The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1232 Fighting Babru

Chapter 1232 Fighting Babru

This guy was extremely distressed by the damage to the scimitar black light, even more annoyed than his second child being killed.

One must know that Hei Mang is the guy he eats. In order to get this magical weapon, he even slaughtered a small town with nearly [-] people!
Heimang is a magical weapon that is not easy to come by, so he cherishes it very much on weekdays and takes good care of it.

The repeated setbacks aroused the viciousness of the leader of the horse thief. He pointed his black light at Qin Lang in front of him bitterly, and the fat monk in red shouted with red eyes: "Good boy! It seems that you must force Grandpa to Bruce can't use his real skills! You can go to hell... explode!"

Only now did Qin Lang know the real name of the fat monk in red in front of him. It was originally called Baburu, but it didn't matter what his name was. Anyway, today this guy will turn into a ghost under his sword.

However, after the fat monk Maburu in red broke out, his body burst into a burst of fierceness, which should have activated some special bloodline ability of the body, just like the werewolf transformation in the movie. This guy's fat body and muscles It suddenly became tangled, with round bumps popping up.

In this way, it seems that the fat on the fat monk in red is transforming into lean flesh, not to mention how weird it is.

Moreover, with the explosion of Baburu's ability, this guy's aura is also rising step by step, breaking through the strength of the middle stage of King Wu in an instant, and even surpassing the strength that Chinese warriors in the late stage of King Wu have never achieved for thousands of years realm.

At this time, Babru gave people the feeling that he had turned into a legendary Valkyrie!

It was a qualitative leap from martial arts to Shinto. Even Kunlun Nu No. [-] who was beside Qin Lang, who was originally calm and breezy, couldn't help becoming serious when he saw this abnormal scene in front of him.

After the current Baburu's strength exploded, he was actually not much different from Qin Lang's strength in the late stage of Dzogchen formation, and even surpassed Qin Lang's body in terms of physical strength.

Warriors specialize in physique, and ancient warriors are actually no different from body refiners in the cultivation world, so the current Qin Lang is really not comparable to Baburu after his outbreak in terms of physical strength alone.

Just when Kunlun Nu No. [-] was about to protect Qin Lang, Qin Lang licked his lips, and there was a fierce fighting spirit in his eyes.

Since returning to Huaxia, he hasn't encountered a superior opponent for a long time, which made him feel that his life is always less challenged. The real opponent Babru in front of him now makes his blood surge again.

"I hope that the horse thief leader after the outbreak will not disappoint me too much!"

Not only is Qin Lang not afraid of the strength of the opponent, but he is more eager to fight with him. This kind of battle is also one of the ways to challenge himself, hone his combat skills, and quickly improve his cultivation. flinch.


Laughing loudly, Qin Lang greeted him with the black eagle sword in his backhand. The flying sword in his hand is a magic weapon in the realm of comprehension that is a level higher than the magic weapon. The weapon restrains the opponent, and the moves become wide open and close .

On the contrary, Babru, the leader of the horse thief after the outbreak, although his strength is now on the same level as Qin Lang, and even physically stronger, but the weapon in his hand is slightly inferior.

During the battle, this guy needs to avoid collision with Qin Lang's weapon as much as possible, so as not to damage his weapon more. This made him very depressed, and he couldn't help shouting: "What kind of hero is he based on the strength of his weapon? If we have the ability, let's use our fists to fight pick!"

"Single out with fists? Well... as you wish."

Hearing this, Qin Lang accepted his Black Eagle Sword as expected. It is rare to meet an opponent who can match his own strength. With the existence of Kunlun Nu No. [-] at the Nascent Soul stage to support him, Qin Lang no longer needs to be afraid of the horse thieves in front of him. The wind was blowing.

The current priority is to have a good fight!

Seeing that Qin Lang received the Black Eagle Sword, Baburu was also stunned, and then laughed maniacally: "Okay, kind! It seems that you are also a character, even though I, Babru, have met for more than [-] years in the desert, this is the first time It's a pity that the two parties can no longer be friends with such a personable character, so come on now!
This Baburu actually gave up his weapon and started to fight Qin Lang directly.

When he thought about it, the ability he possessed was a special bloodline ability. After this ability erupted, he who was already almost standing on the top of the world became stronger. Not to mention the kid in front of him, I am afraid that he is behind this kid. That mysterious master is no longer his opponent.

However, in the case of a [-]v[-], Babru knew that he was definitely not an opponent, so he planned to use his tricks and kill Qin Lang who seemed to be the weakest first.

However, the weird sword in that kid's hand is more annoying, sharper than his magic-level scimitar Heimang. If the battle continues, this kid can stand invincible with just that sword in his hand. land.

So this big fat man came up with an aggressive plan. What he said just now was premeditated. This fat monk in red is not as stupid as he looks on the surface, otherwise he would not The leader of the horse thief has sat in this position for more than 50 years.

That's right, the horse thief leader Baburu is over 70 years old, but the strength of King Wu in the middle period has also greatly extended his lifespan. It is not a problem to live to over 300 years old. You must know that his physical vitality may be stronger than that in his 20s. The warriors are more surging.

"Gang Qi protects the body!"

