Chapter 1245
Qin Lang and the representatives of the Quartet Alliance are staring at the ongoing research and paying attention to the latest developments.

In the laboratory, rows of high-tech instruments are working in an orderly manner, and the experimenters are very busy during the shuttle.

"The data collection and transmission are complete, and now the data is summarized..."

The server in the middle of the experiment hall flickered non-stop, and at the same time, an electronically synthesized sound resounded through the hall.

This server is also a top-level server purchased by the three families of the Four-Party Alliance from abroad at a large price. It is worth more than [-] million yuan, and its computing speed is almost similar to that of the world's top Galaxy and Apollo.

So after the mutant's body data was collected, the server began to display the latest information one by one.

At this time, all the researchers in the hall stopped their movements, held their breath and waited for the server to display the research data.

There was a crisp sound, and a three-dimensional human body of the mutant genetic warrior appeared, constantly rotating, and the server was showing all the body data of the mutant genetic warrior to everyone present in a three-dimensional form. ,


At this moment, suddenly, the entire server was filled with black and white dots like snowflakes.

"How is this going?"

All the researchers present were directly stunned. It stands to reason that this kind of large server that cost more than [-] million yuan would not happen at all.

After all, although the data on the mutants is huge, the server's calculations of more than 20 billion times per second are definitely more than enough.

And at this moment, with a sudden puff, blue smoke rose from the brain of the mutant genetic warrior on the laboratory, and at the same time, an inexplicable flame appeared on his body and burned directly on the experimental bench.

The fire was very intense, and the special spontaneous combustion of this body directly burned the body of this mutant into coke.

First, the server crashed, and now the sample mutants connected to the laboratory's advanced instruments were destroyed, and even the researchers couldn't rescue them. All fools knew that something had happened, and everyone's faces were ugly.

"What's going on? Who can tell me what's going on!"

Li Lengfeng, head of the Li family, questioned the researchers loudly at this moment.

As a non-researcher, Li Lengfeng naturally does not understand all aspects of experimental research, but as one of the leaders, he has the right to question researchers.

If the researcher made an error that shouldn't have occurred in the operation, then he would never let it go lightly.

After all, even Qin Lang is here, if there is a problem with the experimental operation of the mentally handicapped, there is no place to put their old faces on hold.

But these researchers are looking at me one by one, and I look at you, and they don't know what to say.

After a while, a researcher answered weakly: "It seems... our server has been hacked!"

"Hacked? How to explain what happened to the mutant sample?"

Boss Lei and Patriarch Nalan pointed to the experimental samples that had been burned into coke and asked questions.

"It seems... this mutant genetic warrior has also implanted a system in his brain, and the system should have started a self-destruct program just now."

Another researcher answered.

"Could it be that this mutant sample used his consciousness to hack the entire server after waking up just now, and then activated the self-destruct program on his body?"

The three old Patriarchs looked at each other.

At this time, the three turned around but found that Qin Lang was gone.


And where did Qin Lang go now?

It turned out that when something happened in the laboratory just now, his spiritual sense sensed a special mental wave coming from outside the laboratory, and it directly penetrated into the laboratory, affecting the server of the laboratory and the mutants on the test bench. sample.

It was that special mental fluctuation that made the whole laboratory waste all previous efforts, and when Qin Lang discovered this special fluctuation, he also had a familiar feeling, so he knew that something was wrong, so he hurried out of the laboratory to look for this The source of special mental fluctuations.

After leaving the laboratory, Qin Lang really saw a black shadow appearing in the distance, and it disappeared in a flash.

"It should be the accomplice of this mutant genetic warrior who actually broke into the Sanhe Life Science and Technology Laboratory and destroyed the laboratory research materials and mutant samples. This guy in front of him is really cunning."

Qin Lang was full of anger in his heart, so he chased after him vigorously, but these mutants are all good at hiding their breath. If they deliberately avoid it, I am afraid that even the current self may not be able to find it.

Qin Lang came to the place where the black shadow appeared just now, and now he is looking from a distance, and there is no abnormality in the surroundings.So he let go of his consciousness again, and searched carefully for a while without letting go of a corner, but he still couldn't find it.

No way, Qin Lang had no choice but to return to the laboratory. After all, the laboratory is in a mess now, so it is better to hurry over and have a look.

Four or five minutes after Qin Lang left, a figure suddenly appeared from a pond near the national highway. It was a woman with a European and American face, dressed in tight clothes, and wearing a strange infrared microwave electronic eye mask.

After looking in the direction of the laboratory and finding nothing unusual, the woman with a European and American face quickly evacuated here.When evacuating, her figure flickered, and she was even more ghostly than Qin Lang who had cast Phantom Wind Walk. After a few flashes, she disappeared on this national road.

