The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1233 The Silver Medal of the Shar Family

Chapter 1233 The Silver Medal of the Shar Family

Once the powerful Sanshengjianjue was used, Babru's previous advantages all turned into disadvantages. The attack could not pose a threat to Qin Lang, and the defense could not prevent Qin Tian's sharp sword from penetrating. It was tantamount to asking for trouble. Press and beat.

The sword cultivator has the strongest attack power in the cultivation world. After Qin Lang used his sword cultivating skills, it took only a moment for Babru to hit several sword moves, and his body was bloody and bloody. With the sword energy entering his body, this guy's body The Gang Qi circulation in his body also became chaotic.

Immediately, Babru's fighting power dropped a lot, and he couldn't resist Qin Lang's repeated attacks.

Swipe, Swipe, Qin Lang drew out a few more sword qi, even though his physical defense was strong, Babru was still no match for sword repair, his two arms were cut off at this time, and he became a human stick.

"Humph!" Qin Lang snorted, and his subordinates mercilessly raised the flying sword a few more times.

The leader of the horse thief stood motionless on the spot, and the next moment, his whole body was suddenly torn apart, turning into large chunks of flesh and blood, scattered down.

So far, Babru, an ancient martial arts master in the middle period of King Wu, completely disappeared in this world.

Qin Lang will not show mercy.

Baburu is no different from other horse thieves. He is used to seeking money and killing his life, and he has a very high level of cultivation. Babru has committed countless murders. It is no exaggeration to say that if he wants to make a fortune, he can do it. Take Baburu's head to the Egyptian security department to exchange money.

This Baburu is notorious. Several countries in the Middle East have united to attack this person many times. After returning in vain, they also issued a huge reward. This shows that even if this person is killed, it is entirely their own fault. Happy event with applause.

And after the leader of the horse thief, Babru, was killed, the other horse thieves under him panicked and wanted to escape, but could Qin Lang let them run away?
For these evil horse thieves, Qin Lang is relentless and must not let them go!

Qin Lang directly launched a sword attack and swept over, and the horse thieves on horseback fell one by one, sweeping away a large area.After several consecutive waves, all three hundred or so horse thieves were wiped out.

After the horse thief was wiped out, Qin Lang rescued the swordsman Shal again, and untied the heavily tied Shal.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin Lang, I didn't expect you to save me again." The swordsman Shal put his hands together and gave a thankful voice.

"Hehe, what a coincidence, why did you meet a horse thief after leaving early?" Qin Lang asked.

"Forget it."

Shar also said depressingly, "After leaving the secret realm, I wanted to return to the family as soon as possible, but in fact, it just happened to be such a coincidence that I ran into the horse thief head-on."

The golden page scriptures were taken away by the horse thieves. Now that the horse thieves are dead, the swordsman Shal began to take the initiative to collect the spoils, and took the golden page scriptures back from the horse thieves.

At the same time, he also harvested some property, all of which were sent to Qin Lang, saying that Qin Lang saved him this time, and Shar didn't want any of these properties.

This batch of property is much more valuable than the previous collection. There are more than 300 million US dollars, more than 2000 pharaoh gold coins, and there are also various sundries and antiques. Qin Lang picks up valuable things and stores them in storage bags. .

Among them, the most valuable is the black shuttle obtained from Baburu. This is a magic weapon level treasure, which can be used by warriors and practitioners.

After dealing with these horse thieves, Shar, the swordsman, began to invite Qin Lang and the two to visit his family. Thinking about it, he was going along the way anyway, so Qin Lang nodded and agreed.

Shar's family is about 200 kilometers away from the great desert, and the family owns an ancient castle that has been built for an unknown number of years near a small town.

This ancient castle is also a symbol of the identity of the Shar family. It is said that the Shar family has the blood of the Middle Eastern royal family, and the first ancestor was a prince of a certain country.

And this ancient castle was rewarded by the royal family at the beginning, and it has been thousands of years.
The ancient castle is a circular building with a clear Middle Eastern style, with 23 floors and an area of ​​about several hundred acres.

The Shar family currently has nearly NO.20 people, and basically all of them live in the castle. Except for the twenty or so direct blood relatives, there are hundreds of servants and servants.

Basically, each direct blood relative is served by four or five servants, which also shows how extravagant the daily life of the Shar family is.

I heard that the Shar family also owns a large oil field in the Middle East and has opened a multinational oil trading company with a very large business, so all members of the entire family are not short of money at all.

"Please come in!"

Shar led the way. As the owner of the castle, the servants who came to him bowed down and saluted him.

Inside the castle, the family members became excited when they knew that Shar had successfully returned and had obtained the legendary golden page scriptures.

From the first generation of ancestors, the curse left by the pharaoh has continued in the blood of everyone in the whole family. Because of the existence of the curse, none of them can live beyond the age of 33.

This deadly curse has plagued the entire family for thousands of years. Now that Shar has successfully obtained the golden text from the secret place of the pyramid, he can finally purify this terrible curse and dispel the haze in the hearts of everyone in the family.

The arrival of Qin Lang and Kunlun Slave No. [-] was warmly received by all members of the entire family. In order to express their gratitude, all members of the Shar family even held a welcome dinner for the two distinguished guests of Qin Lang in the old castle.