"Paraprajna palm!"

The stellar energy on Babru's body is obvious. After the explosion, his body is now close to the Martial God. The stellar energy of this body protection is almost as real, and it is not weaker than the magic shield formed by Qin Lang's top-grade magic weapon.

The Poluo Panruo Palm is Babru's method of pressing the bottom of the box. This special ancient martial art comes from Indian Buddhism. It was obtained after Babru killed a living Buddha more than 30 years ago. Dressed in a monk's attire, he usually regards himself as a living Buddha among the horse thieves.

However, the blood-stained hands of the murderous Baburu must have killed tens of thousands of people in his life.

"Good time! Dragon elephant yin and yang break!"

Qin Lang also used his great Dragon Elephant Fist. At the same time, he stepped on the Phantom Wind Walk and went up to him.

After the fight, the two sides realized that it was actually an evenly divided situation. Whether it was Qin Lang or Babru, it was not easy to do anything to each other for a while.

After all, both sides are good at defense, and it seems impossible to quickly tell the winner if they fight each other with fists and kicks.

However, Qin Lang in the battle didn't care about these things, he continued to exert his best Dacheng Longxiangquan, and at the same time continued to display some new ideas to verify some understanding in his heart.

And the more they fight, the more frightened the horse thief leader Babru is. This kid in front of him looks young, but his combat power is surprisingly strong, and his combat experience is also extremely rich. He doesn't look like a man in his 20s at all. able to have.

This made Babru very puzzled. Could it be that the kid in front of him is not in his 20s, but also an old monster who has lived for many years. Only in this way can these abnormalities be explained.

He doesn't know Qin Lang's own experience at all. Qin Lang has been a human being for two generations, not to mention the memory of Xuan Qingzi's life, and has experienced some experience in Qinghe Continent. The struggle in the cultivation world is far more cruel than the long-awaited earth world, so Qin Lang now Only now can it be so powerful.

And Qin Lang's strength made Babru even more determined to kill the kid in front of him in a duel. With such talent, if he grows further, no one in this world can suppress this kid anymore.

For such a talented person, with Babru, such a person will never be allowed to exist. The more he fights, the more intense the jealous fire in the horse thief leader's heart burns.

During the battle, there was a sudden flash of black light, and the extremely cunning leader of the horse thief actually broke his promise and used a hidden weapon secretly.

This hidden weapon is very secretive, and because of its small size and strong penetrability, I am afraid that even if Qin Lang has a magic shield, he will not be able to resist it.


Kunlun Slave No. [-], who was watching the battle nearby, snorted coldly, shaking Babru's mind, and in a trance, the black light had escaped Baburu's control, and was followed by Kunlun No. [-]'s move. Take it in the palm of your hand.

When I opened it, it turned out to be a shiny black shuttle. The two ends of the shuttle body were thin and sharp, and there was a greasy blue light. It was not a good thing at first glance.

Moreover, the material of this small black shuttle is not ordinary, it should not be refined by ordinary people, it feels like it can be compared to some powerful magic weapons in the cultivation world, and I don't know how Baburu got it.

This thing is definitely not made by Babru himself, because the person who can make this black little shuttle is definitely at the level of a craftsman even in the cultivation world.

You must know that Qin Lang spent tens of millions of Lingshi materials in Fengcheng in order to become a refiner, but in the end he failed to become a refiner, but became a senior apprentice.

It is even more difficult to become a refiner in the earth world, so it is not easy to refine the refiner of this little black shuttle, and I don't know what it has to do with the horse thief leader Baburu.

At this time, Qin Lang also realized that Babru broke the agreement just now and secretly used a hidden weapon against himself.

Out of anger, Qin Lang also launched a counterattack and decided not to entangle with the horse thief leader any longer.

The magic weapon, the Black Eagle Sword, once again appeared in the hand, and the fourth form of the Sansheng Sword Art, the "Golden Needle Limang" and the fragments of the fifth form that had not been practiced were all used at this time.

The Three Lives Sword Art has its own characteristics. The more powerful the move is, the more real energy it needs to consume. Now that Qin Lang has No. [-] by his side, he no longer needs to worry about the consumption of true energy, so he used this This is a powerful, but unfamiliar sword style.

He did this, firstly, to resolve the battle as soon as possible, and secondly, to get more familiar with these newly learned sword moves and sword styles, increase his proficiency, and realize the deeper level of sword intent in sword moves.

Because only a sword move that incorporates sword intent can truly be called a complete sword art, otherwise, these newly comprehended sword moves are just in appearance, and the moves are beautiful, but they will not have anything actual threat.

Of course, there is no way to choose Babru, who is much weaker than him, to fight against. After all, he is the only cultivator on earth, and he may be considered Baisha. It is really not easy to find a suitable opponent for training. thing.

It would be great if there were as many cultivators on the earth as Qinghe Continent, then his cultivation would grow faster in the fighting and experience.

Maybe one day, he will still have a way to return to Qinghe Continent, or Song Zixing, a cultivator who transforms spirits, may lock the space coordinates of the earth one day, and break through the Qinghe Continent to enter the earth, but these are still a bit far away. I still have to continue to practice with Babru, the desert hero.

(End of this chapter)

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