After returning to the laboratory, Qin Lang found that the three Patriarchs were furious at this time, so he stepped forward to dissuade them, and told the three Patriarchs the truth of the matter.

Speaking of which, the abilities of mutants are too weird. Just now, another mutant genetic warrior sent by Reizman must have come here, using hackers to destroy the laboratory data and destroy a piece of information about mutants. , including the appearance of the mutant, was also activated by the hacker mutant in a special way to activate the self-destruction program inside the brain.

"It's really bad. I don't know if the research data can be repaired after it is destroyed."

Qin Lang looked at the central server that was still flashing snowflakes. It stands to reason that this kind of high-tech worth [-] million should not be so easy to be attacked by hackers. Why did the firewall seem to have no effect at all during the hacker's attack just now? arrive.

Even if Qin Lang is not proficient in computers, he still knows that this kind of central server-level computer firewall is very powerful. However, it is really hard to say how to deal with mutant genetic fighters with the same top hacker ability.

And then, the researchers in the entire laboratory became busy again. Although the laboratory samples were destroyed, the central server was only hacked, and it was still possible to recover.

However, after recovery, it is hard to say whether the previously saved data is still there.

After nearly half an hour of busy work, the central server finally restarted with a beep, and after a system self-check, it slowly returned to normal.

After all, it is a world-class server, and it is very difficult for hackers to completely destroy it in a short time.

After the server was restarted, the researchers found that most of the previously collected data had been lost, which really made people feel like crying.

However, there are still some data left. The hacker-level mutant genetic warrior sent out the attack spirit wave this time after all, the distance is far away, and the incident happened in a hurry, so the preparation is not very sufficient, so the data in this server is not destroyed. Very thorough.

The remaining research data was collected and even backed up to the data disk by the researchers to prevent this situation from happening again in the future.

And after experiencing this sudden incident, the Four-Five Alliance... oh no, the three Patriarchs who should be called the Five-Party Alliance now pay more attention to the security of the laboratory, especially the protection of server data.

They plan to recruit some software defense experts in the computer industry with high salaries in the next period of time, especially those professionals who have participated in the construction of large-scale server defense systems, which are worth spending a lot of money to recruit.

The loss and deception this time also made the three family owners understand that the security of the laboratory has been strengthened, not only from the surface, but also from some invisible internal factors.

The hacking incident like this time is an obvious case. The hacker genetic warrior did not enter the laboratory at all, but he also destroyed the research results of the laboratory and destroyed the experimental samples.

This kind of loss is not insignificant, it is simply heart-wrenching. If the research results of those hours of research are converted into money, I am afraid that even one or two billion is not an exaggeration, and money cannot buy such an experiment. data.

Just as the three owners were dealing with matters concerning the "Sanhe Life Science and Technology" laboratory, Qin Lang walked out of the laboratory.

After leaving the laboratory, he first sent a short message to Duan Zhifei, agreeing that Duan Zhifei would join the Four-Party Alliance, and all aspects of the formal establishment of the Five-Party Alliance were told to Duan Zhifei who was far away in Singapore through voice messages.

Of course, Qin Lang also told Duan Zhifei about the accidents that happened in the laboratory, how can Duan Zhifei be a member of the five-party alliance now, and there is nothing to hide that everyone is an ally.

After knowing that the three families of the Five-Party Alliance also have a research laboratory for human transformation in Huaxia, Duan Zhifei expressed great interest. He wanted to come to Huaxia to see if some data from the two laboratories could be merged. In this case, everyone is happy.

For such a good thing, Qin Lang was naturally willing to do his best to facilitate it, so he told Duan Zhifei the location of the laboratory, and the phone numbers of the three Patriarchs of the Five-Party Alliance, and asked Duan Zhifei to make some necessary contacts.

Duan Zhifei can be said to be an authoritative figure in the research direction of reincarnated people. It is definitely much more than the three families in China. After all, the reincarnated people researched by Duan Zhifei’s Singapore laboratory are at least five or six levels. It exists, it is relatively high-end.

However, even Duan Zhifei didn't have much information on mutant genetic warriors, so he was very saddened by the damage of that mutant sample.

After sending these voice messages, Qin Lang went to Lanrun headquarters to take a look, and dealt with some daily backlogs that needed to be approved by him.

Then, I practiced hard all night to make my energy and spirit reach the most perfect state, and then I walked towards Lan Run.

His target is now the Asian branch of Reizman Cosmetics Group, and this time he is planning to go directly to the door to trouble that Reizman's second Zuno Guli.

This idiot-like guy failed to acquire Lan Run Company last time, and has been causing trouble for Qin Lang and Lan Run Company. Now Qin Lang decides that he should take action to return all the depression he has suffered during this period.

"Hehe, Noguli... and that mutant hacker, wait for me."

When he walked out of Lanrun Building, Qin Lang sneered and looked into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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