The specifications of the dinner party were very high, all kinds of expensive food, all kinds of vintage wines were served in turn, Qin Lang also opened his belly, and had a good meal of this exotic food.

At the same time, there are also masked singing and dancing performances, which are also the characteristics of the Middle East. The entertainment activities that can only be enjoyed by the noble stage have been experienced by Qin Lang this time.


The third floor of No. 20, the ancient treasure of the Shar family, is also the area where the clock on the top floor is located.

There is also an altar on this floor, and now the speaker of the Shar family is busy activating the altar so that the formation pattern of the altar can be reactivated.

This 31-year-old guy named Dono Mohammad should know some witchcraft, so he is in charge of the curse purification of the family blood.

After some operations, Dono began to read the words on the golden page scriptures. His voice had a special magic power. With the activation of the mantra, the golden page scriptures began to float into the air, and the words on the golden page scriptures were repeated word by word. A word lit up.

When all these words were lit up, there was a low earth harmony sound in the dark, as if it came from the nine secluded places.This is when the golden page scriptures have played a role, and they have begun to communicate with Yin and Ming, and at the same time, they have begun to eliminate the blocking spell in the family blood.


All the members of the Shar family were present. After the Golden Page scriptures came into play, the curses hidden in the blood of the family began to emerge, and then under the light of purification from the Golden Page scriptures, the shadows of these curses were swept away by a group of people. Group after group was grabbed from the blood.

These black shadows contain an inexplicable curse power, and they are extremely stubborn. Youdao means that one thing drops one thing. The golden page scriptures are the nemesis of black shadows. In the golden light of scriptures, these black shadows are eventually consumed one by one. melt away.

The Shar family's process of getting rid of the curse lasted for three or four hours. Then, when the short-lived curse was finally broken, everyone was dancing and smiling.


Qin Lang and No. [-] of Kunlun Mountain stayed in the Shaer family for two days, and then bid farewell to the Shar family and prepared to return to China.

When leaving, Shar handed Qin Lang a silver medal and said: "This is the Medal of Honor of the Shar family. It was awarded to our family by the royal family. There are only three in total. This one is for Mr. Qin Lang. Thank you for your important help to the Shar family, which also testifies to the long-lasting friendship between our two parties."

"Oh well."

Qin Hao took the medal curiously and looked at it. This kind of medal from the royal family of the Middle East is usually only awarded to the noble class. If Qin Lang wants to enter the upper circles of the Middle East in the future, it will be much easier to find his way with this medal.


After bidding farewell to the Shar family, Qin Lang and Kunlun Nu No. [-] boarded a direct plane to China.

It is worth mentioning that Kunlun slave No. [-] has no identity after his resurrection. He is a black household in this world. After learning about the situation, the Shar family took the initiative to help Kunlun slave No. [-] apply for a passport of Chinese descent, and only then did he have an official identity.

With his passport, Kunlun Slave No. [-] can finally board the plane like a normal person. This is also his first time taking a plane. Compared with the Chinese world tens of thousands of years ago, although the current Chinese world of comprehension has disappeared, technology is still there. Incomparably advanced, the iron birds flying in the sky and the iron horses running underground are all things that make him novelty.

Especially with the modern technology of mobile phones, people can meet and communicate directly even if they are thousands of miles away, which is not much worse than the magic weapon in the cultivation world.

Although the Kunlun slave is already an expert in the Yuanying period, he has never been in contact with society for tens of thousands of years, so now it is Grandma Liu who enters the Grand View Garden along the way, and everything is novel.

Huaxia, Yunhai City.

Before Kunlun No. [-] was about to leave and return to the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, Qin Lang also provided Kunlun No. [-] with a mobile phone for easy contact.

However, the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain is isolated from the inside and outside, and there must be no signal for calling in the secret realm, so this mobile phone is actually just a decoration for Kunlun slave No. [-].

"Farewell." No. [-] cupped his hands to Qin Lang. Through these few days of practice, his pronunciation has become more and more proficient now, and he no longer has the awkward feeling of stumbling before.

"Go!" Qin Lang also laughed and saluted in return.

Then, No. [-] turned around and walked towards all directions in the distant Kunlun Mountains secret place. This guy didn't take a plane, a car, or a boat, and he was going to walk to the finish line directly on two legs.

This is really a novel experience.

He did this, first to experience the difference between today's society and the ancient society he lived in, and second, to temper his state of mind.

After all, practitioners, regardless of high or low, are all on the long-distance race in pursuit of longevity. The difference is that those with higher cultivation bases run faster and are closer to the finish line, while those with poor cultivation bases run a little behind.

Qin Lang also returned to Lanrun Company, and while cultivating, he also paid attention to the current business progress of Lanrun.

At present, the business of Lanrun Company is relatively prosperous in China. It has opened up the market in more than a dozen surrounding provinces, and after receiving a large number of customers from "Baolai Cosmetics Industry Co., Ltd.", its strength is more than twice as strong as before.

Now the monthly turnover is nearly 8000 million. In the high-profit cosmetics industry, if the [-] million turnover is not included in raw material expenses and personnel wages, etc., Lan Run Company can earn at least [-] million a month. .

With a net profit of 8000 million yuan a month and a net income of more than 20 billion yuan a year, Lanrun is no longer what it used to be, and is gradually becoming a leading cosmetics company in China.

(End of this chapter)

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