The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1243 Forming a High-tech Laboratory

Chapter 1243 Forming a High-tech Laboratory

"Brother Qin, if you don't mind, how about we call each other brothers?"

After drinking for three rounds, Duan Zhifei and Qin Lang felt very speculative, so they said with a hint of alcohol.

"Waiting for a word from you."

Qin Lang had a good impression of Duan Zhifei, so he immediately agreed.

During this conversation, Qin Lang felt that the two of them were very temperamental, maybe they were born with a predestined relationship, so there was no reason not to agree, and Duan Zhifei talked in a very stylish manner, and he also had an indescribable personality charm, which is similar to himself They are very similar. Speaking of which, the temperament of the two is actually a little similar in some aspects.

This point may also be one of the real reasons why Qin Lang can accept Duan Zhifei as a big brother.

Of course, the relationship between the two is not like that of Taoyuan's three sworn brothers. They are allied by blood and have deep feelings. They call each other brothers. It can only be regarded as a better relationship than ordinary friends. Qin Lang is not stupid enough to make friends with this person. Duan Zhifei The point of digging out the heart.

After becoming brothers, Duan Zhifei talked about cooperation with Qin Lang's company.

Duan Zhifei also heard about Qin Lang's Four-Party Alliance during the recent investigation process. He knew that the Four-Party Alliance was a powerful new business alliance in China. To be honest, Duan Zhifei also wanted to join this alliance.

After all, it is a commonly recognized truth that it is easier to do things with more friends in the business field.

Moreover, Duan Zhifei has a good way of seeing people. After talking with Qin Lang, he felt that Qin Lang was unusual, so he was more interested in joining this special business alliance.

And Qin Lang nodded after thinking about it for a while: "Brother Duan, this is easy to say, but the decision to join your Geely Security Company needs to be discussed with several high-level members of the alliance. I am not the only one who has the final say."

"It's okay, I'm waiting for your good news."

When Duan Zhifei heard the words, he also laughed and raised his glass, "Cheers!"


Qin Lang also lit up the red wine glass, and the liquid in the luminous glass flowed like agate. This kind of 10,000-year-old Lafite is really not cheap, a bottle costs [-]+, and now the second bottle has already been opened on the table.

For this table of banquet, Duan Zhifei estimated that in order to entertain Qin Lang alone, he would spend at least 40 yuan after eating. It was definitely a top-notch meal.

I'm afraid that even the arrival of the head of state may not necessarily eat so well, and only Duan Zhifei, who is a wealthy man, can be so rich.

At this point, even Qin Lang thinks he is inferior, and it seems that he will learn more from this big brother in the future.

Duan Zhifei's time is in a hurry, this guy's work and rest time is arranged like a pendulum, and his personal assistant rushed over to remind him after eating.

"Mr. Duan, your reception time has passed! You still have three hours of sleep time in the car, and now the next step is to rush to the laboratory immediately for a four-hour laboratory work, and after the experimental work, you have to go to the laboratory Geely Security handles some of the routine."

"Sorry, I have to go!"

Duan Zhifei stood up and gave Qin Lang an apologetic smile.

"It's okay, Brother Duan, you should be busy with other things. Regarding the matter of Geely's joining the alliance, I will discuss it after I return to Huaxia, and it will definitely be done."

Qin Lang also stood up.

"Okay." With a smile, Duan Zhifei asked the personal assistant to check out, and then walked out of the hotel.

Life is limited, and Duan Zhifei's rigorous scientific work and rest attitude is also worthy of Qin Lang's respect. It is strange that such a person cannot succeed in research, learning, or business.

Only by spending more time on research and preparation, instead of wasting life on trivial things, will there be more achievements in life, which is the same principle as the more you give, the more you will gain.

Duan Zhifei is in charge of the laboratory and the Geely Security Company at the same time. Being able to control two major projects at the same time is inseparable from his attitude towards life. If it were another person, it would be difficult to control both.


After Duan Zhifei left, Qin Lang also got up and left the top hotel in Singapore.

He is also very satisfied with the harvest of this appointment. After Duan Zhifei's active interview, the two parties have now become friends, and his Blue Run Company has another natural ally.

In business, of course, the more friends you have and the fewer enemies you have, the better. Only in this way can you do business smoothly.

Conversely, if the business field is full of enemies and people who hinder your business, it will undoubtedly be difficult to start a business, and it will be even more difficult to develop it.

After leaving the hotel, looking at the feasting and feasting behind him, Qin Lang smiled. He believed that after the development of his company branch, he would become a frequent visitor of this landmark hotel in the future.

This is a kind of self-confidence. Now that the troubles of Lanrun's Singapore branch have been eliminated, the production and sales of products have gradually entered the right track, the market has also opened up, and profits will roll in.

