Chapter 1242 Duan Zhifei

After absorbing and processing the mutant's memory, Qin Lang spent a while on this mutant, setting up numerous restrictions, and the process was very cumbersome.

The reason why it is so cumbersome is that Qin Lang is also afraid that after the monster's body has been transformed, it will be different from normal people. It may no longer have the body structure that normal people have such as acupuncture points and meridians. Guy is a total joke.

Acupuncture is not safe, so naturally it cannot be used.

If he is not careful, maybe this guy will run away after waking up, and everything before Qin Lang will be in vain.

This is a very valuable experimental sample. In Qin Lang's mind, it is more important than a high-grade magic weapon, so of course, be careful.

After doing all this, Qin Lang stuffed this guy into his spirit ghost bag.

The reason why it was stuffed into the spirit ghost bag instead of the storage bag was also because mutants were monsters, but strictly speaking they were also life forms, so the storage bag did not accept them and could only be stuffed into the spirit ghost bag.

In fact, it is a law of the cultivation world that the storage bag cannot be filled with living things. The storage bag has a repulsive effect on the breath of life, and only living things cannot enter the storage bag.

After dealing with these, Qin Lang changed another set of clothes. Although he was fine during the battle just now, the clothes were damaged, which shows how fierce the battle was.

This is also the first time Qin Lang encountered a powerful genetic monster like a mutant, and he had no experience in dealing with it. If he encounters this kind of junior mutant next time, Qin Lang's situation should be much better. , it is much easier to deal with it with experience.

With Qin Lang's strength to really face such a junior mutant, it should not be difficult to pick three of them now, but if there are more, it may be a lot of trouble.

After dealing with all this, Qin Lang directly drove Feitian Luo Yunsuo back to Singapore. Now there is no place to stay in the vast sea, so let's go back quickly!

Fortunately, the place where the accident happened is not far from the sea. It took Qin Lang more than 30 minutes to fly back to the port of Singapore. If people saw the clouds and fog on the way, they would definitely think they were gods, but fortunately, it was already night and there was no one there. I noticed that such a miraculous thing happened above the sea.

Qin Lang returned to the road on the outer sea, took a taxi back to the Singapore branch of Lanrun Company, prepared to take a rest and tidy up, and then returned to Huaxia after re-booking a ticket.

But not long after Qin Lang returned to the Singapore branch of Lanrun Company, people from Geely Company came to the door. It seems that Geely Security Company has investigated and confirmed Qin Lang's matter.

"The boss of your company invited me to meet, at the Fortune Hotel?"

Qin Lang looked at the messenger, his eyes flickered for a while.

He was thinking about what the boss of the Geely security company was playing, whether it was a Hongmen banquet this time, or for some other purpose.

The other party didn't seem to play cards according to the usual routine, or they were playing tricks, or they were really reckless.

However, after thinking about it, Qin Lang agreed and decided to rush to this invitation.

Never mind!Soldiers come to block, water comes to flood the soil, no matter what the Geely company's plan is, with its current strength, it has enough confidence to deal with it, so why be afraid?

After thinking about these reasons, Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and began to prepare for a new round of cultivation.The road to self-cultivation is long, and the most important thing is perseverance, so daily practice cannot be interrupted.

Speaking of which, the middle-grade spirit stones that Qin Lang has spent on cultivation since he entered the earth are also staggeringly expensive. At least a thousand middle-grade spirit stones have been spent so far. Although there are still about [-] pieces in stock, but no A generous net worth can't stand such a toss.

Now back to China, it is estimated that it is only two or three months, so Qin Lang is actually a little anxious in his heart, although it should be no problem to use the spirit stone to support himself to reach the Nascent Soul Stage, but the practice after the Nascent Soul Stage , the resources required are larger, and it will be more troublesome at that time.

Because with the destruction of the channel leading to the Qinghe Continent from the secret place of Kunlun Mountains, it is almost impossible for Qin Lang to return to the Qinghe Continent now, and everything in the Qinghe Continent has nothing to do with Qin Lang.

Although it seems like a good thing to destroy the passage to avoid the pursuit of monks in the transformation stage, but with the lack of resources on the earth, Qin Lang's next practice has really become a problem.

In fact, these thoughts are only fleeting, and then Qin Lang holds the spirit stone in his hand, and settles down to enter a deeper meditation practice process.


Soon, it was time for Qin Lang to go to the appointment. After packing up, Qin Lang set off in the new car just bought by the Singapore branch.

This is a Lincoln car, the extended version looks very luxurious, and it is also the most expensive company welcome car that Qin Lang bought in Singapore for the sake of appearance.

The whole car, including registration and license plate, cost nearly 1000 million, which is really not cheap.

However, a good car is also the face image of the company, so Qin Lang plans to buy some more luxury cars after the Singapore branch officially makes a profit.

