from his mouth, forming an extremely powerful sonic boom, spreading around with himself as the origin.

The principle of the shock wave is like throwing a small stone in the center of the pond to form a circle of sound waves.

But now all the horse thieves who came into contact with the shock wave were blocked by the sound wave, and suddenly they turned their backs one by one, and were even blown away by the powerful sonic boom.

Only the hundred or so horse thieves who were closer to the back managed to control their figure, but after pausing for a while, they found that their accomplices were in a mess, so they didn't dare to charge again for a while.

"Yuanying stage, is this the real strength of Yuanying stage?" Qin Lang murmured, surprised.

The sonic boom just now made no distinction between friend and foe, and almost sent me flying at the center of the shock wave. Fortunately, I was close to the Nascent Soul stage, so I gritted my teeth and tried my best to resist, but I still stood firm.

However, looking at the calm expression on Kunlun Nu No. [-]'s face, it seems that he just did a small warm-up casually just now, and he should have some spare energy.

Nascent Soul stage strength is so terrifying!
Just a sonic attack shocked more than 300 powerful horse thieves in front of him. Even Qin Lang was excited to see it. At the same time, he was more urgent to further improve his own strength.

After Kunlun Nu No. 300 used the sonic boom to resist the first wave of charge of more than [-] horse thieves, it kept holding hands behind its back, and never paid any attention to the horse thieves in front of it.

He gave up the battlefield to Qin Lang again.

It's no wonder that in the eyes of beings at the Nascent Soul stage, it is a great honor for the more than 300 horse thieves in front of them to let him make a shot once. The unequal strength makes number three have no desire to continue to make a shot.

And No. 300 knew that after the first wave of horse thieves' charge was blocked by him, the spirit of this group of horse thieves also dissipated, and then even Qin Lang alone could kill these more than [-] people alone, so he didn't have any It is necessary to make a move.

"Fight!" Laughing loudly, Qin Lang summoned his magic weapon, the Black Eagle Sword, and a strong aura erupted from his body, facing the poor horse thief whose charge of more than 300 horses was interrupted.

Without the momentum to charge, the dozen or so horse thieves were thrown off their horses by Qin Lang's random sword qi. Six of them died immediately and eight were injured.

"Damn it! I'm going to kill you, kid!"

The fat monk in red was also very angry at the scene in front of him. The extremely powerful Kunlun Nu No. [-] looked very difficult to provoke, but Qin Lang in front of him seemed not that strong, so the horse thief leader decided to pick the weak persimmons first.

The strategy of the fat monk in red was undoubtedly correct, but he underestimated the young man in front of him.

Although it is a soft persimmon, the Qin Lang in front of him is only compared to Kunlun Nu No. 300, a Nascent Soul stage master, but to these more than [-] horse thieves, he is undoubtedly a powerful and ruthless killer.

The fat monk in red collided with Qin Lang, groaning and retreated violently. If the handle of the knife in his hand was not tightly wrapped with gauze, Qin Lang might have knocked his weapon into the air with just one blow.

"Huh?" Qin Lang was also very surprised. This was the first time someone had resisted his attack. The scimitar in the hands of this fat monk in red was not an ordinary scimitar. It should be at least a level of magic weapon.

Because in this world, besides the weapons of the magic weapon level, Qin Lang really can't think of any weapons that can withstand the blow of his flying sword.

However, after resisting Qin Lang's strike, the horse thief leader in the middle stage of King Wu also had his arms numb from the shock, and he was distressed to find that a small gap had broken in the edge of his scimitar.

Come on!This is a magic weapon level weapon, how could it be damaged?

The fat monk in red looked like he had seen a ghost. The two guys he met in front of him almost overturned his cognition. One was powerful and mysterious, and he stopped the confrontation between himself and more than 300 horse thieves with just a howl. Charge; the other has a weapon that is sharper than the magic weapon. After the weapons of both sides collided, his scimitar black light also suffered some damage.

(End of this chapter)

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