The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1244 Three-Party Alliance

Chapter 1244 Five Party Alliance
This laboratory was built in a very grand style, and its appearance is even more magnificent than that of Nanyang's reformed human laboratory. The laboratory is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and there is a national highway next to it, so the transportation is also convenient.

After visiting for a while, the researchers took Qin Lang into this laboratory called Sanhe Life Science and Technology. Why it is called "Sanhe Life Science and Technology" actually means that this laboratory is jointly funded by the three families of the Quartet Alliance built.

"Sanhe...the name is really good."

Qin Lang pondered, the name of the laboratory was also named after it was completed, and he didn't know it until then.

The internal security of the laboratory is very tight. As a laboratory jointly established by the three emerging ancient martial arts families in Huaxia, almost all of the three families have sent one-sixth of the family headquarters to stay here for a long time. The security personnel of the entire laboratory At least four 500 people.

However, most of the people here are low-level warriors, and there are only about fifty people above the Wuzun level. After all, the current three families feel that the backbone force is still too small, and each family has at most sixty or so. .

At present, the distribution of the backbone forces above the Wuzun level of the three families is like this: [-] were sent to the Singapore branch of Qin Lang's Lanrun Company, and [-] were sent to the laboratory. Then, each family In fact, there are less than [-] backbone forces stationed in the family headquarters.

However, each family headquarters has one or two ancient warriors at the level of the King of Martial Arts, which makes up for the lack of high-end power, so there is no need to worry about people copying the old background in the headquarters.

In fact, the Quartet Alliance in China has already been twisted into a single rope, and its strength is extremely powerful. Not only those warrior families, but even those old-fashioned ancient martial arts families only deliberately made friends when they saw it. a powerful presence.

It can be said that the development of the Four-Party Alliance in China is basically nothing to worry about. After all, this is China's own territory, which is safe and secure. There are no enemies in the local area, and it is not easy for foreign forces to enter.

After waiting in the laboratory for a while, the heads of the three families of Li Lengfeng rushed here one after another. This is also a rare meeting for the high-level members of the Four-Party Alliance. The laboratory specially vacated an office for these four important people to hold talks. .

"By the way, brother Qin Lang, where is the mutant sample you mentioned? Did you bring it? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

Boss Lei is impatient, so he asked first.

"Of course I brought it!"

Qin Lang chuckled and signaled Boss Lei to take it easy, and then said: "We'll see about the mutant samples later, and now I have something more important to discuss with you."

"Oh, what is more important than the research samples in the laboratory, let's hear it."

Li Lengfeng and the old Patriarch Nalan were also very curious at this time.

They knew very well that if Qin Lang had something to discuss with them, it meant that it must not be a trivial matter.

Moreover, having dealt with Qin Lang many times, they also knew that most of what Qin Tian wanted to say would be a good thing, a good thing that could lead their four-party alliance to get rich and grow.

"That's right, our four-party alliance may have to add new members again, and it may become a five-party alliance in the future."

Qin Lang said.

"Five-party alliance... which one will be the new one?"

The three Patriarchs asked at the same time, this is a big matter, they can't help but pay attention.

"It's like this. Duan Zhifei from the Duan family in Singapore wants to join our Quartet Alliance. The Duan family is an old family in Singapore, but the joiner is not the Duan family but Duan Zhifei himself."

"However, don't underestimate his personal ability. Duan Zhifei himself has a double Ph.D. degree in physics and biomedicine from England. He holds a security company that ranks first in the country and a technology laboratory in his hands. This guy is also a leader in the research of human transformation. Authority figures..."

After listening to Qin Lang's narration, the three Patriarchs looked at each other and nodded, thinking that such a person is indeed qualified to sit on an equal footing with them.

"Okay! Next, let's vote on this matter. As long as three of the four agree to this decision, it will be considered a pass. What do you think?"

Qin Lang looked around at this time and asked everyone for their opinions.

"I have no objection." Li Lengfeng was the first to vote.

"I have no objection either." The old Patriarch Nalan followed closely behind.

"Me too."

Boss Lei has joined the Quartet Alliance for the shortest time, let alone saying anything.

Basically, the voting this time was just a formality. The three Patriarchs knew that as long as Qin Liang liked someone, he would basically not be wrong, so this matter now only needs to be confirmed.

"Okay, now the five-party alliance is starting to form. Although one of them was not able to be present due to special reasons, it has no effect. After this vote, I will notify the past of all the representations."

Qin Lang smiled and said.

"In addition to the current distribution of benefits, all the distribution of benefits agreed by the four-party alliance before remains unchanged. But in the future, if there is business, everyone will do it together, and if there is a bargain, everyone will enjoy it together. When thinking about problems, everyone should take this family into consideration. new members."