With such a virtuous circle, the Singapore branch of Qin Lang's Lanrun cosmetics company will grow stronger and stronger, and it will also lay a good foundation for Lanrun to create a world-class brand in the future.


After returning to the branch base, Qin Lang booked a plane ticket to Huaxia, but due to the shortage of air tickets in recent years, he could only book a ticket for the next day, and there was still more than a day before the plane took off.

So Qin Lang summoned all the security personnel of the base and conducted a training session to strengthen the overall quality of these security personnel.

In particular, the more than 100 warriors from the three families of the Quartet Alliance are the key objects of Qin Lang's care. Qin Lang carefully pointed out these warriors on the training ground, pointing out the shortcomings of some martial arts and the places where the movements are not up to standard, let them Make some necessary improvements.

Qin Lang needs to be only a late martial artist in terms of martial artist level, but his vision is beyond the martial artist level. Combined with the experience of a cultivator, he can even create some ancient martial arts.

Therefore, he came to give instructions on martial arts, and none of the warriors present, even those who had reached the level of Martial Master, were dissatisfied, and all of them listened to the teachings with an open mind.

Now on the training ground, one is teaching seriously and the other is learning with an open mind. The scene is also in full swing.

Those warriors who received Qin Lang's guidance were all smiling. Qin Lang's vision is definitely at the master level. If they practice normally, it may take months or even years to figure out the problems and comprehend things. Qin Lang But it can be pointed out in an instant.

This undoubtedly saved them a lot of detours. I believe that after Qin Lang's guidance this time, the martial arts of these warriors will improve faster.

They are all practicing very hard. This time, being sent by the family to Singapore to work as security personnel for the branch of Lan Run Company is really a benefit. They not only get a salary, but also don’t have to worry about resources for cultivation, and they also have special care and guidance from the leader this time. , simply don't be too happy!
Speaking of it, Qin Lang is also thinking about the future of his company. The security force of the Singapore branch was too weak before, and now this group of warriors has come to make him feel at ease. Speaking of which, these warriors come from the Lei family, Li family, and Na The Lan family also have their own cronies worthy of vigorous training, so Qin Lang spared no effort in pointing it out.

Perhaps when the three families sent out these warriors, they also considered that Qin Lang would vigorously train these warriors, so the three families must have spent a lot of thought in order to compete for these places.

In this way, Qin Lang guided these more than 100 fighters for a whole day. Of course, the original security personnel of the company also watched and learned from each of them.

And one day later, Qin Lang boarded the plane to Xia again.

This time it went smoothly. The plane flew in the air for more than four hours without any problems.


After getting off the plane, Qin Lang directly contacted Li Lengfeng, the old Patriarch Nalan, and Boss Lei by phone, and told them that he had gained a lot from this trip to Singapore. He got a sample of a mutant genetic warrior and is now rushing to On the road, a laboratory jointly founded by three families.

The laboratory established by the three families in Yunhai is in the southern suburbs. It used to be an abandoned factory, which was purchased by the three families with joint funding, and it was demolished and rebuilt.

The land of the factory is about 100 mu, which is larger than the Singapore branch of Lanrun Company, but the price of buying the land is not high, only about 3000 million.

In addition to building laboratories and improving roads, the total cost does not exceed 8000 million.

However, the experimental equipment purchased inside the laboratory cost a lot of money. Each of the three families spent one billion yuan, which is considered a heavy cost.

This is because the research data of the reincarnation is too important, which has attracted the high attention of the three families. It is worth spending such funds for research. If the reincarnated warrior without major defects can be successfully researched, then the strength of the three families will be strengthened again. several times.

This kind of temptation is undoubtedly huge, so the three families are more concerned about the progress of every research in the laboratory.

But this time, Qin Lang said that he had brought a sample of a mutant genetic warrior from European and American countries and was rushing to the laboratory, which also made the three family leaders overjoyed.

The leader brought mutants!
Compared with such bad products as mutants, mutants are a truly mature black technology in the world of biomedicine. Now that there is such a mutant sample, the research resistance of researchers in the laboratory will undoubtedly be reduced a lot in the future.

If some progress is made with reference to this sample, it may be possible to truly develop a more complete reincarnated warrior.To put it bluntly, the mutant genetic fighters developed by European and American countries are nothing more than relatively complete and mature mutants.

When Qin Lang took a taxi to the outside of the laboratory, someone from the laboratory had already come out to greet him. It seems that Li Lengfeng and the other three called the laboratory just now and told the laboratory that Qin Lang would come.

To be honest, this is the first time that Qin Lang has actually entered the laboratories of the three families of the Four-Party Alliance. Although he visited the laboratory once last time, the laboratory has not been completely completed, so he did not enter to visit it.

(End of this chapter)

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