Because the more good cars, the more it reflects the image of a company. The Singapore branch of Lanrun Company was originally used as a transfer station to meet international standards. In the future, the customers who welcome and send to see the company has such a luxury car. The first thing in my heart The first impression must be that this company is magnificent and powerful.

In this way, business negotiations will undoubtedly be much easier, and it will be easier to reach a signing intention between the two parties.

The strategy in the business field, face project and image project are undoubtedly very important. If you drive a dilapidated car to welcome guests, I am afraid that even if your company is powerful, customers will not believe it.

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger does not exist in the business field. Most businessmen are very particular about these things. With these face-saving projects, at least the preconceived ideas will give customers a good impression.

It took about an hour for the driver to drive Qin Lang to the destination, the Fortune Hotel.

The Fortune Hotel in Singapore is also a five-star hotel, or even a quasi-six-star hotel. This is a first-class hotel in Singapore and even the world, and it is also a landmark building.

This hotel is also opened for the rich, and the minimum consumption to enter the hotel, even if you only order a few drinks, is thousands of yuan.

It costs tens of thousands of yuan to order a table casually at the Fortune Hotel, so this is also a permanent place for some big companies to meet customers.

Qin Lang met the boss of Geely Security Company, Duan Zhifei, in the restaurant box of the Fortune Hotel.

This guy is a Chinese, tall and thin, wearing glasses, very gentle, completely like a learned scholar.

Such an image was beyond Qin Lang's expectations.

Duan Zhifei's family has been operating in Singapore for hundreds of years, and they seem to have some British blood, so they speak with a British accent.

"Welcome! Welcome! Mr. Qin."

Seeing Qin Lang coming, Duan Zhifei stood up first, smiled, and stretched out his hand to shake Qin Lang's hand.

The situation was not tense, but the scene was very harmonious, once again beyond Qin Lang's expectations.


Qin Lang also nodded, there is a saying that goes well, stretch out your hand and don't hit a smiling person, since the person seems very polite and sincere to entertain him, he can't lose face.

Then, when the two sat down, Qin Lang found that Duan Zhifei was actually alone and did not bring any entourage. It seemed that this time he really wanted to invite Qin Lang, not the Hongmen banquet he had imagined.

"This is very strange. Is this Duan Zhifei really planning not to hold me accountable and reconciling with me?"

Qin Lang thought to himself, he had caused a lot of trouble to Geely Security Company, and the three idiots before didn't know how Geely Company planned to deal with it!
After greeting Qin Lang to take a seat, Duan Zhifei asked the hotel receptionist to serve tea here first, then asked for the menu, and ordered a dozen dishes.

It is worth mentioning that when ordering food, this guy asked Qin Lang specifically what he would like to eat, and it seemed that he really planned to make peace with Qin Lang.

Sure enough, after the tea was served and left, Duan Zhifei spoke first: "First of all, I'm sorry that a certain middle-level subordinate of the company accepted Reizman's order to deal with Mr. Qin's Lan Run Company's Singapore branch. Of course, this matter Several high-level executives of the company did not know about it, and if they knew about it, they would definitely not accept this task."

"About Reizman... Geely did accept cooperation with Reizman before, but it suffered a lot, so several senior executives of our company did not have a good impression of the company. The branch of the company is also a good thing done by the subordinate Deschamps behind the back of Geely Company, and has nothing to do with Geely Company."

"As for your Lanrun Company, our Geely Company has actually heard of it. It can be called a rising star in China, an emerging force in commerce. We, Geely, have no time to cooperate with such a force. How can we divide it against you? The subordinates are here!"

"This time is also the result of my lack of control. I'm sorry for causing losses to both parties. It's better to reconcile... The matter ends here, Mr. Qin, what do you think?"

After finishing speaking, Duan Zhifei looked at Qin Lang very sincerely, and after pondering for a while, Qin Lang suddenly laughed and said: "Actually, nothing serious happened between us, so why apologize!"

"Okay, just wait for Mr. Qin's words."

Duan Zhifei was obedient and burst into laughter. This scholar-like boss actually has a reckless arrogance. No wonder he was able to establish Geely Security Company single-handedly and grow to such an extent.

Before the meal was served, the impression of each other was also deepened, and both parties knew each other's age.

Duan Zhifei is actually in his 40s, but he looks like he is in his 20s. He has a doctorate in physics and life medicine from England, and he is indeed a senior researcher.

As a researcher, he established a scientific research laboratory and founded Geely Security Company. Duan Zhifei is indeed the top figure in the world. Both business talent and knowledge are worthy of respect.

Of course, behind Duan Zhifei's success is also the shadow of the family. The Duan family is also a very powerful Chinese family in Singapore. Without the support of the family, Duan Zhifei would not have achieved what he is today.

(End of this chapter)

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