"Well, this is natural."

Hearing Qin Lang's words, everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

"Okay, that's it for now."

Since everyone didn't see anything, Qin Lang made a decision.

Then, proceeding to the second agenda, Qin Lang patted the spirit ghost bag, and finally got out the mutant sample.

The three patriarchs were also very surprised to see Qin Lang's great transformation into a living person, but there were too many mysterious things about Qin Lang, so they didn't ask in detail how Qin Lang transformed this mutant sample just now.

They also understand what it is not to be able to cultivate. Naturally, they can't imagine that Qin Lang has space-like magic weapons such as storage bags and spirit ghost bags.

After all, self-cultivation is very mysterious to anyone on earth. Even the masters of Taoism say that cultivation is self-cultivation in name, but the highest level is only up to bigu, not even foundation building, let alone The alchemy on the foundation is formed.

After the mutant sample appeared, the three owners called the researchers from the laboratory to work together on the mutant sample.

"Good stuff!"

The researchers in the laboratory have made no progress in the research on human transformation. Now, when this mutant genetic warrior, which is more advanced than human transformation, appeared, it immediately attracted their attention.

"With this mutant appearance, our previous research will achieve a qualitative breakthrough. It's really timely! Come on, get on the test bench and do some slice research first."

An enthusiastic researcher let out a cry of excitement.

After being restrained by Qin Lang, this mutant genetic warrior has been in a coma. I am afraid that he will not know that his fate will be so miserable until he dies, and he will become a white mouse on the experimental table.

However, this is also its own fault, who let the forces behind this guy send him out to deal with Qin Lang's Lanrun Company Singapore Branch!Now captured alive by Qin Lang, he deserves to be studied and sliced.


After obtaining the genetic samples of the mutants, the researchers of the "Sanhe Life Science and Technology" laboratory began to operate at high speed one by one. .

And while researching, these researchers kept making amazed sounds, which was completely full of surprise after the country people entered the city.

It is true that the genetic modification technology of mutants in Europe and the United States is too perfect. In comparison, the pile of modified human data studied by the laboratory before is a pile of scrap metal.

However, it is not easy to study and decipher such a perfect mutant gene, but they don't worry too much if there are samples, and there will always be gains as time goes by.

"Oh my god, the research body doesn't have a respiratory system. If it doesn't have a respiratory system, what does its blood circulation depend on? Oh, it seems that the pores all over this guy's body can breathe!"

When studying the respiratory system of genetic warriors, I found that the respiratory system of mutants is not the same as that of humans. It is actually the hair on the body that exchanges oxygen with the outside world. Even if this guy is sealed under the water, this guy will not drown. Oxygen can be exchanged even in water.

"My God, the bone density of the research body is a thousand times that of normal people, almost comparable to alloys!"

When the bone density was studied, another researcher exclaimed, it seems that the bone density of mutants is indeed very strong.

"Also, the flesh and blood of the research body is also very tough, and the skin on the body is comparable to the strongest chemical fiber material in the world. It cannot be pierced with steel needles, and it is also very elastic..."


At this moment, all the researchers of "Sanhe Life Science and Technology" seem to have discovered alien creatures, and their enthusiasm for research on this research body is getting higher and higher.

A new test data was tested one by one, and then it was summarized by the central computer server and became a deposit in the database.

But Qin Lang and the three Patriarchs stood in the hall of the laboratory, but they seemed to be completely ignored. Once these researchers became enthusiastic, they really didn't care what your identity was. ,

When they were doing research work, even if the President of the United States came over, they probably wouldn't raise their eyes more.

It seems that Qin Lang and the three patriarchs are not only not angry, but very happy with such a strong academic atmosphere on site. The laboratory needs this kind of atmosphere. Then it is absolutely impossible to help A Dou.

While these fanatical researchers were working, Qin Lang, Li Lengfeng, Nalan's old Patriarch, and Boss Lei were all feeling the joyous atmosphere on the scene, waiting quietly, ready to see their research results in the first place.

Although in a short period of time, these researchers can only test some ready-made data about mutant genetic warriors, and they can't study deeper things at all, but Qin Lang doesn't care.

Even if you can only get some superficial data, you can deepen your understanding of mutants, especially Qin Lang is going to fight with the Reizman Consortium. Future battles will definitely come into contact with more mutants, so make more enough Be prepared, it is also good to know more about this mysterious genetic warrior.

This kind of simple data collection is not very fast. After all, mutants are a brand new thing. They are different from ordinary humans in every aspect of their bodies. The amount of data collected is enormous.

(End of this chapter)

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